His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1537 The Contest Between Two People

Chapter 1537

"But my parents named it to me. They said it has a meaning and is very auspicious."

The man chuckled: "Auspicious? That's what it's called."

"Huh?" Her big eyes were full of doubts.

Why does it feel so random?

Like, he doesn't care what name she changes to, as long as it's not Chiyo.

"Big brother, I want to know why? Why can't I be called Chiyo? Is it... because that woman's name is Qianmiao?"

she asked slowly.

A strange look flashed in the man's eyes, and his fingers unconsciously exerted strength, staying between her brows for a few seconds, and when they were removed, a small mark was left.

The slight pain made her frown.

She knew, for sure.

That woman must be the person in Big Brother's heart, that's why she minds so much.

Even if there is an overlapping place in other people's names, it will not work.

After thinking for a while, she said, "Okay, I'll change my name, but my name is not Jixiang. I want to have the same surname as my elder brother."

"Whatever you want." After a lazy sentence, the man got up and left.

She pursed her lips and thought for a while, then came up with an idea: "I want to call..."

Before she could say the name she had just thought of, she could no longer see the figure of the man.

So depressed.

She stood guard at the door until the next morning.

There was movement inside, she got up immediately, and ran to get a glass of water.

When you first wake up in the morning, the first need is always water.

The door opened, and she met the man's cold and handsome face.

"Big brother, drink water."

The man just glanced lightly and asked, "Why don't you go to school?"

Chiyo blinked, and the curiosity in her heart became stronger, and she unconsciously muttered the thoughts in her heart: "Hey, it's the same again."

The eldest brother has returned to the way he was a few days ago, gentle and refined, cool and noble.

Then, last night must have been so strange because of the mysterious man's visit.

She answered the question in her mind.

Bai Mucheng didn't care about her talking to himself, took the glass of water in his hand, and said lightly: "Go to school, you don't have to follow me every day."

Chiyo followed up: "But it's the end of the semester, and I plan to go to school seriously next semester, anyway, I will repeat the grade, and I learn things very quickly, so I can keep up if I don't go often."

She smiled: "Brother, just believe in Yujian."

"See you? Who is it?"

"It's the name I thought of last night!" She smiled, "Because it happened to be raining when we first met, so I thought of this name."

A slight doubt flashed across the man's clear eyes, and he asked casually, "Aren't you called Chiyo?"


The little girl was dumbfounded again, why did she forget this again?

"Yes, but you said last night that my name doesn't sound good, so let me change it. Moreover, this name overlaps with that lady's name." She hesitated to explain the reason.

"You deleted her picture, and then you don't want to hear about her..."

Before she finished speaking, she was startled by the man's sudden gloomy expression.

I saw him looking for something everywhere, and finally saw his mobile phone in the corner of the sofa, picked it up and looked at it for a while.

His complexion is getting uglier!

"Big brother... what's wrong with you? Didn't you delete the photo yourself?"

Bai Mucheng clenched the phone tightly, with a terrifying expression on his face.

After a long time, he made a decision, and looked at the little girl with dark eyes.

The little girl pursed her lips, her heart beating rapidly.

A little afraid, respectful and fearful.

"From today on, your task is to supervise me."


She was puzzled again.

Bai Mucheng looked at her with deep eyes, and had already made a decision.

Outside the house, the cicadas are chirping loudly, summer is really here.


(Good night.)

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