His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1543 Only Big Brother Knows This Password

Chapter 1543

The little girl raised her head and chest, her chin was raised high, and she rushed towards the two of them head-on with a force, without any intention of giving in.

Behind her, a middle-aged man walked quickly.

"Mr. Feng, Mrs. Feng, our master is here to invite you."

Master, it refers to Bai Hanjie.

Qian Miao said to Feng Xian: "Go over and talk about it, leave it to me here."

The man agreed, and followed the butler to the hall.

Here, there are only two people left in the yard.

The little girl took a step forward, sized her up a little unscrupulously, but didn't speak. It seemed that she wanted to tell her what she was holding back, but it was difficult to say it because of some factors.

When she took a step forward, the girl finally spoke: "If I were you, I wouldn't appear in front of him again. Don't you think you are selfish?"

"Selfish?" Qian Miao glanced at her lightly, "How much do you know about me?"

"At least I know that he likes you, but you don't like him, that's enough! If I were you, I definitely wouldn't bother big brother again. Big brother didn't see you. I thought it was because I was afraid of messing up. , once you come, won't the previous tidying up be in vain?"

Children are eloquent, they don't hold back a word, they say whatever they have, and they are justified.

Qian Miao looked away, and disappeared before her eyes with a swish.

In a hurry, the little girl stepped forward to grab it, but in the end she only grabbed a handful of air.

There was no woman in sight.

"Oh!" She stomped her feet, hurriedly jumped up to the second floor, and went to Bai Mucheng's room.

When we got to the door, there was no one there.

Knock on the door and enter, but there is no one inside.

Turning her eyes, she suddenly remembered that Bai Mucheng was not in the bedroom at the moment, but in the underground secret room, and she was relieved.

The entrance gate of the secret room has a password, and ordinary people cannot enter.

However, she still came to the entrance quickly.

Originally, she still had a fluke mentality, this woman would not know the password here, but when she knew it, she saw the woman standing at the door, entering the password.

"Hmph, don't waste your time, this password is only known to the eldest brother, not even the master..."

As soon as the ending of her last word fluttered, she was startled for an instant, staring at the scene ahead.

That woman actually only entered the password once, and the door opened!

"You stop!"

She walked forward quickly.

Suddenly, the woman waved her hand back lightly, without turning her head, a powerful force was born to push her back fiercely, almost falling to the ground.

When she stood up and took a look, the door was firmly closed.


Qian Miao looked at this familiar corridor and remembered what happened more than two years ago.

At that time, Yu Manman was injured and left a red string bracelet by her side, which she made for Bai Mucheng.

So, she took the bracelet and came over to question him.

At that time, he took her here and explained many things to her.

It was also on that one that the two of them completely parted ways.

But today, she wants to throw away all her personal desires and come to talk to him.

His smell led her forward, and soon, she saw him in the middle of the reception room.

The man was dressed in plain white clothes, sitting cross-legged in front of a Buddha statue and quietly reading a book. This scene was so familiar that it made people feel sad.

She didn't need to ask, she knew who the person in front of her was.

"Brother." She called him softly.

The man raised his eyes slowly, and when he looked at this side with calm eyes, an uncontrollable distress flashed in his eyes.

That distress was fleeting, and soon returned to calm.

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