His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1547 Congratulations, my wife is happy!

Chapter 1547

Just then, an assistant came to the side and answered the phone.

Soon, his expression changed, he hurried over, bent down and whispered a few words into Bai Hanjie's ear.

When Bai Hanjie heard this, his expression also changed, and he got up immediately.

Thinking of something, he looked at Feng Xian again, and said, "In short, the boss of country G's economy will no longer be your Feng family!"

He snorted coldly, turned and left.

Feng Xian returned to Bai Mucheng's yard, just in time to see Qian Miao coming out of the house.

She looked lonely and her eyes were downcast.

As a result of this conversation, there is no need to ask another word.

He walked up to her and hugged her gently without saying a word.

He had already expected that it would be futile, but he was willing to accompany her to try it.

Seeing her like this now made my heart ache.

"We go home."

Qian Miao paused for a while, trying her best to sort out her emotions, and didn't turn her bad emotions on him.

"Yeah." She nodded.

She was about to leave, when suddenly, a burst of dizziness hit her, and she leaned forward violently.

Feng Xian hugged her, frowning: "What's wrong?"

"A little dizzy." She pinched her forehead: "It seems that I have no strength."

"Is there a side effect?" He worried.

She shook her head, unsure.

Feng Xian immediately decided to send her to the laboratory to have a look.

More than an hour later, in the experimental base.

Qian Miao's sudden abnormality attracted the attention of all the staff in the laboratory.

Qian Ru immediately arranged for her to have a full body checkup.

At this time, Pan Zhiling said, "Wait, let me try to take her pulse."

Jiang Yuan cut his voice: "Can your pulse tell the whole situation?"

"Shut up you."

She immediately sat down and stretched out her hand towards Qian Miao's wrist.

Everyone's eyes were burning, waiting for her conclusion.

Qian Miao was also curious, and was still a little dizzy at the moment.

Feng Xian asked: "Is it like last time, will you be lethargic?"

After Qian Miao tried the medicine before, she was lethargic for a week, and during that time, all her special abilities disappeared.

However, after each recovery, the ability will increase several times compared to before.

After a while, Pan Zhiling nodded: "That's right, it will indeed cause drowsiness."

Qian Ru said solemnly: "It seems that we really can't take it lightly. It has been two years, and these two drugs are still competing."


"Congratulations, you are going to be parents." Pan Zhiling added with a smile on her lips.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they were overjoyed.

"Ouch, it scared me, I thought it was a side effect of the medicine!"

"My heart is about to jump out! It turned out to be a happy event!"

"Congratulations, Mr. Feng, you are going to be a father!"

"Mr. Feng?"

"Mr. Feng?"

Everyone suddenly realized that the father-to-be was stunned.

Moreover, the mother-to-be was also stunned.

It was Qian Miao who came back to her senses first, looked at her belly with bright eyes, and felt a subtle feeling in her heart.

Feng Xian slowly came back to his senses, the first thing he did was to ask Qian Ru: "Are there any burdens for my mother's body?"

Qian Ru put back his smile, and said conservatively: "Do a comprehensive inspection first, and then look at the situation. According to the previous situation, there should be no problem. From now on, it will be fine to have an inspection on time."

Only then did the man smile, and looked down at his beloved woman, only her image was in his dark eyes.

Afterwards, Qian Miao did an examination, and the result showed that she was indeed pregnant for one month.


(Good night.)

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