His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1552 Knowing the murderer, but helpless

Chapter 1552

a month later.

After Qian Miao took over as the president, Feng's and Cang's became closely together and carried out a number of close cooperations.

But even so, the limelight of the two of them was still overshadowed by the Bai Group.

The reason is still vaccines and specific medicines.

A month ago, after the outbreak of infectious disease in Ningcheng, Bai's intervened, invited the media to follow up and interview, and recorded a patient's daily life after taking the related products of Bai's pharmaceutical industry.

Once the documentary was broadcast, the drug sold like crazy all over the country.

On the other side, Qian Miao couldn't find any useful information from Qin Zhen.

A month ago, their investigation of Bai Hanjie was finally dropped due to insufficient evidence.

Half a month ago, they used the evidence they had collected to arrest Kunlun, but so far there is no clue.

Kunlun is a criminal, and it is difficult to find any information about him on the computer network.

When Qin Zhen told her, he was very decadent and helpless.

It was a situation where one knew who the murderer was but was helpless.

Like in a certain movie——

People continue to be killed by the same method, but the person who performed this method has long since died.

It seems incomprehensible and weird, but it is actually because the murderer is a supernatural species that can keep parasitizing in other people's bodies. Once this body dies, it can continue to parasitize in other people's bodies, and then hunt the target, so The method is the same, and the person who is parasitized becomes its backer and is sentenced to death.

The police knew it was the murderer, but no one had a way to catch it, or even kill it.

Qin Zhen and others were caught in such a desperate situation at this time.

At the same time, the turmoil in the experimental subjects in Continent F suddenly intensified.

On August 23rd, in the morning.

Qian Miao turned on the TV, the world morning news.

The current situation in F continent was broadcast on the news.

Soldiers can be seen everywhere, and the victims escaped with their luggage. The formerly bustling department store has now become an empty building.

This is a city in a small country in Continent F. An attack broke out here a week ago. Many people suddenly lost their minds and attacked people around them, biting or beating them, and the people who were bitten were also infected with the virus within three days and continued to bite others.

The difference between them and zombies is that zombies are dead, but they are still alive, but their brains have been eroded by viruses and they have lost their minds.

However, if the wound is not treated for a long time, it will die due to excessive blood loss.

Once they die, they lose their ability to move, and they won't run around like zombies.

They have one thing in common with zombies, that is, they all want to relieve pain through human blood, which is a physical desire that drives them to hurt others.

Even though it's different, people still call them zombies and run away everywhere.

The local government has sent troops to suppress and deal with it, but the situation does not look so optimistic.

As soon as the news turned, it came to other countries.

This time, it was Country M.

Country M is a wealthy and powerful country, and there has been no major chaos for many years. However, just a week ago, a hospital in a certain city near the sea received more than 30 patients with the same symptoms, and they are currently under isolation and observation.

Some people have linked them with the experimental virus in 2021, but there is no official response yet.

A week later, the unrest has intensified and the virus has begun to ravage the world.

The vaccine produced by Bai's Pharmaceutical was once in short supply, and many countries turned to country G for help.

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