His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1571 She is stronger than he imagined

Chapter 1571

"It's her!" Kunlun was so angry that even the cloak exuded anger.

"Bai Mucheng" took two steps forward, pressed a button, and the door in front of him opened.

"Didn't you always claim to be the strongest? If you can't even defeat this woman, I don't think you will have to shout to dominate the world from now on."

Chiyo was shocked when he heard the words, he was trying to stimulate Kunlun to deal with Tang Qianmiao!

And Kunlun seemed to be fooled too, snorted coldly, and flew out, heading straight for Tang Qianmiao.


As soon as Qian Miao landed, she felt a gust of wind blowing towards her face.

A figure more than two meters tall stood in front of her, and the black shadow covered her sight.

"Those who stand in my way will die!"

He shouted loudly, and immediately launched an attack on Qian Miao.

Qian Miao retreated quickly, accurately capturing every move he made, and soon discovered that although he had great abilities, he had almost no foundation in ancient martial arts. If the special abilities were excluded, he wouldn't even be able to last for three seconds.

After figuring out the opponent's way, she also quickly came up with a countermeasure. After a wave of transformation, she returned to Kung Fu itself, and when he couldn't react, she quickly attacked his knee, causing him to kneel suddenly, causing a wave of blows. Dust, successfully overwhelmed one end.

Kunlun was furious, gathered strength with both hands, forcibly manipulated all the surrounding stones and threw them towards her!

Qian Miao quickly raised her arms to resist, all her powerful thoughts and concentration gathered on the wave of large and small stones in front of her, in the blink of an eye, only a few crashes were heard, and all the stones shattered to the ground!

Kunlun exclaimed, his eyes widened, he took a step back, landed, stood still, narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at the woman in front of him, and was speechless for a while.

This woman's ability was indeed beyond his expectations!

It's too much!

"Resist and be maimed by me, or be captured obediently, you choose!" A cold female voice came.

Kunlun laughed wildly: "Arrogance! Just now I underestimated the enemy, now, I will let you know what it means to be truly powerful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw his legs were shoulder-width apart, his knees were slowly bent, and his hands were clapped from top to bottom!

Those two hands were embedded directly under the surface of the ground, lifting that piece of land directly!

The ground under Qian Miao's feet began to vibrate, and there was also a huge attraction, trying to suck her into the ground!

She was about to use her strength, but she felt a slight discomfort in her stomach, and the strength of the explosion suddenly withdrew by half, not daring to let go to deal with it.

She supported her belly, her quiet eyes turned slightly, and she scanned the surroundings.

Finally, she focused her gaze on a tombstone, and in the blink of an eye, she manipulated it from the side and gave Kunlun an unexpected attack from the side.

With a bang, when the tombstone hit Kunlun, there was a sound similar to the collision between stone and steel.

He was distracted, and the strength in his hands also lost a lot.

Qian Miao took advantage of this moment to fly back and lifted the crisis.

at this time--


The little girl's voice came from the side, she turned her head and saw Bai Mucheng pointing a gun at her.


There was a gunshot, but the surroundings were silent.

The smell of blood spread in the air.

At the moment just now, Qian Miao didn't have time to dodge, but under that precise shooting technique, the bullet missed her.

She looked at "Bai Mucheng", and saw the strange disgust and hatred in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, there was a distorted color of pain.

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