His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1577 Aunt Huan... Run!

Chapter 1577

After Shi Shaolin left, Tang Yi stood by the window and thought for a long time.

After a while, he left the room and came to a basement.

It used to be a small playground, which was specially set up by him twenty-four years ago to welcome Qian Miao's birth.

Today, this place is no longer what it used to be, and has become an ordinary lounge.

Inside, there was a little girl crying.

"Big brother...you wake up quickly..."

Opening one of the doors, he saw what was inside.

Bai Mucheng's hands were shackled tightly, and he was in a state of unconsciousness. Sometimes he was alone, and sometimes he turned into another person.

This is the first time Tang Yi has seen the war between himself and himself.

A week ago, Bai Mucheng broke into his house, saying that he would take shelter here and let him watch.

He also told him the details of the entire new human project.

Bai Mucheng came here to avoid, saying that a dangerous place is a safe place, and he believed that he would not tell Bai Hanjie.

The reason, he told him very firmly, if the Kunlun plan succeeds, the Tang family will not go very far in the future.

Although he didn't believe it on the surface, he planned to take a gamble.

Take a look and talk.

"Uncle, will big brother die if this continues? Think of a way soon, okay?" The little girl cried.

He has always had little sympathy, and he was unmoved after hearing this.

After thinking twice, he decided to contact the Bai family and take him away.

Just as he was about to turn around, Bai Mucheng's ravings came from behind him.

"Aunt Huan, run! Run!"

He turned around suddenly, his eyes filled with astonishment!

"What did you say, what did you just say!" He threw himself on the bed, grabbed Bai Mucheng's clothes and shouted.

"You are not allowed to touch him like this!" The little girl pushed him away.

Tang Yi lost strength to the alienated man, and fell to the side, his face full of astonishment.

He clearly heard correctly, no!

This Bai Mucheng called Yun Huan Aunt Huan since he was a child, they knew each other!

Seeing this, he immediately got up and went out, and asked someone to contact the doctor to bring the medicine!

He must ask clearly!

Because of Bai Mucheng's identity, he invited a doctor close to him to check it out.

After tossing for hours and taking medicine, Bai Mucheng finally calmed down.

The doctor said: "It will be fine when he wakes up. Don't put him under too much pressure. Keeping a happy mood is the best medicine."

After speaking, he prescribed some medicine and left.

Tang Yi's face was serious, and he sat on the edge of the bed and kept watching, with a stern face, watching Bai Mucheng wake up.

The little girl said to him: "Uncle, thank you for your help just now. I'm here. Go and rest."

Tang Yi glanced over, Xu Shi's eyes were filled with natural majesty, he actually shrank the little girl's shoulders and stared at him blankly.

"you go for rest."

"I won't go, I will be where the big brother is."

Tang Yi frowned: "Are you this kid's child bride?"

The little girl blushed immediately: "That's right! Uncle, what you think in your mind is too unhealthy!"

She said, pouted and turned away.

"Then you're out of the game." Tang Yi saw the child's thoughts, and watched the time go by, so he teased her: "He likes my daughter."

"Ah, that Sister Tang is your daughter," the little girl turned her head to look over, suddenly puzzled, "But why doesn't she look alike at all!"

Tang Yi's face turned blue, and he snorted coldly, not in the mood to talk to the children anymore.

This waited until dawn.

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