His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1584 Irony

Chapter 1584

Looking at the bank card in front of her, the knife in Yun Ruyi's hand trembled.

She really wanted to split the card in half on the spot, hit the woman's face hard, and let her go.

But she can't!

She no longer has any support behind her. If the five hundred thousand is torn up, she will really have nothing!

Money is a very realistic thing. No dignity or ambition is worth mentioning in front of it.

It is absolutely impossible to let her go to work!

She squeezed her hands, suppressed her anger, and asked, "What did Tang Yi say?"

"Ah, Mr. Tang, he said he didn't care about it, because Wen Yu was too stubborn and threatened that even if something happened to your youngest son, she would not get a kidney transplant. Besides, I seem to have heard that Tang Mister has already found a suitable kidney source, and I don’t know if it’s true or not, anyway, now I don’t need to rely on Wen Yu.” She laughed.

Yun Ruyi suddenly poked the knife at the fruit!

In desperation, he scratched his hand, and blood gushed out.

This startled Mrs. Shi, she covered her mouth and let out a low cry.

She was afraid that Yun Ruyi would suddenly go crazy.

"I... I'm leaving first, you should go and persuade your daughter as soon as possible."

She picked up her bag and walked quickly towards the door.

The blood was bleeding more and more, but Yun Ruyi didn't care.

She suddenly let out a cry of pain, with a sad face, and angrily smashed the knife in her hand into the house.

The sunset glowed her face in a dim and mournful light, and the room was eerily quiet.

Frustrated life, even the sun is gray.


Shi family.

It was dinner time, and everyone in the Shi family was eating.

The servant came to report: "Madam, she still refused to eat, and said... let the second young master go up."

"I'm not going." Shi Chengan replied blankly, quickly and mercilessly.

Shi Shaolin was also very cold, saying: "We must deal with her matter as soon as possible. Now that we have withdrawn from the alliance, we must repair the relationship with Feng as soon as possible. Cheng'an and Chuchu are a natural couple.

If Wen Yu insists on refusing to divorce, he will sue her. "

Mrs. Shi nodded: "I think so too. It's really unlucky that there will be a mess of smoke in this house for a day with her, but if Nian is not for the company, I would not allow her to enter the house. Look at how many bad things she has done in the past. Luckily, Cheng An had the right mind and didn't touch her, otherwise it would be difficult if he had a child."

Shi Yuqi cut her voice: "So what if we have a child? At worst, we will raise her. It's not that we can't afford it. In short, the marriage should be divorced as soon as possible, and I don't want to see her again. Come to our house to play, and it will also affect my future marriage."

Shi Shaolin put down his chopsticks, with a serious expression on his face: "Let's not talk about other things now, only in terms of public opinion, Feng Xian and Tang Qianmiao have won a big victory, especially Tang Qianmiao, because everyone knows about the rescue team now Her name, I think, the Feng family and the Cang family will definitely become bigger and bigger in the future, we have to quickly mend our relationship with them."

Mrs. Shi asked: "I heard that those who wanted to hunt her down have surrendered now? Is it true?"

"It is indeed true. Back then, the Bai family believed that Tang Qianmiao was a scourge, so they called a meeting of several influential representatives and unanimously decided to kill Tang Qianmiao. Now, those people rushed to flatter her. Now It's different from the past."

"Hey, then we have to act quickly, let Wenyu sign tonight!"

These words, without exception, all spread to the second floor.


(Good night)

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