His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 351 Full screen is

Chapter 351

It was the first time Cang Zeyue met such a stubborn teacher, and he had to drive here, so he said directly: "Her parents have passed away, so I can't take care of her."

There was a sudden silence.

Cang Zeyue knew that it had been dealt with, so he said, "Do you still need to take pictures?"

Yan Su's voice was eight degrees lower than before: "No need, let her recover from her injury before going to school."

The call ends here.

Here, Yan Su's expression was a bit strange, and the questioning eyes just now disappeared.

She glanced at the call log, wrote Cang Zeyue's number on the notebook, and then made a note: Lu Wanyu's guardian.

Then he handed the phone to Qian Mi, who was staring out the window in a daze.

"Okay, let's go back to class."

Qian Mi took the phone and walked out.

As soon as they went out, they met the teacher in charge of the final of their chemistry competition, Wei Hongying.

She gave a faint greeting and passed by.

Wei Hongying was about to say something, but she had already walked a few steps away and only turned her back to her.

This feeling is quite unpleasant.

"Mr. Wei, what's wrong with you?"

Wei Hongying pulled out a smile: "It's nothing."

The teacher next to her didn't stop her mouth. She glanced between her and Tang Qianmiao, then understood, and said, "I understand how you feel. Bringing the two daughters of the Tang family at once will be very stressful."

"Especially, the two eldest misses seem to be at odds. They've had a fight a few times before. Lin Wenyu, it seems that she even wore a lot of small shoes for Tang Qianmiao. In this match, they must also be secretly fighting each other. You are biased. No one is feeling well."

Wei Hongying gave her a sideways glance and said faintly, "Don't forget, the person in charge of the Tang family is Wen Yu's mother."

The teacher was startled, covered his mouth and whispered, "So you're going to continue standing Wenyu?"

Wei Hongying said nothing and walked back to her desk.

The moment Qian Mi returned to the classroom, the classroom was quiet for a few seconds, and many eyes were cast, full of enthusiasm and curiosity.

At the front, back, left and right tables, Shi Chengan on the left had the same attitude towards her, he was still the same as before, neither cold nor hot, it was none of his business.

Others, staring at her from time to time, seemed to have a bunch of things to say.

She turned a blind eye and took out her mobile phone to read comics before class started.

The manga that I was chasing, the style of painting is still very strange recently, and the whole screen is full of "XLM".

It used to be only on the protagonist's clothes, but now it's even on the advertising banners of the building.

Therefore, there are a lot of discussions in the comments that have nothing to do with the plot.

Everyone is looking for which brand to place the ad on.

She has a feeling for these letters, after all, the last two words are the abbreviations of her company name.

There are many people who think like her, so a more convincing summary appeared——

[Everyone, listen to me, this XLM is an implicit advertisement from LM company, X means the choice of choice, it means that we all choose LM when we buy things, do you understand? Don't understand let me explain again. 】

She silently nodded.

Free ads are great.

After two classes, she talked to Yan Su and left the school directly.

It was just early ten o'clock, and the road was not congested. I went to Fengxian's company. It took less than 20 minutes by car to reach the entrance of the building.

She sent Feng Xian a message, but got no reply.


(To be honest, are you looking forward to the second male lead? It seems that he has not made a formal appearance so far, he is all living in other people's lines, hahaha...)

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