His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 807 Fu God and Black Chicken

Chapter 807

More than a dozen people in the back also arrived, all panting, looking at a newcomer who was holding a big flag and dancing in front, and sighed one by one.

Someone was very angry, and threw the thing in his hand with one hand, and his voice was full of anger: "Fuck, run! It's good to run for the first place, but in the end, it was not cut off by these backers! It's the third time! The bad old man's current rating is still F, so when will I be able to take orders and do tasks?"

Others were also grumbling.

"Three times, every time the number one is a girl, and they are all girls who have been summoned out. The most important thing is, this girl has been left behind by me a long time ago, why is it suddenly in the first place again? You guys Don't you think it's weird?"

"Leech, leech, do you know how strange it is now? I'll tell you, but everyone who is passed out has slept with the person above. If he sleeps comfortably, he can take the first place. Those of us , they are all running with them.”

"Damn it! That's against the rules."

"Rules? Rules are made by superiors, and he sleeps with newcomers. How dare newcomers resist him?"

"Who is it? Our team leader doesn't look like that kind of person."

"Going up, the hall master is a woman, so it's impossible to find a woman..."

"Your news is really lagging behind, it's a cold lizard."

"Ho, Leng Lizard? That performance leader?"

"It's true that his performance is high. He's not a king, and there are others who are better than him, but he is really good, and even the hall master can't help him. And I heard that next month's leadership change, he has a good chance to become an elder. , As we all know, the elder is equivalent to the deputy helmsman, and the power will be greater at that time."

"Hey, let's not talk about this, by the way, Fushen, Heiji, who is the first between the two of you?"

Black Chicken: "Do you think I will lose to a little girl?"

Fushen: "Huh."

"I'm not convinced, little girl, let's compare again? Just in time, lunch starts, let's compare, who can come to eat first today..."

With a squeak, the crowd left in front of him.

"I haven't shouted start yet!"

The black chicken quickly followed.

"Hey~ Ya~ This big sun is so hot~ They are really interested, they have been running for so long, and they go to eat with the smell of sweat on their bodies, and they don't care about it once~"

The soft and greasy female voice is like honey drenched on marshmallows, slowly tearing apart a small amount, you can pull out the sweet and greasy silk, eat it in the mouth, wrap around the throat, sweet as bone marrow .

Turning her head, she saw a tall, graceful, bumpy, tall woman leaning against a tree to enjoy the shade, holding a small fan in her hand to fan the air slowly. Her waist is thinner than that of a water snake, but her chest is plump and firm, her legs are slender and straight, her mouth is like a cherry, and her skin is fair and delicate under the mask that partially covers her face.

The word enchanting seems to be born for her.

Whenever she spoke, the male companions all froze, and the female companions got goosebumps.

At this point, as soon as she finished speaking, all the male companions went over to fan her.

The female companion glanced and said: "Every time I see Polita, I think the game character is resurrected, God, not only does she look like she looks like, but also the tone of voice and voice, slow, There are so many styles, look at my chicken skin, it's all up!"

"Cut, pretend, go for a walk, go eat."

Outside the jungle, there is a concrete road leading directly to a castle-like building.

Outside the building, a three-meter-high wall encloses everything inside.

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