His Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 872 Revenge Begins

Chapter 872

Qian Miao raised her eyebrows a little, thinking that she didn't feel sleepy now, so she went to play.

"Let's go."

When the two men heard this, they both showed a sinister smile: "Please, please, you two are definitely the luckiest among the newcomers this year. After all, it's not easy to get Master Leng's attention, so show yourself well!"

After walking for more than ten minutes, they came to the residence of Leng Lizard.

Like Bai Zhu back then, he also has his own private villa.

As soon as they reached the door, the two heard screams from inside.

It belongs to flying swallows.

This cry is not very pleasant.

I can imagine that I am trying to pretend to enjoy it, but it hurts so much that I don't feel like it.

"go in."

After the two men pushed them in, they closed the door and stood guard at the door.

The two walked upstairs leisurely, just like going to the canteen to buy snacks after class.

The person outside the door looked through the glass door and smiled wretchedly.

"Master Leng is going to take tonic again tonight."

The other laughed happily: "Don't talk about it, I just sent a cup up, these two girls are destined to be miserable."

"Hehe, the two of them are still looking forward to it. Master Leng has a bad temper tonight, and the reward is probably only the whip."

When the two were talking, Qian Miao had already stepped onto the second floor.

Feiyanzi's voice has changed from pretending to enjoy to screaming.

Qian Miao came to a door, opened it unhurriedly, and pushed in.

Immediately, everything inside was unmistakable.

A girl was hiding in a corner, her clothes were in tatters, barely able to maintain the most basic decency.

Beside him, a one-eyed man was holding a belt, with an evil aura all over him.

Neither of them wore a mask, one was overly frightened and pale, and the other was ghastly with a wretched smile.

Seeing the two coming in, Leng Lizard dropped the belt in his hand and smiled evilly: "Come here."

Qian Miao moved her ten fingers, and her neck also twisted in a circle.

The voice was extremely lazy: "Here we come."

Wei Wu smiled, and silently closed the door.

Fei Yanzi took advantage of this moment to rush over quickly and rushed out of the door.

Wei Wu silently closed the door tightly.

Qian Miao took out a bottle of perfume from her pocket, walked up to Leng Lizard and said, "I'll give you a good smell."

Cold Lizard looked at the woman in front of him. The colorful clothes were really an eyesore, but her voice was pleasant and her figure was good enough to make his heart itch.

"Take off the clothes and mask, two people, face to face and take off together."

He sat back, with the posture of a king.

Qian Miao raised her lips: "No rush."

She handed the perfume in front of him and sprayed it on twice casually.

The man thought it was flirting, and many women have done this kind of thing to please him, so he sniffed it vigorously.

A special fragrance drilled into his nose, which made him feel very comfortable, and he couldn't help but took another deep breath.

The originally irritable mood suddenly calmed down slowly.

"Small thing, interesting." He smiled, smiled, his eyelids suddenly closed, and gradually he couldn't see the figure.

Arrive in a minute.

People have passed out.

Wei Wu came in front of him, without saying anything, just greeted him with a roundabout kick.

No one responds.

"Unhappy." She said.

Qian Miao stared at this face that she had not seen for several years, with dark skin and a beard that could never be shaved cleanly.

Still as obnoxious as ever.

With cold eyes, she walked up to him and whispered, "It's started."

The red lips raised, as if an angel and a devil had merged into one.

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