Without waiting for the ministers to think about it, Jieli Khan looked at Ashi Dewu beside him with an ugly expression, and said,

"The emperor of the Tang Dynasty was so deceitful! I knelt down and surrendered to him! He also wanted me to kill horses and drink blood wine to make an oath! That's fine! Wanpi! How dare a lion open its mouth!"

Facing Jieli Khan's displeasure, Ashdev fell silent for a moment, gritted his teeth and said,

"Khan! Anyway, we still have more than 100,000 troops! Why don't we fight Tang Jun? Or... we retreat?"

Hearing this, Jieli Khan looked at Yuchi Jingde and Cheng Yaojin on the two wings, narrowed his eyes, and said,

"What are we going to fight for? It took so long just now! My 200,000 army almost lost nearly half of it! But we don't even know what weapons the enemy uses!

And look at the Tang army on the two wings waiting in full battle! Tang general Li Jing is nowhere to be seen on the tower!

If we retreat, the Tang army on both sides will encircle us and hunt us down, that's not to say, if an army led by Li Jing emerges from the way of retreat, they will set up an ambush like the one just now!

How can we escape from death?"

Ashi Dewu didn't listen to Jieli Khan's analysis, he couldn't help but break out in cold sweat, and his face also became extremely ugly, saying,

"Khan! So what should we do?"

Jieli Khan, with a dark old face, pondered for a while, looked up at Li Shimin on the tower, and said loudly,

"Your Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty! As long as you can let me and my army go back! I agree to your conditions!"

Hearing that Jieli Khan agreed so readily, Li Shimin's face turned cold, and a slight sarcasm appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Changsun Wuji happily said,

"That's great! Jieli Khan actually promised to swear an oath that he would never invade my Tang Dynasty again! He also wanted to sell 20,000 cattle and sheep to Taiyong and 100,000 tons of electric horses." Your Majesty! This is really a great thing! !"

Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui frowned.

Li Shimin turned around and said with a sarcastic smile,

"Wuji, you think that Ashina's aggressive thinking is too simple! If he is a person who keeps his oath, why would he send 200,000 troops to invade our Great Tang today?

Today he can readily agree to my request, and when he returns to Mobei, he will still break the appointment!

Even the 20,000 head of cattle and sheep and 30,000 horses he promised will not be paid to Datang as promised!"

Changsun Wuji heard the words, looked at Li Shimin in shock, and was speechless for a while!

Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, and Wei Zheng nodded in agreement.

At this time, Ashi Dewu asked Jieli Khan without any doubts,

"Khan! Why did you promise the emperor of the Tang Dynasty? We will go back like this. If we don't invade the Tang Dynasty again, we will pay the Tang Kingdom 20,000 cattle, sheep, and 30,000 horses! How can we swallow this?"

Jieli Khan winked at Ashdev, and said in a low voice,

"Ashi Dewu didn't take a sip! Who told you to be so honest? We promised him now, but it was just a stopgap measure! When we and our army return to Mobei, we will regroup in the future and start to seize the Central Plains." Intend!

As for the 20,000 cattle and sheep, and 30,000 horses, even if the Emperor of Tang asked for 100,000 to 200,000, I would agree!"

As Jieli Khan said, there was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, the meaning in his words was self-evident!

Ashdev didn't sip,

"I know! It's still Khan's genius!"

Jieli Khan ignored Ashi Dewu's sip, looked up at Li Shimin on the tower again, and said,

"Your Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty! I agree to all your requests! Please abide by the agreement and let us go!"

Hearing the urging of Jieli Khan on the other side, Changsun Wuji said anxiously,

"Your Majesty! You know Ashina can't be trusted! What should we do now? Should we let them go like this?"

Li Shimindao,

"Letting them go now is the most beneficial way for Datang! The Turkic people have been severely injured after this battle! After two or three years after returning, it is impossible to send a large army to invade our Datang again! And taking advantage of this time, My Great Tang is also just used to recuperate and develop myself! When the time comes, before the Turks invade, I will call the Great Tang cavalry to flatten Mobei!"

Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, and Wei Zheng heard the words, but nodded in praise,

"Your Majesty's words are justified! Right now, we in the Tang Dynasty need to recuperate most! Today's Weishui alliance not only severely damaged the Turkic army, but also brought stability to the Tang Dynasty for two or three years. It is already a very rare victory!"

"Yes, yes! Your Majesty! Just act according to your plan!"

Li Shimin jawed his head, turned his head to look at Jieli Khan on the other side, and said,

"Jeli Khan! If that's the case, then kill your horse and drink blood wine to swear!"

When Jieli Khan saw Li Shimin's agreement, he couldn't help being overjoyed, a triumphant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said loudly,

"Okay! Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty! Come here! Cut off my horse and serve the wine!"

Ashi Dewu got up immediately without a sip, led the horse for Jieli Khan, drew his knife and let the blood...

Make a bowl of scarlet blood wine together, it's Li Khan!

Jieli Khan took it immediately, held it high above his head, and toasted Li Shimin across the Wei River!

"Today, I, Ashina, swear an oath to His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty on the banks of the Weishui River! After returning to Mobei, I will donate 20,000 cattle and sheep and 30,000 horses to the Tang Dynasty! And promise not to invade again for the rest of my life Datang! If you violate this oath, you will be treated like this!"

As Jieli Khan said, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the bloodletting horse beside him, then raised his head and drank the blood wine in the cup!

Li Shimin took the cup of tea from Changle, raised it slightly, took a sip, raised the corner of his mouth, and said loudly,

"Let Jieli Khan go back!"

As Li Shimin's orders were conveyed layer by layer, the horns representing the withdrawal of troops sounded from the top of the city tower!

In the distance, Cheng Yaojin said angrily,

"Damn! Why did Your Majesty let these Turkic people go back? Can't I let my old Cheng lead the troops to kill him?"

After saying that, he shook his head and ordered the soldiers to retreat!

On the other hand, I was riding back to the city, so I asked Li Shimin for clarification!

On the other hand, Jieli Khan, who was overjoyed, immediately took a bite with Ashdev, and as if he had been pardoned, he quickly led the rest of the army back the same way...

Looking at the back of the Turkic army that was drifting away, Li Shimin was filled with emotion!

Li Yuan stood up as if he had just woken up from a dream, and said in disbelief,

"Withdrawn? The Turkic army has withdrawn?"

Changsun Wugou nodded to Li Yuan, while Chang Le happily clapped his hands, bouncing and saying,

"Great! Great! Father forced back 200,000 Turkic troops today! He also asked Jieli Khan to kill his horse in the Weishui River, drink blood wine, and swear an alliance! It is really a great growth for our Tang Dynasty Face! It should be recorded in the annals of history and passed on for thousands of years!"

Fang Xuanling nodded and said,

"What Princess Changle said is true! Your Majesty is wise and mighty! Forced the Turkic army back! Rewritten the fate of the Tang Weishui Alliance! Not only did the Tang Dynasty not be humiliated, but the Turkic people were humiliated! Happy! Happy!"

Li Shimin heard the words,

"Today's achievements can't only be credited to me, but also to all my lovers! However, the greatest contribution is still to that fairy in the fairyland..."

As Li Shimin said, he looked up at the sky and said,

"If the immortals hadn't chosen us to enter the fairyland and get explosives, magic arm ballistas and other treasures that are comparable to divine weapons, I am afraid that today, the Turkic people will not be the ones who suffer humiliation, but I, the Tang Dynasty!"

Du Ruhui, Changsun Wuji, Wei Zheng and others nodded in agreement, and they all bowed to the sky to express their gratitude to Shen Han!

At this moment, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde came back on horseback!

As soon as Cheng Yaojin went up to the tower, he expressed his dissatisfaction, complaining that Li Shimin did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, annihilated the army of bud cooks, and took down the head of Jieli Khan!

It wasn't until Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui and others explained clearly to Cheng Yaojin, the priorities of the matter, and how serious the loss would be to Datang if they did so, that Cheng Yaojin was convinced,

"My old Cheng just said it! Your Majesty can't just let these Turkic people go for no reason! That's how it is! It's my old Cheng who was reckless! Your Majesty forgive me!"

Li Shimin smiled and waved his hand to Cheng Yaojin, saying,

"It doesn't matter! Biting gold is also a heart to serve the country! But right now, the most important thing right now is to develop the national power of the Tang Dynasty first! By then, my Tang Dynasty will be strong, and the Turkic people will no longer be able to pose a threat to the Tang Dynasty!"

Cheng Yaojin, Yuchi Jingde, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and other ministers all bowed to Li Shimin,

"Your Majesty's order is to be obeyed!"

"The Tang Dynasty will surely become a prosperous country!"

With the end of the Weishui alliance, Datang still did not relax, and still stepped up the production of high-speed rail weapons, explosives, and training of soldiers, in order to prepare for the final battle with the Turks in the future!

But at this time on the other side, Yin Qin.

Winter has passed for more than one month, and the sweet potatoes in the fields are growing well!

And Yingzheng's idea of ​​implementing education across the country has also achieved initial results!

Each county has established at least one school, and invited teachers to conduct unified and standardized teaching for the children sent to the school by the common people!

And because of clay movable type printing, books in Daqin have been widely popularized now. Not only schoolchildren have unified textbooks issued by the imperial court, but even ordinary people can buy well-printed textbooks from bookstores in various counties and counties. The classics of history........

In addition, the railway has also started to be laid. Although the steam train is still under construction, but after one or two failed attempts, the latest steam train that Fusu is manufacturing has also achieved initial results......

The development situation of Daqin is very good!

On this day, as usual, Yingzheng had a morning court meeting with all the officials and ministers.

"My dear friends, what are the important things to announce today?"

Ying Zheng sat on the throne in a good mood, looking at the officials below and asked.

All the ministers bowed their heads in silence, Xiao He Ning stood up and said to Ying Zheng,

"My minister has something important to announce!"

Ying Zheng looked at Xiao He in surprise when he heard the words, and asked,

"Oh? Xiao Aiqing, what do you have to say? But the sweet potatoes in the common people's fields are about to ripen?"

Xiao He shook his head and said,

"My lord! The sweet potatoes should take another month to ripen! But..."

When Ying Zheng heard the word "but" suddenly popped out of Xiao He's mouth, his heart skipped a beat, and the joyful expression on his face froze.

Xiao He continued,

......Your Majesty! Recently, news came from Changsha County, Nan County, and Chen County. It has been more than a month since the beginning of spring in the three counties. Today, the sun is high every day, and there is no rain! The sweet potato seedlings in the field have dried up. Signs! I'm afraid...there is a spring drought!"

Hearing Xiao He's words, all the officials and ministers in the palace were shocked, and Ying Zheng couldn't help but look at it, and immediately stood up from the throne!


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