History Live Broadcast: Show Zulong At The Beginning Of Hu Hai's Usurpation Of The Throne

Chapter 052. Archaeological Discovery! Immortal Bestows Treasure!

"Ding! This history live broadcast answering questions, the answerer Ying Zheng answered one question correctly! Reward the master with a set of [Great Qin Ancient Sword Art] and a stone sword..."

Following the sound of the system, a set of information about [Great Qin Ancient Sword Art] suddenly flooded into Shen Han's mind!

Shen Han closed his eyes comfortably, and when he opened them again, his soft and calm gaze had become as sharp as a sword!

At the same time, a simple stone sword appeared in Shen Han's hand!

With a sudden movement of Shen Han, the sword suddenly opened and closed!

Sword lights and sword shadows keep flashing with Shen Han's small courtyard!

In Shen Han's mind, system prompts sounded one after another:

"Ding! 【Great Qin Ancient Swordsmanship】Experience +10..."

"Ding! 【Great Qin Ancient Swordsmanship】Experience +15..."

Shen Han dances more and more vigorously, and thanks to entering the historical live broadcast room twice, he has added nearly ten free attribute points to Shen Han, making up for the shortcomings of physique and strength. The powerful and heavy Shi Jian, with Shen Han's previous physique, I'm afraid it's really too much for him!

After some time, Shen Han finished practicing a set of [Great Qin Ancient Swordsmanship], and the last system notification came from his mind:

"Ding! Congratulations to the master [Great Qin Ancient Swordsmanship] for reaching [First Glimpse]! Reward 5 free attribute points..."

Shen Han who heard the system sound casually stuck the stone sword on the wall, wiped his sweat with a towel, and felt a little joy in his heart!

I didn't expect to practice and upgrade [Great Qin Ancient Swordsmanship] to get extra free attribute points!

"[First Glimpse]? It should be that every time you upgrade a level, you will get some free attribute points?"

Shen Han thought about it, and then added all the 5 free attribute points he had just obtained to [Physique]!

After finishing all this, Shen Han turned on the TV and started to boil water to make tea!

At this time, a live broadcast of archaeological news was being broadcast on TV!

Shen Han, who was making tea, glanced casually. The ancient tomb being excavated in the live broadcast seemed to be the ancient tomb of Fan Kuai's grandson, Fan Taguang!

Just listen to the archeology professor on TV saying to the live camera,

"Everyone knows that the title of the Western Han Dynasty was hereditary, and Fan Taguang, the grandson of Fan Kuai, inherited the title of Marquis of Wuyang from Fan Kui.

But the family of Wuyanghou's family offended Fan Taguang and was punished by Fan Taguang. He felt resentful, so he wrote a secret letter to Emperor Han Jing saying:

[Huang Hou Fan City people actually have hidden diseases that are inhumane. Fan Taguang is not the son of Fan City people, but the child born by Fan City people to his wife and Fan City people's younger brother, so Fan Taguang should not inherit Qualifications for the title of a Fan City native. 】

So in 143 B.C., Wuyang Marquis Fan Taguang was seized as a common man, and everyone said he was pitiful..."

Hearing the professor's words on TV, Shen Han shook his head with a smile, and sat on the tea table with the brewed tea.

At this time, the archaeologists had already begun to excavate the main tomb of Fan Kuai's grandson!

The voice-over of the professor just now also sounded on the TV!

"Although this Fan Taguang was demoted as a commoner, at least he used to be Marquis of Wuyang. Judging from the specifications of his tomb, Fan Taguang's life after being demoted as a commoner should be quite prosperous! It's just that It's a pity that apart from the main tomb, all the funerary objects in the other tombs have been stolen! Now the main tomb will be opened soon..."

The door of the main tomb was opened soon!

The professor led the archaeological team into the tomb. Unexpectedly, there were no other valuable funeral objects in the main tomb except a coffin!

The professor showed embarrassment and said to the camera,

"Ahem! Everyone knows that! Generally, the more valuable funerary objects will be sealed in the coffin with the owner of the tomb! We will open the coffin immediately! I believe there must be funerary objects worth studying in the coffin..."

Shen Han shook his head with a smile, feeling that the professor was a little watery!

Fortunately, I played with my mobile phone while drinking tea, waiting for the archaeologists to open the coffin!

After a while, the coffin was finally opened, and what came into view was a mummy!

And the things wrapped in silk tightly held by the mummy's chest!

Immediately following the TV came the professor's surprise words:

"Did you see it? Did you see it? You can see that the body of the owner of the tomb is still well preserved! The identity of this person must be Fan Kuai's grandson Fan Taguang! As for the thing he is holding on his chest, you can see that after two thousand years History, the silk he held in front of his chest is already damaged! It seems that the tomb owner's important things were wrapped in the silk..."

The archaeologists carefully took out the things in the silk!

As soon as the things in the silk were taken out, the archaeologists let out a shocked cry on the TV!

"Huh? What is this thing?"

"It looks a bit like a dagger... this material... this shape..."

"Look! There seems to be a jade tablet underneath! Take it out and have a look! Be careful!"

"Professor, take a quick look, what is written on the jade plaque?"

The professor carefully took the jade plaque handed over by the archaeologists, looked at the camera intently and said,

"The front and back of this jade tablet are engraved with words..."

"It reads on the front: Immortal bestows treasure..."

"The back... combined...alloy boning knife???"

Shen Han, who was playing with his mobile phone, looked at the TV in surprise when he heard the words!

Isn't that rusty dagger-like thing the [Alloy Boning Knife] that Fan Kui got from the history live broadcast room?

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