History Live Broadcast: Show Zulong At The Beginning Of Hu Hai's Usurpation Of The Throne

Chapter 054. Xiang Yu And Zhang Liang Escape! A New Prologue!

Yingzheng's will soon spread to all counties and counties in Daqin!

Countless people gathered at the gate of the yamen, listening to the announcement of the yamen official, and looking at the notice written on paper, they suddenly became excited!

"Great! Great! The imperial court accepted us survivors of the Six Kingdoms and gave us the same national treatment as the people of the old Qin! We will no longer be inferior to others!"

"That's right! In the past, we were so-called pariahs, and we were dwarfs wherever we went. Now that His Majesty the First Emperor has issued such a policy, we survivors of the Six Kingdoms can also stand up straight!"

"The emperor's grace is mighty! Long live Your Majesty!!!"

"Hey! Did you hear that? The official said just now that the imperial court is now secretly planting sweet potatoes and potatoes obtained from fairyland! These two food crops can reach an yield of sixty shi per mu! In less than a year, all of our common people will be able to eat I'm full!"

"This shit! Is it true or not? How could there be a fairyland? How could there be grain with an yield of sixty shi per mu? Isn't this too exaggerated? I don't believe it!"

"Hey! Don't you believe it! Didn't you see the waterwheel erected by the moat a while ago? It can easily irrigate tens of thousands of acres of fields without manpower and material resources! This waterwheel was also brought back from the fairyland by His Majesty..."

"That's right! And I've heard about it! Not only His Majesty has been to the fairyland, but many civil and military ministers in the court have been there! I heard that Fan Kui from Pei County has also been there! People say that Fan Kui brought back a knife from the fairyland. What's the name of the magic weapon that is as iron as mud, blows hair and breaks hair, [Alloy Boning Knife]..."

"It's true! I've heard about it too! This sweet potato must be real! Since it's a fairy seed from the fairyland, it's understandable that it can produce sixty stones per mu!"

"Wow! That's great, that's great! I look forward to getting the fairy seeds sooner. All my fields will be planted with sweet potatoes with a yield of sixty shi per mu..."

The common people all over the world were discussing happily, and felt that they were finally looking forward to a good day!

At this time, outside a certain county government office in Chu, a few sneaky men showed surprise expressions on their faces when they heard the discussions of the people around them!

After seeing the notice on the bulletin board, the astonishment on the faces of several men immediately turned into surprise!

"We can enjoy the same treatment as the old Qin people!"

"In the future, we will be able to plant sweet potatoes and potatoes with an yield of 60 shi per mu!!!"

Several people are the private soldiers who followed Xiang Yu and Xiang Liang to conspire to rebel!

They hurriedly brought the good news back to the base camp and told other brothers!

Most of these people used to be ordinary people. Because of their status as survivors of the Chu state, they were bullied everywhere, and they were not able to eat enough to farm the land. They were instigated by Xiang Yu and Xiang Liang, and followed them to plot a rebellion!

Now that Yingzheng's edict was issued, these people suddenly felt a retreat, and they didn't want to follow Xiang Yu to rebel!

"Brothers! Now our status and status are the same as those of the old Qin! Soon we will be able to grow grain with an yield of sixty shi per mu! Your Majesty takes care of us ordinary people so much, why are we rebelling?"

"Yes, yes! We want to rebel, isn't it because we are bullied and don't have enough to eat? Now His Majesty has given us equal status, and we will soon be able to grow sweet potatoes. Let's go home?"

"Yes! Go home! My old mother is still waiting for me at home!"

"Go home, go home! Don't run away!"

Everyone was shouting and shouting, Xiang Yu came out when he heard the voice, and when he learned the whole story, he was short of breath and said angrily,

"Which one of you dares to try? Don't blame me, Xiang Yu, for being ruthless!"

Seeing Xiang Yu's angry stare, everyone was frightened by Xiang Yu's power, and they all fell silent immediately, not daring to mention the matter of running away again!

But where are people willing to be?

That night, the people who were supposed to be sleeping discussed for a while, then nodded in unanimous agreement, and quietly ran out of the barracks to the county government...

In the middle of the night, just as Xiang Yu was sleeping with Yu Ji in his arms, a loud shout came from outside the barracks:

"The officers and soldiers are coming! The officers and soldiers are coming! Everyone run away!"

Xiang Yu woke up with a dazed look on his face. At this time, Xiang Liang happened to rush in with his sword in hand, and said anxiously,

"Yu'er! Hurry up and pack up your things and run for your life! The subordinates are rebellious! They ran to the county government Gaomi! The county government dispatched two thousand officers and soldiers overnight! Now they are rushing to arrest us!"

Xiang Yu was shocked when he heard this, and quickly woke up Yu Ji, and ran away in a hurry!

A generation of Chu overlord Xiang Yu, who has not risen from the rebellion, plans to revive the Great Chu, but because of a piece of advice from Shen Han to Ying Zheng, it leads to failure...

"Yu'er! Don't be discouraged! The main reason is that the tyrant's move is too vicious! But the future will be long, and when we make a comeback, we will definitely overthrow the Tyrant Qin in one fell swoop!"

On a meandering path, Xiang Liang was holding a sword and cutting through the thorns and thorns in front of him, constantly comforting the unwilling Xiang Yu. It was almost dawn at this time, and the morning light was twilight...

And the remnants of the nobles of the other six countries almost encountered the same situation as Xiang Yu!

Zhang Liang, who was betrayed by his subordinates, was so angry that he fled to a barren mountain overnight and hid in an abandoned thatched cottage...

It was also when Ying Zheng issued such an edict that a new prelude was opened for the true unification of the Qin and the world...

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