Ignoring the sarcasm on the faces of Zhang Liang and others, Fusu looked at the questions and options displayed in the freeze-frame screen, and asked Meng Tian, ​​Wang Jian and Meng Yi beside him in a deep thought, saying,

"Meng Nei Shi, Wang Taishi, Meng Shangqing! Father gave me this question to answer, but I don't dare to make a judgment. I want to hear the opinions of the three of you! I don't know which answer the three of you think should be chosen?"

Wang Jian stroked his beard and said,

"My lord, according to the old minister, even if Mr. Hu Hai succeeds in the future and Zhao Gao becomes the prime minister, it is impossible for all civil and military officials in the court to be afraid of him! There will definitely be many loyal ministers who insist on the truth and are upright!

But when I think about the answer to the previous question, it has already been revealed that after Mr. Huhai succeeds to the throne, the Great Qin Dynasty will die as the second generation, so it must be the greedy minister who is in power! Therefore, there should be many ministers in the court who are afraid of Zhao Gao!

It can be seen that among the five options, option 1 [all ministers say they are horses] and option 3 [all ministers say they are deer] are obviously confusing, and they should be eliminated first! "

Hearing this, Fu Su nodded deeply.

Meng Tian on the side also nodded in agreement,

"The old grand master's analysis is reasonable! Among the remaining three options, the minister thinks that the second option [90% of the ministers say it is a deer, and 10% of the ministers say it is a horse] should also be excluded! If the loyal ministers in the court account for 90%, Greedy ministers only account for 10%, and there are so many loyal ministers assisting Mr. Hu Hai, even with Zhao Gao as a treacherous minister, it is absolutely impossible for Daqin to perish in the second generation!"

Fusu nodded in praise,

"The analysis of Taishi Wang and the history of Mongolia made Fusu suddenly enlightened! Fu Su Yi thinks that the answer to this question should be option 4 [10% of the ministers said it was a deer, and 90% of the ministers said it was a horse] and option 5 [the two each accounted for Half] one of them, I don’t know what advice Meng Yi Shangqing has?”

After Fusu asked, he turned to look at Meng Yi!

Ying Zheng, who was drinking tea opposite Shen Han, couldn't help turning his head to look at Meng Yi!

After all, almost everyone agreed with their answers to the questions raised by [The Death of Zulong], but in the end they were all wrong!

Only Meng Yi noticed the clue!

And just as Meng Yi guessed, Zhao Gao would usurp because of his discord with the Meng brothers!

It can be seen from this that Meng Yi, as the Great Qin Shangqing, has a very delicate mind and can find the key to the problem!

Meng Yi frowned and looked at the topic in the freeze frame, and finally his eyes stayed on option 4 and option 5, he pondered for a while, and said,

"I think the same thing as my grand master and elder brother. Since it has been said that the Great Qin II died earlier, there must be a traitor in the court! The throne that Mr. Huhai usurped came from a wrong way, and he appointed Zhao Gao as the prime minister. , Zhao Gao's status in the court can be imagined!

Therefore, the minister believes that the situation of the two competing against each other in option five is simply unrealistic! This question was selected as the fourth option, [10% of the ministers said it was a deer, and 90% of the ministers said it was a horse]! "

As soon as Meng Yi finished speaking, Ying Zheng's pupils shrank imperceptibly!

Although Ying Zheng didn't want to admit it, in Ying Zheng's heart, he still believed that Meng Yi's analysis was right!

After all, there was the clue of "the death of Qin II" first, and after Hu Hai succeeded to the throne, he appointed Zhao Gao as prime minister. Even if the officials and officials in the court were not afraid of Zhao Gao, would they dare not be afraid of the emperor Hu Hai?

Anyway, Hu Hai is still his own son!

However, if the ministers were afraid of Zhao Gao because they were afraid of Hu Hai, how did Hu Hai lose the Qin Dynasty?

Ying Zheng was puzzled, frowned and glanced at Hu Hai in the spectators, then turned his head and drank tea with Shen Han again!

After listening to Meng Yi's analysis, Fu Su looked at Wang Jian and Meng Tian again, and seeing that they both nodded, obviously agreeing with Meng Yi's analysis, he raised his head to look at Ying Zheng's back, and said,

"Father! My son already has the answer in his heart! This question is the fourth option for my father! [10% of the ministers say it is a deer, and 90% of the ministers say it is a horse]"

Ying Zheng, who was sitting with his back to everyone, raised his hand slightly, expressing his agreement with Fu Su's choice!

At this time, the voice of the system resounded in everyone's ears:

"Ding! The answer has taken effect! Now enter the countdown to the answer judgment, everyone in the bystanders please choose to agree or disagree!"

As the voice fell, the countdown to the verdict of the answer appeared again in front of everyone: ten, nine, eight...

Everyone in the spectator seats pressed the button on the stone table one after another!

"Wang Jian agrees with your answer!"

"Meng Yi agrees with your answer!"

"Meng Tian thinks your answer is correct!"

"Hu Hai chose to abstain!"


Zhang Liang, Xiang Yu, and Gao Jianli also chose to agree!

After all, the three of them are naturally happy to see the greedy ministers in power and the treacherous ministers in the Daqin court!

Only Fan Kui chose to oppose it!

As the countdown ended, everyone in the spectators looked at Fan Kui suspiciously!

Fan Kuai scratched his head and said in a daze,

"It's all about what I do? Can't I just press a button randomly?"

Knowing that Fan Kui pressed a button blindly without any thought, everyone let out a "tch" in unison!

At this time, the voice of the system has already sounded in everyone's ears again:

"Ding! The answer is correct! Ninety percent of the people think it's a horse!"

Hearing this, Brother Zheng was furious, and a murderous look flashed across his face!

At this time, the screen slowly opened and continued to play!

(Ask for the rating of flowers, there are too few. Does anyone see it?)

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