History Live Broadcast: Show Zulong At The Beginning Of Hu Hai's Usurpation Of The Throne

Chapter 076. Help Zulong Collect Zhang Liang! The Third Outstanding Qi In The Early Han Dynasty!

Hearing Shen Han say that these are stir-fried vegetables, Ying Zheng sat down and said in surprise,

"Immortal! I remember the last time I came to Wonderland, that Zhang Liang seemed to have obtained [Cooking Skills Encyclopedia]? Are there any records of cooking, steaming and other methods?"

Meng Tian, ​​Li Si, Xiao He, and Wang Ben also remembered that this happened, they sat down quickly and looked at Shen Han curiously!

Shen Han nodded with a smile, conjured tableware for everyone, and said,

"The [Cooking Skills Encyclopedia] does record various cooking techniques such as cooking! According to the cooking methods recorded on it, the food that is made is all delicious like this table!"


Ying Zheng looked at the various delicacies on the table, and immediately moved his chopsticks, picked up a piece of twice-cooked pork, and ate it into his mouth. Before he had time to chew, Ying Zheng's eyes immediately lit up!

After chewing it carefully a few times, feeling the aroma of twice-cooked pork melt in his mouth, Ying Zheng closed his eyes intoxicated, and said,

"This dish is really the most delicious ~ dish I have ever eaten in my life, except for the hot pot that the immortal invited me to eat last time!"

It's no wonder that Yingzheng gave such a high evaluation of this hot pot pork!

Mainly at the time of the Qin Dynasty, stir-frying had not been invented at all!

Even Yingzheng, who is the emperor, eats ordinary boiled vegetables on weekdays, that is, boil meat or vegetables with water, sprinkle some salt, and eat like this!

How can the dishes made by this method compare with the stir-fried dishes that come later?

Seeing Ying Zheng's intoxicated appearance, Wang Ben quickly moved his chopsticks, picked up a large chopsticks of twice-cooked pork, and put it in his mouth!

As soon as the twice-cooked pork was in his mouth, Wang Ben's eyes widened, and he said while chewing,

"Your Majesty is really right! This dish is so delicious! Benhou has never eaten such delicious meat in his life! Immortal! What kind of meat is this?"

Shen Han smiled and shook his head, saying,

"When you ate hot pot last time, didn't you eat it? It's just ordinary pork belly!"

Hearing this, Ying Zheng glanced at the twice-cooked pork on the stone table in surprise, and said,

"I didn't expect this pork to be so delicious! It seems that when sweet potatoes and potatoes spread all over Daqin and the common people will no longer be short of food, Meng Yi should be asked to take out the [Scientific Pig Raising Method] he first obtained from the fairyland, Promote it to the common people, and tell them to use the excess sweet potatoes that they can’t eat to raise pigs on a large scale!”

Hearing Ying Zheng's plan, Shen Han gave Ying Zheng a slightly surprised look!

Xin Dao deserves to be Zulong, his vision is to see the long-term!

After all, the yield of 60 shi of sweet potatoes per mu is calculated according to one husband and one hundred mu. If a family grows sweet potatoes for one year and pays the grain tax, there will be enough sweet potatoes left over for 20 or 30 years!

Although sweet potatoes are well preserved, it is impossible to preserve them for that long!

This will inevitably lead to a situation of food surplus!

Encouraging the people to raise pigs will not only solve the problem of food surplus, but also allow the people of Daqin to eat delicious pork!

All of a sudden, the happiness index of the people of Daqin will be greatly increased!

Li Si, Meng Tian, ​​Xiao He and the others also understood Ying Zheng's intentions, and immediately bowed their hands to Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty is so considerate for the people of Daqin! What a blessing for the people!"

Ying Zheng laughed and said,

"It's also thanks to being summoned to the fairyland by the immortals. Otherwise, Daqin would not have gotten so many treasures! On behalf of the people of Daqin, I thank the immortals!

As Ying Zheng said, he immediately stood up and bowed to Shen Han!

Meng Tian, ​​Li Si, Xiao He, and Wang Ben, who was feasting, also quickly stood up and bowed to Shen Han.

"Thank you fairy!"

Shen Han chuckled, and immediately conjured up a few jugs in front of everyone, saying,

"You don't need to be too polite. It is destiny for you to come here and obtain so many treasures that can bring benefits to Daqin! Please sit down and drink!"

Although Shen Han said so, but Ying Zheng, Li Si, Meng Tian, ​​Wang Ben and others are all grateful to Shen Han!

Ying Zheng sat down and said boldly,

"Immortals don't want to take the credit! I admire it! This wine is the Erguotou bar we drank last time? Since I ate hot pot last time and drank it, I returned to Daqin, and I can't drink Daqin's wine anymore!"

Wang Ben also sat down quickly, looked at the flagon in front of him, swallowed, his eyes lit up and said,

"I'm also very hungry! I just saw the immortal drinking, so I couldn't help but want to ask for a drink!"

Ying Zheng, Li Si and the others burst out laughing, Shen Han lifted up all the jugs automatically, and filled the wine glasses in front of Ying Zheng and the others, saying,

"This is indeed Erguotou wine from that day! Please enjoy it to your heart's content!"

Yingzheng, Wang Ben and others immediately became impolite, eating meat and drinking heavily, not to mention how happy they were!

Just when Ying Zheng and the others were eating happily, a light door lit up again in the space, and it was Zhang Liang who walked through the light door!

Seeing that only Zhang Liang came, Ying Zheng and others were puzzled and asked Shen Han,

"Immortal, why is Zhang Liang alone this time? Is there anyone else coming?"

Shen Han smiled and shook his head, Zhang Liang stared at Ying Zheng and the others with a full face of wariness, walked up to Shen Han, bowed respectfully to Shen Han, and said,

"Zhang Liang pays homage to the immortal!"

Seeing that Zhang Liang only visited Shen Han, but not Ying Zheng, Wang Ben snorted immediately!

Ying Zheng waved his hand and said generously,

"It's okay! Since no one else comes to Wonderland anymore, before starting the live Q&A, I have something to ask Zhang Liang!"

Listening to Ying Zheng's words, Shen Han saw through Ying Zheng's intentions at a glance!

Due to Shen Han's identity, Shen Han can be said to know exactly what happened in Daqin these days!

So Yingzheng accepted Han Xin, and told the officials and ministers in the court that he would accept Zhang Liang if he could. Shen Han also knew.

On the other hand, Zhang Liang looked at Ying Zheng vigilantly, feeling puzzled in his heart, but he didn't dare to speak ill of Ying Zheng, so he could only say,

"I wonder if Your Majesty has anything to ask Caomin?"

Yingzheng adjusted his colors and said,

"I have always heard that Zhang Liang is a genius! Learn from Huang Shigong and study [Taigong Art of War]! Although you are a descendant of the nobles of the Han Kingdom, your ancestors have served as the Prime Minister of the Han Kingdom for three generations! But now the Han Kingdom is gone! You have all your talents, but you have nowhere to display them !It's a pity for the widow!

Now I want to ask you, if I am willing to recruit you, are you willing to serve Daqin?"

Hearing Ying Zheng's words, Zhang Liang didn't understand Ying Zheng's meaning, and immediately looked at Li Si, Meng Tian and others in surprise, seeing that they were not surprised by Ying Zheng's words, obviously Ying Zheng had already told them this thing!

But although Zhang Liang is a smart person, smart people often have a problem, that is, they are suspicious!

After Zhang Liang was surprised for a short time, he immediately became suspicious of Ying Zheng's words, thinking,

"Is this a trick for me? As long as I agree and expose my identity, he won't be able to kill the grass and roots? Cut himself alive?"

Zhang Liang thought so.

The hatred towards Daqin in my heart has already been watered down after watching "Five Husbands" and "Eight Powers Allied Forces" last time!

0…ask for flowers……

Even in Zhang Liang's view, rather than allowing future generations to suffer such humiliation as [Five Huddlers] and [Eight-Power Allied Forces], it would be better to let Great Qin become stronger and stronger and become the most powerful country in the world!

Never be insulted and attacked by foreigners!

This is also one of the reasons why Zhang Liang has been hiding on the mountain alone for so long, instead of going down the mountain to stir up riots among the people!

Even Zhang Liang had already made up his mind to simply hide his name on the mountain in the future, so as not to come out!

But now, Ying Zheng suddenly throws an olive branch to Zhang Liang, making Zhang Liang doubt Ying Zheng's intentions, and at the same time, the desire in his heart to revitalize the family's glory and show off his strengths is also ready to move again!

Shen Han, who can see everyone's thoughts most clearly, raised the jug with a smile, took a sip by himself, and said to Zhang Liang,

"You don't have to doubt Zulong's intentions in recruiting you! Zulong really cherishes your talent! If you live in seclusion on the mountain until you grow old, you will not be able to revitalize your family's glory as you wish for the rest of your life. , will you be willing?"

Ying Zheng, Li Si, Meng Tian and the others all looked at Shen Han in surprise. Obviously, no one expected that the immortal would personally export to help Ying Zheng recruit Zhang Liang!


And Zhang Liang was also shocked by Shen Han's words, but thinking of Shen Han's identity as a fairy, Zhang Liang soon let go of it!

In addition, Shen Han, an immortal, personally endorsed Ying Zheng's solicitation, Zhang Liang immediately no longer doubted Ying Zheng's intentions, and bowed sincerely to Ying Zheng,

"Zhang Liang is honored to be appreciated by His Majesty! Willing to serve the Great Qin like a dog!"

Seeing Zhang Liang sincerely accepting his offer, Ying Zheng said in a good mood,

"Okay, good! Daqin needs a talent like you! When you return to Daqin, you will go to the palace to find the widow! The widow will seal you in front of all the officials and ministers!"

Zhang Liang said excitedly,

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

With a word from Shen Han, Ying Zheng recruited the talent Zhang Liang!

Not to mention how happy Ying Zheng was at this time, he immediately told Zhang Liang,

"Zhang Liang, sit down quickly and offer a toast to the immortal with the widow and a few lovers!"

Zhang Liang immediately sat down, filled the wine glass in front of him, and raised his glass to Shen Han together.

"Thank you Immortal! A toast to Immortal!"

Shen Han raised the wine pot in his hand, and immediately poured a few mouthfuls into his mouth. For some reason, seeing that the current Great Qinyue is developing better, and has brought all the three heroes of the early Han Dynasty into the imperial court, Shen Han is baffled. Feel good for a while!

After drinking for a while, Ying Zheng looked at Shen Han with a red face and asked,

"Immortal! Now that no one has come, shouldn't we watch the live broadcast of history and answer the questions?"

Shen Han smiled and put down the jug in his hand, shook his head, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and stared at Ying Zhengdao mysteriously,

"Your Excellency! Every emperor has only three chances to be the answerer in the live broadcast room of history! Your three previous chances to be the answerer have been exhausted! So this time I call you here, there are no questions to ask, and no questions to answer!"

Hearing Shen Han's words, all the people present showed surprised expressions on their faces!

Ying Zheng widened his eyes in surprise and suspicion, and said,

"Is the widow no longer the answerer? The fairy summoned the widow to the fairyland..."

Shen Han smiled mysteriously, removed the food and drinks from the table, waved his hand towards the open space behind Ying Zheng, and said,

"Look, Your Excellency!"

Ying Zheng turned around suspiciously, only to see a golden scroll lowered and slowly opened...big....

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