"This is really a nine-year compulsory education. At least we can’t do it now. It provides food, housing, and money.……"

"I didn’t expect that Emperor Hongwu had already achieved this level hundreds of years ago. It’s really admirable.……"

"Only a ruthless man like Emperor Hongwu could achieve this. You must know that so many people go to school free of charge. This must be a very large expenditure. I believe Zhu Yuanzhang must have tightened his belt to do this. Those who can afford this money……"

Hear this.

Everyone suddenly felt a touch of emotion in their hearts.

"It seems that Emperor Hongwu counterattacked from a cowherd boy to become an emperor. He never gave up on the people at the bottom.……"

"In addition to suppressing Confucianism in aristocratic families, Emperor Hongwu is probably the only emperor in history who really cared about the people at the bottom.……"

After hearing this netizen's reply, everyone was filled with emotion.

They knew that even after Zhu Yuanzhang became an emperor and gained status, he still did not forget the people at the bottom.

The promotion of compulsory education can not only reduce the influence of Confucianism in a large area.

At the same time, it also gives the people at the bottom an opportunity to rise.

"Emperor Hongwu has always cared about the people at the bottom, which is so touching.……"

"The West always brags about their education system, really let them know what is the ancestor of modern education……"

"Only I, the Hongwu Emperor, can be the ancestor of education……"

For a time, all the people in the Dragon Kingdom kept refreshing this barrage on the screen.

Because this system of Zhu Yuanzhang has been used into modern times and has never been abolished, this shows that this system is simply forward-looking.

It is obvious that Emperor Hongwu had such an epoch-making vision.

When Fang Chuanzi heard this, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

At that moment he said directly:

"What you said is false, right? How much money was wasted in cultivating such talents in the Ming Dynasty?"

"I understand. What you are talking about must be on a very small scale, equivalent to a pilot project.……"

"Such a system would definitely not be implemented in the Ming Dynasty……"

A look of contempt flashed across the faces of Sun Hang personnel.

How could someone like Fang Chuanzi understand Emperor Hongwu?

"Zhu Yuanzhang did not pilot it in one place, but spread it across the country, directly opening public schools to villages.……"

"Fang Chuanzi, your imagination is too superficial……

"Zhu Yuanzhang, the great emperor of Hongwu, had an unimaginable persistence in running schools."

"At least when Zhu Yuanzhang was in power, there was never any interruption."

"Can you imagine? There is basically not much difference between the school run by Zhu Yuanzhang and the current school.……"

"The current schools are kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, and high school.

The school run by Zhu Wenwen is:

"Social studies at the township level are used for enlightenment, which is now the kindergarten

"There is a county school at the county level, which is equivalent to the current primary school.……"

"Municipal religious schools are junior high schools……"

"Provincial level schools are high schools……"

"All these schools provide free food and accommodation, unified management, and military-style teaching concepts.……"

"The most incredible thing is that the admission system is exactly the same as in modern times.……"

"Admission is based on merit-based examination, and if you do well in the examination, you can advance to higher education.……"

"Do you feel it is very magical?……"

After hearing what Sun Hang said, the entire Dragon Kingdom suddenly became excited again.

They originally had similar ideas to Fang Chuanzi, and Zhu Yuanzhang should be a pilot.

But he didn't expect that Zhu Yuanzhang would directly spread it on a large scale, and the entire Ming Dynasty had such compulsory education.

What surprised them most was that Zhu Yuanzhang actually subdivided the compulsory education into enlightenment kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, and high school.

These advanced concepts have been extended from the Ming Dynasty to modern times over hundreds of years.

At least no one has been able to break through Zhu Yuanzhang's educational framework.

What a brilliant achievement this is.

The educational framework established by the emperor hundreds of years ago is still being enjoyed by modern people.

This made everyone shocked, but in their hearts they had great respect for Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

"It turns out that when I was a child, from kindergarten to elementary school, junior high school, and high school, I had been enjoying the educational concepts created by the great Emperor Hongwu.……"

"I really can’t imagine that if Emperor Hongwu hadn’t created this education system at that time, I don’t know if we people would still have the opportunity to receive compulsory education.……"

Suddenly, all the people in the Dragon Kingdom were filled with pride while sighing with emotion.

In the past, many people who worshiped foreign countries praised the Western education system in every possible way, saying how advanced it was.

But now the people of the Dragon Kingdom can hold their chests and heads high, straighten their waists and speak loudly.

No matter how advanced the education system in the West is, how powerful could it be that the Hongwu Emperor’s compulsory education system was so perfected hundreds of years ago during the Ming Dynasty?

At this time, Fang Chuanzi was sitting there, looking completely stupid.

He was stunned and could not imagine how the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty hundreds of years ago had such advanced ideas.

If he were left hundreds of years ago, he wouldn't be able to do this even if he tried to break his brain.

Sun Hang smiled slightly at this time and said:

"You must think that it is extraordinary that Zhu Yuanzhang can do this.

Next, there will be something that will make you even more stunned.……"

"Emperor Hongwu is an emperor who can constantly refresh your knowledge."

"Zhu Yuanzhang required all students in compulsory education to wear uniform clothing. Yes, it was the earliest school uniform in the world.……"

"Including the styles of school uniforms, he designed them himself, requiring the entire Ming Dynasty to have a unified style and not allowing random comparisons.……"

"Moreover, the compulsory education system has class hours and holidays.……"

"If you want to go out, you need to ask for permission.……"

"Zhu Yuanzhang also invented school rules: you must register when you come in and out, and you cannot stay out at night. There is a special teaching director in charge of management. If you are disobedient, you will be punished corporally.……"

After Sun Hang's words fell, the entire Dragon Kingdom suddenly became excited again:

"I was dumbfounded when I heard this. Why do I feel that what Hongwu Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang did is exactly the same as modern school management?……"

"Wear school uniforms, study for a period of time and have rest days, you have to register when you go out, and you have to ask for leave if you have something to do. How come this is exactly the same as the school rules of our Tieling No. 1 Middle School?……"

"Don’t say anything anymore, please put the awesomeness of Emperor Hongwu on the public screen.……"

The current barrage was refreshed over and over again.

Everyone was completely shocked by what Sun Hang said about Zhu Yuanzhang's persistence in compulsory education and the advanced nature of its implementation.

The admiration and pride in my heart also arise spontaneously.

Only then did they know that the entire Ming Dynasty, in addition to being iron-clad, also had emperors like Zhu Yuanzhang who had advanced educational concepts.

Many people have never understood this aspect.

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