Hu Qinghe deserves to be a well-known historian and archaeologist.

At this time, he was still a famous history professor at Kyoto University and was known as a walking history textbook throughout the Dragon Kingdom.

Excellent reputation.

At that moment, Hu Qinghe came up with the idea that King Zhou was a coward, and the four major crimes of King Zhou written by Jiang Taigong at that time were immediately slapped directly on the live broadcast room.

In the past, everyone's main impression of King Zhou as a foolish king came from works such as"The Romance of the Gods".

This was the first time they heard historians present real evidence recorded in history books.

Seeing these evidences, everyone was filled with indignation.

They all thought that Sun Hang acted so wantonly and changed an ancient tyrant into an ancient human emperor.

This not only insults the intelligence of all Longguo people.

And the most important thing is to put the entire Dragon Kingdom into a very dangerous situation.

For a while, there was a lot of abuse against Sun Hang on the Internet.

In the studio, Fang Chuanzi slammed the table again and said indignantly:

"Sun Hang, please explain to us the four major crimes of King Zhou listed by Professor Hu first. Later I will list more crimes of King Zhou being a tyrant.……"

"As a Ph.D. student who once studied in a lighthouse country, I am here in this studio today to put down my posture and give you a good history lesson.……"

Fang Chuanzi never forgets to add drama to himself.

At this time, don’t forget to take advantage of Hu Qinghe’s Dongfeng to show up more in the live broadcast room to gain fame for yourself.

Sun Hang looked at Fang Chuanzi, who was addicted to acting.

At this time, a sneer flashed across his face, and then he said:

"First, Si Chen, listen to the woman's words"

"The first question is that Emperor Xin often listens to women’s opinions"

"You may not believe it, but Di Xin not only listens to women’s opinions, he even advocates equality between men and women."

"This is actually a very good quality shared by many emperors of the Shang Dynasty, and it is a fine tradition."

"In Di Xin's father's generation, there was once a grandmother named"Fu Hao" who was the first female general with documented evidence in the history of the Dragon Kingdom."

"Hua Mulan disguised herself as a man and entered the military camp and was widely praised. Compared with the"good wives" of women in the Shang Dynasty, it is simply incomparable."

"Di Xin's grandmother Hao commanded thousands of troops as a woman. She was the first female military commander in the history of the Dragon Kingdom and an outstanding female politician."

Next, Sun Hang roughly introduced some of Fuhao's achievements in history:

Fuhao was ordered to recruit soldiers on behalf of the Shang king many times, and he served as a general to fight on the battlefield.

He once led 13,000 troops to attack the Qiang side, captured a large number of Qiang people, and became Wu Ding. The general who led the largest number of troops in one campaign. During the battle against Pakistan, he led Jin to set up an ambush and cut off the Pakistani army's retreat. After Wu Ding defeated the Pakistani army from the east, he drove it into an ambush and annihilated it.

This is recorded in the history of the Dragon Kingdom. The earliest ambush

"The woman is good at fighting and has great military accomplishments than many men."

Hu Qinghe nodded slightly while listening to Sun Hang's words.

He was very clear about Fuhao, the first female general and politician in the history of the Dragon Kingdom.

There are many archaeological documents of the Dragon Kingdom. Fang

Chuanzi wanted to refute something, but when he turned around and saw Hu Qinghe nodding frequently, he immediately shut up.

Sun Hang continued:

"This shows that Emperor Xin was the first person to carry out the women's liberation movement in the history of the Dragon Kingdom. This was an achievement, so how could it become a reason for being punished?"

"It was Emperor Xin who let the world know that women hold up half the sky, and Emperor Xin’s grandmother was a good woman who let the world know that women are not inferior to men."

"Di Xin followed this tradition. Doesn't this mean that he is the pioneer of such a great situation of equality between men and women? This is a tribute to future generations. Why is Jiang Ziya saying that this is his crime?……"

"it's not fair……"

After hearing what Sun Hang said.

Suddenly, the Demon King, who had been holding Sun Hang's arm, started to tremble slightly.

There was even a flash of excitement on her pretty face.

Women also hold up half of the sky. The concept of equality between men and women has never been realized in the entire Dragon Kingdom, at least in the feudal era.

It is only in the past few decades that equality between men and women has truly been achieved.

But the Demon King did not expect that King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty, who was known as the ancient tyrant thousands of years ago, had actually begun to advocate gender equality and the women's liberation movement.

How can such a far-sighted concept be considered a fool?

The Demon King is not the only one who is puzzled.

At this time, many women in the entire Dragon Kingdom were filled with indignation and were very angry at Sun Hang for writing random answers.

At this time, they all fell silent.

"Yes, thousands of years ago, the emperors of the Shang Dynasty actually knew that women hold up half the sky, and there were also great female politicians and military scientists like Fu Hao in the Shang Dynasty.

The emperors of the Shang Dynasty actually had very advanced ideas."

"Why is equality between men and women ever a reason to be attacked?"

"Could it be said that women could only be used as accessories to men in ancient times?"

"This is not fair!"

【Asking for flowers, asking for evaluation votes, asking for monthly votes]

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