HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 135 Fighting for the leadership of Hongxing! !

"Abin, I am afraid of Chen Yao's scheme on his behalf."

Lin Yao said calmly.

"It goes without saying that Brother Yao already possesses such super strength!" Han Bin said with a smile.

"You are the one Hong Xing can beat the most right now, and you are the one most capable of making money. Of course Chen Yao is afraid of you."

Lin Yao stood up and looked at Mong Kok opposite through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

In the original work, Chen Yao doesn't seem to have such big ambitions.

But because he changed the plot, he is now a little different from the one in the movie.

In the past few days, Lin Yao has not taken action.

Instead, he quietly observed to see what he was up to.

All his whereabouts are under his control.

Lin Yao knew exactly how much he weighed now.

"Abin, why do you support me?" Lin Yao turned his head and looked at Han Bin and asked with a smile.

"Brother Yao, we are all young people. I think Hongxing's leader should also be a young man." Han Bin said with a smile.

"Don't talk about being young or not, tell me your real reasons," Lin Yao said as he sat on the boss's chair again.

Han Bin took a puff of a Cuban cigar, puffed out a column of smoke, and said:

"Times are changing, and societies must also change. If they don't change, they will be eliminated."

"Right now, I see that we are the only ones seeking change within Hongxing, so I choose to absolutely support you."

Lin Yao nodded after hearing this.

"Brother Yao, do you want to fight?" Han Bin asked directly.

"Of course we fight, why not fight?"

Lin Yao sneered:

“Not only do we have to fight, but we also have to win!”

Hearing this, Han Bin clapped his hands and said loudly:

"Brother Yao, I know you are not an ordinary person!!"

"Come, let's discuss it."

After sitting down, Han Bin immediately helped analyze the current messy situation in Hongxing.

"Brother Yao, Chen Yao is actually quite popular within Hongxing. He is very good at being a good person. Almost all the elders will vote for him."

"There are a total of 16 people who have the right to vote. The only ones who will definitely support you are Da Fei, Thirteenth Sister, Big B, Dinosaur, and Brother Ji."

"I'm not sure about the prince's vote. I'll probably vote for you, and in the end it's you."

"You have to get at least nine votes to stop Chen Yao. Your advantages and disadvantages are also very obvious, that is, you are too young and have too little experience."

"How to get those old men to support you is the most critical issue."

Lin Yao thought for a while and said, "Is the dinosaur side stable?"

"Sure, Brother Yao, it's not a problem with the dinosaurs, I will take care of it." Han Bin agreed.

At the entrance of Bolan Street.

"Brother Yao, I will definitely support you. I am your ironclad supporter!" Thirteenth sister said loudly, patting her breasts which were not plump.

"Thanks then," Lin Yao said with a smile.

"I just said thank you, but I didn't see you taking care of my business." Thirteenth sister joked.

"If I take over, prepare seven or eight for me." Lin Yao nodded and smiled.

"Okay! If you want to get the upper hand, I'll prepare seven or eight big horses for you. I guarantee you'll be so happy that you hold on to the corner!" Thirteenth sister said with a smile.

the other side.

The entrance to Kowloon Walled City.

"Brother Yao, don't look at me, Da Fei, who is usually crazy, but I will repay any kindness I have here."

"If you hadn't supported me, I wouldn't have become Hong Xing's leader so quickly."

"Even if you don't come to me, I will take the initiative to find you. My vote is the iron ticket among iron tickets!!"

"This time, you are determined to be the leader of Hongxing!"

Da Fei patted his chest and said proudly.

"Da Fei, why do you have more confidence in me than myself?" Lin Yao asked with a smile.

"Your strength is there. Even if it seems that you can't match the votes now, I have absolute confidence in you. You can definitely go up."

Tsim Sha Tsui Tangkou.

The prince said while removing the bandage on his hand.

"Ayao, you are making things difficult for me. I know you are very capable and strong. You also saved me."

"But Chen Yao is an old man from Hongxing. He usually helps a lot of people, and he also helped me a lot. I only got this title with his strong support."

"To be honest, it's really hard for me to choose."

Lin Yao smiled and said:

"Prince, let's just open the window and speak frankly. There are many people who support Chen Yao, but you are not the least of them."

"I am at a disadvantage now. Your help is a help in times of need, and you, Chen Yao, are the icing on the cake."

"How to choose? You decide for yourself."

Later, Lin Yao threw him a Cuban cigar. After receiving the cigar, the prince did not smoke, but was thinking about something.

After more than ten seconds, he raised his head and looked at Lin Yao and said:

"Ayao, you need at least several votes to stop Chen Yao."

"I know, I will get those votes. Just one sentence, do you support it?" Lin Yao asked directly.

"Well, if you can get 7 votes, the eighth vote will be with me."

The prince didn't hesitate anymore and said simply.

After visiting these three houses, Lin Yao received a call from Han Bin.

Han Bin said that Dinosaur had already nodded and clearly expressed its support for him.

Calculating like this, Thirteenth Sister, Big B, Da Fei, Dinosaur, Prince, plus myself, there are exactly six votes.

Although Brother Ji’s vote is a bit quantum, there shouldn’t be any big problem, that is, it’s only seven votes.

Chen Yao could only get nine votes at most to start.

You still have to get a vote yourself.

Chen Yao was on guard against himself from the beginning. It was impossible for him not to know who would not support him.

Lin Yao calculated over and over again as if there was no one else who could definitely support him.

Thinking of this, Lin Yaoxin said that this is the disadvantage of being young and inexperienced.

In the following days, Lin Yao continued to receive various messages, and Chen Yao had begun to make public appearances for the leader of Hongxing.

First, Greyhound publicly announced that Hongxing could not be without a master for a day.

Jiang Tiansheng and Liang Kun are no longer here, but Hongxing still needs to develop, and a new leader of Hongxing must be elected as soon as possible.

Chen Yao has the qualifications and abilities, and hopes to take over as soon as possible to reassure people.

Subsequently, other members of the court also publicly announced their positions one after another, saying that Chen Yao was originally the second in command of Hongxing, a white paper fan and a fan.

Now that he is holding the territory of Mong Kok, if he is not the leader, who should be?

After hearing the bad news, Han Bin called Lin Yao several times a day and asked how he should deal with it.

Tongkou Tuodi, Yau Ma Tei.

Just as Lin Yao sat down, Big B walked in.

"Ayao, I want to have a chat with you."

Lin Yao glanced at Big B and said with a smile:

"Brother B, no need? There should be this little trust between us."

Now Big B has recovered, and his beautiful mother has already publicly announced that Big B will be the agent in Sham Shui Po.

Big B was stunned for a few seconds, and then he smiled.

These days, he has been receiving messages and gifts from Chen Yao, and he even visited him personally last night.

After much thought, Big B thought this might be a trap.

"Ah Yao, Chen Yao came to see me personally last night."

"He said he promoted me to the top and gave me 500,000 yuan." Big B said directly.

Lin Yao snorted coldly after hearing this. Is this bastard Chen Yao so damn unkind?

It's okay for you to fight for the top spot, but you actually poach my corner.

Thinking of this, Lin Yao asked: "Brother B, I'm afraid you're talking about more than that, right?"

"That's right, he said that I am qualified enough to contribute a lot to the society, and that one should take a long-term view in life."

Big B said.

Lin Yao shook his head and smiled: "Chen Yao really goes out of his way to win over people. I just wonder where he has so much money. Not only does he want to give you money, he will definitely give it to others."

"Yeah, I think it's strange too. He must have made a lot of money from being the chief minister in the past few years."

"Now that Mr. Jiang is gone, no one can check the account."

"Ah Yao, I can tell you clearly that even if Chen Yao really wants to help me become the leader of Sham Shui Po, I will refuse directly and I will not accept his 500,000 yuan."

"Brothers have this life and no next life. I will not be two-faced."

Lin Yao nodded and said, "Brother B, don't worry, I won't treat you badly when I get to the top."

After careful preparation, Chen Yao finally wanted to have a showdown with Lin Yao.

Three days later.

Uncle Xing, the acting leader of Hongxing, proposed a special meeting of Hongxing attended by all the hall leaders, elders, red sticks at the hall, number holders, and white paper fans.

But at this moment, Dongxing suddenly took action.

More than a dozen places were chosen in one day at the Ciyunshan Hall in Hongxing.

These include three A casinos, which are underground casinos, and 600,000 Hong Kong dollars were robbed.

Dayu, the leader of Ciyunshan, was over 60 years old. He couldn't fight, so he organized his men to counterattack.

But in the end, he was beaten to a pulp by Crow, Smiling Tiger and others.

Dayu went to find Chen Yao for rescue, but was blocked halfway and was dragged out of the car and beaten into hemorrhagic shock.

Now he is still lying in the hospital undergoing rescue operations, his life hanging by a thread!

Ordinarily, Chen Yao should provide strong support at this time, but he stayed put on the grounds that he was not the leader of Hongxing and could not take charge.

In this way, Dongxing's arrogance was further fueled.

Crow directly spoke openly to the place where Hong Xingzhao was in Ciyun Mountain: From now on, the surname here is no longer Hong, but Dong.

Those injured in Ciyun Mountain had no money for their medicine, and they were all furious.

Hongxing headquarters!

Several luxury cars roared in, attracting the attention of those who were preparing to enter the lobby.

As soon as the car stopped, Lin Yao took the plane, Feng Yuxiu, Luo Tianhong, Shan Ying, Chang Mao and others out of the car.

"Holy shit! Driving a sports car is amazing!"

Chai Wan's leader, Ah Chao, cursed and then walked inside with his pony.

"Who calls Prince Yao rich? Look at how big his business is now. He is really making money every day."

The greyhound from Guantang said in a strange tone.

Lin Yao didn't have any birds, so they walked directly in with the people.

"Brother Yao, wait for me"

Han Bin shouted from behind and followed him.

He looked around and whispered in Lin Yao's ear:

"Brother Yao, my boss can't stand it anymore. His vote will go to Chen Yao."

"It doesn't matter, your boss has a close relationship with Chen Yao." Lin Yao said with a smile.

"Brother Yao, are you ready?" Han Bin asked as he walked.

Before Lin Yao could answer, Dafei and Thirteenth Sister were chasing after him.

Because this special Hongxing meeting was to select a new round of leaders, there were a lot of people coming.

The headquarters is located in an old building. The stairs are very narrow, and everyone squeezes together to walk to the third floor.

Lin Yao glanced at Han Bin and entered the conference room without saying anything.

Soon, the conference room was filled with smoke from these old smokers.

Jiang Tiansheng's black and white photo has been hung on the wall, and it is also decorated with black gauze.

After seeing Lin Yao arrive, Brother Ji hurriedly came over and whispered to Lin Yao: "A Yao, there is absolutely no problem with my vote. I also helped you canvass for votes."

"But I'm so fucking tired of talking, but none of them agree."

"It's okay, Brother Ji."

Lin Yao patted Brother Ji's hand and comforted him.

"Ayao, why don't we forget about it this time and work hard next time?" Brother Ji advised.

"You are the most capable and capable in all of Hongxing. You will definitely be the leader of Hongxing in another term!!"

Lin Yao smiled and asked Brother Ji to sit down.

"Brother Yao, come and sit with me here!"

Da Fei shook his hands and shouted loudly, fearing that others would not know that he supported Lin Yao.

Lin Yao walked over and sat down.

Because there were so many people, except for the elders and leaders who had seats, everyone else stood.

Not even qualified to sit against the wall.

"Look at his mother, how come there is still someone to pay filial piety to Liangkun? She is still wearing a black veil, holy shit!"

Da Fei said suddenly.

Lin Yao saw him standing up and stretching his neck to look at the door, and also looked up.

I saw four men with arms wrapped in black gauze walking in with sad faces.

The one walking at the front shouted loudly: "Uncles, eldest brothers, brothers, my eldest brother early this morning..."

When he said this, he choked up and couldn't speak any more.

"Holy crap, Daewoo is finished?!" Dafei shook his head.

"My eldest brother passed away at St. John's Hospital at 5:43 this morning."

The man cried out and then knelt down.

"Please come up with an explanation from the club. We must avenge this!"

After the man knelt down, the three behind him also knelt down.

Brother Ji couldn't pull him up even if he tried to pull him up.

"The crow that pounced on his mother!"

Brother Ji put one hand in his pocket and a cigarette in the other, pointing at the three of them.

"See? This is bullying us. Hongxing is now leaderless, damn Dongxing!"

"Brother Ji, you speak so righteously, bring your little brother up!"

Ah Chao sneered.

"Achao, what the hell, is this a matter for a clan? This is for our entire club."

Brother Ji didn't like Ah Chao either, so he yelled back.

"You are right, so we must choose a new leader and communicate to the outside world unanimously, otherwise Hongxing will be disbanded as said outside."

Fat guy Li took a bite of apple and interjected.

"That's right, that's right. We must choose a leader and speak to the outside world unanimously!"

"Otherwise our other Hongxing churches will all be attacked."

"If you want me to choose a dick, let Brother Yao take the leading position," someone shouted loudly.

"I agree. Now in terms of qualifications, status, and ability, who can be better than our Brother Yao in Hongxing?" Someone echoed.

Obviously, this Brother Yao does not refer to Lin Yao.

Lin Yao smoked and said nothing.

This kind of quarrel no longer requires him to do it himself.

Sure enough, Thirteenth Sister, who was smoking a lady's cigarette, immediately said loudly:

"Brothers, did you go too far with Chao Ma Zi last night? Our Hongxing leader is selected, not designated."

"What? Are you planning to create a new Hongxing like Liangkun?"

"Thirteenth sister, why are you talking so much as a woman? Just take care of your street!" Ah Chao said disdainfully,

"Achao, what's the matter? Do you look down on your sister? Why don't the two cousins ​​pull out their troops and run around to see who is more powerful??"

Han Bin immediately defended his girlfriend.

"Abin, I'm going to fuck your mother, do you have the right to speak?" A Chao sneered with disdain.

Han Bin looked calm, smiled and said:

"Brother Chao, I don't have the right to vote. I'm just talking casually. In front of Brother Guan, no matter how big or small, we are all Hongxing brothers."

"What? You see, you still won't let me speak?...

Bang! ! !

At this time, Da Fei slammed the table and shouted:

"Since you recommend Brother Yao, I will also recommend Brother Yao. The one I recommend is Lin Yao from Yau Ma Tei!"

"Da Fei, your vision is sharp, powerful, and powerful." Han Bin immediately praised.

Han Bin’s eldest brother Kwai Tsing District glared at Han Bin and then said:

"Abin, wait until you become the leader before you speak."

Before Han Bin could answer, a voice rang outside the door.

"It's really lively today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Yao walked in with a large number of people.

As soon as he entered, more than half of the people sitting there stood up.

This is the kind of treatment only given to leaders.

Only Lin Yao and Han Bin, the thirteenth sister of Dafei, did not move.

After Chen Yao walked in, he took everyone with him to offer incense to the elders before Hongxing, and also paid homage to Guan Gong.

Then he asked about this and that, just like he did when Jiang Tiansheng was alive.

When asked about the four people in Ciyun Mountain, Chen Yao said seriously:

"I've already called Dongxing Camel about Ciyun Mountain, and he said he will definitely investigate."

"If it is really Dongxing who did it, he will give me a satisfactory answer."

"Reply? What's the reply? Da Yu is already dying because of his mother-in-law, so why should he reply?" Da Fei shouted coldly.

"If you want an answer, ask him to hand over the crow, and then ask the brothers from Ciyunshan to give him three stabs and six blows in our Hongxing main hall."

Chen Yao looked at Da Fei and said, "Da Fei, you are right. It is actually the same as what I thought."

"But the question is, why should I talk to Luotuo? In what capacity?"

"Really? Are you talking to Dongxing or going to war? You have to have the identity of a leader." Ah Chao immediately followed up and said.

"Then make your fucking choice right away. We can't wait for such an important thing any longer. Hongxing will be disbanded if we wait any longer." Greyhound patted the table and said loudly.

Chen Yao sat down and said slowly: "Dear uncles and brothers, a lot of things have happened to us in Hongxing during this period."

"Mr. Jiang is dead, and Liangkun is also dead, but people cannot be resurrected after death, and our society must continue to move forward."

"As the white paper fan of the main hall, I, Chen Yao, am willing to shoulder the responsibility."

At this point, he paused and then continued:

"The launch of Hongxing's new faucet is related to the life and death of our society, so we must be cautious!"

"I want to ask everyone, do you have any suitable candidates?"

"Brother Yao, you are the most suitable person for the important task of Hongxing Dragon Head."

"Just go ahead and do it, we will support you."

"Yes, this is a critical moment for us in Hongxing."

"Without unity, Hongxing will be doomed."

"Yes, yes, if we don't unite, we will definitely be doomed."

"Now we require stability and choose someone who everyone trusts to take Hongxing forward."

"Yes, the current situation is really worrying."

"Well, even if we are united, we may not be able to withstand the attacks of other societies, let alone if we are not united."

The elders talked a lot.

When Chen Yao heard these opinions, they all supported him openly or covertly. He pretended to be humble and complacent and said:

"I thank you all for your support. Since you all support me so much, I think we can still lead Hongxing out of the current predicament?"

"Otherwise, the road ahead will really be bleak..."

Lin Yao raised his eyebrows when he heard this. This bastard really has something, and now he is starting to criticize him.

Does he mean that if he doesn't support him, Hongxing will be in danger and Hongxing will be disbanded?

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