HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 143 Big layout! Big deal!

"If this plan is implemented, there will definitely be a huge backlash."

"Because if you do this, you will take away half of the Tang's right to be the leader!"

Hearing this, Lin Yao said slowly: "Rebound, of course I thought of it."

"But before I implement this reform, I will first replace the speakers in each lobby."

Hearing what Lin Yao said, Han Bin frowned and said:

"Brother Yao, it is more difficult to update than to take back the rights of the red stick."

"Look at my boss, he is 53 years old and still can't get out of his position."

"It's just because the benefits are too great. If you want to cut off their financial resources, they will definitely...

"Abin, what if I forcefully implement a compulsory retirement system at age 50?"


For an instant, Han Bin was stunned, as if he was struck by lightning. Isn't this too cruel?

Retirement system at 50?

In this case, those who are in charge will definitely not do it.

But it's not necessarily what they think about those red sticks.

Everyone wants to get ahead, be in a position, be the boss.

Now there is no need for those people to fight for qualifications. The leading brother directly helps them solve this problem.

Those who are over 50 years old will definitely oppose it.

However, their subordinates may not say anything on the surface, but they must have their own ideas in their hearts.

This is the human heart.

If Lin Yao pushes these young people to the top, he will then take back the appointment power of the red stick in the hall.

Can they disagree?

After thinking about this, Han Bin was really convinced of Lin Yao!

"If Brother Yao makes such a change, the power of the main hall will be greatly strengthened, and it will also promote the unity of the entire Hongxing."

Han Bin said excitedly.

Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar and said, "I have decided that this reform must be implemented immediately!"

Later, Lin Yao officially appointed Han Bin as the chief hall official.

Although those old guys rebounded collectively, saying that Han Bin was not qualified enough.

However, Lin Yao's actions did not violate Hongxing's family rules.

Because as the leader, he has the right to appoint any Hongxing brother as a white paper fan and a number, as long as he is a registered member of Hongxing.

At the same time, Lin Yao let out the news and said that he would vigorously promote young people like Han Bin and carry out reforms to replace the old with the new in each lobby.

After receiving the news, the veteran chefs even quit working.

He said that Lin Yao was just messing around and wanted to bring Hong Xing down.

So connected in series everywhere.

Among them, Brother Mao from Kwai Tsing District performed the best.

They roped in Uncle Fu to put pressure on Lin Yao.

Lin Yao didn't tolerate them either, and launched a ground-breaking compulsory retirement system at the age of 50.

Those people were collectively dumbfounded!

No one wants to step down from the leadership position because it is impossible to give up the interests in hand.

Of course, they opposed it even more strongly and even said they would re-elect the leader.

They don't just talk, they take action.

But these people soon discovered something shocking, that is, the attitude of the red stick who used to be obedient to them began to sit on the fence, and their position was obviously loosened!

They suddenly discovered how vicious Lin Yao's reform tactics were.

To put it bluntly, it is to drive a wedge between the bosses in the lobby and their younger brothers.

Those in charge found that when they came out to do something and tried to demonstrate against Lin Yao, the red sticks would shirk it with various reasons.

Either do it perfunctory, or take time off to get sick.

Even if they can't save face, they still work hard and can't make any waves at all.

In a hall, apart from being the leader, the person with the most real power is the red stick.

Red Stick is the foreman of the thugs.

Whether it is straw sandals or straw sandals or four-nine boys, they are always carried with red sticks.

Whatever happens in the hall, the red stick will handle it.

Without the actual support of the red stick, even if you take the lead, you won't be able to make any waves.

Forced to have no choice, Brother Mao and the other five leaders could only look for those veterans.

I wanted to ask them to help meet with Lin Yao to mediate, but Lin Yao just didn't show up.

Anyway, let’s talk about it at the regular meeting next month.

Yau Ma Tei Tangkou.

Although Lin Yao has become the leader of Hongxing, he still manages the port of Yau Ma Tei.

At the same time, he also decided to move the Hongxing headquarters out of the old community at the next regular meeting, and place the main hall in Yau Ma Tei.

The location of the headquarters has been found, and it was chosen next to the Tin Hau Temple in Yau Ma Tei.

It's a store on the ground floor, with an area of ​​more than 200 square meters.

Tall and spacious!

Only in this way can we have the atmosphere of a big society.

Now Hongxing's new headquarters has started to be renovated and will be ready for use when the regular meeting is held next month.

At this moment, Lin Yao was sitting in the office.

His eyes swept over the faces of Zhan Mi, Wang Yong, Sandy, Luo Tianhong, Chui Shuijing, Feng Yuxiu, and Yun Piaopiao in turn.

Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar and said:

"I'm so busy at this time. In fact, this meeting should have been held long ago."

"I've said it a long time ago, forming a society is only temporary."

"When everything is stable, I will give the position of Hongxing's leader to others. Making money is the only thing!"

Hearing what Lin Yao said, everyone present was shocked but understood.

"Zhan Mi, you are the first to report on the recent work progress."

"Okay, Brother Yao!"

Zhan Mi nodded. Ever since Lin Yao asked him to take charge of the Tianyao Group for him, he had never worn a T-shirt or jeans. Every time he saw him, he was wearing a suit and ties.

The hair is coated with hairspray, making it look shiny.

He really looks more and more like a businessman.

After hearing Lin Yao's instructions, Zhan Mi immediately began to report on his recent work.

Recently, his main focus is A goods. The business of the four A-grade clothing stores is even more prosperous.

The daily net profit remains above 100,000.

According to the current development momentum, it can last for at least another year.

Then there are other store expansions.

Four shops are being renovated in Fa Yuen Street and two in Yau Ma Tei Central.

He has already visited Causeway Bay and Mong Kok in the past two days.

Zhan Mi's work efficiency exceeded Lin Yao's expectations.

Half an hour later, after listening to Zhan Mi's report, Lin Yao suddenly asked:

“Zhan Mi, how much would it cost to buy all the shops on Huayuan Street?


As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Lin Yao in astonishment.

Buy the entire Fa Yuen Street? This is a bit fanciful, right?

In fact, you can buy it as long as you have money, but the problem is where can you have so much money?

Don't look at Lin Yao's daily income from magazines, arcades, and security.

But the expenses are also huge.

There are a lot of expenses that Zhan Mi doesn’t even know about.

None of them knew Lin Yao's plan to turn Huayuan Street into an A-market street.

As long as the plan is successful, the value of Fa Yuen Street will skyrocket.

Lin Yao didn't want to make wedding clothes for others for nothing, so the best way was of course to monopolize it.

In addition to turning Huayuan Street into an A-grade street, achieving a monopoly on A-grade goods and making quick money, there is another more critical reason, and that is real estate.

Real estate is the real money-making industry. From now on, among the assets of seven or eight of the top ten richest people in Hong Kong, real estate will account for the majority of their assets.

Now Lin Yao definitely does not have the capital to play in real estate, but he can take precautions and make plans first.

After seeing everyone's stunned looks, Lin Yao smiled and said:

"Don't worry about how much it will cost to buy the whole street. Tell me the number. Account for the meter."

Zhan Mi immediately replied: "Huayuan Street has a total length of 156 meters. There are 70 large and small shops...with different areas and different prices."

"The purchase of each store is at least more than 1 million. For 70 stores, it will cost 70 to 80 million. This is just the minimum value. If you really need to negotiate for the purchase, it may be more than double the price."

Even if it is doubled, it will still cost 150 million. For Lin Yao now, it can be obtained by gritting his teeth.

But Lin Yao didn't want to do that. Doing that would affect the development of other businesses, so there was no need.

Lin Yao thought about it in his mind. It seemed that the idea of ​​buying the entire Yunshui Street store could only be shelved for now.

Then, Lin Yao looked at Luo Tianhong again: "Tianhong, let me tell you about the work of the security company."

Airplanes are now the mainstay of Mongkok Tongkou.

Therefore, Lin Yao left the security company's business to Luo Tianhong.

Luo Tianhong was also involved in the operation of the security company before.

Luo Tianhong scratched his head and said, "Brother Yao, although I have also been involved in the security company's business, I have been with you most of the time. I really have nothing to say about the security company."

Lin Yao smiled and said: "If you have nothing to say, how will you control the security company in the future?"

Luo Tianhong still scratched his head, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. This was really difficult for him, and he knew many things.

But if he really wanted to put it on the table today, he would be at a loss for fear of society.

Lin Yao smiled, shook his head and said, "Forget it, let me do the talking."

Luo Tianhong wiped his cold sweat and breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Yao asked Yun Piaopiao to make himself a pot of Qimen black tea, took a sip and said:

"The security company only has more than 1,000 people. Now that I am the leader of Hongxing, our business can reach more places."

"The first thing to bear the brunt of is, of course, recruitment. The previous rule of only recruiting big-time mainland kids must be abolished.

"Brother Yao, this is great. If we can recruit locals from Hong Kong Island, our development will be much faster."

"To be honest, many people want to work in our company. As long as you open your mouth, there will be as many people as you want."

Lin Yao had long been confident and said to Luo Tianhong:

"Tianhong, you will recruit 1,000 people next. You don't want everyone. I will check everyone."

"After the recruitment is completed, we will unify the company's uniforms. The company's uniforms are too low now."

"Also, don't accept anyone who attracts fans. This is an iron rule and must not be loosened."

"Do you understand?"

Luo Tianhong nodded solemnly and said:

"Brother Yao, I know, your rules are ironclad!"

"Yeah" Lin Yao responded lightly.

I planned in my heart that after these 1,000 people join, Tianyao Security will select the wingers with excellent physical fitness and give them to Wang Jianjun to train for three months.

Tianyao Security is on the surface, mainly for business.

The war hall is the secret weapon in Lin Yao's hands.

Except for a few of his cronies, many people inside Hongxing didn't know, not even Han Bin, Da Fei, and Thirteenth Sister.

As for the candidates for firearms instructors, besides Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo, Lin Yao also thought of one person, and that was Li Jie.

Li Jie can be the chief instructor full-time. After all, Wang Jianjun is responsible for the overall work of the war hall, while Wang Jianguo has more things to do. He is responsible for the wind hall.

Thinking of Li Jie, Lin Yao remembered another thing.

Of course he didn't forget to agree to Li Jie's conditions.

Then, he looked at Sandy and asked: "Sandy, I told you before that you should pay attention to the Cointreau Hotel. What is the situation now?"

Sandy was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Brother Yao, I have been paying attention to it since you told me about it, but there is no Tsar Jewelry Exhibition."

"I have a friend there who is the receptionist. I asked about it, and she told me that she had never heard of it."

"Brother Yao, where did you hear about this?"

Hearing what Sandy said, Lin Yao knew that the hotel plot in the movie Hard Man had not started yet, and he could only wait.

Lin Yao smiled and said: "Then you continue to pay attention to me and report to me immediately if there is any situation."

"Okay, Brother Yao."

Don't let Wang Yong report next.

It took Wang Yong three minutes to complete the report.

[Pure Desire] currently has a stable sales volume of around 300,000 copies per issue, with a net profit of 8 yuan.

After deducting costs and advertising fees, the monthly net profit reaches an astonishing 6 million yuan.

Another magazine called [Xiangyange] will also be released soon, focusing on the low-end market, with a price of only five yuan.

These two tasks are progressing steadily.

Wang Yong’s sights are not limited to the local market, but to the Macau and Southeast Asian markets.

In particular, the Southeast Asian market is currently being promoted.

However, according to Wang Yong's report, the advancement has encountered a lot of trouble.

Although Wang Yong has extensive local connections, they are limited to Hong Kong Island, and he is starting from scratch in overseas markets.

He has recently been in contact with a big Japanese newspaper boss, hoping to use the other party's channels, but unfortunately, the other party is not interested.

Last week, Wang Yong flew to Tokyo and waited for three days without seeing her.

Wang Yong smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Yao, I tried my best, but there is really nothing I can do. Except"

"Besides, I have good news and bad news here."

Lin Yao took a sip of his cigar and said, "Well, tell me. I'll listen."

Wang Yong nodded and said immediately: "The good news is that the Japanese newspaper boss yesterday has come to Hong Kong Island and is now staying at the Vienna International Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui."

"The bad news is that even if he comes, I'm afraid I won't be able to see him. It will be difficult to use his sales channels."

"Oh, I don't know what that person thinks? I just cooperate with him. Cooperation can be a win-win situation, but he won't see me no matter what."

Lin Yao asked casually: "What's the name of the Japanese street you mentioned?"

Wang Yong immediately introduced him. His name was Imamura Hiroshi and he was a famous Japanese newspaper tycoon.

"He also has business in Southeast Asia. If we can cooperate with him, our magazine can gain a huge market share in Southeast Asia..."

Lin Yao no longer listened carefully to what Wang Yong said later, because he not only knew Imamura Hiroji, but also knew that he had a daughter named Qingzi.

As for his purpose in coming to Hong Kong Island?

Lin Yao also knows very well, because isn't this the plot of the Hong Kong movie "City Hunter".

Imamura Hiroshi's daughter is currently in a rebellious stage.

Unable to bear the strict upbringing, he left home and wandered around the world.

Imamura only had a daughter like Kiyoko, and he doted on her very much.

As long as he can help him find his daughter and let her go home well, Imamura Hiroshi will provide generous rewards.

By that time, cooperation won’t just be a matter of words?

Later, Lin Yao thought about the plot of "City Hunter".

Meiko has already appeared, so those people in "City Hunter" will also appear.

Thinking of this, Lin Yao smiled at Wang Yong and said:

"Okay, tomorrow I'll go to the Vienna International Hotel and talk to that old Japanese guy. He should be able to cooperate with us."

Hearing this, Wang Yong was surprised.

He thought Lin Yao was going to intimidate others, so he hurriedly said:

"Brother Yao, Mr. Imamura is a very prestigious newspaper tycoon in Japan. Even if he is the leader of a group of three, he must be given some respect."

"If you want to kidnap him and force him to surrender, you will definitely lose more than you gain, so be careful."

Lin Yao shook his head and said with a smile: "Did I say I would use violence?"

"Forget it, I will handle this matter, just do your own thing."

Wang Yong nodded in confusion.

He didn't believe that Lin Yao said that if he talked to him, the other party would cooperate obediently. How could that be possible?

Lin Yao is powerful in Hong Kong Island. After all, he has achieved the position of the leader of Hongxing.

But he is the real big boss.

Alas, I don’t know how much confidence I need from my brother. Where did it come from?

After everyone finished reporting on their recent work, the meeting, which lasted more than two hours, ended.

Lin Yao is very satisfied with the development of the major subsidiaries of Tianyao Group.

The Vienna International Hotel is located at 28 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, opposite the Victoria Harbour.

Countless wealthy and famous people from high society will choose to stay here after arriving on Hong Kong Island.

The next morning.

Lin Yao brought Wang Yong and Feng Yuxiu to the Vienna Hotel.

What's more confusing is that Wang Yong doesn't know which room to stay in this Japanese Laopu Street.

Wang Yong came to the hotel front desk and asked Imamura Hiroji's room number. Of course, the front desk would not tell him.

Wang Yong came back disgraced and reported to Lin Yao:

"Brother Yao, I'm sorry, that beautiful woman at the front desk just didn't say anything, I..."

"Okay, let me figure it out."

Lin Yao raised his hand to interrupt.

Because at this time Lin Yao had already seen two familiar faces.

At this moment, the two men were arguing in the hotel lobby.

"You damn Meng Bo, I asked you not to be late, but you are still late."

"The other party is a big benefactor. Don't you want to make money?"

That woman's voice is very nice, and she also has a pair of incredibly long legs.

Another man who looked roughly like Chen Jiaju said: "Huixiang, didn't I drink strong tea last night? I went to bed very late, so I was late."

"Hmph, I must have gone to pick up girls. What kind of strong tea should I drink? What a liar. You never drink tea, so you lied to me again."

The man made a funny face at the woman and said, "Okay, I was wrong. The elevator is here. Come on, let's go quickly."

After seeing these two people, Lin Yao curled up his lips and thought to himself: It's better to come early than to come by chance, just follow along.

These two people are Meng Bo and Huixiang, from "City Hunter".

Meng Bo serves as a private detective, and Huixiang is his assistant.

According to Wang Jianguo's previous report, Meng Bo was an intelligence dealer and sold a lot of information to Wang Jianguo.

Seeing Meng Bo and Huixiang walking towards the elevator room, Lin Yao followed immediately with Wang Yong and Feng Yuxiu.

Meng Bo and Huixiang walked into the elevator room and just stood there when they saw Lin Yao.


Meng Bo took a breath. He had already recognized Lin Yao, and even glanced at him casually, then smiled.

Lin Yao also nodded slightly.

Meng Bo pressed the button on the 18th floor, and the elevator began to climb.

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