HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 167 Lin Yao: I am a monk holding an umbrella, I am lawless and I don’t know what the rules a

After the meeting, the prince took out a group of people with good physical fitness and skill from the blue lanterns at the entrance of each hall to enrich the Qinglong Hall.

The reason why we chose Blue Lanterns is because these people have just stepped out of society and are mostly around seventeen or eighteen years old.

He hasn't turned into an old man yet, so he is very malleable.

Qinglong Hall Ma Zai is different from other halls in that his basic salary is two thousand.

None of these blue lanterns had any money.

Now that they are transferred to Qinglong Hall, they will definitely cherish this opportunity to get a basic salary.

After the initial establishment of Qinglongtang, the new casino of the New Haofeng International Hotel in Aomen is also ready to open.

Gao Jin did not break his promise and came back from Paris with his wife a few days later.

Wei Jixiang and Ah Cai had already followed Lin Yao's instructions and used their gambling skills to build momentum.

On the opening day, the traffic in Taipa was extremely congested.

Because of the severe traffic jam, many people missed the opening ceremony and could only go to the casino to watch the God of Gamblers Gao Jin.

On the opening day, Lin Yao held a charity gambling competition in the casino in the name of Gao Jin.

It promises to donate half of the money lost to Gao Jin by gamblers to the Save the World Children's Fund free of charge.

As a result, on the opening day, the casino's turnover directly exceeded 100 million.

The world is changing!

Hongxing has made major adjustments to the structure of the entire association.

Dongxin is also making big moves.

After the new leader takes over, he plans to carve out a territory within the sphere of influence of Xinjian and Saigon. Let the Dongxin Five Tigers take care of it.

Dongxin will transform from a professional association specializing in No. 4 aberdeen to a diversified association.

Dongxing's big move attracted more attention than Hongxing's.

Because Hongxing's reform was only internal, but Dongxing's reform was expansion.

Expansion will infringe on the interests of other societies.

Lei Yaoyang, the Eastern Thunder Tiger, has already started taking action, but for the time being, the only victims are the Hong Xing family.

When the world was in turmoil, Lin Yao withdrew the 700 million Hongxing had invested in stocks, funds and futures.

He also asked Han Bin to take all Hongxing's movable and immovable properties to Standard Chartered Bank and HSBC Bank for mortgage loans.

I quickly obtained a loan of 1.6 billion from these two banks.

Later, Lin Yao took all Hongxing's casinos in Omen as collateral to a wealthy bank in Omen, hoping to get a huge loan.

After nearly half a month of review, we finally received a loan of HKD 1 billion.

Including Lin Yao's current Hongxing Group's cash, he has a total of 3.8 billion in funds.

This 3.8 billion is actually Hongxing’s capital.

Although all the leaders have great faith in Lin Yao's ability.

But deep down I was worried.

I am worried that this young leader will destroy Hongxing's capital.

If that were the case, Hongxing would really be worse than a third-rate club.

With a huge capital of 3.8 billion in hand, Lin Yao ignored Dongxing's expansion and instead focused on the real estate market.

Now the property market in Hong Kong Island has shown a morbid state of nationwide carnival.

British-owned groups began to sell off their core assets in large quantities and then left the market after converting them into cash.

With a large number of citizens' funds entering the market, the momentum of rising housing prices cannot be suppressed at all.

Hong Kong Island has a small land and a large population, and land policy is extremely strictly controlled by the colonial government.

The colonial government did not transfer more than 5,000 acres of land every year.

Not all of these 5,000 acres are commercial and residential land.

They also need to meet the needs of public facilities such as hospitals and schools. In fact, very few commercial buildings have been built.

Therefore, the selling by British-owned groups has not only failed to curb housing prices on Hong Kong Island, but has actually fueled this pathological prosperity.

Suddenly, everyone in Hong Kong is talking about housing and speculating on properties.

And this situation only brewed for a year. By the end of the year, irrational exuberance that was divorced from reality had already appeared.

But for Lin Yao, this was a good opportunity for him to make money and punish others.

After an in-depth study of the market, he found Zhang Linwei, the female sales manager who had sold him the house.

At three o'clock that afternoon, in a tea restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Although there was no contact for half a year.

But Zhang Linwei was very impressed by this handsome and wealthy Mr. Lin.

Lin Yao was also very impressed by her outfit today.

Today, Zhang Linwei is wearing a pair of tight jeans on her lower body, and her slender legs are stretched straight.

It perfectly sets off the fullness and plumpness of the pigeon.

The upper body is wearing a high-collared black white-collar uniform, and the pair of giant lamps are even covered by the uniform.

But he still held them up high without any intention of falling, which made Lin Yao a little amazed in his heart!

Of course it's not just because of her pretty face and plump figure.

What's more is the maturity and charm engraved in the bones.

Hearing that Lin Yao was interested in the real estate market, Zhang Linwei became eloquent.

"Mr. Lin, there are very few existing houses on the market now, they are all off-plan properties. They are still selling off-plan properties.

"A 300-foot off-plan house. I only know which area the house may be in? The foundation has not been laid yet.

“After you get the off-the-plan property, you can make hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars by reselling it the next day.”

"How hot is it now? I think those people are crazy. Of course, I'm a little crazy too."

Lin Yao sipped the black tea leisurely and said lightly:

"Manager Zhang, with so many people grabbing it, the developer should restrict purchases, right?"

"Of course there are purchase restrictions. Rare things are more valuable." Zhang Linwei said with a smile.

“What’s happening now is that developers will conduct a unified lottery for all properties on Hong Kong Island, and whatever location they land on will be chosen. Everything is a matter of luck.”

"It doesn't mean you can buy wherever you want."

"So, everyone is indeed crazy." Lin Yao said with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, the current property market is absolutely guaranteed to make a profit. As long as you buy it, you will make a profit. It's hard not to go crazy!"

"Nothing like this has ever happened in the world, not even in Japan a few years ago."

Zhang Linwei said with a smile with a hint of arrogance.

Lin Yao was relieved to see that Zhang Linwei, a veteran in the industry, was so enthusiastic about sex.

Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar and asked:

"I believe you are very familiar with the entire home buying process and have many connections, right?"

Zhang Linwei's beautiful eyes spread, she raised her eyebrows at Lin Yao and said with a smile:

"Mr. Lin, it depends on what you want to do."

"I have an idea to buy a house, not just one or two houses, but in large quantities!" Lin Yao said slowly.

"Then, Mr. Lin, how much do you want to buy? Tens of millions, several hundred million? Or 1 billion?"

Zhang Linwei asked.

In her case, one billion is already the highest number.

She didn't know Lin Yao's true identity.

Although he knew that Lin Yao was definitely a rich man, no rich man could easily make hundreds of millions or billions.

Lin Yao did not answer immediately, but asked:

"Manager Zhang, I want to avoid the lottery process. How much money do I need to avoid this?"

Hearing what Lin Yao said, Zhang Linwei put down the coffee cup in her hand, looked at Lin Yao and asked:

"Sorry, Mr. Xu."

"Last time you came to me to buy a house. It was so refreshing. I didn't even have the chance to ask you where you can find a job?"

"Well, I own a film company." Lin Yao thought for a while and said with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, are you in the movie business? Which movie company are you from?" Zhang Linwei asked curiously.

"Have you heard of the movie [Killer Li Ang]?" Lin Yao said with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Linwei was stunned.

That pretty face couldn't hide the surprise at all.

After regaining consciousness, he hurriedly asked:

"What? That movie was represented by you, Mr. Lin?"

Lin Yao nodded.

Zhang Linwei could no longer remain calm. She held her right hand with her left hand and thought for several seconds before saying:

"Mr. Lin, you are indeed very discerning and very capable."

“If you want to avoid the lottery, you have to buy properties on a large scale.”

"You can't get a mortgage, you can only choose the full payment, and you're buying a house off-plan. Only in this way will the developer reluctantly agree."

"How much money do you need to prepare to get them to agree readily?" Lin Yao asked with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, it depends on how much reserve you have." Zhang Linwei said.

"Not much, is 3.8 billion enough?" Lin Yao said lightly.

3.8 billion!

Zhang Linwei was shocked once again!

Only now did she realize that she was overthinking and that she was not worthy of someone who could afford 3.8 billion in cash.

After having this thought, the look that looked at Lin Yao with a hint of arrogance before has completely subsided.

Lin Yao had a panoramic view of her performance.

This beautiful young woman is indeed stunning!

I will soon set up a real estate company.

It would be great if he recruited her to be his professional manager.

If you have something to do, do it to her.

Just when Lin Yao was preparing to spend a huge amount of money to buy a large number of properties.

Lei Yaoyang's film company suffered a huge loss!

His movie "The Dragon Is Born" starring Stallone lost more than 10 million yuan!

In addition, his film company lives in an expensive office building and has an entire team to support.

If you include this cost, you will lose at least 13 million.

Lui Yaoyang plans to release the other two films he represents during the Lunar New Year.

In order to sell well at the box office, and also to build the reputation of the film company.

He invested another 6 million to carry out crazy publicity in newspapers, magazines, television stations and radio stations on Hong Kong Island.

This brought the cost of his two films to an unprecedented 30 million.

But after it was released, Lei Yaoyang was completely dumbfounded!

The two movies only took in a total of 15 million tickets, and they didn't even earn back the money they paid for the distribution.

You know, the total cost of his two movies reached 30 million.

Including the previous deficit on the day when the dragon was born, the total loss was more than 30 million!

When the water blower came to Lin Yao's office excitedly and told Lin Yao the news, Lin Yao smiled unkindly.

"Brother Yao, He Xin wants to see you."

After the water blower walked out of the office, Yun Piaopiao came over and reported.

"Where will we meet?" Lin Yao frowned and asked,

"Villa No. 1, Repulse Bay."

Later in the evening, Lin Yao was led by Ma Zijia to a villa in Repulse Bay.

Repulse Bay is the top wealthy area on Hong Kong Island. The Li Bancheng family and the Zheng Yutong family have properties here.

Repulse Bay Villa No. 1 is He Xin's mansion on Hong Kong Island. The area of ​​the house and garden reaches 3,000 square meters.

In addition to the tight security outside, the security measures inside are also very tight, with more than three floors of security checks inside and outside.

In the garden of the villa, a mixed-race man with some white temples was sitting in the garden reading a newspaper.

He carries an aura of calmness and dignity.

He is none other than the King of Omen Fighting He Xin.

The uncrowned king of Omen, a being whose invisible power is greater than the capital of Omen.

At this time, He Xin was "concentrating" on reading the newspaper.

Lin Yao didn't say anything after arriving but lit up a Cuban cigar.

He did not go to see He Xin, but observed the structure inside He Xin's villa with great interest.

He also has the idea of ​​building a luxurious villa to be worthy of his current status.

Ma Zijia saw that neither of them spoke and did not dare to speak.

The atmosphere at the scene was subtle and a bit depressing.

After a full five minutes, He Xin put down the newspaper, looked at Lin Yao, and said:

"Not bad, you, a young man, are so calm!"

"If I couldn't keep calm, I wouldn't be in front of you today, right?"

Lin Yao flicked the ashes from his cigarette and said calmly.

He Xin nodded slightly, changed the topic and said:

"Mr. Lin, first of all, congratulations on winning the right to operate the new casino in Taipa."

"But I still have to say something, you broke the rules in Omen!"

"Shui Fang Lai's whole family is dead, and his young wife has become your woman."

"Rules are made by people!" Lin Yao said slowly.

"If you break the rules in the water house, the price will be the Yan family shovel. If you break the rules, what will the price be?" He Xin said slowly.

"Only the weak will abide by the rules. Shuifang relied on the fact that I was weak, so I had to shut him up. Do you think he is funny?"

Lin Yao smiled.

"It's not a good thing for young people to be too arrogant," He Xin frowned and said in a deep voice.

"If young people are not energetic, what else can they be called young people?"

"Mr. He, you came here when you were young. Being sluggish is a disaster!" Lin Yao said with a smile.

He Xin's expression changed and he stared at Lin Yao without saying anything.

The atmosphere at the scene became a little tense.

Ma Wenjia was already preparing to call Captain He Xin's bodyguard who was standing not far away.

But the next moment, both He Xin and Lin Yao laughed.

"Mr. Lin, you really know how to joke. Your success is no accident." He Xin said.

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. He. I am really a monk holding an umbrella. I am lawless and don't know what the rules are!"

"We should be the same kind of people." Lin Yao said with a smile.

Hearing this, He Xin burst out laughing:

"Haha, young people today are really amazing!"

Hong Kong Island and Austria are closely connected, and He Xin is originally from Hong Kong Island.

If there is any disturbance in Hong Kong's arena, he will be the first to know.

He knows exactly how Lin Yao has risen in Hong Kong Island this year.

He Xin's forces also have influence on Omen Harbor Island.

But his power in Hong Kong Island is simply incomparable to Lin Yao.

"Mr. He, you're flattered." Lin Yao blew out a smoke ring and said slowly.

"I once said that as long as you have the ability in Austria, you can do anything." He Xin said suddenly.

"I also understand the rules. But if someone doesn't obey the rules, then I must teach him how to obey the rules."

Lin Yao said with a smile.

What the two of them said seemed completely wrong, leaving Ma Zijia standing aside confused.

But in fact, Lin Yao and He Xin both knew what the other party meant.

What He Xin means is that everything in the past will be blown away, and everyone will have to rely on their own abilities in the future.

If you have the ability, you will have a place in Austria.

If you don't have the ability, you will have to suffer failure.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight!

Lin Yao means that I will abide by the rules in Austria.

But if someone provokes me, then I have to use my own rules.

As the gambling king of Austria, He Xin knows the art of compromise.

He Xin definitely did not rely on one person to reach such a high position.

There are many enemies on the way to the top.

If you understand, He Xin's casino has never been owned by him alone.

Many times, compromise is not a sign of weakness.

If He Xin was really uncompromising, he wouldn't be where he is today.

It is impossible for those in the gambling industry to live alone. If they live alone, they often will not live long. Lin Yao also knows this very well.

The profits of the Macau gaming industry start at the level of hundreds of billions.

In a few years, it will be calculated at the trillion level.

He Xin couldn't figure out Lin Yao's trump card.

Lin Yao knew that He Xin was not an ordinary person.

So there is room for compromise on both sides.

In the final analysis, it is strength!

The strength shown by Lin Yao made He Xin extremely afraid!

It was He Xin who helped balance Bengyaju in the water house with one hand.

But one night the whole family was neat and tidy.

This also made He Xin feel very shocked.

He cherishes his life.

Lin Yao knew that in order to survive in his later years, He Xin also indulged in absurd superstitions and planted genes.

Zhongshan machine is a kind of magic in Thailand. In addition, there are seven new lamp flushing and so on.

In his later years, in order to survive, He Xin used various means to extend his life, spending more than 2 billion on various expenses.

"Mr. Lin, I have prepared some food and wine, let's have a meal together?" He Xin said calmly.

"Thank you, Mr. He, I have something else to do." Lin Yao declined directly.

According to the arrangement, he also had to meet someone, a tool man.

This is your "dagger" for conquering Omen!

The first meeting with He Xin seemed a bit unpleasant to outsiders.

In fact, both parties feel quite satisfied.

He Xin also knew what Lin Yao meant, and he would abide by the rules to a certain extent in Austria.

But if others want to mess with him, then he has to use his own rules.

Lin Yao also learned his bottom line from He Xin.

I can take root in Austria for a long time in the future, as long as I abide by He Xin's rules as much as possible.

This has undergone earth-shaking changes from the previous rules of survival of Hong Kong communities in Omen.

Before that, without He Xin's consent, any association outside of Austria that wanted to open a casino would be driven out by He Xin using various black and white means.

No matter how powerful the Hong Kong Number Gang is, they don't dare to take a step beyond their reach.

But Lin Yao relied on his strong strength to suddenly have a place in Austria.

This also broke He Xin's layout of the Aomen Casino.

You must know that he is connected with many foreign "spinach" companies, and they have huge exchanges of interests with each other.

After Lin Yao's powerful dragon crossed the river and entered Austria, it meant that He Xin had to give up other foreign forces to enter.

For example, Golden Shark Group, Venetian, etc.

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