HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 180 Who doesn’t wear a helmet when fishing?

"Uh... Aru, I've only heard of borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha. What do you mean?" Cola asked with a smile.

"I have been busy making new records and engaging in the Changle Gang, so I don't have time to explain it to you," Lin Peiru said.

"Actually, when they discussed dividing up the territory, it was Lin Yao who insisted on giving us that territory."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole room was shocked!

Prince Yao is thinking about our Dongxing, are you kidding me?

Lei Yaoyang had a quarrel with him not long ago. In the end, Dongxing gave in, and the feud between the two was completely severed.

What's more, Crow also killed Jiang Tiansheng before. If you think about it this way, Dongxing and Hong Xing don't seem to be peaceful on the surface, but in fact they have a deep hatred.

Not to mention that we will never stop until death, at least we will never have contact with each other until death.

"How could Prince Yao think about Dongxing's interests?" Lei Yaoyang asked tentatively at this time.

"Aru, you're not pretending to be a real person with him, are you?"

Lin Peiru raised her eyebrows and asked: "What do you mean by pretending to be real? Tell me clearly."

Lei Yaoyang just coughed twice and stopped talking.

Lin Peiru looked at the cold-faced tiger with eyebrows again.

Hengmei lowered his head and did not look at her.

Lin Peiru looked at Situ Haonan and Cola again.

But these two men either lowered their heads to light cigarettes or turned to look at other people.

Finally, Lin Peiru set her sights on the white-headed man.

The white-headed man smiled and said: "Aru, let me ask you, do you really like Tai Ziyao?"

Lin Peiru's collagen-covered face gradually changed color.

Then he stood up with a sigh and asked loudly:

"That's so disgusting, you guys, do you think I really had an affair with Lin Yao?"

"Isn't it?" Uncle Ning asked again.

Lin Peiru understood it completely. No wonder my uncle had said before that he would lose his wife and then lose his troops.

I dare say that lady is referring to myself.

Thinking of this, she was angry and funny: "Are you looking down on me or Lin Yao?"

"I would sleep with Lin Yao for profit? What kind of person is he, who would do so many things for a woman like me?"

"Isn't it? Aru" Uncle Ning yawned again.

Lin Peiru glared at him fiercely, gritted her teeth and said, "I said, why did you all stand by and watch at the beginning? It turns out that you feel embarrassed?"

"Then I will make it clear to everyone in person today that he and I only have a cooperative relationship, but we do not cooperate in bed!"

"No way? Then why would he want someone from Wong Tai Sin District..." Lei Yaoyang questioned.

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Peiru said first:

"It's not just about Wong Tai Sin, many things are related to him!"

"For example, Xinji, its power has now shrunk to a medium-sized society, and he is also secretly helping."

"With Liansheng, the Number Gang wanted to share the profits, so they approached him first. He deliberately brought Dongxing in so that we could have this territory."

"It's not because he and I have any personal feelings, but for his own benefit. By the way, we also benefited."

Lin Peiru's words shocked everyone in Dongxing who didn't know what was going on.

The white-headed man immediately remembered what Lin Peiru said at the last meeting about the hypothesis of Dongxing Hongxing's cooperation, so he asked:

"A'ru, you're saying that Taizi Yao is willing to ignore past grudges and cooperate with our Dongxing. Is that unlikely?"

Uncle Ning immediately interrupted: "Impossible, this guy is secretive!"

"He has tricked so many societies, including Lianhe Gang, Zhongxinyi, and now Xinji, we can't be fooled."

"Uncle Ning, you are very vigilant, but you are really confused!" Lin Peiru shouted in a deep voice.

"It's not that I have the ambition of others. Although Lin Yao is only in his 20s, his magnanimity and magnanimity are beyond the comparison of ordinary people!"

"The reason why he is helping us Dongxing vigorously this time is to let us know that it is best for us to cooperate with him!"

After he finished speaking, there was silence.

The elders and the other four tigers all looked at each other.

The white-headed man frowned even more and began to think.

He couldn't figure out whether Lin Yao was really burying the hatchet and preparing to cooperate with Dongxing by doing this, or was he digging a hole for him to jump into?

Prince Yao is a person who is real and fake, fake and fake, and really hard to figure out.

Hongxing new headquarters.

Han Bin, who had grown a short beard, was counting.

"Brother Yao, last month all our sculptures at the entrance were 55 million."

"There are seven casinos in Macau, one large, six small, and one with a profit of 80 million. However, almost all of this money was spent and the balance of payments was balanced."

At this point, Han Bin laughed: "The good news is that according to Brother Yao's overall instructions, the transformation and upgrading of our nightclub has been basically completed."

"Now we in Hongxing no longer have any place for old people to dance the cat-cat dance."

Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar and asked, "Abin, how much is the profit of our new casino?" "

"Brother Yao, the new casino is as stable as a dead dog. There has never been a month less than 50 million." Han Bin sighed.

"The other six combined can't compare. It's a pity that there can no longer be such a large casino."

"Otherwise, if we get a few more, we will die just lying there."

Lin Yaoshen had the same feeling. Among the three main sects of pornography, gambling and drug addiction, the most profitable ones are those who gain popularity in the first place.

At that time, the wholesale price when purchasing paper in the Golden Triangle was HK$1,000 per kilogram.

When you get it back, it will be doubled dozens of times.

20 years ago, all those big business owners relied on this to accumulate wealth.

Now at least 40 of the top 50 richest people in Hong Kong relied on this to accumulate their first pot of gold.

But later icac was established.

The big figures in the money empire, represented by the four detectives, fell down and ran away.

It’s not that easy to be a fan.

At this time, the gambling industry in Omen developed rapidly and created astonishing profits.

The most important thing is that it is legal, so any powerful association wants to cross the river to get a piece of the cake.

Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar and said, "Gaming is really very profitable. I have to think of another way."

Han Bin nodded, thought for a while and said, "Brother Yao, I have an idea that I want to talk to you about."

"Say it"

"Brother Yao, you also know that the government started building a new airport on Lantau Island the year before last."

"If it is launched, the line from Kowloon Station to Lantau Island will definitely become popular."

"Don't you always say that the community should develop in a diversified way? How about we spend a lot of money to build a minibus line?" Han Bin said.

Hearing what Han Bin said, Lin Yao turned around from the floor-to-ceiling window, then returned to sit on the leading chair and asked enthusiastically:

"Tell me more about the minibus line?"

"I've done some research. The first thing is to register a transportation company."

"In the name of a society, we then apply to the official for business. The registration certificate costs very little."

After these are done, the next step is to hire workers and buy cars.”

"This expense is a big expense, but the profits are considerable in the long run, and the money earned is very stable," Han Bin said.

"How much is the estimated investment?" Lin Yao asked directly.

"A minibus. I asked about the price. It costs 250,000. If we want to buy one, we must buy dozens of them, right?" Han Binxuan said.

"I estimated that we should prepare 300 million yuan."

Lin Yao thought for a while and said directly:

"If you want to do it, make it big. I'll ask Zhan Mi to find a few experts to prove it. I'm not afraid of spending money."

Han Bin had already expected Lin Yao's attitude, so he patted his thigh and said:

"I knew you were interested. You can definitely make money by doing this."

"Well, last time Da Fei said that Kowloon Walled City was going to be demolished and rebuilt, you should pay more attention to this matter."

"If there is a start, then go ahead and spend money on it. The direct business of the association must be diversified." Lin Yao said.

"From now on, we will focus on the entertainment industry, and other transportation, construction, and catering industries will gradually develop."

"Everything is hard to come by in the beginning. Once these undertakings are on the right track, everything will be easier."

Han Bin nodded, and after Lin Yao finished speaking, he said with a smile:

"With the Hongxing brand, it will be much easier for us to do this than others."

Lin Yao shook his head and said, "It's not a brand, it's a foundation!"

"Twenty or thirty years ago, those societies would bring hundreds of people to the streets every day to show off their films, but now there are very few people doing that."

"Because times have changed, the way societies operate has also begun to change."

"To put it in one sentence, the club's affairs should be low-key, and the money-making matters should be high-key!"

Han Bin nodded and savored Lin Yao's words carefully.

"Abin, I hope you must remember this sentence!" Lin Yao reminded.

"Yes, Brother Yao!" Han Bin nodded seriously.

"Abin, what's going on in the world these days?" Lin Yao asked.

Han Bin immediately said: "Recently, the new seat manager election with Lian Sheng is about to begin again. Big D and A Le have been fighting openly and secretly to compete for the seat seat position. It is very fierce."

"Didn't they say shelved it last time? Why are they choosing again?" Lin Yao asked in confusion.

Han Bin smiled and said: "If Big D doesn't do it, he has secretly colluded with many elders during this period."

"You have to choose when you say something. I think he has a high chance of taking over this time. Jordan's Ale has no chance."

"Big D, right? If he doesn't go fishing," Lin Yao said with a smile.

"Fishing? What do you mean?" Han Bin didn't understand Lin Yao's words.

"It's nothing, I was just talking." Lin Yao didn't explain to him.

One of the most dangerous things in the world is fishing with Ale.

If I have to go, do I have to buy a titanium alloy helmet?

Who goes fishing without a helmet?

"Brother Yao, do you think Ale also has a chance? Han Bin asked doubtfully.

"It's hard to say. Until the last moment, whoever can take the position may be the winner, but..."

Lin Yao stopped mid-sentence.

Han Bin knew that his boss was not telling the whole story and must have his own considerations, so he changed the subject and said:

"By the way, Brother Yao, do you really want to be an ally with Dongxing?"

This matter has been hidden in Han Bin's heart.

Lin Yao smiled and did not explain.

Han Bin felt depressed for a while.

Seeing this, Lin Yao said slowly: "Abin, there is a saying you should have heard."

"What are you talking about?" Han Bin asked quickly.

"There are no eternal friends and no eternal enemies, only eternal interests!"

and Liansheng Headquarters.

This house is older than the association with Liansheng.

At this moment, the people sitting at Heliansheng's headquarters are also some old men.

He is different from the elders of other societies.

These old men have the right to vote.

There are three tables in the room, one rectangular table and two round tables.

Deng Bo, Chuan Bao and Long Gen sat together.

The three of them are also the veterans with the highest prestige in Heliansheng.

Followed by Uncle Quan, Shuang Fandong, Lao Guixi and Feihua.

Leng Lao, Mao Zhe and Shai Gou have the lowest prestige.

The obese Dumble sat in the main seat.

After scanning around, he said:

"I said last time that if I had to choose, I would not be this agent at any time."

"If you have any ideas, please tell me."

Half a year ago, He Liansheng also had a meeting and said that he would choose to sit in the stadium.

But later, several forces could not settle the dispute, so Deng Bo was asked to temporarily act as an agent.

Now, both Big D and Ah Le have proposed to restart the election of sitting in charge.

As a super veteran, Dumbledore will certainly not miss the position of sitting in charge.

Anyway, whether he sits or not will not affect his power.

As soon as he finished speaking, Uncle Quan immediately said:

"Logically speaking, the last seat manager was a braggart."

"He is from Wan Chai District. Now it is Jordan District's turn. I propose that Ah Lok should be the one to sit in this session."

"Yes, Ale respects us the most"

"Let's just say that the last time I was on horseback, I was caught by a policeman while playing with a woman. After he learned the news, he immediately came to the police station to get money to bail us out." Mao Tao immediately agreed.

Mao Zhe has no position. He is equivalent to Brother Ji who is winning the battle with Lian Sheng. He is just a wallflower.

"Damn, did you get kicked in the head by a donkey?"

"The reason why we were caught by the police last time was because A Le was behind it." Leng retorted.

He had already received big money, so of course he had to speak for Big D.

At this time Shuang Fandong said: "Yes, why should it be Jordan's turn? Why not Tsuen Wan?"

"Big D is the strongest now and has the most younger brothers, so of course I choose Big D."

Shuang Fandong, like Leng Lao, both received money from Big D. Of course, you have to talk when you get money.

After hearing this, the old ghost said displeasedly: "Choose big D? He is too arrogant."

"Normally, when you see me, you don't even say hello. You don't respect us at all, and you don't act kindly."

"Old Guihu, more than ten years ago, when Big D just joined He Lian Sheng, you bullied him."

"If you didn't bully the small, how could he be disrespectful to you?"

"He has always been very respectful to me. I think Big D respects us seniors very much."

Cao Bao, who was sitting next to Dumbledore, said immediately.

Chuanbao continued: "As elders, we cannot be disrespectful, we must be aware of current affairs!"

"Now Big D is the strongest and can best represent us and Liansheng. I firmly support Big D!"

Fang Bao's attitude is very firm and consistent.

It's been made clear before.

Then, Rangbao looked at Long Gen at the same table and asked:

"Long Gen, who do you support?"

Long Gen put down the pipe in his hand and said with a smile:

"I'm still thinking about it."

Long Gen only received a large D100,000 this time.

But he knew that Big D had given him 200,000 yuan, and he couldn't feel balanced.

He felt that Big D looked down on him.

But the money had already been collected and I couldn't object, so I said I would consider it.

What he didn't know was that the money Big D gave him was also 200,000, which turned into 100,000 in his hands.

It's because the other 100,000 yuan was embezzled by his Ma Zai Guan Zai Sen.

"I'll attack your mother!"

After hearing Long Gen's answer, Tuanbao immediately swore.

Then he turned around and looked at Shai Gou and asked, "What about you?"

"Me, I think Big D has the advantages of Big D, and Ah Le also has the advantages of Ah Le."

"I... to be honest, it's hard to choose." Shai Gou said casually.

He is also a notoriously tough guy.

He has an excellent ability to adapt to the wind and observe the direction of the wind.

But Taobao didn't intend to let him get away with it like this, and asked:

"Bagou, what you said means you didn't say anything. Come on, who are you supporting?"

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Shai Gou had no choice but to follow what Channeling Boom said.

"I, let's go big D then."

The bad dog man is soft-spoken and a marginal figure among the elders.

Although he has the right to vote, Big D only gave him 50,000.

Ah Le didn’t even give him a dime.

To him, it makes no big difference who comes to power.


After receiving Shai Gou's affirmative reply, Fang Bao smiled.

Then he fell in love with another wall grass, Feihua: "Feihua, please make a statement."

"Okay, I also support Big D!" Fei Hua said simply and directly.

Then, Fangbao looked at Long Gen again:

"Long Gen, have you thought about it now?"

By this time, everyone else had already expressed their support for Big D.

If Long Gen's vote is added, it will be enough for Big D to serve as the new seat manager.

But he hesitated.

Long Gen smiled and said: "Well, this, what I mean is..."

He received Big D's money, and now it would be unjustifiable if he objected.

But before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by the old ghost.

"Ale said that if he takes office, he will lead everyone to take down Tsim Sha Tsui!"

"When the time comes, everyone will be allocated a place. Tsim Sha Tsui does not belong to Ah Lok himself, but to the community."

"This is the promise Ale made to me face to face a few days ago."

Tuobao said disdainfully: "Anyone can make a big pie? Who doesn't say it's for the club?"

"If you don't say it's for the club, could you say it's for Ale himself?"

"Capture Tsim Sha Tsui? Let him get it first and then talk about it. Why are you bragging?"

"I rode a horse and won the moon. Do you want to choose me to be the moon?"

"Ranbao, how much did you get from Big D for riding a horse?"

The old ghost retorted with disdain.

"What did you say? How much do you charge?" said Chuanbao pretending to be stupid.

"Fuck, I'm not going to charge you any money, you know in your heart, don't treat others as fools." Old Guihu sneered.

"You're so stupid, I'll take your mother's money"

The explosion exploded directly.

"What did you say, horse rider? Tell me again?"

The old ghost was also grumpy and rolled up his sleeves!

When the fight was about to start, Dumbledore spoke:

"You are so old and still so angry. Please give me tea!"

He looked at the others, then picked up the teacup in his hand.

Then he continued: "Please give me tea!"

With this, everyone else sat back in their seats and picked up their teacups.

Ranbao stopped talking, gritted his teeth and picked up the tea cup.

Deng Bo is the super veteran of Helian Sheng. No one dares to challenge him. This is the prestige formed over decades.

In addition to prestige, he also has strength.

Now half of the dozens of tangs in Liansheng are his disciples.

Although the apartment he lived in was very old, no one dared not listen to what he said.

In the past ten years, Deng Bo has dominated Heliansheng and has the final say in selecting the seat manager.

"Tea please!"

After Dumble finished speaking, he drank it all in one gulp.

Others also drank from the teacups in their hands.

After everyone had finished drinking, Dumbledore said:

"When I was young, there were already a group of payees in the club who wanted to sit in the club."

"At that time, I thought, these old gangsters are already old and have no power, so why should they be chosen?

"Later I found out that they have a lot of seniority!"

“Because they have seniority and act fairly, what they say will be respected.”

Then, he looked at Chuanbao and said:

"Who doesn't like to take advantage?"

"If whoever pays more money will be treated as a seat, then it is better to auction this position." (End of Chapter)

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