HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 188 Han Chen, give me your list of places in the police force!

Lin Yao also picked up the mobile phone and dialed a phone number.

"Jianjun, there is something you need to do..."

"Yes, Brother Yao!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yao was preparing to take a rest.

Dong dong dong...

There was a knock on the door.

"Brother Yao, I, Ashiu."

"Come in!"

Soon, Feng Yuxiu walked in with a man with a shaved head.

Lin Yao smiled, it was Aji who came.

Lin Yao expected that Aji would take the initiative to come to him.

Looking at Aji who no longer had a highlighted hairstyle, Lin Yao said with a smile:

"Aji, you're here"

"Brother Yao!" Aji shouted.

"What? You took a break and changed your hairstyle?"

After hearing Lin Yao's teasing, Aji smiled faintly and said, "Let bygones be bygones."

"Very good, from today on, you will be my driver," Lin Yao said casually.

Aji's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. The driver seemed to be a little follower on the surface.

But in fact, no matter whether he is a rich man in Hong Kong or a leader of a society, if he is not a new confidant, he will never be able to work as a driver.

Because the driver has been following the boss for a long time, he knows many secrets and even the boss's personal affairs.

Just after he became Lin Yao's disciple, Lin Yao directly asked him to be his driver, which already showed his trust in him.

After thinking about this, Aji did not show any expression of gratitude, but said seriously:

"Brother Yao, look at my performance from now on."

"Letting you be a driver is only temporary. Let's make a transition first. There will be other arrangements then." Lin Yao said directly.

"Yes, Brother Yao." Aji nodded.

At this time, Lin Yao's eldest brother made a loud noise.

After he answered the call, he said: "Aji, you will officially go to work now. Let's go to Sham Shui Po."


Just when Ni Yongxiao was looking for Lin Yao.

In a hot pot restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui, four people were sitting around eating hot pot and discussing things.

These four people are the four major families of the Ni family.

"Nigger, are you really going to do it?"

The speaker was Gandhi.

He is the oldest among the four people and has spent the longest time with Ni Kun.

Therefore, he seemed undecided about attacking the entire Ni family.

Haha, Guohua sneered at Gandhi's words.

He felt that Gandhi was a woman of kindness.

The nigger said: "Gandhi, we have worked hard for the Ni family for so many years, how much benefit have we earned for them?"

"But we are the ones bleeding outside, so they just take what's already available and enjoy it. Why?"

Gan nodded and said, "You are right, I know it too."

"But we don't need to be so desperate, right? Just drive them off."

"Gandhi, you have been living in vain for decades, cutting the weeds without eradicating the roots. Don't you understand that spring breezes will bring new growth?"

"If the Ni family is not dead, we will be the ones who die."

"How powerful is the Ni family? You should also know that as long as they pay a large sum of money to hire killers to deal with us, we will not be able to sleep at night."

Wen Zheng, the youngest, spoke.

He is also the most ruthless among the four.

Hearing what Wen Zheng said, Gandhi nodded slowly.

Just come out and hang out, that's it.

If they choose to betray, they must be prepared to be retaliated against, unless they drive the other party away.

The seemingly womanly words he just said were just to make himself feel better and give him a reason to take action.

In a battle between rivers and lakes, either you die or I die.

People in the world cannot help themselves. Gandhi certainly knew these truths.

"Now that everyone has agreed, it's settled. Tomorrow on the 15th, go to my store to have venison hot pot, and then have a showdown with the Ni family."

"By the way, do you want to call that short fat guy?"

After seeing Gandhi finally nod, Guohua spoke.

"Call him. He is the most loyal dog of the Ni family. We should kill him together in this operation." Wen Zheng said fiercely.

12 o'clock that evening.

In a high-end apartment in Mong Kok.

"Hubby, Guohua just called you and asked you to eat venison hot pot. I think something is wrong?"

Han Chen's wife Mary hugged Han Chen's back from behind. asked softly.

"I've never had venison hot pot before. It's said that only those who were emperors could eat it."

Obviously, Han Chen didn't want his wife to worry.

"Husband, you are hiding this from me." Mary said somewhat unhappily.

After hearing his wife's words, Han Chen sighed and continued:

"This imperial-level hotpot is not delicious..."

"What do you mean? Tell me."

After Mary heard what Han Chen said, she let go of him, moved him over and looked at him and asked.

"Tomorrow is the 15th, the day to hand over to Ni Kun. The four people from Guohua have invited me to have hot pot tomorrow night. They have made it clear that I will take sides. Do you think this hot pot is delicious?" Han Chen He smiled bitterly.

"In other words, this hot pot is the Hongmen Banquet. Why don't you go and eat it?" Mary asked.

"Honey, the situation in our club is very delicate now. Either we are on the side of the Ni family, or we are on the side of those four people."

"It's impossible to sit on the fence and get benefits from both sides. Maybe both sides want to kill me." Han Chen said.

"What should I do? Husband."

After hearing what Han Chen said, Marry looked worried.

Han Chen sighed softly and said:

"Those four people are now strong, and they are even on Jiang Tianyang's line."

"If I don't stand with them, they will definitely kill me first."

"Then let's follow the four of them and become the second and fifth boys?"

After listening to Han Chen's words, Mary immediately asked.

Han Chen immediately shook his head and said, "If Uncle Kun hadn't died, they might have accepted me, but the situation is different now."

"Now they have Jiang Tianyang's line. Four of them are enough. If there is one more person, they will lose a benefit."

"After the Ni family is gone, I will definitely be the first to die."

As Han Chen said this, he picked up his mobile phone from the table and dialed a number.

Beep beep beep beep...

After a while, a deep baritone voice spoke on the other side of the phone.

"I'm Han Chen, I'm looking for Mr. Ni."

After being connected, Han Chen spoke directly.

"Achen, I'm Axiao. What's wrong with calling me so late?"

On the other side of the phone, Ni Yongxiao's voice was very calm.

"Brother Xiao, Guohua called me five minutes ago and asked me to go to his place for venison hot pot tomorrow night..."

Han Chen told Ni Yongxiao the content of Guohua's phone call and his own analysis, without any concealment.

Because he knows. He is now on the same boat as Ni Yongxiao.

After saying that, Han Chen once again expressed his absolute loyalty to him.

"Brother Xiao, I was supported by Uncle Kun. I am loyal to him. No matter what you do, I will support you with all my strength."

On the other side of the phone, Ni Yongxiao took a sip of tea and said:

"Achen, my father did not misjudge you. You don't have to do anything tomorrow night."

"When it's time to drink and drink, when it's time to brag and brag, I'll take care of the rest."

"Brother Xiao, I..."

After listening to Ni Yongxiao's words, Han Chen wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Ni Yongxiao:

"Achen, go to bed early and be smart tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Ni Yongxiao hung up the phone.

"Husband, what did Ni Yongxiao say?"

After seeing Han Chen put down the phone, Mary standing aside asked immediately.

Han Chen lit up a cigar and said, "I will do whatever I have to do, nothing else."

Hearing this, Mary was confused.

Just when the two of them were at a loss, the door was pushed open from the outside?

After hearing the sound, Han Chen immediately pulled out a gun from his waist, pointed at the person standing outside the door and shouted: "Who?"

"Han Chen, someone wants to see you."

The person standing at the door looked at the gun pointed at him, showing no trace of fear or panic, and his tone was very calm.

"Who am I? Who wants to see me?" Han Chen asked, holding a gun in his hand.

"You may not have heard of who I am, but you must have heard of my boss, Hong Xing Longtou, Lin Yao."

"Come with me to Sham Shui Po. Brother Yao wants to see you." Wang Jianjun said with a smile.

"Ah! Mr. Lin wants to see me?"

After hearing the word Lin Yao, Han Chen showed an incredible expression on his face.

Compared to him, Lin Yao and Han Chen are undoubtedly - looking up at the Big Dipper!

He never expected that Lin Yao would actually want to see him and would notify him in such a special way.

"Han Chen, please" Wang Jianjun said directly without giving Han Chen the option to refuse.

Han Chen hesitated for a few seconds, and finally nodded and said: OK, I'll take you away. Then Han Chen saw the gun in Mary's hand and said:

"Mary, be careful tonight. If anything happens, use this gun."

Mary nodded and said, "Husband, bring an extra gun, just in case..."

Han Chen shook his head and said, "It's useless in front of him."

He knew that he was nothing in front of Lin Yao.

Han Chen was kicked out by Lin Yao in Sham Shui Po...

Hearing that he was going to Sham Shui Po, Han Chen smiled bitterly.

He knew that this time was not an easy revisit.

On the way to Sham Shui Po, Han Chen saw the night outside through the car window.

There is no moon tonight, and the streetlights are very dim. Just like his current situation, the road ahead is unclear and uncertain.

Lin Yao is now in full swing!

He had heard about his training camp in Sham Shui Po more than a year ago, but had never been there.

When he stood at this seaside training camp, he found that the outside looked ordinary.

But there is a different scene inside, and the universe is hidden inside!

First, what caught his eyes was a big playground.

Various training equipment are placed on the playground.

Opposite the gate is a two-story building.

After entering the small building, Wang Jianjun took him to the first floor.

First there was a knock on the door.

Dong dong dong...

Then, Han Chen heard the voice of a young man inside.

Later, Wang Jianjun walked in and said to Lin Yao:

"Brother Yao, Han Chen brought it."

"Thank you for your hard work, Jianjun." Lin Yao nodded to Wang Jianjun, and then looked at Han Chen.

"Brother Yao, we meet again."

After seeing Lin Yao, Han Chen immediately bent down and bowed.

Speaking of which, this was the third time he saw Lin Yao.

The first time, Lin Yao asked several powerful associations in Sham Shui Po to take charge of the seafood feast.

When eating seafood, Lin Yao completely took over Sham Shui Po.

Han Chen was the first to express his intention to leave Sham Shui Po.

The second meeting was with Ni Yongxiao who gave Lin Yao more than 100 million.

During the first two meetings, Lin Yao left a small shadow in Han Chen's heart.

He didn't know what Lin Yao would bring to him during this meeting today?

"Han Chen, sit down, you're welcome, we can be considered old friends."

Lin Yao said very casually.

Han Chen nodded, and then sat on the stool with a restrained expression, his buttocks only dared to move 1/3 of the way.

"Han Chen, do you want to know why I invited you here?" Lin Yao asked after taking a puff of his cigar.

Han Chen shook his head and said, "Mr. Lin, if you have any questions, just give me your instructions. I will do my best to handle it."

"Han Chen, you have done well this year. I heard that you have made a lot of mistakes in the police force, right?"

Hearing Lin Yao's words, Han Chen suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Yao.

He knew that since Lin Yao said this, there was no point in denying it, so he nodded and said:

"Yes, Mr. Lin, I did put a few nails in the police force."

Lin Yao flicked the ashes from his cigarette and said with a smile:

"That's why I want to see you today."

"Ah this..."

Han Chen looked at Lin Yao in surprise.

Lin Yao continued: "Do you know who killed your boss Ni Kun?"

Hearing this, Han Chen felt cold sweat break out all over his body.

Lin Yao did not follow the routine in every question.

"I can tell you that the murderer is the nail you planted in the police force. Do you know who ordered him to do it?" Lin Yao continued to ask.

Han Chen swallowed his saliva, raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, and said calmly:

"Mr. Lin, I don't know."

Lin Yao smiled, then picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip, and said:

"I know that you are loyal to Ni Kun, but that doesn't mean that others are the same as you, such as your wife."


Han Chen's expression immediately changed and he asked in disbelief:

"Mr. Lin, are you kidding me? My wife? How is that possible?"

Lin Yao said calmly: "Do you think I brought you here today just to make a joke with you?"

"No, that's not the case, but..."

At this point, Han Chen already somewhat believed Lin Yao's words.

It's just that he never thought about it that way.

"If Ni Yongxiao knew that your wife Mary sent someone to kill his father, what do you think Ni Yongxiao would do to you?"

Lin Yao asked Han Chen one question after another, which made Han Chen's heart collapse.

He knew that with Ni Yongxiao's character, if he knew that the murderer behind the scenes was Mary, then there would be only four words waiting for her - death by torture.

And his end won't be much better.

Mary is his wife.

Han Chen couldn't escape what his wife did.

But Han Chen didn't want his wife to die.

At this moment, he finally understood Lin Yao's purpose of looking for him tonight.

Although he still had some doubts, he felt that the possibility of Lin Yao making a big joke on him was very slim.

Of course Han Chen knew his wife's methods.

Mary is definitely not the kind of stay-at-home young woman.

But Han Chen also knew that Mary could do anything for him.

"Let me tell you one thing, Ni Yongxiao has given me the territory in Tsim Sha Tsui and asked me to protect his entire family."

After hearing Lin Yao's words, Han Chen almost jumped up from his seat.

Han Chen was about to speak when Lin Yao raised his hand to interrupt and said:

"Listen to what I have to say. After Ni Yongxiao gets through this difficult time, he will take his entire family to leave Hong Kong Island and retire to the world."


Han Chen wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with his sleeve again.

He knew that he was now completely on Lin Yao's boat.

After two minutes of silence, Han Chen said, "Mr. Lin, what do you want me to do?"

Lin Yao nodded slightly and said with a smile:

"It's very simple. After the Ni family leaves Hong Kong Island, you take over all the Ni family's territory and business."

"Jiang Tianyang is looking for someone everywhere. You can play with him."

After Lin Yao finished speaking, Han Chen's nervous expression softened.

He didn't expect that not only would he be safe this time, but he would also be able to take over the entire Ni family's business.

It was a huge profit.

"Continue to work on the nail you arranged, but you must report it to my people. This is his contact information. You connect with him."

With that said, Lin Yao handed him a note.

"Okay, Brother Yao, I will hand over all the information to you immediately." Han Chen took the note and nodded.

"One more thing. Tell your wife not to interfere with your affairs, and just be a housewife with peace of mind, otherwise she will be gone one day."

Lin Yao said calmly.

"Yes, Mr. Lin, I will definitely tell her." Han Chen nodded.

"Okay, you can leave now," Lin Yao said.

"Okay, Mr. Lin, I'm leaving."

After Han Chen stood up, he bowed deeply to Lin Yao, then turned and left.

When he walked to the door, he heard Lin Yao say from behind:

“I’d also like to remind you that if the nails don’t work, destroy them.”

Han Chen turned around, nodded and bowed again before leaving.

After Han Chen left, Wang Jianguo walked in and said with a smile: "Brother Yao, it seems this guy is scared."

"No, don't be fooled by his illusion."

"If Han Chen was scared so easily, he wouldn't have climbed to where he is now." Lin Yao said calmly.

Han Chen is Lin Yao's move in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Lin Yao will let him take care of the Ni family's territory for the time being.

While letting him eliminate the remaining forces of the Ni family, it also made it impossible for Ni Yongxiao to go back on his word.

After Han Chen found out that his wife was Ni Kun's murderer, he was the only one in the world who least wanted the Ni family to return to Hong Kong Island.

There is another important purpose. Lin Yao plans to let Han Chen come to Jiang Tianyang's side. This chess piece will be of great use at a critical moment.

The next day, the entire Tsim Sha Tsui was undercurrent.

That night, Tsim Sha Tsui, Portson Street.

This is a famous seafood street in Hong Kong Island.

This is also Guohua’s territory.

One of the seafood restaurants on this street is Guohua’s Tangkou.

At this time, the sign outside the seafood shop said it was closed, and there was only one table of customers in the shop.

There were a variety of seafood and vegetables on the table, as well as a large pile of cooked venison.

The four members of the Ni family first put various seasonings into the hot pot.

Then the venison and seafood were put in together.

"Nigger, why hasn't Han Chen arrived yet?" Guohua asked. (End of chapter)

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