HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 195 I recognize money but not people, who are you going to kill? If something unexpected hap

Lin Peiru took out two cigars and held them one by one in his mouth.

After lighting them all, he handed one over and Lin Yao took the cigar. Seeing her take another hard puff, I couldn't help but ask:

"Aren't you a non-smoker?"

"I want to smoke one now, can't I?" Lin Peiru said.

"It seems that you are worried about me?" Lin Yao asked with a smile.

"I'm more worried about the cooperation between our two families." Lin Peiru said softly.

Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar and asked casually: "Why do you have to choose this path? I don't mean to look down on women, it's just..."

"I was born into a club family, and my grandfather was the leader of Eastern Star."

"My father, my mother, my uncle, my uncle all passed away, and even I was almost kidnapped."

Lin Peiru said in a calm tone.

"You may not believe it, but I went to London to study law."

"But even if I run that far, my enemies can still find me."

Lin Yao understood and nodded silently.

"I watched a martial arts movie. I can't remember the name, but I always remember the lines in it."

Lin Peiru said with a smile.

Which line? Lin Yao asked.

"Wherever there are people, there will be grievances, and where there are grievances, there will be people in the world of jianghu. How can we get out of the jianghu?"

Guo Mansion, in the living room.

The four-character bosses and elders were still discussing anxiously.

Suddenly, the little nurse ran out of the bedroom and said loudly:

"The patient wants to see you!"

Hearing what the little nurse said, everyone at the scene looked sideways.

next moment!

Those with good legs and feet walked in front, and the older ones walked behind. Even those in wheelchairs were pushed in quickly.

Soon, the small bedroom was filled to the brim.

Everyone looked at Guo Zhihong, waiting for his last words.

American Ginseng was particularly nervous and asked the nurse in a low voice: "Why did you wake up suddenly?

The little nurse hesitated for a moment and replied in a very light voice:

"It should be a small flashback, a hormone secreted by adrenaline and medulla..."


Before the little nurse finished speaking, Guo Zhihong on the hospital ship made several indistinct sounds in his throat.

American Ginseng immediately came over and asked:

"Master Guo, do you have anything to say?"

Guo Zhihong turned his eyes and watched American ginseng's lips begin to move.

"What? What did you say?"

American ginseng brought her ears closer, almost touching Guo Zhihong's lips.

When other people saw it, they also had long necks and pricked up their ears to listen.

"Prince Yao, who..."

Guo Zhihong said angrily,

American Ginseng was so nervous that she broke into a cold sweat.

"Master Guo, Taiyao wants it, what next?

"Whoever can handle it, Prince Yao, will...

Guo Ziheng's eyes widened even more as he spoke, but after saying "just" three times in a row, he could only make a small sound in his throat.

Just what? Mr. Guo, please explain yourself clearly, American Ginseng shouted loudly.

But Guo Zhihong couldn't say anything anymore and could only look at American ginseng with his eyes.

Two seconds later, his eyes slowly closed...

Suddenly, I don't know which instrument made a rapid beeping sound.

The nurse wanted to save her.

But after seeing the instrument, he checked the patient again, and then said: "He is dead."

A few minutes later, in the living room of Guo Zhihong's villa.

American Ginseng looked at the elders of the number gang and the bosses of Zidui and said:

"Did you all hear it? Master Guo left a last word before his death. Whoever can deal with Prince Yao will be the leader of the number gang.

In fact, everyone heard what Guo Zhihong said, although he didn't finish it.

But you can guess that he just wants to say that whoever kills Prince Yao will be the leader.

However, who told him not to finish what he said?

"American ginseng, we were all present and listened clearly. Mr. Guo didn't say that."

Hu Yong was the first to retort.

What worries American Ginseng the most is what Hu Yong said.

He suddenly had a gloomy face.

"Xiao Yong, please tell me, what did Master Guo want to say?"

"American ginseng, what are you so anxious about?"

"Maybe Mr. Guo wants to say that whoever can handle what the prince wants will take over his wealth during his lifetime?" Hu Ziyong said disdainfully.

One of the elders said, "Well, it's also possible that he wants to say that whoever can deal with Prince Yao will get his villa."

American ginseng: "Everyone, to be honest, I think Mr. Guo is talking about the big dragon head."

"If our number gang didn't have a big leader, it would be completely in chaos and fall apart. Then we would be defeated by Brother Ren.

Someone immediately retorted: "We have been fighting on our own for so many years, and no one has seen anyone touch us."

American Ginseng's eyes turned red, and he even blamed Guo Zhihong who had just died.

Attack your mother, what the hell have you been doing?

At the beginning, he said that there would no longer be a big dragon head, but he only left this half sentence when he was about to die.

Damn it, just say this sentence completely!

It's terrible now, people die and lights go out.

Guo Zhihong can't be counted on. The number gang has always been very loose.

It is obviously impossible to get all the elders and powerful Zidui bosses to agree that whoever kills Lin Yao will take over.

These bastards wish they could have the number gang separated.

After thinking about it, American Ginseng stared at the boss with the words "loyal, filial, courageous and healthy" with blood-red eyes and said:

"What do you four have to say? Ah Xiao, you go first."

The man named Ah Xiao was young, in his forties, and wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

He pushed up his glasses and said calmly:

"I believe what Mr. Guo wants to say is that whoever can kill Prince Yao will be the leader."

All the bosses who saw Xiao Zidui said so.

Kin Zi Dui and Yong Zi Dui, two of the most needy community supporters in the New Territories, also expressed their agreement one after another.

In the end, only Huzi Yong, the boss of Zhongzidui with the strongest power and the deepest financial resources, was left.

But Hu Yong remained silent.

American Ginseng was shocked, and when she was about to ask further questions, Big Brother rang.

He picked it up immediately, and after hearing just one sentence, his expression changed.

Early in the morning, on the cruise ship.

Wang Jianguo and Aji led the people to work for three hours, but got nothing. Now they can only wait and wait.

The group of people protected Lin Yao, and the group of people monitored the deck of the cruise ship and the top of the cruise ship.

Because satellite phones can only receive signals in open areas.

In the top box, Lin Yao and Lin Peiru were still chatting.

The two of them talked about personal matters, community matters, and Hong Kong Island to the world.

It felt like it was too late to meet each other. They talked until 3:30 in the morning, and the two of them still didn't feel tired.

I just felt a little thirsty after drinking the water, and I was also hungry.

So, Lin Yao asked Ah Ji to notify the catering department to deliver midnight snacks.

Soon there was a knock on the door, and then a male waiter wearing work clothes and a bow tie walked in pushing a dining cart.

"Aji, have you searched it?" Lin Peiru suddenly shouted.

Aji, who was outside the door, stuck his head out and said, "The dining car has been searched, no problem."

"You, stand still!" Lin Peiru shouted softly.

The waiter looked confused and stopped.

Lin Peiru stood up and went over to look at the waiter.

The white shirt and black trousers were very close-fitting and could not hide a knife or a gun.

Beyond that, a tie and gloves don't hide anything.

After seeing it clearly, Lin Peiru said:

"I brought so many things, let me help you get them together,"

After saying that, help push together.

The trolley soon arrived in front of Lin Yao, and the waitress laid out casserole porridge, rice rolls, barbecued pork buns and other midnight snacks.

Then he took another bowl, shook out two bowls of porridge, and handed them to Lin Peiru and Lin Yao.

Bang! "

Suddenly, Lin Yao took action!

Punch the waiter in front of you!

But the waiter was also very quick and was able to avoid Lin Yao's attack.

Lin Peiru reacted quickly after being briefly surprised. She quickly grabbed the rice rolls and threw the casserole porridge at the "waiter"

The man dove under the cart with ease, and just pounced on Lin Yao.

Lin Yao kicked away as fast as the wind and with great force!

That person was kicked away directly!

However, when he landed, he rolled and escaped out of the room.

Lin Yao and Lin Peiru immediately chased after them.

"Aji, that waiter just now is a killer, catch him!" Lin Peiru shouted while chasing.

Aji outside the door saw the "waiter" rolling out and saw the clues.

The two men soon started fighting in the narrow and cramped corridor, and soon they were fighting outside.

The members of the Qinglong Hall on the ship also began to gather.

"Brother Yao, what are you..." Lin Peiru asked confusedly when she saw that Lin Yao didn't take action.

Lin Yao actually smiled, because he had already figured out who that person was.

It was A Wu, the "Brother Jiaqian" who looked somewhat similar to Situ Haonan.

And at this time, after Brother Jiaqian kicked over a security member on the ship, he had a knife in his hand.

With the knife in his hand, Brother Jiaqian not only did not run away, but instead ran towards Alinyao with his feet as fast as meteors.

At the same time, Ah Ji touched his waist with his right hand, the butterfly knife came out of its sheath, and a cold light flashed!

On the deck of the cruise ship, under the bright moonlight!

Two people fighting each other!


Amidst the crisp vibrations, sparks burst out!

Next, the people who gathered around enjoyed a high-quality duel.

Lin Yao was about to take action personally to deal with Brother Qiang when Wang Jianguo ran over panting.

"Brother Yao, something happened!"

"What's the matter?" Lin Yao asked.

"Lei Yaoyang, he..."

When Lin Yao heard this, he immediately asked Wang Jianguo to lead the way to a room on the cruise ship.

Lin Peiru and Situ Haonan immediately followed.

A few minutes later.

Medical staff from the cruise ship also came to the room.

Lei Yaoyang was panting with his mouth wide open.

The head, neck, waist, back, and limbs were all straight.

After a quick check, the doctor exclaimed:

“Difficulty breathing, tonic spasms, which are symptoms of poisoning.

I heard the word poisoning. Everyone looked at the midnight snack in Lei Yaoyang's room.

It seems that he also ordered a midnight snack.

But after Lin Peiru checked it, he said: "It can't be poisoning, he didn't eat a bite."

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Doctor, please save the patient quickly," Lin Yao looked at the doctor and ordered.

The doctor nodded and immediately inserted the oxygen tube.

He also took the first-aid medicine epinephrine and the respiratory muscle stimulant Nixamy.

Seeing the doctors rescuing people, Lin Yao called Wang Jianguo and said:

"Get the plane in, get the guy under control, don't kill him."

Wang Jianguo nodded and left immediately.

After a while, Lei Yaoyang's poisoning symptoms seemed to become more intense.

Blood vessels bulged on the forehead, neck, and arms.

The skin turned red due to congestion, and the whole body was trembling.

After two minutes, Lei Yaoyang stopped shaking.

The whole body relaxed. Eye roll!

The doctor took his pulse, listened to his heart, and quickly started CPR.

After a few minutes of fussing around, Lei Yaoyang remained motionless.

Everyone felt that Lei Yaoyang was dead.

The doctor soon stopped moving.

Suddenly, he took a closer look at Lei Yaoyang's right hand and blurted out: "There is a needle eye!"

As soon as he said it, the whole room was shocked!

Lin Peiru, Han Bin, the prince, Situ Haonan and others came over.

As a result, if the light is blocked, nothing can be seen.

The doctor raised Lei Yaoyang's hand to the light.

Everyone opened their eyes and looked carefully, and sure enough they found a pinprick that was difficult to distinguish.

"Mr. Lin, he was lightly pricked with a thin and short needle, and the venom went in. It should be highly toxic."

"Damn it, you are indeed a professional!" Situ Haonan cursed through gritted teeth.

"Abin, take control of the catering department immediately. Don't let anyone go. Control everyone who has been to the catering department!" Lin Yao ordered to Han Bin.

"Yes, Brother Yao!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yao walked out of the room.

The fight on the deck was over.

Under the joint efforts of Airplane and Aji, Brother Jiaqian was defeated and had been tied up like a rice dumpling.

If Lin Yao hadn't given instructions not to kill him, Brother Jiaqian would have been reclaimed long ago.

Lin Yao walked slowly towards Brother Jiaqian, condescendingly said, "How much did they give you?"

Brother Jia Qian raised his head, looking unruly and silent.

"How much did they give you? I'll double it." Lin Yao said slowly.

Hearing what Lin Yao said, Brother Jiaqian's eyes froze!

After looking at Lin Yao intently for a full minute, he said: "They gave me 500,000, can you give me 1 million?"

"Of course, I'll give you 500,000 now, and I'll give you the balance after you finish it!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yao took out a check from Standard Chartered Bank and a pen from the inner pocket of his suit.

I wrote the number 500,000 and my signature on the spot.

Then let the plane untie him.

The plane hesitated, but quickly nodded.

Use the knife in your hand to open the rope tied to Brother Qiang.

Although he was covered in blood, Brother Jiaqian's physique was indeed amazing.

After taking the check, I looked at it again and again.

After making sure it was correct, he said: "I recognize the money but not the person. Who do you want to kill?"

"Who sent you here? Just kill whoever you want, it's very simple!" Lin Yao said calmly.

"Okay, I will bring his head to you!" Brother Jiaqian said immediately.

"Brother Yao, he..." Qi Qi wanted to continue.

Lin Yao raised his hand to interrupt: "Let him go!"

Everyone was confused.

Why does Brother Yao trust him so much?

This is his killer!

However, Brother Yao kept his word.

Afterwards, Brother Jiaqian dragged his body covered in blood off the deck.

Lin Yao knew that Brother Qian's fighting power was included in the movie.

He counterattacked three opponents in a 1V4 with nothing.

Holding a knife, he killed everyone in the coffin shop. His sword skills were so sharp that he looked like he came from the martial arts movie studio next door.

For the young and Dangerous boy who only knows how to hack with a knife, this is simply a dimensionality-reducing blow.

Two hours later, it was broad daylight.

In Lin Yao's room.

A man with broken limbs collapsed on the ground.

"Brother Yao, we found it. The one who stepped on the horse injured two of our brothers." Wang Jianguo shouted through gritted teeth.

"Have you explained everything that needs to be explained?" Lin Yao asked.

Wang Jianguo nodded and said, "Situ Haonan and the number gang killer have gone back by boat. They..."

What happened on the cruise ship was just a minor incident, and none of the gamblers on the ship saw it.

The boat gambling business is extremely booming.

The turnover on the first day was as high as 70 million.

Five days passed.

When the new Dragonair cruises back to Hong Kong, it is calculated that the profit from this trip will be as high as 120 million.

Lin Yao has asked Zhan Mi to go to Japan to look for another cruise ship.

The renovation was completed two months later. At that time, Lin Yao had two gambling boats in his hands.

Lin Yao planned to take one boat after another to ensure that he would always have a gambling boat on the high seas.

With the docking of the "Dragon Star", it also means that Lin Yao's gambling project has been successful.

Nine out of ten gamblers who disembarked from the boat became spontaneous and brainless gamblers.

Including the facilities and services on the gambling ship, the gambling between Gao Jin and Ma Jiaowen... they are all blown to the sky.

The next day, all major newspapers in Hong Kong reported on the Dragonair cruise ship with front-page headlines.

Of course, there is no coverage of the betting business.

But Gao Jin and Ma Jiaowen are enough to attract people.

There is no doubt that Lin Yao's gambling boat is a hot mess.

On the gambling boat, photos of various hardware and software, and various entertainment activities can give a glimpse of the God of Gamblers and King of Gamblers, which makes citizens itchy to see.

Many middle-class white-collar workers and small wealthy people have made up their minds to visit Dragon Star next time.

According to reporters' calculations, during the six-day and six-night voyage, the turnover of the "Dragon" definitely exceeded HK$600 million.

One hundred million a day!

One hundred million in this era is absolutely an astronomical figure!

This can no longer be described as a gold-eating beast, it is simply a boat-shaped money printing machine.

However, Lin Yao knew in his heart that the real test, both for himself and for the boat gambling project, had just begun.

Obviously, this has touched the hearts of the upper class on Hong Kong Island.

After returning to Hong Kong Island, Lin Yao learned several unexpected news about the world.

The body of Guo Zhihong, the leader of the number gang, was still cold, and before his funeral was held, American Ginseng and Hu Xiuyong started fighting among themselves over who was the leader.

Thirty-six characters are stacked vertically and horizontally to form a twist roll.

In a large society like the Number Gang, the internal fighting becomes even more vicious and brutal.

There is no news about Brother Jiaqian yet, and Lin Yao is not in a hurry.

If he is not the character in the movie, he can only accept "overturning"

The next day after returning to Hong Kong Island, Lin Yao met the three Tony brothers who had returned to Hong Kong Island.

In the past six months, the three Tony brothers have been doing arms business for Lin Yao in Southeast Asia.

According to the data provided by Zhan Mi, the three brothers did well and earned Lin Yao more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars in half a year.

But for Lin Yao, this is far from enough.

Lin Yao, who is familiar with the changes in the international situation in his previous life, knows that polar bears have a greater chance now!

There’s more to it than money!

This year, the polar bear economy has fallen into a serious crisis.

Inflation rates are hundreds of times higher, currency depreciation is severe, and food prices are rising. (End of chapter)

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