HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 209 Mr. Lin, I believe you can take good care of my daughter!

After Lin Yao killed the rabbit, he sent Bai Lang to lead 11 people to chase him, and he also arranged his subordinates at the stairs.

So he did nothing and just stared at the side door through which Lin Yao escaped.

Wait for his men to bring Lin Yao or his body back.

He originally thought that it would be easy for him to deal with a Lin Yao with more than a dozen men.

A few minutes later, he heard fierce gunfire from over there.

He thought his men had taken care of it, but five minutes passed without any movement.

Wait until he sends someone over to take a look.

Instantly dumbfounded!

Whether they were guarding the stairs or chasing after them, they were all killed by Lin Yao!

The doctor's lungs were almost bursting with anger!

This operation plus his own mighty 49 people.

There are only 4 real confidants including Rabbit, Sangbang, Feifei, and Sangou.

All others are cannon fodder.

Even if he doesn't die in this operation, he will kill him after the matter is settled.

Unexpectedly, more than 22 of the 49 were suddenly lost, leaving only 27.

Now he had to change his plans and reduce the number of people living in the hall to ten.

The others all have to go upstairs.

Kick, kick, kick!

At this time, Sangbang hurried over and said that the boss's condition was not good.

The doctor shouted loudly and asked: "Fuck, what's the matter?"

Sangbang said: "Boss, what happened to Ah Fa Hei Zai that Lin Yao killed again..."

"What did you say?" The doctor's pupils suddenly dilated and his face was ferocious.

Sangbang gritted his teeth and said, "I will take you up personally to kill him."

"No matter what you do, so many people have failed to do it. Who do you think you are?"

"Go and notify Feifei. Let him bring people up. Sangbang is waiting for the second grade of junior high school. If this is the case, then there will be no one down here. If Tiaozi attacks..."

The doctor interrupted directly: "Follow my orders and you don't have to worry about other things."

Sangbang nodded hurriedly and went to work immediately.

The doctor turned his head and walked quickly towards one of them.

This man is one of Hong Kong's top tycoons named Richard Wen.

A few years ago, he was knighted by the Queen of Great Britain, so everyone called him Sir Wen.

The doctor who attended today's meeting already knew the list. At this moment, he looked at Sir Wen and said:

"I took a look around, and among you upper-class people, you are the only one who is not a soft-legged crab. You are really courageous. I admire you."

Wen Lishi said calmly: "What's the use of being afraid? Besides, didn't you say you just want money, not murder, and you won't kill us as long as we cooperate?"

"It's different now. My brother was beaten to death!"

The doctor's expression suddenly turned ferocious, he pinched the back of Sir Wen's neck and gritted his teeth.

"Sir Wen, the Lin Yao who attended the meeting today is too powerful, so I want to ask you for a favor."

The doctor said while waving to another subordinate.

The man immediately brought over a vest, or to be more precise, it was a vest bomb.

After seeing the vest bomb, Sir Wen broke into a cold sweat and said in horror:

"You, what on earth are you going to do?"

The doctor lit a cigarette and smiled:

"I just want you to wear this vest and be our shield."

"Let me tell you, there is a timer panel on the back of the vest, which is controlled by this remote control in my hand."

"As soon as I press this red button, the timer starts."

"But don't worry, even if you activate it, it will take a long time, 30 seconds, and even the most powerful bomb disposal expert will not be able to dismantle it."

"There are two more leads, red and blue, here."

"If you cut it right, the bomb won't go off."

After hearing what the doctor said, Sir Wen's expression changed drastically and he was so frightened that he was sweating profusely.

When the doctor saw that Richard Wen was really scared, he suddenly became excited and said with a smile:

"Don't be afraid, there are only two wires, red and blue."

"You have half a chance of surviving. The probability is already very high."

"I'm going to attack your mother. What are you doing here? Why don't you put it on Sir Wen right away!"

The doctor yelled at one of his men, who immediately responded and took action hurriedly.

A minute later, the vest bomb was already on Sir Wen, with a chain around his neck.


A lock directly locks the interface.

Sir Wen trembled when he saw it!

Subsequently, bombs were hung on other important hostages, including Long Wei, Ma Shounan, Le Mingzhen...

"Push them all to the corridor. I want to talk to the police officer."

At this moment, the street outside the hotel has been blocked by police cars.

In front of a certain police car, summer chief Raymond of Mongzai Police Station, deputy summer chief Dong Biao, and senior inspector Chen Jiaju, who had been promoted to a higher rank due to meritorious service, each held a point thirty-eight in their hands.

As a negotiator, Dong Piao held an electric horn and raised his head to negotiate with the doctor.

The doctor held an AK47 and gave Dong Biao a slap in the face.

I shot the hotel receptionist in the head directly in front of him and pushed him to the afternoon...

A few seconds later, the hostage fell to the ground with a bang, a mess of blood and flesh.

Then, the doctor took the microphone and shouted:

"My request is very simple. First, give you half an hour. I want 100 million in cash. Take it and put it in the lobby on the first floor and give it to my people."

"Secondly, after I get the money, I will also have a helicopter parked on the helipad on the rooftop of Hopewell Center."

“Third, you have to help me arrest Lin Yao, the leader of Hongxing.

“Three major conditions are indispensable!”

"If you don't meet my conditions, I will kill all these hostages. At worst, they will all die together."

Dong Piao said: "I can't decide on your conditions. I will ask my superiors for instructions before I reply to you. Don't kill anyone first."

Hearing this, the doctor shouted to Dong Piao: "You are not a negotiator, get lost and find someone who can make decisions!"

Dong Piao did not hesitate, retreated decisively, came to Lei Meng's side, and said: "Sir Lei, that man is a lunatic, agree to his request?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Raymond's eyes widened and he said, "How can we agree to his conditions?"

Dong Piao said solemnly: "That's why I said, he is a madman!"

"Hey, what are you doing?!" the doctor yelled.

Raymond took the horn from Dong Piao's hand, walked out from behind the police car, raised his head, and said to the doctor:

"My name is Raymond, the Commissioner of Wan Chai Police Station. I think I am qualified to talk to you!"

The doctor said: "Since you are the director of Wan Chai District, then let me handle it."

Raymond went early and said: "Let's talk again. The first condition is no problem. The 100 million Hong Kong dollars will be delivered immediately."

"But we really can't meet the second condition."

"Can't do it?"


The doctor sneered: "Sir, remember, you will be responsible for the death of these two people.

While laughing, the doctor quickly came up behind the two of them and kicked them one at a time.

Unfortunately, Yang Mu, the owner of Cointreau International Hotel, is one of them.



Yang Mu and another hostage fell in front of Raymond one after another.

Raymond's eyes widened to the extreme!

All the policemen on the ground were in an uproar. The people watching nearby and the reporters taking pictures with cameras were also shocked by the brutal scene in front of them.

The doctor smiled and said: "Sir Lei, do you still have any problems now?"

Raymond was stunned and speechless.


Chen Jiaju punched the police car hard.

Dong Piao's face was ashen, he took the horn from Raymond's hand and said loudly:

"As long as you promise not to harm the hostages again, we agree to your conditions!!"

The doctor smiled happily and said, "Oh, it seems that there are smart people among the police."

After saying that, the doctor retreated.

The doctor's crazy behavior also frightened Li Jie and Wang Jianguo who were investigating.

After a while.

The Flying Tigers arrived, and all the big shots in the police department except the Commissioner arrived.

The person currently serving as Deputy Director of Operations is named Cai Yuanqi (from "Cold War 2")

He had already retired by then and was already the former deputy director.

He is the commander-in-chief for tonight's matter.

Everyone gathered together and quickly came up with a solution: delay first, and at the same time order the Flying Tigers to attack head-on.

Take it in one fell swoop!

Three minutes later, with the cooperation of the serious crime team, the Flying Tigers began to attack.

There were only three dogs and seven other people left in the lobby on the first floor. They couldn't withstand the Flying Tigers' attack at all.

They were all taken down in less than 2 minutes.

Over in the security room, they succeeded at the same time.

The Flying Tigers immediately split into two groups and took the elevator together.

Climb the stairs all the way and rush towards the 55th floor quickly.

But just then something terrible happened, the first person was thrown down! Then the second, the third...

Until the seventh!

On the ground, all the police officers and people's expressions became horrified.

He is really mentally ill when he rides on a horse!

Cai Yuanqi was so horrified that he decisively ordered the Flying Tigers to stop their operations and evacuate the hotel.

Dong Piao could no longer care about anything else, and rushed out with a loudspeaker, shouting anxiously:

"We agree to all your requests! Don't hurt the hostages anymore, stop!"

The doctor held a loudspeaker and sneered: "You are so unruly that you actually want to attack?"

"There are more than two hundred hostages here. When you attack us, they will all die!"

"I don't even have 30 people around me now. It's not cost-effective to have more than two hundred people buried with me. Even a fool knows it's not cost-effective, right?"

"The same three conditions must be completed within fifteen minutes."

As soon as he finished speaking, the doctor walked back to the hall.

The policemen were heartbroken and despaired.

In a temporary command post, Cai Yuanqi looked frustrated, waved his hand and said feebly: "Do as he said, Jiaju, go make arrangements, I don't want to see any more deaths."

"Yes!" Chen Jiaju responded.

at the same time.

Level 56, Hopewell Centre.

Lin Yao, who observed all this, said to Aji: "Notify the plane immediately, Prince, take action!"

"Yes!" Aji said.

Lin Yao went to inform Wang Jianguo.


The two of them quickly went downstairs and headed towards the reception hall.


It only took the Flying Tigers three minutes to violently capture the garrison stationed here.

But at this moment... they left in despair.

Not only did they leave, they were also afraid of angering the doctor, so they released all the three dogs and others they had captured.

At this time, Sangou and others gathered together.

They were extremely relaxed and no longer worried, because the police had already taken action before and they had already seen the result.

Won't come again at all.

"Attack his mother! What about the police? What about the police?"

"It's not like you don't dare to do anything to us, haha!"

"Brother Dog, how do we leave?"

Sangou said: "There will be 100 million in cash soon. Let's go first after we get the money, and the boss will stop it himself!"

"Boss is so..."

Before he finished speaking, the door of the hall was suddenly kicked down violently!

The plane appears with two guns in hand!

Bang, bang, bang, bang——

Without any expression, the plane fired several shots and shot him in the head.

In the blink of an eye, several of the doctor's men who were gathered together were shot to death, and Sangou and others changed their expressions in horror.

Dodge immediately.

Sangou jumped behind a sofa, inexplicably horrified!


After a while, there was a burst of rapid footsteps, and several shrill screams came to my ears.

what's the situation?

Sangou turned around and was about to look up when he felt a flash of sword light!

The plane jumped into the sky, and a dagger stabbed into Sangou Tianling Gai accurately, piercing his head.

Sangou's eyes widened, he was already dead.

The plane flipped its wrist, landed lightly on the ground, and pulled out the dagger with another force.

The prince also defeated several others easily.

The two took the elevator and headed to the reception hall of Cointreau Hotel.

The sound of gunfire in the lobby on the first floor immediately attracted the attention of the police officer.

When the news came back to the headquarters, Cai Yuanqi, Lei Meng and others were shocked at first, and then became furious and asked who was breaking the rules.

Under such circumstances, you actually dare to disobey the commander's order?

But the result surprised them greatly. It was not a police officer!

They don’t know who did it!

Cai Yuanqi, Lei Meng and many other big guys looked at each other.

What's going on?

Just one minute before the plane and the prince took action!

Floor 55, reception hall!

The doctor used abnormal methods to shock the whole audience, so that the policeman no longer dared to move, and he was quite proud of himself.

He walked up to Wenlish and said with a smile: "Sir Wenlish, are you satisfied with my performance?"


The doctor's expression changed and he said pitifully: "Sir Wen, do you really think I won't kill you?"

Wenlishi said coldly: "Kill him!"

"Decades ago, I would have been dead if I hadn't been lucky. I earned my living for so long."

Hearing this, the doctor looked deeply at Wenlish and was about to take out a dagger to greet him.

Bang bang bang!

Gunfire rang out in the reception hall.

Li Jie and Wang Jianguo, take action!

Da da da!

The sound of Uzi firing sounded, and the four gangsters facing Li Jie and Wang Jianguo in the corridor on the second floor were all killed.

Sangbang and Feifei were shocked. They raised their guns and fired at Li Jie and Wang Jianguo.

The two ducked to avoid it.

One guy even held a machine gun and fired while advancing.

The firepower was so fierce that Li Jie and Wang Jianguo were unable to lift their heads.

At this moment, Lin Yao and Aji suddenly came out.

A sudden backstab was launched against Sangbang, Feifei and others.

The two have a clear division of labor.

Lin Yao dual-wielded Uzis to mow down Sangbang, Feifei and others, while Aji killed all the six remaining gangsters on the second floor and waited for them to come out.

After attracting the attention of the gangsters, Li Jie and Wang Jianguo took the opportunity to attack again.

In just over ten seconds, all the gangsters except the doctor were killed.

Lin Yao had used both Uzi bullets and replaced them with Glock.

The doctor's face changed drastically. He touched his waist with his right hand and quickly pulled out the Desert Eagle, intending to hold Wenlish hostage.

But Lin Yao was faster than him. He raised his hand and shot his wrist, causing the Desert Eagle to fall to the ground.


The doctor glared at Lin Yao bitterly, gritted his teeth and said, "Fuck! Lin Yao, you ruined all my plans!"

Lin Yao smiled calmly and did not answer.

Li Jie's cold voice sounded from the left side of the doctor:

"Doctor, do you remember me?"

"It's you?!"

The doctor suddenly turned his head and said to Li Jie in shock:

"Okay! I understand, this is a trap set by you! You are here to take revenge on me!!"

Li Jie just stared at the doctor coldly.

"Haha! It seems that I am destined to die today, but even if I die, I will have someone to support me!"

The doctor laughed bitterly.

He always held the time bomb remote control in his left hand, waiting for Li Jie to show up.

He knew that he would definitely die today, so he no longer hesitated and pressed the start button decisively.

drop! !

There was just a crisp sound, and the time bomb on Wenlish's body was activated, and the thirty-second countdown began!

Li Jie's expression changed drastically, he swooped down and hit the doctor's abdomen with a lightning-like punch.

The doctor flew out and fell to the ground.

Li Jie stepped forward and stepped on the doctor's chest.

He looked down at the doctor, pointed a gun in his right hand at the doctor's forehead, and asked:

"Should I cut the red line or the blue line this time?"

The doctor laughed and said: "If you dare, just kill me and bet on the 1/2 chance! Haha!"



"Run quickly!!"

At this time, the distinguished guests who had survived the disaster also reacted and fled in all directions.

In just ten seconds, more than two hundred distinguished guests all left.

The huge reception hall became empty, with only Lin Yao, Wen Lishi, Li Jie, Aji and others remaining.

At this moment, the plane and the prince arrived in the elevator. In the elevator, they heard that there was a bomb tied to the hostage in the hotel lobby.

The plane said decisively: "Brother Yao, let's go!"

The prince said: "It's still too late to leave now!

Wenlish is nothing at all. Even if he is the governor of Hong Kong, he is nothing in their eyes.

They only care about Lin Yao!

Lin Yao looked calm, took out the dagger from the inner pocket of his jacket, and walked quickly towards Wenlishi. As he walked, he said to the plane, the prince, Aji, and Wang Jianguo:

"You four, leave immediately!"

The plane said: "Brother Yao!"


Lin Yao said: "You have nothing to do here, let's go!"

The plane, Wang Jianguo, Prince, Aji and others gritted their teeth before turning around and running away.

Lin Yao had already arrived behind Wenlish.

Pull off the time bomb shell to reveal the red and blue lines.

Another 6 seconds passed, and only 12 seconds remained!

Li Jie looked cold and said in a deep voice: "Let me ask you one last time, is it the red line or the blue line? Once it explodes, you won't survive!"

The doctor laughed and said, "Li Jie, do you think I am an idiot?"

"If I tell you, you will let me go?"

"If I blow up your wife and children to death, you must have been looking for me all these years. Will you let me go?"


"You two idiots! Die with me!"

When the doctor spoke, Wenlish also had an eager face and said:

"Mr. Lin, thank you for your kindness, but you'd better leave me alone now and leave!"

"You are still so young, there is no need to risk your life for me!"

"After I die, I will have a daughter to take care of you."

"I believe that with your ability, you will take good care of Sandy!"

"Let's go!" (End of chapter)

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