HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 23 Establish a war hall!


The newsstand owner immediately took out a book and put it away and said to the previous person:

"Young man, you must seize the opportunity. If you hesitate again, you will buy it all. I will keep a copy for myself."

Good boss, then I will buy a copy

The sudden emergence of (Pure Desire) is like dropping an atomic bomb into the boring daily lives of millions of men in Hong Kong!

There are a lot of big things happening in the world, and for a salty guy, nothing is better than a salty magazine.

Moreover, any adult man can be considered a salty person, it just depends on the level of saltiness.

For most men, those goddess-level beauties are out of reach.

Even if you see a sexy beauty on the street, if you look at her a few times, you might get beaten up.

But now that I have Xianshi magazine, I can read it again with peace of mind.

Almost at the same time, similar situations occurred in all the hot orders across Hong Kong Island.

Pure Desire was an instant hit and a huge hit!

In the magazine office, Wang Yong excitedly said to Lin Yao, who was sitting on the boss's chair:

"Boss, the first issue of 200,000 yuan was sold out on the first day, which is far beyond my expectation!"

Lin Yaoyun was calm, smiled slightly, and did not explain.

Contrary to Wang Yong, all this was within his expectations.

He knew that even if he directly priced the magazine at ten yuan. There is absolutely no need to worry about selling.

Even if I can’t buy everything on the first day, there are still five more days to go. Anyway, this magazine is a weekly

If you can digest it all within a week, your business will be considered a success.

In fact, Lin Yao was also complaining in his heart: Damn, are all the men in Hong Kong so hungry?

Zhan Mi calculated the account excitedly: "The retail price of a book is ten yuan. After deducting all costs, the net profit of a book is five yuan and two hundred thousand copies, which is one million!"

"Eight hundred thousand copies a month, the profit is 4 million! Damn! Is it such a huge profit?"

The plane muttered beside him: "It's five million Hong Kong notes. Even if I blow my head off, I can't make it. Brother Yao is really powerful!"

The airplane in this world is the classic dwarf mule. Lin Yao's terrifying ability to make money has exceeded his imagination.

Seeing Lin Yao's calm and calm look, Qian Fei felt more and more admiration in his heart.

This is a profit of four to five million per month. Brother Yao actually reacted like this?

After taking a sip of Hongwan, Lin Yao looked at Wang Yong and said:

"Editor Wang, tell me what's going on now."

"Okay boss!"

Wang Yong immediately explained the situation.

Lin Yao nodded after hearing this and said: "Well, not bad."


Everyone’s glasses were shattered!

The 200,000 copies of the first issue of the magazine were sold out on the same day. Brother Yao, is it not bad for you to just say such a light sentence?

Isn’t it too demanding?

All I can say is that this person is really different from other people.

For Lin Yao, the magazine's profit is only the first step. The next step is of course to expand profits.

That is to increase advertising, which is the bulk of profits.

If it works, it will not be a dream for Lin Yao to earn a small goal just by relying on this magazine.

Not to mention this era, even before time travel, achieving a small goal every year is a dream for most people on the earth.

In addition to expanding profits, we need to vigorously promote the magazine. Once the magazine has established a foothold in Hong Kong Island, we can consider developing the Southeast Asian market.

But these are all things Wang Yong has to consider, and he only needs to provide the general direction.

Airplane and Feng Yuxiu have combat power, they are spears and shields. They can charge into battle for themselves and protect their future business empire.

Zhan Mi has a business mind, so let him do it.

Again, I just need to provide the general direction.

Everyone performs their duties and makes the best use of them. This is the way to employ people.

Lin Yao then asked Wang Yong to go about his business and left Zhan Mi Fengyu to repair the plane. The plane asked Brother Yao if there was anything else he could do?

Lin Yao asked: "Airplane, how many people do we have now?"

The plane replied: "After several rounds of elimination, there are only 833 official members."

Lin Yao said: "There are still too few people. As soon as suitable people join, we will continue to recruit. Priority will be given to those who are capable, especially veterans who have been on the battlefield."

"Also, the people in the hall are still too weak in combat power. You can choose fifty of them who are in good physical condition and teach them boxing together with Asiu."

"You people form a war hall, and you are the leader of the war hall!"

"The war hall is very important to our future development!"

Hearing this, Airplane's eyes flashed with excitement, he patted his chest and said:

"Brother Yao, don't worry, I promise to help you train a group of loyal gangsters!"

Lin Yao nodded and said: "The salary standards of war hall members must be in accordance with the highest standards in Hong Kong Island, and in addition there must be bonuses.

"There are also levels of hierarchy. You are the hall leader, Ah Xiu is the deputy hall leader, below you are the supervisor, below you are the captain, and the rest are ordinary team members."

"Next, the entire Sham Shui Po will be the war hall's target!"

"Yes, Brother Yao!" Qi Qi and Feng Yuxiu responded in unison.

Lin Yao then looked at Zhan Mi and said:

"Sooner or later I will set up a group company. You, Zhanmi, will be responsible for this matter. Are you confident?"

Jimi smiled and said: "If I were alone, I would definitely not have much confidence."

"But with Brother Yao grasping the general direction, I will have confidence."


Lin Yao stood up and patted Zhan Mi on the shoulder without saying anything more.

Now that the important matter has been decided, the meeting is adjourned.

In the next few days, Jimi started busy preparing for an electronics company, located in an abandoned factory northwest of Sham Shui Po.

The plane also began to recruit a large number of big circle boys who smuggled over from the mainland, many of whom were veterans.

Not only in Sham Shui Po, but also in the whole Hong Kong Island, the big circle admires Lin Yao's name and regards Lin Yao as a god.

The security company is also operating normally.

At first, those small bosses thought there was no difference between security fees and protection fees.

But as time went by, they found that having a security contract was really better than collecting protection fees.

All stores that have signed a security contract and paid security fees, as long as they are harassed by the Young and Dangerous, Lin Yao's men will definitely stand up for them.

Immediately, the reputation of Tianyao Security spread throughout Sham Shui Po, and shops from other streets came to visit one after another.

All of a sudden, other societies in Sham Shui Po became hostile to Hong Xing. After all, Lin Yao had touched their cheese.

But they also know Lin Yao's current strength.

I was angry, but I didn't dare to act rashly.

What these associations don't know is that Lin Yao is already sharpening his sword?

When the time comes, drive all these people out of Sham Shui Po and realize the unification of Hongxing in Sham Shui Po!

Of course, Lin Yao had to discuss it with his beautiful mother before realizing that the deep waters were not clear.

During this period, Pretty Mom basically acted as a hands-off shopkeeper, leaving all the affairs in the hall to Lin Yao, and she was happy and free.

"Ring ring ring..."

When Lin Yao was thinking about when to talk to Liang's mother, the phone on his desk rang.

"Hello, I'm Lin Yao"

"Ayao, this is Sister Lan. Please come over here. It's urgent!" came the beautiful mother's voice on the other side of the phone.

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