HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 233 One dragon and three phoenixes, the city knows how to play!

If you go to Li Zhaotian for this kind of thing, what image does Lian Gongle have in Li Zhaotian's eyes?

In order for Li Zhaotian to become a major benefactor of Lian Gong Le, the society's status in Li Zhaotian's heart must be improved.

Therefore, this kind of thing can only be done by yourself.

At this time, he deeply regretted joining the Anti-Hongxing Alliance.

Because Hong Xing is 100 times more powerful than he imagined.

It's just that now it's hard to get off the horse.

There is no other option except following the Li family to eliminate Hong Xing.


Thinking of this, Liu Rongju sighed heavily.

But what he never expected was that their Lian Gong Le had not exploded yet.

The brothers, who were composed of four other small societies, suddenly exploded.

These four small societies are Hongle, Hongan, Hongyi and Hongxin.

When Hong Xing and the Number Gang were fighting against the Viper Gang and Lian Gong Le, Ye Jihuan and Ma Zhong invited by Ge Zhixiong stopped a taxi.

Then, Ye Jihuan said: "Go to the Hongxing headquarters in Yau Ma Tei."

Half an hour later.

"Brother Jianguo!"



"Why did you come to Hong Kong Island?"

Wang Jianguo looked at his two old friends and asked excitedly.

It turned out that brothers Wang Jianjun and Wang Jianguo had already known Ye Jihuan and Ma Zhong when they were in the mainland.

And also invited them to join the killer group.

But Ye Jihuan felt that being a killer was not his ideal.

After establishing the War Hall and the Feng Hall, Wang Jianguo has asked his old comrades to find Ye Jihuan and Ma Zhong for more than half a year, but there has been no news.

Unexpectedly, Ye Jihuan and Ma Zhongjuran came to Hong Kong Island and found themselves.

After the three people chatted for a while, Wang Jianguo said to the two of them:

"You guys go and settle down first. I'm very busy tonight. Tomorrow I'll go to Youguqi Restaurant to pick you up."

"Haha, Brother Jianguo, you may be busy for the purpose of our visit this time."

"We were invited to Hong Kong Island this time to deal with Hong Xing and your boss Lin Yao." Ye Jihuan said with a smile.

"Number Gang, Viper Gang or Lian Gong Le?" Wang Jianguo asked.

"Ge Zhixiong, the new leader of the Number Gang." Ma Zhong replied.

After hearing what Ye Jihuan and Ma Zhong said, Wang Jianguo burst into laughter. This is equivalent to spending money on your number. Asking my friends to deal with us?

"Brother Jianguo, Azhong and I are going to meet Ge Zhixiong tomorrow. How about we just kill him tomorrow?"

Ye Jihuan's tone was calm, as if what he wanted to kill was not the leader of Hong Kong's big society, but cats and dogs.

After hearing what Ye Jihuan said, Wang Jianguo immediately said:

"I want to ask Brother Yao for instructions on this, please wait a moment!"

Afterwards, Wang Jianguo took out his phone and introduced the situation to Lin Yao.

Lin Yao was also shocked after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, Ye Jihuan Juran and Wang Jianguo are friends

Of course, a tough bandit like Ye Jihuan should be used for his own purposes instead of assassinating him.

Because that is too dangerous!

Soon, Lin Yao had an idea and said to Wang Jianguo:

"No need. Since Ge Zhixiong asked the two of them to help, we might as well have a good time playing with Ge Zhixiong."

Ye Jihuan and Ma Zhong took advantage of Ge Zhixiong's unpreparedness and it was indeed not difficult to kill him.

But the possibility of escaping unscathed is not high.

Moreover, Ge Zhixiong is dead, and the Number Gang cannot be dealt with.

What Lin Yao wants is to eliminate the Number Gang, or at least completely cripple it, not just kill Ge Zhixiong.

Later, Lin Yao told Wang Jianguo the plan he had just thought of.

After Wang Jianguo hung up the phone, Ye Jihuan asked curiously: "Brother Jianguo, what did your boss say?"

Wang Jianguo smiled and said: "My boss has a very interesting idea, which is like this..."

The next day, Tsim Sha Tsui, Fu Sheng Bar, this is the territory of the Number Gang.

Ge Zhixiong met Ye Jihuan and Ma Zhong here.

"Boy, Aaron didn't entertain you well yesterday, please forgive me!"

Ge Zhixiong was very busy last night. When he came home, he found that Ge Yilong hadn't come home yet.

As soon as he found out that he was playing with a dragon and three phoenixes in the stable, he was so angry that he immediately led someone to kill him.

He was asked to pick up someone, but he actually let the person he picked up go. Ge Zhixiong was so angry that he gave him a big slap on the ear on the spot.

Ge Zhixiong is quite satisfied with Ye Jihuan and Ma Zhong.

Especially Ye Jihuan, he is the leader of the top ten gangsters in Hong Kong. It is very suitable to use him to deal with Lin Yao.

"Boss Ge, as long as you pay enough, everything will be easy," Ye Jihuan said calmly.

"Money is not an issue, just don't worry!"

Ge Zhixiong smiled and clapped his hands.

Bang bang bang...

The next moment, a horse boy walked up to Ge Zhixiong carrying a suitcase.

Then he put the suitcase on the table and Ge Zhixiong opened the suitcase himself.

It's green inside and everything is in US dollars.

"This is 1 million US dollars. If you help me kill Lin Yao, this 1 million US dollars will be yours."

Ge Zhixiong said with a smile.

According to the current exchange rate of US dollars to Hong Kong dollars, it is 1:8, which is equivalent to 8 million Hong Kong dollars.


In response to Ge Zhixiong, Ye Jihuan sneered:

"Ge Zhixiong, do you really treat me, Ye Jihuan, as a bumpkin?"

Ma Zhong immediately said: "We found out about Hong Xing's situation last night!"

"Now Hongxing's overall strength is not weaker than your number gang, and they have wiped out many societies within a year!"

“You only gave me $1 million, is this just for me to beg for food?

"Mr. Ye, don't be angry. If the money is not enough, we can negotiate."

The smile on Ge Zhixiong's face did not diminish and he said slowly.

"For 3 million U.S. dollars or 20 million Hong Kong dollars, you have to pay a deposit of 5 million first, and you will pay the balance after we kill the person." Ye Jihuan said slowly.

"Okay, I will give you 20 million Hong Kong dollars and give you a deposit of 5 million first!"

After hearing Ye Jihuan's conditions, Ge Zhixiong agreed directly without hesitation.

Offering 1 million US dollars is just a test of the water. If the other party has never seen the money, he will definitely agree to it.

After all, if you want to kill a Hong Kong tycoon like Lin Yao, US$1 million is indeed a bit small.

Ten minutes later, Ye Jihuan and Ma Zhong left Fusheng Bar carrying a box.

As soon as Ye Jihuan and Ma Zhong left, Ge Zhixiong asked his cronies to arrange for someone to follow them.

Are you going to kill them too after they kill Lin Yao? Gullible asked.

Ge Zhixiong glanced at his cronies and said calmly:

"Kill them, how can I use Big Circle Boy in the future?"

"I'm worried that they haven't seen the entertainment and entertainment in big cities and missed the real business. If they go to eat, drink, whore and gamble, then remind them and let them do it quickly!"

"Yes, I understand." The confidant nodded and left.

the other side.

Ye Jihuan and Ma Zhong soon discovered that there was a tail behind them.

With his strong skills, he quickly got rid of the eyeliner sent by Ge Zhixiong.

Then he went to see Wang Jianguo.

After replenishing weapons and ammunition with Wang Jianguo, we rented a car and headed to Diamond Mountain.

Stopped outside a nine-story building in Diamond Head.

This is Hong Le's headquarters, when the two of them came to the downstairs of this building.

Several Fengtang members who had been waiting here took Ye Jihuan and Ma Zhong to a repair vehicle.

"You two, this is Hong Le's photo of Brother Piao, please take it."

The members of Fengtang took out Brother Piao's photo and handed it to Ye Jihuan and Ma Zhong, and then continued:

"You will put on your repairman's clothes later and push the car directly up the stairs from the underground parking lot."

"After you finish your work, come down the stairs. We will meet you in the corridor and cover your retreat."

After listening to the words of the Fengtang members, Ye Jihuan nodded.

Then Ma Zhong and he changed into repairmen's clothes and pushed the car into the elevator.

The elevator soon reached the top floor, and the elevator door opened with a ding.

"Hey, who are you?"

Ye Jihuan and Ma Zhong were stopped by Hong Le's Ma Zai as soon as they stepped out of the elevator.

"We are repairmen. Someone just called and said that the toilet in the bathroom here is broken. Let's fix it."

Ma Zhong said calmly.

"Wait a moment, I'll go in and ask." Hong Le's Ma Zai said.

But at this moment, Ye Jihuan and Ma Zhong each took out an AK47 from the repair car and started shooting wildly!

Da da da da da da da da…

The two Hongle mazai were beaten into a sieve in an instant.

Then, the two of them fired their way into Hong Le's headquarters.

Brother Piao, the leader, is having a meeting with the major leaders.

Suddenly, intensive gunshots suddenly sounded!

"What's going on?" Brother Piao asked immediately.

A straw sandal rushed into the conference room door, and was knocked to the ground by AK47 before he could report.

The entire conference room was in chaos.

Brother Piao's two cronies, Ma Zai, protected him and quickly left the conference room through the back door amid the chaotic crowd.

"Quick, take the stairs!"

After walking out of the conference room, Brother Piao ordered loudly.

Taking the elevator now is asking for death!

"Yes, boss!"

Two horse boys. Or Brother Piao walked towards the fire escape.

Da da da da da da!

The dense gunfire roared continuously.

Even though Brother Piao had been in the world for decades, he was so frightened that he was sweating all over.

Soon, he arrived at the crossing under the escort of his confidant Ma Zai, but the next scene made him completely despair.

The door to the fire escape was suddenly closed and locked.

"Fuck his mother!"

Brother Piao cursed angrily, and the two cronies beside him didn't hesitate and immediately started to bang on the door.

Da da da da da da da da!

The sound of AK47 shooting was getting closer and closer, and the screams in the conference room slowly disappeared.

Soon, Brother Piao saw two men walking towards this side with guns in hand.

Brother Piao immediately loudly urged his two cronies:

"Quick, Ah Fa, Ah Cai, let's go!"

At this time, Ma Zai's words made Brother Piao feel like he had fallen into an ice cave!

"Boss, there seems to be someone behind the door, and we can't open it."


At this moment, Ye Jihuan and Ma Zhong had arrived in front of Brother Piao.

Just pull the trigger, and fire snakes will shoot out from the muzzle of AK's gun, sending Brother Piao and his two relatives to heaven on the spot.

Ten minutes later.

After receiving the call from citizens, the crime squad quickly cordoned off the scene. Colleagues and a large number of reporters arrived.

The shooting quickly spread throughout Hong Kong Island.

And more detailed news spread throughout the world.

This time, the entire top management of Hong Le was wiped out, including Xu Piao, the leader of the group.

Number Help Headquarters.

"Fuck his mother, I want them to kill Lin Yao, the leader of Hongxing. Why did they kill brother Hong Lepiao?"

Ge Zhixiong took the microphone and roared crazily.

"Mr. Ge, I'm sorry. I contacted them and they said they killed the wrong person this time."

On the other side of the phone, the middleman Ge Zhixiong found this time spoke.

"Fuck! People can kill the wrong person, is it possible that they eat the wrong food?"

"Fuck you, you have to give me an explanation for what happened this time."

Ge Zhixiong cursed loudly.

The big boy he invited from the mainland killed Hong Le's leader.

Now even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to escape.

He said that the killer he hired was confused and asked him to kill Hong Xing's leader by mistake, and he became Hong Le's leader.

Who the hell can believe this?

At this moment, he wished he could give himself a big-eared melon seed.

Why did you listen to the middleman in the first place? Do you really think these two big guys are masters?

"Mr. Ge, I have no other choice but to refund your money," the person on the phone said calmly.

Then, beep beep beep beep beep...

A busy signal came over.

Obviously, the other party has hung up the phone.

"Holy shit!"

Ge Zhixiong cursed angrily.

Then he threw the eldest brother to the ground hard,


Looking at the blue sky in Tsim Sha Tsui, Ge Zhixiong shook his head and sighed!

He knew that he was in trouble because of these two "stupid thieves".

Hong Le is just a small club with less than 1,000 people. In an era when there are many clubs in Hong Kong, it is just a little transparent.

As the leader, Brother Piao is even more like the little Kalami.

But this little martial artist Karami caused a sensation in the entire Hong Kong community after his death.

The day after Brother Piao died, a piece of news spread in the world.

The big guy who killed Brother Piao was hired by Ge Zhixiong, the leader of the number gang.

After the news came out, several other small groups of brothers, Hong An, Hong Xingyi, Hong Xin's leading brother Pan, Jin Yaju, and Huazhi immediately united and went to question Ge Zhixiong.

Of course Ge Zhixiong denied it outright, but as more and more evidence emerged.

For example, Ge Zhixiong's son Ge Yilong spilled the beans while drinking in Malan, saying that he had seen the power of the two tough gangsters.

There are also smuggling information from the smugglers, which prove that the big guy who killed Brother Piao was paid by Ge Zhixiong.

That night.

Ge Zhixiong of Fusheng Bar sat on the sofa with a depressed look.

Sitting opposite him was Ma Tiansheng, the leader of the Viper Gang. Liu Longju, the leader of Helian Gongle.

Ge Zhixiong called the two of them here just to discuss with them how to handle this matter.

"Mr. Ge, according to you, it's the problem of those two big boys?"

After listening to Ge Zhixiong's narration, Ma Tiansheng spoke.

"Yes, it really has nothing to do with me, but will Big Brother Pan and those people believe it?"

Ge Zhixiong sighed and said.

"Mr. Ge, I don't believe it, so what if they don't believe it? Do they still dare to rebel? Impossible." Liu Longju said domineeringly.

Ge Zhixiong looked at Liu Rongju, nodded and said:

"I can give them some compensation. If they don't understand, then I can't control them."

"At this point, there is no other way. We can only settle this matter first and concentrate on fighting Hong Xing!"


Hearing what Ge Zhixiong said, Ma Tiansheng and Liu Rongju both nodded.

Ge Zhixiong took out the cigars and divided them, lit one himself, took a puff and said to Ma Tiansheng:

"Mr. Ma, please contact the three of them and ask them to come over."

"OK, all right."

Ma Tiansheng smiled and nodded, and then he took out the mobile phone.

I made a phone call in front of Ge Zhixiong and Liu Rongju.

After hanging up the phone, he said to Ge Zhiqun: "Mr. Ge, the three of them will be here soon.

Half an hour later, eldest brother Pan, Huazhi, and Jin Yaju arrived at Fusheng Bar.

The faces of the three of them were as ugly as Sima's.

Jin Yaju was the first to speak: "Mr. Ge, you must give an explanation to our brothers about Brother Piao!"

"Otherwise, we will withdraw from the Anti-Hongxing Alliance!"

Ge Zhixiong tried his best to force out a smile and said: "Listen to my explanation. Brother Piao's matter is purely due to the confusion of the two big gangsters, and it really has nothing to do with me."

"Mr. Ge, Brother Piao is dead now. Are you trying to evade responsibility by putting the responsibility on Daquanzi?" As soon as Ge Zhixiong finished speaking, his eldest brother Pan immediately retorted.

"Of course I will not evade responsibility. I will give a sum of money to Brother Piao's family, and I will also make certain compensation to the three of you."

"This happened because of me, and I won't run away from it."

Ge Zhixiong said slowly.

Hear what Ge Zhixiong said. The expressions of the three people became more relaxed.

Ma Tiansheng next to him saw that the attitude of these three people was a little loose, so he struck while the iron was hot and said:

"This time, Hong Le's top management has been singled out. We cannot let others take advantage of us at this time. I think the three of you should help Hong Le get through this difficult time."

Ma Tiansheng's words were more straightforward.

The subtext is that now the three of you can divide Hongle's territory.

Therefore, the three of them, eldest brother Pan, looked better again.

Ge Zhixiong saw that this trick had taken effect, so he took out the cigars and divided them, saying:

"I'm not just saying this, I will give each of your three families 20 million as compensation."

"Also, if Hongxing's territory is conquered this time, our share will be divided among the three of you."

Ge Zhixiong gave these compensations, which obviously made the three of them, the eldest brother Pan, excited.

It only takes a minute to go from livid to amiable and approachable. Sichuan's face has never changed so quickly.


Jin Yaju coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, and then said:

"Mr. Ge, Mr. Ma, Mr. Liu, we are all allies."

"This time it may indeed be a misunderstanding, but our three alliances don't want to see this happen a second time."

"Don't worry, I, Ge Zhixiong, swear in the name of my Ge family that this kind of thing will never happen again!!"

"Since it was a misunderstanding, let's all have a drink. After drinking this glass of wine, the misunderstanding will be resolved. How about it?"

Seeing that the two parties had reached an agreement, Ma Tiansheng said with a smile.

Soon, the bartender brought a bunch of black leather over.

Then they all opened again.

The six people raised the beer bottle together and drank it all.

The anti-Hongxing alliance, which was about to fall apart, is once again solid.

It’s just that Brother Piao, who is already a loser, may never have imagined that his three good brothers would sell him out while talking and laughing.

Moreover, his Hongle territory was divided up, and a bottle of dark beer made him cry.

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