HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 239 Lin Yao, the well-deserved number one Hong Kong giant!

Ping Tou looked at A Qiang who was still staring, sneered, and walked up to A Qiang.

She took off the green ring from his hand and put it on her own hand.

Then he picked up the mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Brother Ju has an order. All the big players in Lian Gong Le will immediately return to the headquarters to gather together."

After a while, Flathead walked out of Liu Rongju's office and looked at Lin Yao in front of him with a smile and said:

"Brother Yao, according to your instructions, I called all the key players in Lian Gong Le to the headquarters."

Lin Yao said calmly: "Okay."

Then, Lin Yao turned to Jiu Wenlong and said:

"Aaron, get ready and give these Lian Gong Le leaders a surprise."

"Okay, Brother Yao." Jiu Wenlong replied with a smile.

Two hours later, Liu Rongju was woken up by a basin of cold water.

When he came to his senses, he found that he was back at Lian Gongle's headquarters, without any restraints on his body.

Liu Rongju suddenly realized something, opened the car door and rushed towards the Lian Gongle headquarters.

When he opened the door to the headquarters, he was greeted by an empty hall.

Then, Liu Rongju finally breathed a sigh of relief after walking through the entire Lian Gongle headquarters.

At this time, Wang Jianguo's voice came from outside the room.

"Mr. Liu, are you looking for these people?"

Liu Rongju walked out of the house and came to the side of the house.

The next scene he saw almost made Liu Rongju shocked!

I saw more than 20 densely packed corpses lying in a large pit, and the person at the top was A Qiang.

Others are also the talkers in various halls of Lian Gong Le.

At this time, a man was standing next to the pit with a shovel.

"short hair!!!"

Liu Rongju looked at this man and roared.

"You idiot!!!"

The green ring in the flat hand was exposed in front of Liu Rongju's eyes, and he said with a smile:

"Brother Ju, you always scolded me before, but I couldn't bear it!"

"I just wanted to be the leader, but I never thought that you would never think of passing it on to me until your death."

"Just to get the upper hand, you killed all the brothers in the club?" Liu Rongju looked at Flathead and yelled angrily.

"Of course not. After the Lian Gong fun is over, do I still have to die together?" Ping Tou said sadly.

"Ping Tou, you're just a kid, you're going to die a good death!" Liu Rongju scolded angrily.

Flathead looked at Liu Rongju and said coldly:

"Brother Ju, I have been a dog in front of you for ten years, I can't do it in vain!"

"So, sorry"

"Bang, bang, bang, bang"

Flathead took out his pistol, pointed it at Liu Rongju, and pulled the trigger.

Liu Rongju, the leader of Lian Gong Le, died!

Pingtou walked to Liu Rongju's body, pulled his legs and dragged him to the pit.

Liu Rongju's body was thrown in and lay next to Aqiang.

Then Flathead swung the shovel.

It took a full 20 minutes to fill the big hole with shovelfuls of soil.

Finally, Flathead stepped on the big pit and tamped down the soil.

He looked back at Wang Jianguo and said:

"Brother Jianguo, it's done."

Wang Jianguo smiled and nodded: "Well, not bad!

The next moment, Wang Jianguo took out a pistol and shot him dead in the face of Flathead's incredible eyes.

"We dare not accept anyone who betrays our boss."

Wang Jianguo looked at the flat-headed man and said coldly.

at the same time

Fifty meters outside the headquarters of Lian Gong Le, there was a blue limited edition Lamborghini.

In Lin Yao's mind, the voice of the system sounded.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission and destroying Lian Gongle. Mission reward:

"Five free attribute points, randomly select god-level skills once"

"Extracting god-level skills for the host!"

"The god-level skill has been extracted for the host: danger prediction."

"Danger Prediction: The host can detect an imminent fatal threat within eight seconds."

Lin Yao nodded with satisfaction!

This god-level skill is great, and now he really needs this skill to protect his own safety.

Then, Lin Yao allocated the five free attributes to two points for strength and agility, and one point for constitution.

At this time, Wang Jianguo also got in the car.

"Brother Yao, the matter is settled."

After getting in the car, Wang Jianguo said to Lin Yao.

Early that morning.

East Tsim Sha Tsui, Ma Tiansheng Villa.

‘Bell, bell, bell’

A phone ringing woke Ma Tiansheng up.

"Hello." Ma Tiansheng said after picking up the phone.

"Mr. Ma, something big happened." A man's voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

"What's up?"

Ma Tiansheng suddenly woke up, because the man on the phone was Ma Tiansheng's confidant, Sloppy Man.

"Liu Rongju is dead, Lian Gong's happiness is gone!"

When Ma Tiansheng heard this, he was stunned on the spot.

After a few seconds, he asked in a hesitant and shocked tone: "Really?"

"Really, absolutely true!" Sloppy Wen said with certainty.

"Awen, please leave me alone."

After Ma Tiansheng said this, he hung up the phone and got off.

"Darling, where are you going so late?"

The Japanese wife lying next to Ma Tiansheng was awakened by Ma Tiansheng's movements.

She stared at Ma Tiansheng and said.

However, Ma Tiansheng did not answer the woman's question.

Instead, he quickly walked out of the room.

After going downstairs, I walked to the living room, sat on the sofa, and slowly closed my eyes.

Gradually digested the sloppy report.

Before going to war with Hong Xing, Ma Tiansheng thought that Hong Xing could persist for a while.

After all, it is one of the six major societies in Hong Kong, and its heritage is still there.

But Hongxing's final outcome will definitely be destroyed by their three alliances.

But after the official war with Hongxing began, Ma Tiansheng found that the situation was different.

The Brotherhood was very powerful and was quickly wiped out one by one by Hong Xing.

Originally, Ma Tiansheng didn't take it to heart until today, Liangong Le was destroyed by Hong Xing.

You must know that Lian Gong Le is a long-established society in Hong Kong. At its peak, its strength was comparable to that of Lai Hao's Yiqun.

How could a society of this strength be wiped out like this? ? ?

There was a hint of fear and regret on Ma Tiansheng's face, and he whispered to himself:

"No, I am absolutely not wrong. I will not be wrong about Lin Yao."

"Even if I don't mess with him, he will attack the Viper Gang one day."

Thinking of this, Ma Tiansheng picked up the big brother next to the sofa.

"Hello, Mr. Ge, I am Ma Tiansheng."

After the call was connected, Ma Tiansheng said directly.

"Mr. Ma, I am also about to call you. You should also know about Lian Gong Le."

Ge Zhixiong's slightly tired voice reached Ma Tiansheng's ears.

"Mr. Ge, I still can't believe this news." Ma Tiansheng said with a bitter smile.

"Not only do you not believe it, I don't believe it either!"

"But that's the fact. Now we are sitting on the same boat and we have to tide over the difficulties together!" Ge Zhixiong said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Ge, what should we do now?" Ma Tiansheng asked.

"The goods I shipped back from Taiguo will arrive at Hong Kong Island in three days. We can use this shipment as a bargaining chip to bring Hongmen into our alliance."

"Although Hongmen on Hong Kong Island is not strong, as far as I know the Hongmen headquarters has always wanted to start over on Hong Kong Island. Now the status of Hong Kong Island is no longer the same!"

"Mr. Ma, please contact Master Ding of Hongmen tomorrow and give it a try," Ge Zhixiong said.

"Okay." Ma Tiansheng nodded and said.

"Besides, Mr. Ma, Hong Xing will never stop after killing Lien Gong Le."

"I think the next target is either your Viper Gang or our Number Gang."

"Now we really have to cooperate sincerely, and we can no longer sit back and watch tigers fight." Ge Zhixiong said solemnly.

"Mr. Ge, please rest assured that the Viper Gang will fully cooperate with the Number Gang in the future." Ma Tiansheng said, patting his chest.

This time Ma Tiansheng was serious because he felt that Lin Yao's next target would definitely be the Viper Gang.

After all, the Number Gang is much stronger than the Viper Gang.

Therefore, he must have Ge Zhixiong's full support.

At the same time, he also needs the talkative people under the Viper Gang to support him and unite the whole society as one.

Thinking of this, Ma Tiansheng had another headache.

The top ten talkative people of the Viper Gang have been tricked by him recently.

Ma Tiansheng had no intention of continuing the conversation with Ge Zhixiong, and hung up the phone after saying a few more words.

That night, Ma Tiansheng and Ge Zhixiong stayed up all night.

In addition to them, there are many people in Hong Kong's underground world who can't sleep at night because of this incident!

Everyone knows that Hongxing's rise to become the number one club on Hong Kong Island is a foregone conclusion.

Lin Yao, the leader of Hongxing, has become the undisputed number one giant in Hong Kong's underground world.

Early the next morning.

The news that Hongxing destroyed Lian Gongle was like a spark hitting the earth, shaking the entire Hong Kong Island.

West Kowloon Region.

"Sir Lu, Hongxing destroyed Liangongle, right?" Ma Jun looked at Lu Qichang in disbelief and asked.

"Liu Rongju's body has been dug out by Blue Hat. Do you want to go visit it?" Lu Qichang replied angrily.

"No, isn't Lian Gong Le one of the six major societies in Hong Kong? Was it destroyed just like that?"

Ma Jun still felt stunned.

Damn it, this is too fast!

"Didn't the crippled emperor of Hong Kong suddenly go to jail, and the Yiqun group also sunset?"

Lu Qichang said.

"But the Number Gang has not been wiped out!" Ma Jun said.

"Stop asking and do the work."

Lu Qichang was a little annoyed by Ma Jun's questions, so he dismissed the boy with just one sentence.

At this time, a military uniform walked up to Lu Qichang and reported: "Sir Lu, Sir Liu asked you to go to his office for a meeting."

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Lu Qichang replied, then turned and left the office and walked towards Liu Jianming's office.

When Lu Qichang walked into Liu Jianming's office, he found that Yuan Haoyun had also arrived.

"Sir Lu, the confidentiality level of this meeting is very high. Only the three of us are participating." Liu Jianming said to Lu Qichang.

Lu Qichang nodded, then closed and locked the office door.

"Sir Lu, Sir Yuan, this time the police department has a big operation. Before telling you, you must sign this confidentiality agreement."

Liu Jianming took out two pieces of paper and pushed them in front of Lu Qichang and Yuan Haoyun respectively.

Lu Qichang and Yuan Haoyun didn't take a closer look. They had signed countless confidentiality agreements since they were police officers.

After the two of them signed the confidentiality agreement and handed it back to Liu Jianming, Liu Jianming said:

"At this time, the power of social organizations was extremely rampant. The top brass of the police force believed that it was necessary to take a major operation to crack down on the power of social organizations."

"To this end, the upper management has arranged an operation to put 100 undercover agents into various societies across Hong Kong Island to lurk in various societies."

"To collect evidence of their crimes, this operation was named Operation Qianlong."

Liu Jianming looked at Lu Qichang and Yuan Haoyun said slowly.

After hearing Liu Jianming's words, both Lu Qichang and Yuan Haoyun showed a look of surprise on their faces.

Liu Jianming looked at the expressions of Lu Qichang and Yuan Haoyun and knew exactly what they were thinking.

In fact, he was called to the police station for a meeting in the morning. When he heard the news, he was the same as Lu Qichang and Yuan Haoyun.

Liu Jianming continued: "This time, Operation Qianlong, the headquarters requires our West Kowloon Region to fully cooperate!"

"Strive to reduce the level of organized crime in Hong Kong Island to 30% of this year's level within one year."

"Yes, sir!" Lu Qichang and Yuan Haoyun said in unison.

"The meeting is dismissed," Liu Jianming said slowly.

"yes, sir!"

"Goodbye, sir!"

After Lu Qichang and Yuan Haoyun left, Liu Jianming locked the office door again.

He took out the telephone from the drawer and plugged in the phone cord.

"Hey, see you at the same place in 20 minutes."

After the call was connected, Liu Jianming whispered.

After saying this, Liu Jianming hung up the phone and put the phone away.

20 minutes later, in an old-style teahouse, Liu Jianming was wearing a hat and sunglasses, wrapped up tightly.

At this time, Wang Jianguo sat opposite Liu Jianming.

"The top management of Gui Lao has launched Operation Hidden Dragon and will send out 100 undercover agents one after another to infiltrate the club." Liu Jianming said in a low voice.

"Is there an undercover list?" Wang Jianguo asked

"The undercover list is a top-secret document that can only be seen by the Assistant Commissioner of Police." Liu Jianming replied.

"Okay, I understand, I will tell Brother Yao!" Wang Jianguo nodded and left.

Operation Qianlong seems to be huge, but in fact it has little impact on Hongxing.

Because Hongxing's recruitment conditions are too harsh, it's too difficult for an undercover agent to come in.

After being investigated by Feng Tang, all the secrets came out.

Therefore, after hearing what Wang Jianguo said about Operation Hidden Dragon, Lin Yao just asked Wang Jianguo to strengthen the review of finding people.

Other than that, there is nothing to do.

On the other side, Liu Rongju's Liu family fell into chaos.

Liu Yingruo was woken up by her eldest brother Liu Zhengxiang in the morning.

"Yingruo, I have already booked a ticket for you to go to country m, and I gave you a sum of money."

"It's enough for you to spend a lifetime in country M. You should never return to Hong Kong Island in the future."

Liu Zhengxiang said directly to Liu Yingruo.

"Brother, what happened? Why do you suddenly ask me to go to Country M?" Liu Yingruo was completely confused by Liu Zhengmao's words.

She didn't know yet that Lian Gongle was destroyed by Hong Xing.

"Hong Xing destroyed Liangong Le last night, and his second uncle was also killed by Hong Xing's people. Our Liu family has to run away." Liu Zhengmao said.

Hearing Liu Zhengmao's words, Liu Yingruo looked shocked!

That handsome young man actually destroyed Lian Gong Le in one night?

And even her second uncle Liu Rongju died?

How can this be?

Although Liu Yingruo told Lin Yao the warehouse where Lian Gongle's inventory was located.

But she couldn't imagine it.

In just one night, Lin Yao wiped out the long-established Hong Kong club Lian Gong Le.

Liu Zhengmao looked at Liu Yingruo's incredible expression and said with a bitter smile:

"Yingruo, I think it's too magical, but it really happened. Our family must leave Hong Kong Island."

"You are the only one in the entire Liu family who is innocent. You can go to Country M." Liu Zhengmao looked at Liu Yingruo and said slowly.

"Brother, how much money did you give me?" Liu Yingruo asked at this time.

"Don't worry, the money I will give you will be enough for you to use for a lifetime." Liu Zhengmao said casually.

"Yes." Liu Yingruo nodded and stopped talking.

"Yingruo, please leave today." Liu Zhengmao stood up and left after leaving these words.

After Liu Zhengmao left, Liu Yingruo murmured to himself:

"When my father died, he left at least 500 million Hong Kong dollars in inheritance. How can I get 100 million, right?"

"You don't give me a penny, do you think I'm a fool?"

Liu Yingruo took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Mr. Lin? My name is Liu Yingruo."

After the call was connected, Liu Yingruo said.

"I'm Lin Yao." Lin Yao's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Lin, they are ready to run away. What do you want to do next?"

"Ms. Liu, take the locator I gave you yesterday. I will arrange the next thing."

Lin Yao said slowly after hearing Liu Yingruo's words.

The next morning.

The Liu family got in the car and prepared to run away.

Liu Yingruo walked to the car where Liu Zhengxiang was and knocked on the car window.

"Yingruo, what's wrong?" Liu Zhengxiang looked at Liu Yingruo and asked.

"Brother, I want to give you a ride." Liu Yingruo said sincerely.

Liu Zhengxiang hesitated for a moment, then it was best to nod and say:

"All right."

Then, Liu Zhengxiang opened the car door.

"Brother, where are you going this time?" Liu Yingruo asked in the car.

"Da Ma, I'm going to do some small business." Liu Zhengxiang replied.

"Yeah." Liu Yingruo hummed and said nothing more.

It's just that I kept my hand in my pocket and didn't take it out.

20 minutes later, the car carrying the Liu family arrived at a small pier in Saigon.

"Everyone, wait here. I hired a temporary boat and it won't arrive until eleven o'clock."

Liu Zhengxiang glanced at his watch. It was already half past ten.

"Yingruo, just send it here. You can go home." Liu Zhengxiang looked at Liu Yingruo and said.

"I'll wait for you to get on the boat before leaving." Liu Yingruo replied.

"Oh, Yingruo, I have been busy doing business these years and haven't taken much care of you. Now I have no choice but to take care of you. In country M, you must take good care of yourself."

Liu Zhengxiang looked at Liu Yingruo and said slowly.

"I will, thank you, brother." Liu Yingruo nodded.

Ten minutes later, several cars came quickly from far to near.

"Brother, there's something wrong with these cars."

Liu Zhengmao walked to Liu Zhengxiang, pointed at these cars, and said.

"Tell Ah Niu, Ah Gang, Ah Xiong and the copycat guys to get ready." Liu Zhengxiang said immediately.

While talking, the cars suddenly stopped.

Before Liu Zhengxiang could react, a gunshot rang out.


Then, a horse boy fell to the ground!

"Attack his mother, there is a sniper on the other side, hide quickly!"

Liu Zhengxiang shouted loudly, pulling Liu Yingruo and hiding behind the car.


Another shot, and the other Ma Chai also fell to the ground.


This shot directly hit the fifth aunt of the Liu family in the head!

At this time, Liu Zhengxiang, Liu Yingruo and others had already hid behind the car. (End of chapter)

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