HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 271 Mr. Lin, you are so defiant, then, what is your dream?

"Take down your equipment. A large cargo ship will take us to our destination in an hour. Be prepared before then!" Lin Yao said slowly.

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

After Vic finished speaking to Lin Yao, he began to direct his men's actions.

At this time, Maxim next to him looked at Lin Yao and said:

"Mr. Lin, where are we going?"

Lin Yao smiled and said: "A beautiful island, located at the junction of Malaysia, Mancha and Singapura."

"Island?" Maxim said in an uncertain tone.

"That's right, Ice Island, that's our destination this time, and it's also the paradise I plan to build!" Lin Yao said with a smile.

"Can I ask what you are going to do this time?" Maxim asked curiously.

"You'll know when you get there!" Lin Yao said mysteriously.

Soon, this group of polar bear special forces had their equipment ready.

The small cargo ship also slowly sailed away from the pier.

Five minutes later, a small cruise ship arrived at the dock.

Lin Yao took the lead and walked up!

After another ten minutes, the small cruise ship brought Lin Yao and his party to a 10,000-ton cargo ship offshore.

After Lin Yao and others boarded the ship, the freighter accelerated its speed and headed towards Nanyang!

Two days later, the cargo ship finally arrived in the waters near Ace Island.

Subsequently, a small armed ship sailed next to the freighter and conducted radio communication with the freighter.

"Is Mr. Lin Yao on board?"

A voice with a southern Fujian accent came from the radio communicator.

"Well, I am Lin Yao." Lin Yao said.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm here to take you to Ice Island. Please get on the boat!" said the man with a southern Fujian accent.


Lin Yao knew that this was sent by Lei Yingdong to help him.

Without hesitation, he took everyone on board the armed ship.

Three hours later, they landed on a remote beach on Ice Island.

At this time, several large trucks were waiting not far from the beach.

After getting in the car, Lin Yao finally saw the person he was going to visit this time.

The leader of the Hua people on Aisi Island, Li Mingxian.

In fact, Li Mingxian's ancestor was a man named Li Boyi, who came from Hu Jianlongyan.

Li Boyi once established an unnamed kingdom on Ace Island.

Although this kingdom only existed for 20 years, his descendants are still the leaders of the Hua people in this land!

Li Mingxian's skin was dark. He looked at Lin Yao and said:

"Mr. Lin, we have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Lin Yao heard Li Mingxian's words and instantly knew what he meant.

In fact, Li Mingxian didn't wait for Lin Yao for a long time, but he waited for someone like Lin Yao to help them for too long.

Lin Yao looked at the dark-skinned middle-aged man in front of him and said, "Mr. Li, never put your hopes in others."

"Only when you stand up by yourself can you truly stand up!"

After listening to Lin Yao's words, Li Mingxian wrinkled his brows and wrinkles together, sighed softly, and said:

"Mr. Lin, I...well, you will know when we get there!"

Several large, dilapidated trucks finally arrived at their destination after a bumpy ride of forty or fifty minutes.

After Lin Yao got out of the car, he saw houses one after another piled with old wooden boards, black mud, and various miscellaneous bushes and leaves.

Here, shocking poverty!

Every house has four walls! Children are basically malnourished, and many women are half-clothed!

"Mr. Lin, it's too abominable to be full of thorns and add to the palace!"

"We don't have a big boat and can't go to sea. We can only make a living by farming."

"The Manchurians on the island will come to us after a while to steal food. They have weapons in their hands. We are no match for them!"

"In the past few decades, we don't know how many people in our tribe have died at their hands, and many women have also been harmed by them."

Li Mingxian sighed heavily and choked up his words.

After listening to Li Mingxian's words, Lin Yao asked in a deep voice:

"Mr. Li, where do the Manchurians live on the island?"

"Also, how often do people from Mancijia Zhengfu come?"

After Li Mingxian heard Lin Yao's words, he hurriedly said: "Mr. Lin, Mancijia Palace has a platoon of troops stationed on this island."

"Although there are only thirty people, they are fully equipped with weapons and satellite phones."

"When the time comes, they will contact Mancijia Zhengfu and surround the island, and they will not be able to escape!"

"Mr. Li, tell me, how often do people from Mancijia Palace come?"

Lin Yao looked at Li Mingxian and said.

"It changes once a year. They usually change the garrison in January."

"It's early June now, they should replace them in seven months!" Li Mingxian said.

"That's enough! I'll take care of the rest!" Lin Yao said with a smile.

Li Mingxian looked at Lin Yao and hesitated to speak.

After Lin Yao and Li Mingxian finished talking, he walked up to Vick and said:

"Vic, there are about 1,500 Manchurians on this island, including thirty soldiers."

"I don't want to see a stabbed Canadian with any weapons tomorrow, can you do that?"

Vic said: "Mr. Lin, no problem!"

Lin Yao continued: "Vic, the other party has a satellite phone and the message must be blocked. Can you do it?"

"Okay!" Vic said.

"Then take action!"

As soon as Lin Yao finished speaking, he heard Vic begin to gather the soldiers to form formations and arrange tasks.

Lin Yao was not watching from the side. He believed that these polar bear veterans should have no problem dealing with the Manchurian soldiers!

Of course, polar bears are belligerent, but not warlike.

There is still some suspense!

At this time, Maxim walked to Lin Yao's side and sighed:

"Mr. Lin, these children are so pitiful!"

Lin Yao looked at Maxim and said, "Maxim, you should go outside Moscow more often."

"In fact, in many places within the polar bear territory, there are many people who are as poor as them!"

"Impossible!" Maxim denied.

"If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do!"

After Lin Yao finished speaking, he picked up a bag from the dilapidated truck.

Then we walked into the area where Hua people live, opened the bag and gave the children sandwich cookies and cream chocolate!

At first, the children were still a little afraid of Lin Yao.

But slowly, more and more children gathered around Lin Yao, begging for cookies, cream and chocolate.

The adults also looked at Lin Yao with curious eyes!

They knew that this person was from outside the island.

They look just like them, with yellow skin, black hair, and black eyes, and they speak Chinese!

Many of the residents on this island have never left here in their lives, and they are curious about everything outside.

Soon, Lin Yao finished distributing the biscuits, cream chocolates in the bag, and the children who surrounded him reluctantly left.

Lin Yao walked to Maxim's side and said:

"These children were born in the wrong place, suffered poverty they should not have to endure, and lost their dignity and freedom!"

"Maxim, do you think this is fair?"

Maxim shook his head and said: "Unfair!"

Lin Yao smiled and said: "I am here to break this injustice! Maxim, are you willing to help me?"

Maxim did not hesitate and said: "Mr. Lin, how should I help you?"

"I want you to be my model." Lin Yao smiled.

"Huh?" Maxim looked confused.

Soon, he knew what Lin Yao meant.

He took countless photos with children, the elderly, men, and women in these dilapidated houses!

And Lin Yao asked him to keep a slightly sympathetic and slightly sad expression!

After taking nearly a hundred photos, Lin Yao signaled to Maxim that it was over!

Maxim, who looked confused, walked to Lin Yao and asked:

"Mr. Lin, why are you taking so many photos?"

"I'm going to use the favorite trick of your polar bear enemy, Country M, the public opinion war with human fists!" Lin Yao said to Maxim with a smile.

"Useful?" Maxim asked curiously.

"Maxim, these photos will play an important role!"

After listening to Lin Yao's words, Maxim was still confused and shook his head at Lin Yao.

Lin Yao smiled and said:

"Nowadays, Westerners pay attention to human fists. They stand on the moral high ground and use human fists to control the discourse and criticize polar bears."

"What do you think will happen if I publish these photos in a Western media magazine?"

Maxim thought for a while and said: "I think maybe it will be calm, maybe it will be reported in a big way."

“But what’s the use of that?

Lin Yao smiled and said:

"Mancijia is not a pro-Western grasshopper family, or he is not qualified to be a dog."

"So the Western media will not protect them. Once the pressure of international public opinion is formed, it will be difficult for Manchuria and Canada to use force!"

Afterwards, Lin Yao looked at the sea not far away and continued:

"At that time, this place can be autonomous. This is my first step!"

"I also want to arm the Hua people here, on land, sea and air, so that they have the ability to resist Manlajia!"

Maxim asked curiously: "Lin Yao, the plan is good, but how do you implement it?"

"I think your plan is like Pushkin's poem, too unpredictable, isn't it?"

"Or to use the words of your motherland, this is a fantasy!"

Lin Yao smiled mysteriously and said: "Keep it secret, just wait and see."

Maxim nodded after hearing this and stopped asking.

After being in contact with Lin Yao for more than a month, he had already become friends with this young man from the East.

He knew that his friend's favorite thing to do was to make others guess!

Such people can only be friends, not enemies.

Lin Yao then said to Maxim: "Maxim, I have to tell you something clearly!"

Seeing Lin Yao's serious and serious expression, Maxim's heart trembled, and he said: "Mr. Lin, please speak!"

Lin Yao raised the camera in his hand and said, "There are photos in the camera that I just took. Now you have two choices!"

"The first is to destroy these photos, or develop them yourself and take them home for collection. In short, don't send them outside!"

"Second, I will send these photos to the Western media, and I will leave evidence to prove your identity!"

Maxim frowned and asked, "Mr. Lin, why do you do this?"

Lin Yao looked at Maxim and said slowly: "Create a heroic character for you!"

"Create a heroic persona for me?"

Monk Maxim Zhanger was confused and looked astonished.

"Maxim, once the Western media knows your identity and has done things that violate Renquan's values, they will definitely push you to the top!"

Hearing this, Maxim looked at Lin Yao in confusion.

I thought to myself, it turns out that you also know that after doing this, I don’t have to hang out with Polar Bear!

However, Lin Yao continued: "Your uncle and I had a secret conversation, so your uncle sent you to come to Hong Kong Island with me."

"Now, I'll tell you that."

Lin Yao whispered in Maxim's ear: "In a year at most, you will...!"

"No, absolutely impossible!" Maxim shouted.

After hearing what Lin Yao said, Maxim couldn't accept it!

Lin Yao shook his head and said, "Maxim, this is indeed irreversible!"

"For the specific situation, your uncle should be one of the very few people who knows the inside story, otherwise he wouldn't cooperate with me!"

"Maxim, after the disintegration of the Polar Bears, the West is wooing the various Polar Bear affiliated countries, and you are one of the targets."

"When the time comes, you will surely rise to great heights! Fly thousands of miles!"

Maxim thought for a while and said: "Mr. Lin, you are really a very wise and upright politician, not a charlatan!"

Hearing this, Lin Yao already knew Maxim's choice.

He is indeed an ambitious person.

Lin Yao is not afraid of ambitious friends, but afraid of unambitious friends.

So, he smiled.

"Maxim, anyone who can be the eldest brother of Jianghu is also a good ruler. Otherwise, how can he let his subordinates charge into battle for him?" Lin Yao said with a smile.

"Sure enough, Mr. Lin always has great ideas!!" Maxim looked at Lin Yao and said with a smile.

Then, he suddenly asked: "You are so defiant, then, what is your dream?"

"Simple, I want to be a completely free person!" Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar and said.

"What about you? What is your dream?" Lin Yao asked.

Maxim blurted out: "I want to be the leader of our Grasshopper family!"

"I have set this ideal since I was taken to Moscow by my uncle when I was 10 years old, and when I first saw...!"

"Dreams are the most beautiful, hope is with you, come on!"

That night, on the other side of the Hua people's gathering place on Ace Island, there was a gathering place full of Cigar people, and there were fires coming out from time to time.

If you get closer, you can still hear the "click-click-click" sound of gunfire.

At this time, in the Hua people gathering area, there was a slightly better house.

Lin Yao and Li Mingxian sat face to face on the floor.

"Mr. Li, I can help you solve your trouble this time, but what are you going to do in the future?"

Lin Yao looked at Li Mingxian in front of him and said calmly.

Li Mingxian looked at Lin Yao and said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, I think you came to Island to do more than just help the poor, right?"

Obviously, Li Mingxian is not stupid to be the leader of more than 10,000 people.

"Yes, Mr. Li, I have my own purpose in coming to Ice Island this time!" Lin Yao said with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, please speak!" Li Mingxian looked at Lin Yao and said.

"I need the land of Ace Island, and I also need the Hua people on the island to help me."

"I can make the people on this land have enough food and clothing, live with dignity, children can get education, and the elderly can be supported!"

"But in the process of struggle, there will definitely be losses, you have to think about it carefully!"

Lin Yao looked at Li Mingxian and said solemnly.

Li Mingxian looked at Lin Yao, shook his head and said with a bitter smile:

"Mr. Lin, let me tell you my story!"

"Mr. Li, please speak."

"When I was young, Manchuria was still a colony."

"At that time, the status of the Hua people was higher than that of the Mancijia people, and my father was the chief."

“When I was fifteen, my father sent me to Nanyang University to study.”

"After I graduated from Nanyang University, I stayed in Xinjiapo to work..."

"Actually, my father is..."

"Since then, the Hua people on the island have become worse and worse..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Mingxian's eyes were already filled with tears.

He looked at Lin Yao and said in a deep voice:

"Mr. Lin, we are not afraid of bloodshed and death. I will use our lives to fight for a future for future generations!"

Lin Yao looked at the 51-year-old middle-aged man with gray hair in front of him and sighed:

"Mr. Li, you have suffered a lot these years!"

Li Mingxian smiled bitterly and said: "Suffering is nothing. As long as there is hope, I will never give up!"

"Mr. Lin, if you need it, I am willing to give up the position of leader to you. I only ask that you lead our tribe to say goodbye to poverty and bondage and become free people!"

Lin Yao looked at Li Mingxian and shook his head and said, "Mr. Li, thank you for your kindness, but I still want you to be the leader!"

"I'm here to help you, not to take your seat!"

"Mr. Lin, I understand!" Li Mingxian nodded and said.

"Next, I'll tell you about my plan!" Lin Yao said to Li Mingxian.

When Li Mingxian heard this, his expression was extremely focused, waiting for Lin Yao's next words.

Lin Yao said: "Mr. Li, you have to be tough to make iron!"

"I plan to form a force of about 3,000 people within three months to defend this island!"

Hearing this, Li Mingxian immediately asked: "Mr. Lin, a force of three thousand people needs a lot of munitions and materials!"

Lin Yao flicked the cigarette ashes and wrote lightly: "I will solve it. This time I have brought a thousand guns and 120,000 rounds of ammunition!"

"I'm going to let the mercenaries and my subordinate Abu stay here to train the first batch of warriors!"

"Remember! This is just the beginning!"

"There will be a steady stream of weapons delivered in the future, including guns and ammunition, cannons, and even armored vehicles!"

"In three months, I need an elite group of warriors who can defeat the Manlajia army!"

After a pause, Lin Yao continued:

"In addition, there are not only three thousand troops, but also two thousand militia troops!"

"Mr. Lin, there are only about 5,000 mature men on the island and less than 5,000 women."

"If three thousand people are trained as soldiers and two thousand people are recruited as militiamen, who will do the other things on the island?" Li Mingxian raised his doubts. (End of chapter)

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