HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 277 Life is unpredictable, the big intestine wraps up the small intestine!

Li Longtian looked gloomy, shook his head and said:

"Little sister, I just drew a pie for him."

"How could I actually cooperate with him?"

"No big shot in Hong Kong cooperated with him without being tricked by him. I'm not that stupid."

Hearing this, Li Jiahui said: "Since we are not really cooperating with him, what should we do next?"

Li Longtian said in a deep voice: "The next step is to find someone to bury with you!"

After Lin Yao walked out of the villa.

The members of the war hall who were ambushing outside the villa came out from all corners and followed Lin Yao back to Tianyao Building.

"Brother Yao!"

As soon as Lin Yao walked into the office, Wang Jianguo greeted him.

"Jianguo, how did things go?" Lin Yao looked at Wang Jianguo and asked calmly.

"Brother Yao, everything is done, there is absolutely nothing wrong!" Wang Jianguo nodded in agreement.

"Ah, very good"

Lin Yao nodded slightly.

What he said to Li Longtian was not to scare him.

He really prepared a big gift for Li Longtian.

It's not enough to go to Lijia just to talk about empty city tactics.

Fengtang, who was in charge of Wang Jianguo, immediately found the truck driver.

And according to Lin Yao's instructions, this matter was locked up.

If Li Longtian didn't hand over the 50 million US dollars obediently, then Lin Yao would give him a surprise.

Lin Yao didn't believe that Li Dong would really cooperate with him. The Li family's background was indeed very deep.

Li Longtian's methods are very vicious, surpassing those of his two brothers.

No one knows how many trump cards and back-ups he has prepared.

Lin Yao just wanted to test the other party's tolerance.

Li Longtian was able to use 50 million U.S. dollars as a delaying strategy, proving that his wealth far exceeds 50 million U.S. dollars, and Li Longtian must have a bigger conspiracy.

Before things succeed, this person has to guard against it.

"Jianguo, arrange for someone to monitor him 24 hours a day."

"Yes, Brother Yao!" Wang Jianguo nodded understandingly.

Lin Yao then explained some details to Wang Jianguo and then let him leave.

After doing all this, Lin Yao went to the Deep Water Training Base.

In order to carry out the next step smoothly, Lin Yao recalled Wang Jianjun in the Golden Triangle and Luo Tianhong who assisted Ding Yao in Bay Island.

After Lin Yao walked into his office at the training base, Wang Jianjun and Luo Tianhong were already waiting here.

"Brother Yao!"

"Brother Yao!"

After seeing Lin Yao, Wang Jianjun and Luo Tianhong immediately greeted him.

The Sham Shui Po base was established by Lin Yao from the beginning, and it is definitely a sharp blade in Lin Yao's hands.

The base in the Golden Triangle is stronger, but it is too far away.

If something happens to Hong Kong Island, water far away cannot quench the thirst nearby.

After exchanging pleasantries with Wang Jianjun and Luo Tianhong, Lin Yao took the two of them to a basement of the training base.

There are several secret doors throughout the basement, and these doors have combination locks and alarms.

An alarm will be triggered once the password is entered incorrectly twice.

Lin Yao came to an iron door. After entering the password, the iron door slowly opened from both sides.

What catches the eye is the aerial view of Hong Kong Island, as if the entire Hong Kong Island is in sight.

Then, Lin Yaobian led Wang Jianjun and Luo Tianhong in.

After sitting down, Lin Yao asked Luo Tianhong:

"Tianhong, how is the situation on the Bay Island now?"

Luo Tianhong immediately replied: "Brother Yao, according to your order, Zhou Chaoxian and I have eliminated many small societies."

"But the bones of the largest societies are difficult to chop. The most important thing is that the people at the top of the island don't want to see the big societies being eaten up. Some people want to intervene."

Luo Tianhong looked at Lin Yao and said slowly.

"It's normal. Only then can the fragmented world be easily controlled and can be used as their urinal with peace of mind." Lin Yao said with a smile.

Lin Yao had already told Ding Yao about the interference of the upper class on the island, and also taught her how to deal with it.

In fact, it is very simple. It is nothing more than two moves. The first move is virtual and real, just like Lin Yao supported Han Chen to rise to power in Hong Kong Island.

The second move is to retaliate with the enemy. The upper class can divide the people in the society, and Ding Yao can also divide the upper class.

To know. No matter who you are, there is an opponent, regardless of whether you are a gangster or a white man.

"Does Mr. Lei have any doubts about Ding Yao?" Lin Yao asked.

Luo Tianhong thought for a while and said:

"Yes, Mr. Lei is very suspicious. He is still suspicious of Ding Yao's sudden wealth."

"She is under a lot of pressure now. Lei Gong sent several bodyguards to monitor her in the name of protecting her."

After hearing Luo Tianhong's report, Lin Yao quickly had an idea in his mind and said:

“After we deal with the Li family, we will start to deal with Lei Gong’s matter.

"But before I deal with Lei Gong, Jianjun, Tianhong, I want you to come back this time to ask you to do something for me."

Later, Lin Yao told Wang Jianjun and Luo Tianhong his plan in detail.

After listening to Lin Yao's plan, the two of them nodded solemnly.

"Brother Yao, don't worry, we will resolutely complete the task!" Wang Jianjun promised.

He felt that this task was more interesting than training men and horses in the Golden Triangle.

Luo Tianhong also nodded and expressed his attitude.

"Okay, we'll prepare in the next few days!"

After Lin Yao finished speaking, he allowed the two of them to leave.

After Wang Jianjun and Luo Tianhong left, Lin Yao also got up and went to another room.

This is his ammunition depot and also the place where some important information is stored.

After all, some accounts and records in those gray industries must be kept confidential.

The data is stored in the center of the basement, and a very special method is required to remove the data.

If the method is improper, the safe will activate the automatic destruction mode to ensure absolute safety.

Ring ring ring!

Just as Lin Yao was looking through the information, Big Brother made a loud noise.

"Hey, who's there?"

"It's me, Meiko!"

Meiko's voice came over.

"What's the matter? Yazi" Lin Yao asked.

"Ayao, the top management has put a lot of pressure on the police department in the past two days, requiring the police department to find the suspect who attacked the Li brothers within a week."

"Now Gui Lao wants to touch people, but Sir Lu and Sir Li push him back."

"But I don't know how long they can last. You must be very careful during this period! Be very careful!" Meiko said.

Lin Yao immediately understood what Yazi meant.

The white-skinned gangsters in the police station wanted to take this opportunity to touch him, but they were pushed back by the local Chinese faction headed by Li Wenbin and Lu Qichang.

What’s even more interesting is that Yazi’s original name is Li Yaer, and she is Li Wenbin’s daughter.

"Okay, I will pay attention. Thank you for the reminder, and thank your father for me," Lin Yao said.

"Huh? How did you know?" Meiko looked stunned.

Lin Yao smiled and said nothing.

After thinking about it for a while, Meiko was no longer surprised.

With Lin Yao's ability, it would not be difficult to find out her details.

Meazi did not dwell on this issue anymore, but continued: "How are you doing with the Li family?"

"Meiko, are you just curious or are you asking on behalf of your father?"

After hearing this question from Meazi, Lin Yao asked him with a smile.

"Ayao, just think I'm curious," Yaozi said in a low voice with a slightly red face after being torn apart by Lin Yao over the phone.

Meazi never said that she was Li Wenbin's daughter.

She is very independent and is worried that her father will pave the way for her progress if others find out.

But she couldn't hide it no matter how hard she tried. Lin Yao's Fengtang has the ability to obtain information.

"Well, I'll go to Li's house tonight, and I'll have a long chat with you in person!"

Lin Yao said with a smile.

"Okay, okay."

Meako's handsome face on the other side of the phone was slightly red, and after finishing speaking, she hung up the phone.

After Lin Yao hung up the phone, the smile on his face dropped and he murmured to himself: "I promise to give 50 million while putting pressure on the police department. It's really hard for you, Li Longtian."

Lin Yao was not surprised by Li Longtian's operation.

If he wasn't so sinister and sinister, he wouldn't be Li Longtian.

At 8 o'clock that night, Lin Yao from an apartment downstairs in Central came to the door of Meazi's room.

He pressed Meazi's doorbell directly.

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell only rang once, the door opened, and then Yaozi appeared in front of Lin Yao.

Today, Meako is not wearing a police uniform, but a red T-shirt and denim hot pants.

It's a bit more heroic, but it's also cute and sexy.

After walking in and sitting down, Meiko immediately asked:

"Ayao, what do you think about the Li family's affairs?"

"What I have to say about the Li family's matter to your police department is just one word, wait."

Lin Yao took Meazi and handed him a bottle of drink and said slowly.

"Wait? Wait for what?"

Yazi looked at Lin Yao with a puzzled look and asked.

This question was not only asked by herself, but actually asked more for her father Li Wenbin.

The Li family's case is handled by the police cid, and Li Wenbin is the person in charge of this case.

The white-skinned ghost guy put a lot of pressure on Li Wenbin, so Yazi wanted to see if Lin Yao could give him advice to relieve the pressure on his father.

But Lin Yao's answer made Meazi even more confused.

"You don't have to do anything now, just wait!" Lin Yao looked at Meazi and said with a smile.

"Ayao, please give me more details. What are you waiting for? I'm confused."

Meako rarely acted coquettishly and said in a sweet voice, completely different from her usual cold demeanor.

"Yezi, you should know that I have offended those senior senior officials of the police department quite a lot."

"Obviously, they have targeted me!"

Seeing Meazi acting coquettishly in front of him for the first time, Lin Yao was very pleased and said with a smile.

"Ayao, what do you mean?"

Meiko's eyes moved, as if she understood what Lin Yao meant.

Lin Yao nodded.

Then he took out a Cuban cigar and asked Meiko with his eyes.

Meiko nodded.

Lin Yao took out his lighter, lit it, took a puff and said:

"What the ghost guy cares about is not the Li family's case, but using the Li family's case to deal with me."

"If your dad arrests me right away, Gui Lao will not only stop putting any pressure on your dad, but he might even give him a promotion."

"Okay, then I'll ask my dad to send someone to arrest you right away."

Seeing Lin Yaola's stinky look on his face, Meazi rarely joked.

"Yezi, I'm here to analyze the situation with you, and you actually repaid kindness with vengeance and murdered your relative..."

Lin Yao looked heartbroken.

"Ayao, I'm kidding you, just keep talking." Yao Zi chuckled, then took the initiative to get closer to Lin Yao, with two mountain peaks standing against Lin Yao and said.

"The ghost guys have been watching me for a long time. If they wanted to take action, they would have done it long ago. Now they are just waiting and watching."

"If they think the time is right, they will definitely take action on me. They don't want to see the Hongxing family becoming the dominant one!"

Lin Yao said as he endured the "oppression" of two mountains.

Meiko nodded, and then continued to ask: "You just said you had to wait, so how long do we have to wait?"

"It's almost time. No matter who made the move, there will definitely be another move. You must know that Li Xiaotian is still alive."

"The police department sent so many people to protect him. He should be fine and not die." Lin Yao said with a smile.


After hearing Lin Yao's words, Yaozi understood what Lin Yao meant and nodded.

"Yezi, are you satisfied with my answer?"

Lin Yao asked with a smile, looking at Meazi's pretty face.


Meiko's beautiful eyes were watering, she glanced at Lin Yao and then said with a smile.

"Then should you pay me?" Lin Yao asked directly.

"Don't worry, I'll ask my dad to treat you to dinner in two days."

Meiko Mitsuru replied with a dumbfounded smile.

"Officer Meiko, I want to eat too, but I want to eat people even more!"

Lin Yao hugged Meiko directly and whispered in her ear.

An hour later, Lin Yao left Meazi's residence and returned to the villa in Repulse Bay.

A few days ago, I had promised to spend the night at Little Judea's place, so of course I couldn't break the promise.

As the most handsome boy in Hong Kong, time is so tight, but those who can do the hard work.

"Brother Yao!"

Not long after the doorbell rang. The door was opened by the little Jew.

When the little Jew wearing a red nightgown saw Lin Yao standing in front of him, even though his eyes were sleepy, his eyes quickly showed joy!

Then, while pulling Lin Yao into the room, she said:

"Brother Yao, from now on you should have a good rest after working so late, and come back to accompany me when you have free time."

"Amei will feel less tired when I see you." Lin Yao hugged her directly and whispered softly in her ear.

"Well, do you want me to cook you a midnight snack?"

After hearing Lin Yao's words, the little Jewish face turned pink!

"I'm hungry, but I don't want to have a midnight snack."

Lin Yao said with a smile, then picked up the little Jew and walked into the bedroom.

A night of silence.

The next morning.

Ring ring ring…

Lin Yao, who had fallen asleep hugging Little Jude, was woken up by a phone ringing.

"Hey, who is it?" Lin Yao picked up the phone and asked.

"Brother Yao, I just answered the phone and the other party said that he is Li Xiaotian's confidant."

Wang Jianguo's voice came over the phone.

In fact, Wang Jianguo was still shocked after receiving the call just now. After confirming the identity of the other party, he immediately reported it to Lin Yao.

"What did that person say?" Lin Yao asked.

To be honest, let alone Wang Jianguo, this call was surprising even to him.

He didn't even expect that he just bought 50 million US dollars from Li Longtian yesterday, and today Li Xiaotian came to visit.

"Brother Yao, the other party said that Li Xiaotian wants to invite you, Brother Yao, for an interview."

"He is out of danger and said he has something very important to discuss with you."

On the other side of the phone, Wang Jianguo said.

"Li Xiaotian wants to talk to me, should we talk in the hospital?" Lin Yao asked.

"Brother Yao, that person said that Li Xiaotian said that we don't have to negotiate the location of the hospital. It can be decided by you."

"Okay, I agree to meet him," Lin Yao nodded.

He just made a profit of 50 million US dollars yesterday.

Of course I won't let Li Xiaotian come to my door today.

"Okay, Brother Yao, I will contact Li Xiaotian's confidants immediately."

Wang Jianguo replied immediately.

"Well, that's it"

Lin Yao nodded and then hung up the phone.

Ring ring ring!

After a while, the big brother placed next to the pillow rang again.

Another half hour later.

Under the affectionate eyes of the little Jew, Lin Yao left the Repulse Bay Villa and got into the blue limited edition Lamborghini parked outside.

"Aji, go to Lu Yu Tea House!"

After negotiation between the two parties, the meeting place was finally decided at Lu Yu Tea House.

This time, Lin Yao wanted to see what Li Xiaotian wanted to talk to him.

Half an hour later.

Tsim Sha Tsui, Lu Yu Tea House.

"Mr. Lin, please come with me."

As soon as Lin Yao got out of the car, a middle-aged man with short hair came up to him and said to Lin Yao.

Obviously, this person is Li Xiaotian's subordinate.

"Well, let's go." Lin Yao nodded, and then followed this man into the teahouse.

Aji Ze just walked into the teahouse behind Lin Yao.

Obviously, today's Lu Yu Tea House has been booked by Li Xiaotian.

He didn't want anyone to know that Lin Yao was meeting him.

And this is what Lin Yao wants to see.

After all, Li Longtian's 50 million US dollars has not yet arrived, and Lin Yao is still Li Longtian's ally.

Dong dong dong...

Li Xiaotian's men knocked. One of the boxes.

"Please come in!" A man's voice came from inside the box.

Hearing this voice, Li Xiaotian's men pushed open the door of the box and bowed to Lin Yao with a gesture of invitation.

And after Lin Yao entered the box, he closed the door and stood at the door with Aji, like two door gods.

After entering the box, Lin Yao found that although Li Xiaotian was out of danger, his expression was very bad.

There were also respirators and defibrillators placed next to him. Both his left hand and right leg were in plaster, and there were many scars on his face, which looked very ferocious.

After seeing Lin Yao, Li Xiaotian's voice revealed weakness and a hint of hoarseness.

"Sorry, Mr. Lin, letting you come here can be more private. It's good for you and me."

"Yes, Mr. Leigh, I am also satisfied to meet here."

Lin Yao smiled and then began to observe.

Although there were only the two of them in the box, he could feel that there should be many people in the next room.

Even if those people's breathing sounds are very slight, and there are walls blocking them.

But Lin Yao, whose hearing is ten times better than that of ordinary people, heard it all.

But Lin Yao also knew that Li Xiaotian's invitation to come over today was definitely not a Hongmen banquet, but a precaution against others.

"Mr. Lee, please sit down."

Li Xiaotian looked at the chairs in the box and said to Lin Yao.

Lin Yao nodded, then sat down, then looked at Li Xiaotian and asked "concernedly":

"Mr. Li, there shouldn't be any serious health problems, right?"

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Lin. I just escaped from the gate of hell and the king of hell refused to accept me." Li Xiaotian said calmly.

Lin Yao said with emotion: "Yes, life is unpredictable, the big intestine wraps up the small intestine."

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