HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 305: Ride the wind and waves to accelerate the creation of the Tianyao business empire!

After walking around, Lin Yao was convinced that the four major societies in Wandao had completely monopolized the entire world of Wandao.

Of course, there are other medium-sized societies and small societies, but they are no longer something to worry about.

Over time, all the medium-sized societies in the Bay Island will be wiped out.

Small societies must also be compressed to the extreme to achieve true unification in the world.

You must know that the power of associations can extend to votes in Bay Island.

Behind the members of the association are families one after another, which is equal to one vote after another.

In addition to the Jianghu strategy, there is another very important point, and that is economy!

He must make his business bigger and stronger in the Bay Island as soon as possible, preferably related to people's livelihood.

Spreading business in the Bay Island is equivalent to pulling out the bottom of the cauldron. This is the most fundamental force for developing associations.

It can protect the development of business.

Allowing Ding Yao and others to enter the Legislative Yuan can affect the development of the political situation of the Bay Island, at least in part.

In turn, it can promote the power of business and community.

This is a good closed loop.

Therefore, after Lin Yao came back from Bay Island, he called the heads of all branches for a meeting.

First, let Zhan Mi report on the situation of Tianyao Group in the past few months.

He is the general manager of Tianyao Group and Lin Yao's main assistant in the business world.

Tianyao Trading, a subsidiary of Tianyao Group, has now become one of the most important sources of cash flow.

Jimi has already deployed the retail industry on Hong Kong Island half a year ago.

In just six months, with the support of Lin Yao's strong capital flow and connections, he has now become a giant in the retail industry on Hong Kong Island.

The daily sales alone are no less than HK$300 million.

"Brother Yao, now we have opened 300 Tianyao convenience stores, 10 large shopping malls, and 82 supermarkets!

In addition to Hong Kong Island, Omen and Mangu have also begun to gradually expand their business.

"The food company and drinking water company have also been established. In the future, the food we produce will be sold all over the world."

"And I am planning to focus on puffed food and meat food in the next step. The related assembly production lines have been completed."

"Food companies are now trying to produce potato chips and shrimp crackers. Meat food production lines are still in preparation."

"Only regarding drinking water, apart from pure water, we don't have a better solution for the time being."

Zhan Mi, who was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, introduced Lin Yao to Lin Yao about the recent development of Tianyao Group.

After hearing Zhan Mi's report, except for Lin Yao, the other people participating in the meeting had different expressions.

Well, the group's expansion speed is really too fast!

After listening to Zhan Mi's report, Lin Yao thought to himself.

Now the family is a serious taxpayer.

Although sales of pagers continue to decline, they can still earn more than 20 million per month.

The most important thing is that it is now being distributed in Southeast Asian countries.

There are now millions of pagers stored in the warehouse.

The arcade machines are also well stocked.

Zhanmi has already reached agreements with dealers in many places in Southeast Asia.

During this time, he was flying everywhere anyway.

Although Lin Yao does not manage it specifically, he has heard from Zhan Mi.

The first batch will be 100,000 units for Japan and 80,000 units for Malaya.

The first batch of Southeast Asian countries combined will export millions of units.

And this is the first batch, so even though there are millions of pagers in stock, there are actually not many.

After taking a puff of the cigar, Lin Yao immediately gave instructions:

"The markets in Zhanmi, Hong Kong Island, and Macau are limited. Tianyao Trading's business must vigorously expand overseas markets next!"

"First, you need to open large supermarkets in Bay Island, and then popularize convenience stores. You also need to go to the mainland to inspect and choose a suitable entry point to start your business."

“In addition to supermarkets and convenience stores, we can add another business, which is a membership store.”

"You can set up a separate Tianyao membership store, and the company will be responsible for this business."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhan Mi's eyes immediately shone and he cheered loudly:

"Brother Yao, your idea is really wonderful!!"

Members are shops, which mainly deal with high-end customers, such as upper class people and dignitaries.

Of course, it can only be promoted in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan for the time being.

After all, the mainland's economy has just started, and there are not many truly wealthy people. Some of them have to get rich first and then start.

But over time, the mainland's middle class and wealthy people will be the largest in Asia.

Now let Zhan Mi go to the mainland to inspect and lay a solid foundation. Then it will be easy to handle.

"The matter of Tianyao Trading has been settled. Which one of you will talk about its business first?"

After arranging Zhan Mi, Lin Yao looked at everyone again.

"Mr. Lin, I'll come!" Wang Yong, general manager of Tianyao Electronics Group, said hurriedly.

"Well, you go ahead," Lin Yao nodded slightly.

"Chairman, half a year ago our company's focus shifted from arcade machines to home appliances."

"Now in Omen and Hong Kong Island, Tianyao Home Appliances has occupied 20% of the market."

"In addition, our products have begun to be transported to the mainland. You can already see our products on the interface of Yangcheng Pengcheng."

"As the companies taking advantage of the opportunity continue to write new games, the sales of Tianyao game consoles have increased significantly."

"Also, our communications company has developed the first-generation Chinese character pager, which is already on the market,"

"And with the construction of four paging stations at Kowloon Peak, Lion Rock, and Sai Kung Central, they quickly circulated in the market. Even Macau also built a paging station."

"I heard that paging services have been launched in the mainland's magical cities. Should we enter the mainland market immediately?"

Wang Yong first introduced the situation of his subsidiaries to Lin Yao, and then proposed the most important business of the electronics company.

Tianyao Communication Company skipped the analog BB machine digital, BB machine entered the pinnacle field of Chinese character pagers, and produced the world's first Chinese character pager.

Since Chinese characters are used in two ways around the world, the Chinese character pagers produced by Tianyao Group are also divided into traditional Chinese characters and simplified Chinese characters.

Most of the products sold in the Hong Kong and Macao markets are in traditional Chinese characters.

All employees of Tianyao Group use simplified Chinese characters.

"The company can enter the mainland market first, but the simplified pager will not be sold. We will wait until it is perfected!"

Lin Yao directly rejected Wang Yong's proposal.

"Ah, this..." Wang Yong's face was a bit unresponsive.

"I said that we can go to the mainland to investigate the market first, but the mainland market has not yet carried out large-scale infrastructure construction, so we have to wait for the opportunity."

"Okay Mr. Lin, I will immediately send a technical team to the mainland to build digital paging stations in Yangcheng and Pengcheng."

Lin Yao asked: "How much does it cost to build a digital group backend?"

Lin Yao asked such a question, which made Wang Yong a little confused.

He didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, so he just answered mechanically:

"The cost of a digital paging station is not high. It can be purchased for 500,000 yuan. The larger investment is in building base stations."

"To fully cover a city, the cost of building a base station is at least 1 million."

“Coupled with the cost of recruiting, training professionals and salaries, it’s close to HK$2 million.”

"Hong Kong Island is too small, so there are not many base stations needed."

"Well, it is actually not expensive for a city to invest only two to three million in infrastructure."

After flicking the ashes from his cigarette, Lin Yao continued:

"Manager Wang, go and apply to Zhan Mi for HK$100 million to build a digital paging station in several big cities in Guangdong Province in the Mainland, including Shanghai and Beijing."

Lin Yao waved his hand and ordered.

As long as Tianyao Communications builds digital paging stations in these cities, there will be prerequisites for simplified Chinese character pagers to occupy the mainland market.

Even if electronic companies such as Motorola, Ericsson, Panasonic, and Samsung can develop Chinese character paging stations, they can no longer keep up with Tianyao Electronics.

"Yes, Mr. Lin!" Wang Yong responded with a shocked expression.

It has to be said that the chairman's pattern is much better than his.

Stand high and see far. This is called having a high position.

"Remember, the lifespan of the BB machine is very short, and the next generation of communication research and development needs to be carried out. I hope you can understand this."

In front of everyone, Lin Yao poured cold water on Wang Yong.

In fact, the spring of BB machines is not elsewhere, only in the mainland market.

Because developed countries around the world have begun to slowly become popular, mobile phone BB machines will soon be eliminated as a transitional product.

Just like more and more people are using mobile phone on Hong Kong Island, the price of mobile phone is also falling again and again.

As for the BB machine, according to what Lin Yao knows, the BB machine was discontinued in 1998.

"Mr. Lin, what is the next step to develop?" Wang Yong asked in confusion.

More than a decade ago, Motorola produced the No. 1 mobile phone.

That is the first generation cellular communication system of Big Brother that we are using now.

Become a standard amp, also known as first-level technology.

Now the whole world uses this standard to manufacture mobile phones, and there are already communication companies in Europe developing 2g mobile phones.

There are even two completely different access technologies, cdma and gsm.

With 2G technology and digital cloud technology as the core, mobile phones can be used, with functions such as calls, time and date, and corresponding text messaging functions.

"After the 2G mobile phone comes out, it will be lighter and lighter than the current big brother. It is even the same size as our palm. It can be called a mobile phone."

Lin Yao talked eloquently in the office and outlined the future communication technology, which immediately attracted everyone's attention?

No one thought that future communication technology would turn the bulky mobile phone into a palm treasure.

If it is true as the chairman said, then the prospects of this kind of mobile phone are really unpredictable.

"According to my estimation, it will take at least three years for Europe and the United States to fully apply new technologies to daily life."

"It will take about five years to miniaturize mobile phones."

"Our communication company can use the huge profits from BB machines to support research on mobile phone communication technology, and even set up production lines."

While talking, Lin Yao took out a document from the drawer.

This is the 2G technical information on the mobile phone he just redeemed in the system mall with system points. It is actually a Motorola from the 1990s.

After receiving the document, Wang Yong's face showed joy.

He knew it was definitely good stuff.

"Manager Wang, the documents in your hand are about 2G communication technology and 3G communication technology. After returning from the meeting, you will immediately establish a communication technology research department."

"I will give you one year to fully understand 2G technology and apply it to Hong Kong Island."

After hearing Lin Yao's words, Wang Yong quickly opened the data drawing and inside it was a machine with a long strip shape.

And it is foldable and looks very delicate.

The display screen above is also much larger than the current big brother.

In fact, this one is a Motorola tac flip phone.

This mobile phone was the pinnacle of the 2G era and once dominated 2/3 of the global mobile phone market.

If Tianyao Communication Company can understand this mobile phone thoroughly, it will cooperate with 2G communication technology.

You can make a lot of money within at least 15 years.

Subsequently, the managers of other branches reported their work to Lin Yao.

In a word, all major subsidiaries of the entire Tianyao Group are thriving!

After Wang Jing introduced the situation of Tianyao Film and Television Company, Ruan Mei, general manager of Tianyao Media, proposed his next plan.

That's right, it's the little Jew.

After her further studies, Lin Yao appointed her as the general manager of Tianyao Group Media Company.

She was assisted by Zhang Linwei, a Harvard doctoral student and world-class legendary media industry beauty.

"Mr. Lin, I want to acquire ATV. This is the acquisition plan. Please take a look at it."

After finishing speaking, the little Jew took out a document bag from his briefcase in front of everyone and handed it into Lin Yao's hand.

boom! !

After the words fell, everyone was stunned.

Tianyao Group actually wants to acquire ATV Hong Kong Island's only private TV station.

ATV is also known as Lido Television, and its parent company is Lido Voice Company of London.

It is the first TV station in Hong Kong Island and even in Asia, and its qualifications are not old.

How could such an influential TV station be transferred?

But Xiao Jude, who had just taken over as the general manager of a media company, proposed such a plan.

And the look on her face showed great confidence in it.

Everyone is still stunned. Is this the first thing a new official should do when he takes office?

Lin Yao didn't say anything more, he just picked up the first document and read it.

“ATV’s shareholding distribution…

There is no doubt that Tianyao Media now occupies the largest share in the entire Hong Kong Island.

Its three magazines are respectively compatible with commercial newspapers, romantic newspapers, comics and novels.

Hong Kong Island’s traditional news magazines and newspapers simply cannot compete with them.

But Lin Yao knows that these are far from enough compared to the influence of television!

He must have his own TV station to fight against the ghost guy.

No matter in this life or in future generations, there is a giant media group that is the Modoc News Group.

Modoc News Group takes TV stations as its core to achieve full coverage of public opinion influence.

If Tianyao Group wants to control a certain degree of voice in Hong Kong Island, television stations are absolutely key and must have their own mouthpieces.

But not only Lin Yao wants to have a say, other tycoons in Hong Kong also want to control a certain amount of say.

Therefore, TVB, the three major TV stations in Hong Kong Island, stood behind the Kwok family, the Huo family, and the Xu family.

Jiayi TV Station, which has the lowest qualifications, has many rich families behind it.

Only ATV is completely in the hands of Gui Lao, and many people dare not even think about it, let alone acquire it.

Lin Yao flipped through the documents handed to him by the little Jew. The office was so silent that you could hear a pin drop!

There were only the sounds of flipping through documents and the strong or weak breathing of everyone present.

Five minutes later, Lin Yao read the equity survey report.

He took a sip of his cigar, took another sip of Keemun black tea, and thought to himself.

London Lido Company transferred 62% of its shares to three major Australian consortiums, David, Henry and CRA Limited eight years ago.

Five years ago, Far East Group invested HK$100 million to purchase 50% of the equity and obtain joint management rights.

At present, in addition to 50% of Far East Group, CRA owns 12%, David owns 20%, Henry owns 6%, and the remaining shares are in the hands of more than 20 small shareholders.

It can be seen that this shareholding structure is very confusing.

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