HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 318 Peng Modai: He is the underground governor of Hong Kong, so who am I?

In this way, the shipyard can continue to develop and make money from real estate.

However, no one from Taikoo Matheson could have imagined that before they even started working on their plans, a huge change was about to happen!

12 o'clock in the night!

At Taikoo Shipyard, except for the more than 20 security guards from the security department who are still on duty, the rest of the workers have already left the factory.

Defending Corey at the moment.

"Ah Cai, I heard that a policewoman with a very good figure came here today and personally updated the automatic alarm equipment in our shipyard?"

Wei Jinchuan, the security section chief of Taikoo Shipyard, looked at a young man and asked.

"Yeah, that girl is really cool. And she's also a chief inspector?" Ah Cai said with a smile.

"That's a little strange. Why did she come alone?"

Wei Jinchuan frowned, then glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, and continued:

"Ah Cai, Artai, you guys are going to patrol the east with me."

"Laodai, take a few people to patrol the west."

"Captain, there aren't even ghosts here in the middle of the night, why are you patrolling?"

A fat security guard looked at Wei Jinchuan and asked.

"Old Dai, why are you talking so much nonsense? I'm going on patrol and I don't want two kilograms of your flesh? Go!"

After Wei Jinchuan said these words, he took Ah Cai and Artai away.

"I'm just working for a ghost guy. Why don't you be so active?"

Lao Dai cursed at Wei Jinchuan's back, and then left the security department with a few security guards.

But Wei Jinchuan and Lao Dai didn't know that there were already dozens of people lurking in the shipyard, waiting for something to happen.

Five minutes later.

"Captain, I feel like something is wrong today!"

Ah Cai took the wolf-eye flashlight and looked at the bright light in front of him and said.

"Really? What's wrong?" Wei Jinchuan asked him out of curiosity.

"I can't tell, I just have a feeling," Ah Cai said with a smile.

"Acai, have you done anything bad recently and become neurotic?"

Artest, standing next to Ah Cai, said with a smile.

At this moment, a "whoosh!" sound was heard, piercing the silent night sky.

Wei Jinchuan, Ah Cai, and Artai felt a tingling sensation in some part of their bodies almost at the same time.

They subconsciously touched that location, and then...

"Holy crap, what is this horse riding thing?"

Artest shined a flashlight on the small syringe-like thing in his hand.

Before he could finish his words, he felt dizzy. Countless stars appeared in his eyes, and he fell to the ground and fainted.

At the same time, the other two people and several security guards behind also fainted.

The next moment, a dozen war hall members appeared beside them.

The limbs and mouths of these people were sealed with tape and rope, and they were locked in a container.

On the other side, Lao Dai and others suffered the same fate as Wei Jinchuan. They were also "sleeped" and put into the container.

Five minutes later, the war hall members easily took down the shipyard's security forces and then sent out a signal.

Half an hour later, two destroyers and a patrol ship stopped at the only pier of the shipyard.

The 1,000 war hall members and dozens of engineers on the ship were put down, as well as some loading and unloading equipment.

Then the giant ship and the patrol ship left the dock, leaving the dock to two 100,000-ton cargo ships.

Under the command of Tian Yangzhi, the members of the war hall immediately began to work in an orderly manner.

However, when the shipyard workshop door was forced open, the automatic alarm was triggered.

But this siren has become useless.

The normal big move didn't end until 5:30 in the morning.

Two 100,000-ton cargo ships left with the entire Taikoo Shipyard fully loaded with equipment, leaving only an empty shell at the Taikoo Shipyard.

In five days, these two 100,000-ton cargo ships will arrive in 27th Capital.

Lin Yao's first full-scale production company is about to be born in Nanyang.

After the cargo ship left, at 9 a.m., the first batch of workers who came to work were stunned!

At this moment, the scene they saw shocked them greatly.

The entire Taikoo Shipyard was as clean as if it had been licked by a dog, and almost all useful equipment had been pulled away.

"Damn it, am I in the wrong place?"

Seeing this scene, the workers were stunned, and some kept rubbing their eyes, thinking they were in a dream.

10 am that day.

Tai Kwok Building in Central.

"Fuck! It's a big shipyard. All the equipment disappeared in one night. The police said they didn't know anything about it."

“We give them so much money every year, where do they spend it?”

Smit, the general manager of Swire Bank, yelled at the deputy general manager standing in front of him.

This morning he was doing morning exercises with his girlfriend.

As a result, he received a call telling him that the Taikoo Shipyard had been vacated.

After hearing the news, Shi Mi specifically said to do morning exercises with his girlfriend.

Even with the Queen of Great Britain next to him, he couldn't sit still.

Taikoo \u0026 Co., Ltd. has a total of six major industries, shipbuilding, shipping, Zhitang, beverages, real estate, and aviation.

Shipbuilding and shipping, both businesses, rely heavily on shipyard operations.

Now that the shipyard is gone, it is a bolt from the blue for Smit.

Smit has been at the helm of Swire Pacific for nine years.

What happened last night was definitely the biggest crisis in his career.

"Mr. Schmidt, I will go and communicate with the people from the police department."

After being scolded by his boss, his secretary asked tremblingly.

"Well, go ahead"

Smith nodded, and before the secretary turned around, he continued:

"I will personally have a phone call with Director William of the police department later. Your task is to keep an eye on the police team. If there is any progress, report to me immediately!"

"Yes, Mr. Schmidt."

The secretary responded hurriedly.

After the secretary left, Schmidt stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the street scene outside and thinking.

Then he picked up the phone and dialed the next number.

"Director William, it's me, Schmidt from Taikoo Matheson."

After the call was connected, Schmidt spoke immediately.

His call with William made him look worse and worse...

After the last few minutes…


Smit slammed the microphone in his hand on the phone.

Police Commissioner William told him that the Police Department was also fully investigating the suspect who stole the Taikoo Shipyard.

However, the police department did not receive any alarms, including automatic alarms.

This means that everything is your fault and has nothing to do with us.

It was William's words about throwing the pot that made Schmidt so angry.

Dong Dong Dong…

Just then there was a rapid knock on the door.

"Come in…"

Schmidt said coldly.

"Mr. Schmidt, the guards from Taikoo Shipyard have found them."

The person who walked into the office was Secretary Smith. He told Schmidt about the shipyard security guard found in the container.

"Hello, did the guards find anything?" After listening to the secretary's words, Schmidt asked.

"No, they fainted without seeing anyone at all."

"Fuck, you trash, you're all a bunch of trash!"

After Schmidt cursed a few times in a low voice, he immediately said to his secretary Harrow: "Get the car ready and go to the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion."

"Okay, Mr. Schmidt.

Half an hour later, in the Hong Kong Governor's Office, Mr. Peng's office.

Peng Modai was born in a Catholic family in London.

After experiencing the reconstruction of London after World War II, Peng Modai was admitted to the History Department of Oxford University.

This is a college filled with politicians.

The insidious and cunning characteristics of politicians are also perfectly displayed in him.

In order to gain support, Peng Modai, who had just arrived in Hong Kong Island, firmly chose the "people-friendly line".

In the past few days, reporters watched him squeeze into the subway, visit the women's market, drink American ginseng tea, and visit the wooden house area.

On the other hand, he is formulating the so-called "political reform", which means that the election plan will adopt the method of direct elections by district.

And he also proposed to establish a constituency demarcation and electoral affairs committee that would be directly responsible to the "Hong Kong Governor".

This is the big hole dug for the people of Hong Kong Island, and it is also the tail of his fox.

"Mr. Schmidt, good morning," Peng Modai said with a smile as he looked at the ugly-faced Schmidt sitting in front of him.

"Mr. Governor, I'm sorry to disturb you so early." Schmidt said to Peng Modai with an apologetic look.

"Well, I already know about the Taikoo Shipyard matter. I have asked William from the police station to handle it as soon as possible. I believe it will be found out soon," Peng Modai said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Governor."

Schmidt's face was still ugly, and then he took the cigar handed to him by Peng Modai. He did not light it, but continued:

"Mr. Hong Kong Governor, there is actually no need to investigate. Except for Lin Yao, the leader of Hongxing, no one in the entire Hong Kong Island dares to do such a thing."

"Smit, there is no evidence for this matter yet. I advise you to be cautious." Peng Modai said.

"Mr. Governor, I..."

After hearing what Peng Modai said, Schmidt immediately opened his mouth to explain his guess.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Peng Modai raising his hand.

"Smit, I know what you want to say. It's not that I don't believe what you said. In fact, I agree with your guess."

"Mr. Hong Kong Governor, since you believe my guess, why did you say that just now?"

"Smit, my words are not contradictory."

"Because you really don't have definite evidence now. If you want to move Lin Yao, you must have ironclad evidence."

"Otherwise we will be very passive then, you know what I mean?"

Peng Modai looked at Schmidt, smiled, and said.

"Mr. Governor, what do you mean?"

After hearing Peng Modai's words, combined with his tone and expression, Schmidt had a bold guess in his mind.

"Smit, I have faxed an overall reform proposal on Hong Kong Island to the cabinet."

"The cabinet attaches great importance to this Hong Kong Island reform plan. Many of your reform suggestions here are directed at Lin Yao."

"Isn't there someone outside calling him the underground governor of Hong Kong Island now?"

"If I don't get rid of him, then what am I doing here?"

Although Peng Modai's tone was very relaxed, Schmidt could hear a strong murderous intent.

"Mr. Governor of Hong Kong, I understand what you mean. Our Swire Group has always been the most loyal people of Great Britain."

"Don't worry, no matter what you do, we fully support you!"

Schmidt immediately made his promise to Peng Modai.

"Smit, you are not supporting me, you are supporting Her Majesty the Queen."

Peng Modai smiled slightly and spoke slowly, word by word.

On the other side, Tianyao Group, chairman's office.

"Mr. Lin, you are responsible for the Taikoo Shipyard matter."

Obviously, He Xin also just heard the news.

Lin Yao didn't speak, just smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Lin, when the ghost guy meets you, you are really unlucky for eight lifetimes."

He Xin shook his head and smiled.

"Mr. He, Taikoo Shipyard has developed by squeezing the blood and sweat of us Chinese people. I just let them spit out their ill-gotten gains."

Lin Yao said with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, you have taken over Taikoo Shipyard. What are you going to do next?"

After He Xin heard Lin Yao's words, he smiled and shook his head, and then continued to ask.

"Mr. He, take advantage of his illness and kill him. Taikoo Yangxing is now severely weakened. This is a good opportunity for me."

Lin Yao said slowly.

"Mr. Lin, Taikoo \u0026 Co. has been operating on Hong Kong Island for more than a hundred years and has a profound foundation. It will be really difficult to knock it down."

"Anyway, if you need any help, just ask me directly. I will always support you."

He Xin looked at Lin Yao with a solemn expression and spoke slowly.

"Mr. He, thank you!"

"I think you won't need to take action this time. Didn't He Dong want to cooperate with me a few days ago? Now is the time for him to show his sincerity."

Lin Yao said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Yao's words, a smile flashed in He Xin's eyes:

"Mr. Lin, you are trying to push He Dong into the fire pit."

As long as the He family dares to take action against Taikoo Matheson, they will basically be on the opposite side of Gui Lao.

At that time, he had no other choice except to stay in the same boat with Lin Yaowai.

"Mr. He, doing business involves taking risks. How can there be a business that is guaranteed to make a profit without losing money?

Lin Yao's eyes flashed with a glimmer of light.

"Mr. Lin, you are right, then I will wait for your good news."

He Xin nodded slightly, looked at Lin Yao with satisfaction in his eyes, and then left the office.

After He Xin left, Zhan Mi called and said that 200 million of He Dong's one billion had been received.

And it's cash.

It is conceivable that He Dong is indeed very cautious.

Lin Yao immediately thought of the use of He Dong's billion.

The Twenty-Seven Capitals in Nanyang are definitely their most reliable "base" and basic base!

In order to fight against Manlajia's government, military strength must be strengthened.

At this time, the polar bear was getting more and more chaotic and weak.

At this time, holding a huge amount of money to buy weapons is not a problem at all.

Thinking of this, Lin Yao immediately called Tony and asked him to prepare for a polar bear flight.

Two days later, Lin Yao flew to Vladivostok.

This time, Lin Yao did not go to Moscow because according to Tony's news, the situation in Moscow at this time was a bit delicate.

Boris has been put under surveillance and a power reshuffle is taking place within Polar Bear.

Lin Yao knew that this was the turmoil before the reorganization of power. Of course, there were too many unpredictable factors if he died.

Although Boris will win in the end, it is still very dangerous before then.

Therefore, Lin Yao chose this city in the Far East.

Speaking of’s hard to describe it in just one word!

"Brother Yao, this is General Tatarov, the top local general."

That night, Tony brought a middle-aged man wearing a Soviet military uniform to the hotel suite where Lin Yao was staying.

Later, Tony introduced Tatarov in Russian: "General Tatalov, this is my boss, Mr. Lin Yao."

"Hello, General Tatalov. Nice to meet you. I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation!" Lin Yao stretched out his hand to Tatalov and said in Russian

Tatarov also reached out and shook Lin Yao's hand. It was obvious that he was a little nervous. (End of chapter)

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