HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 359 Capital Market Tycoon!

Time passed slowly.

In the blink of an eye, it was the second day, and the focus of the major news media reports on this day was all the charity auction last night.

Everything that happened afterwards was exactly what Lin Yao had expected.

The focus was that Ye Rongjin and Ye Rongyi made trouble for themselves in front of Huo Jingliang.

The report was vivid and there were also several pictures attached.

In the pictures.

Ye Rongjin and Ye Rongyi were angry and embarrassed.

Huo Jingliang, holding a cigar, was completely a winner.

When these news reports came out, Ye Rongjin and Ye Rongyi were almost furious.

Huo Jingliang was very proud.

And Ye Rongtin and Xu Wenbiao, who were hiding behind the scenes and preparing to fish in troubled waters, were also very happy.

Wan Chai, Litian Company.


The two brothers Ye Rongtin and Xu Wenbiao got together and were very excited when they saw those reports.

Last night, they had already realized that Huo Jingliang was not in a good state!

With their brains, they soon figured out what Huo Jingliang was going to do. He was finally going to take action against Mingda.

And if they wanted to swallow Mingda, the first step must be Mingdian controlled by Ye Rongjin and Ye Rongyi!

They have two killers in their hands!

One killer is used to deal with Mingda, and the other killer is used to deal with Huo Jingliang!

Their first killer is Ye Xiaoli's health report.

This health report was obtained by Ye Rongtin with the help of his relationship with Lin Xixian.

It's not an ordinary disease, but stage three liver cirrhosis.

If there is no suitable liver transplant, he will not live for a year.

Ye Rongtin sat in the office chair, holding Ye Xiaoli's health report in his hand, with a hint of hesitation on his face.

Xu Wenbiao saw Ye Rongtin's hesitation and said:

"Rongtian, we are just one step away, you don't want to give up?"

"Of course not."

Ye Rongtin shook his head.

"That's good."

Xu Wenbiao said, "By the way, what will you do if Helen finds out?"

Ye Rongtin shook his head and said, "She is just one of my many friends."

After that, he stood up and left.

Xu Wenbiao looked at Ye Rongtin's back as he left, and a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.


At the same time, countless negative news about the Ye family broke out at the same time.

Mingdian's stock price plummeted.

Even more deadly was another piece of news!

Ye Xiaoli was ill!

Ye Rongjin and Ye Rongyi also came up with some solutions, but they were all rejected by Ye Xiaoli.

The Hong Kong base camp was unstable, so Ye Xiaoli returned to Hong Kong in a hurry.

After returning to Hong Kong, Ye Xiaoli immediately held a press conference

At the press conference, he stated that there was no problem with his health to stabilize the morale of the troops.

It was at this time that Ye Rongtin and Xu Wenbiao took action!

They released their first killer weapon - Ye Xiaoli's health report!

Boom! !

The public opinion was in an uproar.

To make matters worse, Ye Xiaoli fainted in public due to exhaustion at the second press conference held by Mingda Group, which further verified the health report.

The stock market was in a panic.

Investors frantically sold their Mingdian shares, and Mingdian's share price plummeted from 9.3 yuan to 4 yuan.

The Ye family encountered an unprecedented crisis!

International Finance Building, Central.

Liangda Company, Chairman's Office.

Huo Jingliang was smoking a cigar and staring at the computer on the table, paying close attention to the stocks of all listed companies related to Mingda.

When he saw that Mingdian's share price plummeted from 9.3 yuan to 4 yuan, he couldn't help but be ecstatic.

The time to act has come!

In front of him, there are two men.

One of them is Tianyou and the other is Tianbao, both of whom are top students who graduated from famous universities in the United States.

Before Ye Rongtin met Huo Jingliang, they were working for Huo Jingliang.

"Hahaha! God is really helping me!"

"The Ye family is finished!"

Huo Jingliang laughed and said, "Ye Xiaoli has liver problems."

"Once he dies, the Ye family is really finished."

Tianyou and Tianbao also followed to flatter him.

Tianyou said, "Of course, Ye Rongjin, Ye Rongyi and others, how could they be Mr. Lin's actions!"

Tianbao flattered, "Those guys are not even worthy of carrying Mr. Lin's shoes."

Huo Jingliang laughed and said, "Although I know you are flattering me, I just like to hear it."

"Okay, get to work."

"Buy Mingdian's goods for me immediately, regardless of cost, and directly buy 80 million shares! Even if you buy it at 6 yuan per share, you can find it in great demand!"

Tianbao and Tianyou nodded and went to work immediately.

What is the current situation of Mingdian?

Although Mingdian's stock price plummeted.

But the reason for the plunge was not anything else, but Ye Xiaoli's health report.

Added with other factors, the market has extremely distrusted Mingdian.

At the same time.

Litian Company in another financial building in Causeway Bay was in a frenzy.

Ye Rongtin and Xu Wenbiao also made a move.

40 million!

When Mingdian's stock price plummeted, the two made a move of 40 million Hong Kong dollars.

They frantically bought Mingdian's stocks in the stock market, and made a move earlier than Huo Jingliang.

Because they are the behind-the-scenes players who have first-hand information!

If they are found out in advance, the next two levels will be out of the question!

The figure of 40 million is the most reasonable after the two people discussed it.

But during the implementation process, there were still accidents.

Some people are like them!


The move is even more ruthless!

When they began to frantically sweep away electronic stocks in the market, the other party's forces were precise and fierce.

This greatly increases their cost of scanning goods.

Originally, according to the two people's plan, the price of 40 million per share was 4 yuan, but now it has been directly increased by 1 yuan.

The final result was that they spent 42 million and only got 7 million Mingdian shares!

In the office.

"What a ghost."

Ye Rongtian said: "Wen Biao, who is messing with us?"

Xu Wenbiao said: "No need to guess, it's definitely Lin Yao!!"

"It should be him." Ye Rongtian thought for a while and agreed with Xu Wenbiao's judgment.

Xu Wenbiao said: "This man's business acumen is really terrifying. His attacks are so precise, accurate and ruthless. It's really admirable."

Ye Rongtian took a sip of Keemun black tea and said, "Wen Biao, what do you think his purpose is?"

Xu Wenbiao said: "Then who can know?"

"Perhaps their dreams are even bigger. Not only do they want to swallow up Mingda, they even want to swallow up Huo Jingliang's greatness."


Ye Rongtian said in surprise: "Swallowing Mingda and Liangda at the same time wouldn't be such an exaggeration, right?"

Xu Wenbiao shrugged and said, "I just guessed at random. Who can guess what I want to do?"

Ye Rongtian responded with a "hmm" and said no more.

On this day, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange was in turmoil.

Ye Xiaoli's health report became the straw that broke the camel's back.

Minden’s stock price plummeted!

By the time the market was suspended, Mingda's shares had plummeted from 32 yuan to 26 yuan, and its market value had evaporated by 3 billion!

In the following three days, Hong Kong's financial market was still undercurrent.

Huo Jingliang was so angry that the Three Corpse Gods jumped!

Lin Yao acted decisively and ruthlessly, offering 120 million Mingdian shares.

Each share cost 6.5 yuan, a total of 780 million was invested!

This greatly stimulated the market!

When Mingdian's stock price plummeted, Ye Xiaoli took action.

He first held a press conference and stated that Mingda would never give up its controlling stake in Mingdian.

At the same time, Mingden’s latest investment plan and company operating status were announced.

This has greatly increased public confidence in Mingdian and stabilized market sentiment.

Later, Huo Jingliang and Lin Yao made strong moves, causing Mingdian's stock price to soar!

When the acquisition by the two men was completed, Mingdian's share price had soared to 7.5 yuan.

After that.

Huo Jingliang issued an announcement that Liangda would launch a comprehensive acquisition of Mingdian, and he was determined to win!

Lin Yao?

There was no response from Lin Yao.

No one can guess what Lin Yao is going to do.

Huo Jingliang's announcement sent Mingdian's stock price on a rocket for the second time, soaring to 11 yuan per share!

As a result of this good news, Liangda Group's share price began to soar.

This is market sentiment, without much rationality and logic.

What Huo Jingliang didn't know was that the worse situation was yet to come!

Ye Rongtian and Xu Wenbiao are about to launch the ultimate backstab on him!

Litian's side.

When Mingda's stock price soared, Ye Rongtian and Xu Wenbiao sold all the stocks they held.

In this first level of buying low and selling high, the two of them made 43 million!


The two began to pass the second level. When Liangda's stock price reached 4.5 yuan, they directly shorted 30 million shares at the mid-point!

Mingdian's total share capital is 500 million.

Ye Rongjin and Ye Rongyi, plus Mingda Group, hold a total of 90 million shares and own 18% of Mingdian shares.

Huo Jingliang's Liangda holds 80 million shares and owns 16% of Mingdian's shares.

Lin Yao holds the most shares, reaching 120 million, and owns 24% of Mingdian's shares, making him the largest shareholder of Mingdian.

No one believed in the abilities of Ye Rongjin and Ye Rongyi, but no one doubted Lin Yao.

If Lin Yao can take over Mingdian, Mingdian will definitely prosper.

Therefore, when Lin Yao took action, the stock prices of several listed companies he controlled soared.

At this moment, the three-party battle has officially become fierce!

Night, 21:00.

Litian Group.

In the office, Ye Rongtian and Xu Wenbiao were both in a state of ecstasy.

Just by buying low and selling high, they made a profit of 35 million!

Is there any business that can make more money than the financial securities market?

"Deng Deng Deng!!"

At this moment, a burst of rapid footsteps came.

next moment

Ma Zhiqiang rushed into Ye Rongtian's office in a hurry and said:

"What are you doing? Once someone finds out and you can't come up with that much money to cover your position, you both will go to jail."

At this moment, Ma Zhiqiang was extremely anxious.

He also just learned that Ye Rongtian and Xu Wenbiao were engaging in illegal operations behind his back, and he rushed over immediately.

And then?


Even if he knew that these two guys were doing illegal things behind his back, he still couldn't think of a solution.

Ye Rongtian: "Zhiqiang, even if the matter is exposed, we will be in jail and we will have nothing to do with you."

Ma Zhiqiang looked at Ye Rongtian and shouted: "Sell short!"

“You are selling short now!!”

Ye Rongtian said: "Okay Zhiqiang, sit down first."

"listen to me."

Xu Wenbiao pulled Ma Zhiqiang's arm.

Ma Zhiqiang groaned and sat down.

Xu Wenbiao explained: "Do you think we will fight an unprepared battle with our character?"

“Although mid-range short selling is an illegal operation, it is not completely illegal.”

"As long as we can replenish the 20 million Liangda stocks within the limited time, there will be no problem."

Hearing this, Ma Zhiqiang calmed down a little and said:

"The current stock price of Liangda is 4.5 yuan, and the upward trend is very strong. What if it goes up all the way, to 5 or 10 yuan?"

"That's 100 million or 200 million. We don't have enough money at all!!"

Ye Rongtian said confidently: "Don't worry, starting from tomorrow, Liangda's stocks will definitely plummet all the way."

"Because we still have a trump card in our hands, and once this trump card is released, it will definitely kill Huo Jingliang beyond his ability to resist!"

Ma Zhiqiang asked curiously: "What's the trump card?"

Ye Rongtian said: "Don't ask. Since you haven't been involved in this matter from beginning to end, it's better not to know."

"To put it bluntly, even if something happens in the end, it has nothing to do with you."

Xu Wenbiao also nodded and said: "Rongtian is right, you should not get involved in this kind of thing."

Ma Zhiqiang sighed and was persuaded by the two of them, and stopped asking further questions.

Then he sighed: “Now that the company is getting bigger and bigger, I already feel like I can’t keep up.”

"I think it will be up to you two to handle the company's operations from now on."

Xu Wenbiao smiled and did not answer.

He thought so too.

Ye Rongtian smiled and said: "What nonsense are you talking about? We are Litian's troika, and we can't do anything without anyone!"

"Let's go out for a midnight snack!"

As he spoke, Ye Rongtian stood up.

Xu Wenbiao and Ma Zhiqiang also stood up and prepared to leave the company together for a late-night snack.

That's when.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door of the company.

The three of them were stunned.

What's going on? It's so late and there are still people here?

Xu Wenbiao's face darkened, his heart skipped a beat, and an ominous feeling came to his mind, and he said, "Zhiqiang, go over and open the door."


Ma Zhiqiang responded without thinking too much, and quickly walked over to open the door.

open the door.

Seeing the person in front of him, Ma Zhiqiang was surprised and said:

"Mr. Lin, why are you here?"

The person who came was none other than Lin Yao.

Lin Yao was accompanied by Ah Ji.

Lin Yao smiled at Ma Zhiqiang and said, "Of course I have something to do with you. Why don't you invite me in to sit down?"

"Please, Mr. Lin, please come in!"

Only then did Ma Zhiqiang react and quickly let Lin Yao in.

Xu Wenbiao greeted enthusiastically: "Mr. Lin, please sit down."

Ye Rongtian said: "Mr. Lin, why did you come here so late?"

Lin Yao smiled in response.

After the greetings, Lin Yao, Ye Rongtian, and Xu Wenbiao sat down in the living room.

Aji stood behind Lin Yao with a stern look on his face.

Ma Zhiqiang ran back and forth, hurriedly making and pouring tea for the three of them, very enthusiastically.

After sitting down, Lin Yao answered the three people's doubts.

No nonsense.

Lin Yao’s words are:

"Sihai Bank President William Shen accepted bribes from Huo Jingliang. I suggest not to expose it yet."

"When it explodes, I will let you know."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Rongtian, Xu Wenbiao and Ma Zhiqiang were all stunned!

Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar and said with a smile, "What are you surprised about?"

Ye Rongtian and Xu Wenbiao looked at Lin Yao in confusion.

He didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Ma Zhiqiang was also in a daze and said: "Ah Tian, ​​Wen Biao, this, this is your trump card?

"William Shen accepted Huo Jingliang's bribe and provided him with funds?"

The two of them just looked at Lin Yao without saying anything.

A few minutes later.


Ye Rongtan took a deep breath, spit it out, and asked Lin Yao: "Mr. Lin, how do you calculate that you have no clues?"

Lin Yao smiled and said, "Is this important?"

Ye Rongtian: "How can such a top-secret matter not be important?" (End of Chapter)

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