Lin Yao said 'intimately': "Mr. Huo, I still believe in your character, as long as you pay it off within three months."

"Let's sign the contract first."

Hold another press conference and let everyone in Hong Kong and Olympics know that I support you. "

Hearing what Lin Yao said, Huo Jingliang felt better.

Huo Jingliang weighed it again, and after some thought, he finally said:

"I will send a team of lawyers to the headquarters now to finalize it with your team of lawyers!"

Lin Yao smiled and said: "Okay, then we've settled on it!"

Then, hang up the phone.

Huo Jingliang's side.

"Fuck his mother, I should have thought of it a long time ago. Lin Yao has never been a generous person!"

Just after hanging up the phone, Huo Jingliang exploded instantly!

After venting his anger, Huo Jingliang shouted to Tianbao in a low voice: "Notify Peter and ask him to come over immediately!"

"Yes, Mr. Huo!"

Tianbao responded and left quickly, not daring to delay for fear of being beaten.

Peter is the chief executive of Liangda Group.

Half an hour later, Peter rushed to Huo Jingliang's office.

Huo Jingliang immediately ordered him to take several of his subordinates with him to the headquarters of Tianyao Group.

In the car on the way there.

Huo Jingliang explained in detail the details that required special attention in the contract.

Soon, lawyers from the two major groups got together and spent 5 hours to finally finalize the contract.

Reporters also heard about it and came here!

Shocking news is about to break!

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye it was the next morning.

The signing press conference jointly held by Cointreau International Hotel, Tianyao and Liangda was held as scheduled.

The venue was properly arranged, and reporters from major newspapers and television stations showed up on time.

Just yesterday, after Lin Yao and Huo Jingliang talked, the legal teams of the two groups gathered at Tianyao Building.

After working together, the contract was finally made.

Journalists are excited, too.


Each and every one of them seemed to have been injected with chicken blood.

Victoria Peak.

The Ye family gathered together.

The TV in the living room is still playing the news.

At this time, the Ye family did not know that Lin Yao and Huo Jingliang had reached a secret agreement, and were still anxiously waiting for Lin Yao's reply.

The atmosphere was very depressing.

Ye Rongjin's face was gloomy and his expression was very ugly.

Ye Rongyi pretended to be a good baby, as if he had to admit his mistakes and stand at attention after being beaten.

Only Ye Rongheng, the naive person, was the most relaxed and said:

"Dad, what kind of plane do you think Lin Yao is working on? He still hasn't replied to us yet."

Ye Xiaoli glanced at Ye Rongjin and Ye Rongyi and said:

"What do you two think?"

Ye Rongjin immediately said angrily: "Of course Lin Yao is waiting for the price and is playing both ends."

Ye Xiaoli nodded slightly, satisfied with Ye Rongjin's answer, and looked at Ye Rongyi again.

Ye Rongyi hurriedly said: "I think the same thing as my elder brother, Lin Yao is a very sinister person."

Ye Xiaoli said: "Speak!"

Ye Rongyi looked at Ye Xiaoli and said cautiously:

"Dad, do you think it's possible for Lin Yao to join forces with Huo Jingliang to completely swallow up our Mingdian?"

Ye Xiaoli hummed: "This should be a possibility. How should we deal with it?"

"To be more precise, it's actually his 120 million Mingdian shares. What price should we offer?"

The words fell.

Ye Rongjin, Ye Rongyi, and Ye Rongheng were all lost in thought.

A few seconds later, Ye Rongjin said in a deep voice: "13 yuan! The most is 13 yuan!"

"If he wants more, let him sell it and let Mingden's stock price fall. We will suffer losses, and so will he!"

Ye Rongyi said: "Brother is right, I think so too."

Ye Rongheng nodded accordingly.

Ye Xiaoli was relieved and said:

"Donald, please contact Lin Yao this afternoon, explain the situation to him, and try to finalize this matter!"


Ye Rongjin said angrily: "Lin Yao should agree. His purchase price for 120 million Mingdian shares was 6.5 yuan per share. If he acquired it for 12 yuan, he would get a full 5.5 yuan per share."

"120 million shares, which is 660 million!"

Ye Xiaoli said: "Rong Jin, no matter what happens, stay calm!"

Ye Rongjin nodded and said, "Dad, you taught me the right lesson."

Ye Xiaoli said no more.

After solving this matter, everyone felt a lot more relaxed, but at this moment, a bolt from the blue struck them head and face.

The TV in the living room is still playing, and ATV has started broadcasting Tianyao, a great signing ceremony! !

Just listen to the host of ATV and say enthusiastically:

"Big news! Big news!"

"Just today, the two major groups Tianyao and Liangda will sign a share resale contract, and this contract is related to the financial war that has occurred recently!"

"Mr. Lin Yao officially resold all 120 million Mingdian shares he held to Liangda Group!"

"The price per share is 12 yuan!"

"To this end, the two major groups, Liangda Group and Liangda Group, will also hold an impromptu press conference. Mr. Lin Yao and Mr. Huo Jingliang will both attend!"

"Please lock in this channel, because - you will witness history next!"

Boom! !


Everyone in the Ye family was shocked!

Even a sophisticated person like Ye Xiaoli was caught off guard by Lin Yao's unexpected move. His face changed drastically and he was stunned.

"How can this be?"

Ye Rongjin exclaimed, then stood up and ran towards the living room.

Ye Rongyi, Ye Rongheng and others are all like this.

Only Ye Xiaoli sat there with a pale face and made no move.

Fang Jianping also sat in his original position and did not move.


She sighed softly, stretched out her hand, and patted Ye Xiaoli's shoulder.

I don’t know what to say at this time.

It seemed that no matter what I said, it was useless. I could only comfort him in this way.

ATV's live broadcast has officially begun.

Cointreau International Hotel.

9th floor.

The signing conference of Tianyao and Liangda has also officially begun

First, Sandy took the stage to announce the matter, and then explained in detail the core content of the contract.

Later, Lin Yao and Huo Jingliang appeared together, both with smiles on their faces.

Their smiles were so dazzling in the eyes of the Ye family!

Their laughter was so harsh!

Especially Lin Yao!

This guy played a cruel trick on them without any consideration at all.

The next time is the stage for Lin Yao and Huo Jingliang.

Faced with reporters' bombardment of questions, the two chatted freely.

Lin Yao said in public that he was very optimistic about Huo Jingliang and believed in Huo Jingliang's abilities.

As for the company controlled by Huo Jingliang, he is more optimistic!

This is almost a disguised platform for Huo Jingliang, telling everyone that he believes that Huo Jingliang is definitely capable of swallowing Mingdian this time, and Mingdian will develop better and better under the leadership of Huo Jingliang.

Public opinion is in an uproar!


Really riding a horse is a big deal.

All the people watching the live broadcast instinctively thought that they had really witnessed history!

Many people have already concluded that even Lin Yao is so optimistic about Huo Jingliang, and it is a certainty that Liang Da swallows Mingdian!

Huo Jingliang's face turned into a smile and he thanked Lin Yao again and again.

He said that he would strive to do better and live up to Lin Yao's expectations.

At this press conference, Huo Jingliang also announced something.

In order to win this battle, he will take the initiative to release 20 million good shares, with the goal of raising 100 million funds.

In addition, there are other listed companies controlled by themselves.

Such as Kowloon Bus, Chinese Real Estate, etc.

For example, if the main controller sells a large amount of his own company's stock, it will definitely cause market shock and cause the company's stock price to fall.

Huo Jingliang sold his company's stocks not to cash out, but to raise funds to win Mingdian.

Huo Jingliang also has his own plans!

He kept this matter secret from Lin Yao until the press conference was held, and then he revealed it.

Lin Yao was slightly shocked.

Huo Jingliang is indeed an old fox!

Even though I was severely blackmailed, I didn't lose my mind.

Smart enough!

Unfortunately, the situation is not in your favor.

The harder you play, the worse your death will be!

Huo Jingliang and Lin Yao looked at each other and laughed.

The live broadcast of this conference is not over yet, but the Ye family is no longer in the mood to watch it anymore.

"Fuck his mother!"

Ye Rongjin gritted his teeth and said: "I can finally see that Lin Yao has not considered our Ye family at all, he is just perfunctory!"

"He, he just wants to see us fight Huo Jingliang!!"

Ye Rongyi nodded blankly and said, "Yes, Lin Yao is very vindictive."

Ye Rongheng was speechless!

Over there at the restaurant.

Ye Xiaoli said: "Ah Joe, you have never met such a person before, just think of it as a lesson learned!"

"Lin Yao, if we continue to fight in the future, I don't believe you can always win!"

He said in a deep voice: "Lin Yao wants to watch the show, let him watch it, and we will continue to fight Huo Jingliang."

"Why is Huo Jingliang, who is worth just billions, fighting with me?

Fang Jianping looked at Ye Xiaoli who was full of murderous intent and couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, Ye Xiaoli was furious

It's better to wait until his anger subsides and find another opportunity to persuade him.

The fact that Lin Yao and Huo Jingliang signed a resale contract spread throughout Hong Kong and Olympics as quickly as possible, fueled by the media in Hong Kong.

Everyone was shocked!

This is really shocking news. Lin Yao withdrew from the battle for Mingdian, but the Mingdian stock he held was not sold to the Ye family, but to Huo Jingliang.

Everyone knows what this means.

He just wants the two of them to continue fighting!

When everyone in Hong Kong and Olympics knew about this, of course Litian also knew about it.

That afternoon.

Xu Wenbiao and Ma Zhiqiang gathered in Ye Rongtian's office and watched the entire press conference. Only then did they understand what Lin Yao was going to do.

Litian Company.


After watching the entire press conference, Ye Rongtian, Xu Wenbiao, and Ma Zhiqiang were all silent.

Ma Zhiqiang said:

"It's really hard to understand why Mr. Lin is leaving so much money without finding anything, but this courage..."

Ye Rongtian shook his head and sighed: "This is really a generous move."

Xu Wenbiao said excitedly:

"Very good! Mr. Lin's matter has been resolved, and now it's our turn to take action!"

Ye Rongtian nodded and said, "Yes, once the resale contract is signed, we should be able to break out two major scandals."

"Continue to wait for Mr. Lin's call."

Ten minutes later, the landline phone in Ye Rongtian's office rang, and he quickly answered the phone.

As expected, the call came from Lin Yao.

Contrary to what they thought, Sandy sent a message to Lin Yao, just one sentence, and asked them to start doing their own thing.

The three of them finally let go of their worries and immediately started breaking the news.

Until now, Huo Jingliang still didn't know that he was not defeated by Lin Yao.

What really hit them was the inconspicuous small company Litian.

In this shocking battle, Mingda and Liangda were played around by Litian.

While Litian was doing these things, Lin Yao was also paying close attention, and he also had a second step.

In fact, the second step was his real purpose!

Half a month later, the financial market of Hong Kong Island was still surging.

The Ye-Huo battle was still going on, but it was coming to an end.

Who won and who lost?

No one won, both sides suffered losses, and the third party reaped wealth in vain.

But everything that happened afterwards was completely beyond their expectations.

In the afternoon of that day, a bolt from the blue struck.

The rumors that Shen William, the president of Sihai Bank, violated the rules and that he bribed Shen William to get various huge loans from Sihai Bank began to spread in the market -

Someone is going to make trouble!

Huo Jingliang reacted instantly, and then jumped up like a thunderbolt, and at the same time he felt very guilty.

To others, it was just a rumor.

But as a party involved, if there was no strong backing from Sihai Bank, the acquisition of Mingdian would be a castle in the air!

As some evidence was released intermittently, Shen William was scared to death.

This bastard saw that the matter was exposed, and he actually fled for fear of crime!

Huo Jingliang was almost crazy!

In the following half a month, the stock prices of all listed companies related to Huo Jingliang plummeted collectively.

Shareholders voted with their feet and gave their own choices!

It was during this period that the stock price of Liangda plummeted like a halving!

Later it rose a little.

The reason why it rose slowly was because there were big moneymakers who bought the bottom.

Although Huo Jingliang was aggressive in sniping the Ye family, there was still some gap between him and Ye Xiaoli.

The most obvious thing was the assets, one was tens of billions, and the other was only a few billion.

Liangda's total share capital is only 450 million. Lin Yao bought 80 million and got 17.7% of Liangda's shares.

In addition to sniping Liangda, Lin Yao has other actions.

He has entered all listed companies controlled by Huo Jingliang.

Among them, Kowloon Motor Bus and Chinese Estates are the main ones.

Kowloon Motor Bus and Chinese Estates are Lin Yao's real goals!

Kowloon Motor Bus, which is a public service industry, used to be the core industry controlled by Lei Juekun, and then was targeted by Huo Jingliang.

After a series of changes, Lei Juekun sold all the shares of Kowloon Motor Bus.

Kowloon Motor Bus became Huo Jingliang's company.

Chinese Estates was founded in 1922.

There are two founders, one is Feng Pingshan and the other is Li Guanchun.

At that time, both of them were the best among the wealthy people in Hong Kong Island.

After Feng Pingshan's death, the family wealth was lost to the third generation.

Li Guanchun's family is still strong and still holds a certain amount of Chinese Estates shares.

In addition, they also have a firm control over the Bank of East Asia!

Lin Yao targeted Chinese Estates because this company also controls another listed company, which is China Entertainment!

Chinese Estates owns 54% of China Entertainment's shares!

The most important asset of China Entertainment is a commercial building located in Central, Hong Kong Island.

The name of the building is called Entertainment Building.

It is 29 stories high.

The ground floor is a fashion store, a Western restaurant and a Chinese restaurant, and the upper floor is an office building.

It was just completed this year.

The newly renovated Entertainment Building has a valuation of more than 2 billion due to its building, equipment and location.

Kowloon Motor Bus has a market value of 800 million.

Chinese Estates is much larger, with a market value of around 4 billion. (End of this chapter)

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