HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 363: Hong Kong's No. 1 Stock Market Tycoon!!

Lin Yaoyun's calm words broke Huo Jingliang's psychological defenses and made the scene fall into a dead silence.

That was the strong man who was high above and disdained the crushing of ants!

In this dead silence, Huo Jingliang's emotions slowly calmed down from his anger.

Heroes like Ye Xiaoli and Huo Jingliang could never accept such a thing.

"Haha - Mr. Lin, you are really domineering."

"Lin, I give up."

Huo Jingliang was exhausted and sighed:

"Since we met, we have fought three times, and I lost miserably all three times"

Lin Yao smoked a Cuban cigar leisurely and did not answer.

Huo Jingliang looked at Lin Yao and said in a deep voice:

"Okay, Kowloon Motor Bus and Chinese Estates are all yours. I will sell you all the shares of these two companies!"

"A wise choice."

Lin Yao nodded and said, "As long as you don't take the initiative to provoke me, I will never do anything again."

Huo Jingliang laughed and said, "Thank you, Mr. Lin. There is no need to write it into the contract. Mr. Lin is a man of his word. Who in the big city of Hong Kong doesn't know that?"


"With so many things happening, how can I, Huo Jingliang, have the courage to provoke Mr. Lin again? Do I think my life is too long?"

Lin Yao flicked the ash and continued, "In addition, all the shares of Liangda in my hands are also owned by Mr. Huo. The price is based on the market price, 4.7 per share."

"Whether you two fight or make peace, I will not intervene again."

"Mr. Ye, now I But he changed his mind, you don't mind, right? "

Ye Xiaoli shook his head and said generously: "Why would I mind? It's Mr. Lin's right to sell or not sell."

"Thank you Mr. Ye for your understanding."

Lin Yao turned to look at Huo Jingliang and said: "Mr. Lin, we have already discussed the matter of Liangda, so let's talk about the specific acquisition plan of Kowloon Motor Bus and Chinese Estates. "

"What do you think?"

Huo Jingliang: "It doesn't matter what I think about this matter, what matters is what you think."

Lin Yao said bluntly: "Kowloon Motor Bus, I plan to buy your shares at a premium of 20%, at a price of 4.8 yuan per share."

"Chinese Estates will be purchased at a premium of 10%, at a price of 13.2 yuan per share."

Lin Yao not only did not lower the price, but also added a lot on the original basis, which made Huo Jingliang feel much better.

Huo Jingliang nodded and said, "Okay, let's do it."

"Today I will ask the Liangda Law Firm to go to Tianyao Building to draw up the contract as soon as possible. At the same time, I will notify Kowloon Motor Bus, Chinese Estates and related departments."


Huo Jingliang smiled with a complicated expression and said, "With Mr. Lin's current prestige, they are eager for you to take charge of Kowloon Motor Bus and Chinese Estates."

Lin Yao stood up and said, "Since everything has been settled, I will leave first."

Ye Xiaoli and Huo Jingliang had no objection.

Lin Yao left.

After he left, the tea restaurant was still dead silent.

Huo Jingliang was very tired and didn't even say hello to Ye Xiaoli.

In the entire tea restaurant, only the four people of the Ye family, father and son, were left, and no one spoke.

Ye Xiaoli sighed, full of emotion, and said: "Lin Yao, the young are formidable, really - the young are formidable."

"Donald, Jason, Joe, all three of you sit down."

"Yes, Dad."

Ye Rongjin, Ye Rongyi, and Ye Rongheng responded, came to the dining table, and sat down.

Ye Xiaoli looked at the three people and said casually: "Talk about your ideas, just say whatever you want."

"Donald, you are the eldest brother, let's start with you."


Ye Rongjin shook his head and said:

"He is really amazing, I underestimated him before."

Ye Rongyi did not wait for Ye Xiaoli to ask, and said: "Yes, I didn't believe it at first, but now I have to believe it."

"He planned before he acted, and he had no plan left out."

Ye Xiaoli looked at Ye Rongheng again.

Ye Rongheng nodded hurriedly and said:

"His methods and momentum are so terrifying. I won't say anything. I'm afraid that my eldest brother and second brother can't compare with him."

Ye Rongyi smiled and said, "Ah Joe, it's not shameful to admit defeat. Would my eldest brother and I deceive ourselves?"

Ye Rongheng smiled.

"You three are right. It's true that we are not as good as him. There is nothing to be embarrassed about admitting."

Ye Xiaoli spoke and concluded:

"For people like this, even if we can't be friends, it's better not to be enemies, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

"Do you understand?"

The three of them nodded in unison and said, "I understand."

"Okay." Ye Xiaoli said, "Let's go back too."

After a brief chat, the four of the Ye family, father and son, also got up and left the Jundu International Hotel.


In the following few days, Lin Yao and Huo Jingliang reached a series of cooperation.

Explosive news broke out one after another!

First, all the shares of Liangda held by Lin Yao were sold to Huo Jingliang, with a total profit of 300 million!

In addition to the previous attack on Mingdian, he made a profit of 900 million. The two combined made a total profit of 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars!

This is already a sensation, but there is something even more sensational!

Lin Yao took over Kowloon Motor Bus and Chinese Estates, and Huo Jingliang handed over these two listed companies.

After a series of operations, Tianyao Group already holds 54% of Kowloon Motor Bus and 35% of Chinese Estates, and has absolute control over these two listed companies.

In the original plot, Fang Jianping was the winner of this confrontation.

Whoever gets the shares of Liangda held by Ye Xiaoli or Huo Jingliang will win.

But Fang Jianping chose not to help either of them.

In the end, Ye Xiaoli was in a dilemma.

Seeing that the time and the heat had come, Fang Jianping immediately persuaded Ye Xiaoli to concentrate on his own business and not spend time and energy on fighting. It was meaningless and worthless.

Ye Xiaoli thought that what Lisa said made sense, and then he decisively gave up and gave up the acquisition of Liangda Group.

Now there was no need for Fang Jianping to persuade him, Ye Xiaoli chose to give up on his own initiative.

Lin Yao, Ye Rongtin and others taught him a hard lesson.

It was because of the fight with Huo Jingliang that both sides suffered losses and a third party took advantage of him.

What was even more extravagant was that he actually spent countless time and energy.

This deal was a big loss.

At this point, this vigorous financial war came to an end.

The dispute over Liangda came to an end.

On October 19 of that year, a global stock market crash will break out.

The beginning of this global stock market crash was the plunge of the New York stock market, which then quickly spread to the stock markets of major Western countries, causing them to fall sharply in succession.

So what are the details?

On October 19, at 9:30 am, as soon as the New York stock market opened, the Dow Jones Index suddenly fell without any signs after a period of ups and downs!

Straight down!

Panic instantly enveloped the entire New York stock market, and investors sold their stocks one after another, so anxious that they did not discuss the price.

This situation continued until the market closed.

The final result was that on that day alone, the Dow Jones Index plummeted by 508.32 points, a drop of 22.62%!

If the abstract index is converted into currency, then this decline directly led to the market losing $500 billion in market value.


The plummeting trend spread around the world: the British Index fell by 156.13 points, creating the largest daily drop in the British stock market!

In Hong Kong, the Hang Seng Index plummeted 450 points!

In the following two days, other major financial markets around the world fell in response.

Throughout the year, the stock market crash caused huge losses to major stock markets around the world.

The deeper Lin Yao's understanding of the financial market, the better he will experience it.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Bubble economy, so terrifying!

So, in this sudden global stock market crash, what happened to those famous investors?

Except for a very few geniuses, most of them suffered unprecedented critical hits!

Take financial tycoon Soros and stock god Buffett as examples.

1. Let's talk about Soros first.

At present, the Japanese economy is booming, and he predicts that the Japanese stock market is about to collapse. In fact, for a financial tycoon of his level, this is nothing at all.

Because everyone can see how unreliable the current prosperity of Japan is.

The real difficulty lies in when this bubble will burst.

Even Soros can't tell the exact time.

Similarly, he failed to predict the global stock market crash!

Just after the global stock market crash, Soros liquidated all 5,000 S\u0026P 500 futures contracts held by Quantum Fund, with a total value of $1 billion.

One week after the crash, the net assets of Quantum Fund plummeted by 26.2%!

There is no doubt that Soros became the biggest loser in this disaster.

Shortly after the stock market crash, Soros seized an opportunity to short the US dollar and eventually turned losses into profits.

Let's talk about Buffett.

On Black Monday, Salomon, which Buffett had just invested heavily in, lost a full $80 million.

Buffett's personal wealth evaporated by $456 million!

Within a week, the stock price of his Berkshire Hathaway plummeted by 25%, and the asset loss became greater!

As we all know, Buffett is different from speculative financial giants like Soros. He believes in value investment.

After the stock market crash, he was extremely calm. He neither asked around for news nor sold stocks.

He acted calmly, as if the huge loss had nothing to do with him.

Perhaps many people are still immersed in the grief of huge losses, but he has already started to do research.

That year, Buffett set his sights on a company -


Buffett used various financial statements and after six months of investigation, he finally calculated that the actual intrinsic value of the company was 45.2 billion US dollars.

In addition to these, there is something more important.

That is, Coca-Cola is developing well and its performance is growing every year.

In other words, the actual value of Coca-Cola is greatly underestimated by the market!

When the actual intrinsic value of a company is far lower than the market value, it is a great time to enter the market.

That's what Buffett did!

Just a few years ago, Buffett bought Coca-Cola shares, with a total investment of 1.024 billion US dollars!

What was the result?

Three years later, Coca-Cola's stock price soared, and his investment increased three times in 2 years!

Such an exaggerated increase even shocked Buffett himself.

So, in 1994, Buffett continued to increase his holdings in Coca-Cola, with a total investment of $1.3 billion.

Since then, his holdings have remained unchanged.

Ten years later, he made $12 billion just from this one stock!

This is the charm of value investing!

Investing in Coca-Cola is one of Buffett's most legendary and valuable investments

Soros and Buffett represent two investment philosophies respectively.

One is speculative.

The other is value-oriented.

There is no difference between the two, but the investment philosophy is different.

Lin Yao has decided to cash out the huge amount of money he seized from the Japanese economic bubble era, and use it to build his own financial empire during the global stock market crash this year!

Although he is not on Wall Street, he wants to do the things of Wall Street capital and enter the international market.

And the largest market for international capital is the Lighthouse Country!


In these few days, the focus of his work has changed.

Badu Fund is undergoing investment restructuring and decisively withdrawing from the Japanese foreign exchange trading market.

As Lin Yao continues to increase his investment chips, the funds of Imamura Real Estate are like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger.

At the same time, in order to avoid risks, Lin Yao also introduced a local Japanese consortium.

Let local people with a voice participate, share resources, and make money together is stable.

The Financial Services Agency has begun to clean up capital and find various troubles, including Lin Yao's Badu Fund.

The benefits have been paid. If you continue to fight, it will be difficult to withdraw in the future.

Tianyao Securities is responsible for all these things.


With the crazy rise of Lin Yao, Tianyao Securities has also ushered in explosive development.

With Lin Yao's golden signboard, coupled with a series of previous god-level operations, Tianyao Securities' business has increased exponentially.

Tianyao Securities is still managed by Wang Yong and Zhang Linwei.

Now, their net worth has also skyrocketed.

In addition, the equity of Tianyao Securities has also changed. After seeing Lin Yao's amazing operation, Wang Yong and Zhang Linwei have realized that they are not worthy of so many shares.

The two took the initiative to find Lin Yao and spontaneously reduce their equity.

Lin Yao did not act pretentiously and agreed decisively.

But it was not a simple reduction of the two's equity, but an equity reform.

Initially, Tianyao Securities shares were only held by Lin Yao, Wang Yong, and Zhang Linwei, of which Lin Yao held 51% and the remaining 49% were held by the two.

After the equity reform, Lin Yao's shareholding was reduced to 35%, Wang Yong 12%, Zhang Linwei 8%, and the remaining 45% was held by other investment companies of the Huo family and other institutions.

For example, the Lei Yingdong Foundation.

The real top tycoons are like this, they have good personal relationships with each other, and they also invest in each other and share resources when doing business.

This morning, nine o'clock.

12th floor of the Confederation International Hotel.

The headquarters of Tianyao Securities was not originally here, but the development of Tianyao Securities in the past two years was so rapid that it soon became the leader of securities firms in Hong Kong Island.

The headquarters also moved here and directly bought the entire 12th floor, spending nearly 50 million!

Tsim Sha Tsui is also very prosperous, but compared with Central, it is not good enough.

Like Lin Yao's Star Building, if you buy one floor, it will only cost 25 million, but the price of the same floor will double.

This floor belongs to Tianyao Securities, but it is not funded by Tianyao Securities.

The real investor is Anhe Real Estate.

Anhe Real Estate got Tianyao Securities shares in this way.

Among all Lin Yao's non-listed industries, real estate accounts for a large proportion, with Anhe Real Estate as the leading industry, followed by New World.

There are also differences between the two.

Anhe Real Estate is mainly responsible for property services, that is, buying office buildings and shops, and mainly relying on rent to make profits. (End of this chapter)

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