HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 367 If God wants to destroy a person, he must first make him crazy!

The current situation is that people are the slaves and I am the fish!

Corleone knew the current situation and agreed to this only option.

Li Jie nodded and continued: "The second thing is, this time it's just a greeting, it won't be the same next time."

Close the team! "

Corleone glanced at the corpse on the ground and said in a deep voice: "No matter what it is, let's talk about it when we get back!"

Hagen nodded: "Okay."

The convoy started again and headed towards Bandar Abbas Port.

Bandar Abbas port.


Twenty minutes later, Corleone and Hagen arrived at their destination.

in the living room.

Corleone gave Hagen a look.

The latter immediately took action and ordered his men to search every corner of the villa three times.

Found nothing.

Hagen told everyone to get out, closed the door, and sat down next to Corleone.

"Mike, what do you think?"

Hagen asked.

Corleone looked at him steadily and said, "Hegen, what do you think?"

Hagen said:

"Maybe I think we were targeted from the moment we got off the plane."

Corleone continued: "Then what do you think we should do?"

Hagen thought for a few seconds and said, "I think the most important thing now is to get in touch with Mr. Lin."

"No matter what we do, we have to wait until negotiations."

Corleone's eyes suddenly became fierce, and he gritted his teeth and said:


"The other party has declared war on us! If we wait any longer, the situation will get out of control!"

Hagen frowned and said uncertainly: "Then we go to full-scale war?

Corleone smiled inexplicably, and then quickly ordered:

"The first thing is, tomorrow morning, let someone bring 20 million U.S. dollars to send over. This is the other party's transportation expenses."

"Tell him that we, the Corleone family, are willing to negotiate."

"If you do this yourself, it must be Mr. Lin."

"Only he is qualified to talk to us, not anyone else!"

Hagen nodded and asked, "What about the second thing?"

Corleone said in a deep voice: "The second thing is to recruit the king of mercenaries, the best!"

"Go find King!"

Hei Gen was startled and said:

"King? He is indeed the best, but I heard that man is very principled. Will he agree?"

King is just a nickname, his real name is Ross, from "The Suicide Squad", he is the soul of the entire team.

His mercenaries are called death squads.

It is a legend in the entire mercenary world.

"Will do."

Corleone said solemnly: "This is what he owes our Corleone family, and it's time to pay it back."

Hagen nodded and said: "No problem, I will handle this matter as soon as possible."

Corleone said: "Hagen, hold your ground, wait and see what XN will do next, and adapt accordingly."

"Okay, Mr. Corleone!"

Hagen nodded, stood up and left.

Corleone puffed on his cigar, then took out his landline phone and dialed a number.

Just a death squad is naturally not enough.

He had other preparations.

An unprecedented storm is brewing!

It's late at night, in a country in East Africa.

A rusty cruise ship.

This is a Japanese cruise ship hijacked by pirates.

More than 200 people were kidnapped at the same time.

Among them was a wealthy Japanese man who was threatened by pirates with a ransom of US$20 million.

The rich man's family sent a ransom, but after receiving the money, the pirates temporarily increased the amount by 10 million US dollars.

In desperation, the rich family turned to mercenary organizations, hoping that they could save people.

The time when the death squads choose to launch a raid to rescue hostages is basically at dawn.

The rescue operation went smoothly, and they quickly reached the opponent's lair.

The more troublesome thing is that they also reacted and they still had hostages on their hands.

There are twelve members of the Suicide Squad, but that is the most complete organization.

But in this operation, there are no logistics members, and there are only six people actually fighting on the front line!

They are: King, Christmas, Yin-Yang, Caesar, Thor, and Gunnar.

The boss is King, the soul of the Suicide Squad, good at grabbing things quickly!

The number two character is Christmas, a bald man, retired special forces soldier.

What he is best at is knife throwing skills.

Yin Yang, a Chinese, once served in the mysterious special forces and is good at martial arts and Muay Thai.

The remaining three people also have their own characteristics and extraordinary skills!



boom! !

In the huge warehouse, after a fierce gun battle, the death squad surrounded more than a dozen pirates.

The infrared rays were aimed at the dozen pirates.

The core is the pirate leader.

The pirate leader held the Japanese rich man hostage and said to his men:

"No one is allowed to loot without my order!!"

Then, the pirate leader looked at King and shouted: "Who are you?"

King's face was not cold. He said in a deep voice:

"It doesn't matter who we are, what's important is that you hand over all the hostages to me."

"I have brought the $10 million and can trade it now."

A trace of greed flashed in the pirate leader's eyes, and he said: "Fuck! Who told you it was 10 million US dollars?"


“Now I want 20 million US dollars! Without 20 million US dollars, you can’t take anyone away!

"Who dares to move, I will kill him immediately!"

The pirate leader holds a machete at the rich man's throat!

With a little force on his hand, he pressed a bloody mark on the rich man's neck.

The pirate leader's words left the members of the death squad extremely speechless.

"Oh eon!"

Christmas eyes flashed with inspiration and said:

"King, these are pirates, each one more greedy than the last!"

Gunnar is a blond white man with a build like a brown bear and an extremely bad temper.

He smiled contemptuously, stared at the pirate leader coldly, and said nothing.

King sighed softly, feeling helpless.

But he also wanted to give the pirates one last chance.

This is King, ruthless enough, but also has a bottom line and principles.

"We agreed before that for $10 million, you should let him go."

"I'll give you one last chance."

"If you push me again, you will all die."

King began the negotiation calmly.

But the pirate leader didn't appreciate it.

The pirate leader shouted angrily:

"Fuck! Do you know who I am?

"This is my red-haired ghost's territory!"

"Without my permission, you will never leave!"

King said: "Don't talk nonsense. All you need to do now is accept these 10 million and hand over the hostages to us."

"Damn it, you can't understand human language?"


"I want 20 million now!!"

The pirate leader was also going crazy. Nervous and angry, he raised his machete and shouted: "Prepare 20 million US dollars for me immediately, or I will kill him!"

"Now do you hear it clearly?"

"Don't move!!"

"Who dares to move, I will kill him immediately!"

The situation began to get out of control.

"OK, OK!"

King raised his hands and said, "I won't move. Don't hurt the hostages!"

"You want 20 million, right? It's right here. Come and get it yourself, or you can send someone to get it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Christmas threw a large suitcase to the ground.

Stacks of beautiful knives fell out!

Quickly attract the attention of all pirates.

Their eyes lit up!


It’s all hundred dollar bills, not fake money!

at this time--


Just hearing a loud bang, Gunnar sneered and was the first to fire!

Hit the pirate leader's neck directly!

His head flew out in an instant, and hit the cruise ship with a "biaji" sound.

Other members of the death squad also took action at the same time.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang——

With lightning speed, King pulled the trigger six times and killed four pirates with fatal shots.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! !

Christmas's flying knife was also thrown out at the same time, killing three more people.

Yin Yang, Thor, and Caesar took action at the same time.


The situation reversed, the death squads had taken control of the situation, and nine pirates were killed.

The remaining six people were captured by the opponent before they could react.

next moment!

The members of the death squad began to clean up the scene. Some were responsible for picking up the hostages, some were responsible for guarding the remaining pirates, and some were doing extravagant work.

Such as Gunnar.

This violent maniac has brought a pirate onto the deck!

Immediately, he tied a rope around his neck and prepared to hang him.

King, Christmas, Yin Yang and others looked up.

King asked: "Hey, what does he want to do?"

Gunnar said: "King, I will hang these sons of bitches!!"

King: "No! We have principles!"

Christmas shrugged, with a look like I said so.

Yin Yang said, "King, this is not the way we do things. He will harm our team sooner or later."

King said expressionlessly: "It's indeed crazy, but it's still within control."

Christmas tilted his head at King and said, "Next, you have to rely on yourself."

"Thank you." King said expressionlessly.

"Hey! Gunnar, let him go!"

King shouted to Gunnar on the deck:

"You heard what Yin and Yang said, we have our own principles!"

"Let him go now, or you will die!"

He then pulled out his gun and pointed it at Gunnar on the deck.

Gunnar was confused and said: "King, have you forgotten? These shits have hanged our people!"

King said calmly: "Calm down Gunnar, I'll say it again, we are not beasts!"

The two sides confronted each other.

In the midst of the confrontation, Yin Yang had quietly touched the deck.

He fought with Gunnar and rescued the hostage.

After a few minutes, the episode came to an end.

When it was all over, King received a personal phone call, and his expression changed instantly.

After a brief chat, we hung up the phone.

Seeing that his old partner looked strange, Christmas immediately came to his side and asked, "What happened again?"

"This is a disgusting thing. The Corleone family wants to hire me."

Christmas frowned and said, "The Corleone family hired us?

King shook his head and corrected: "Hire me, not us."

"What the Mafia does is also murder and arson, which goes against the principles of our death squads."

"I owe them a favor, not you."

Christmas laughed heartily and said, "Come on, Barney."

"You think we will abandon you? Don't joke, you don't have this chance!"

Christmas made a gesture of counting money and said with a smile:

"This time, the Corleone family will definitely be willing to pay much money for it!"

"Yin Yang, what do you think?"

Yin Yang looked serious and said seriously: "Everyone loves US dollars."

King said in a deep voice: "Okay! After dealing with things here, we will leave for the Persian Gulf immediately!"


Time flies, and another twenty-two days have passed in a blink of an eye

There are only twenty-eight days before the global stock market crash!

In this half month, many major events have happened.

First of all, Yau Ma Tei.

Wang Zu knew all the situations from He Liansheng.

Who is Hui Shao, and what grievances do Yau Ma Tei and Guanyong have.

After careful consideration, he decided to take on this task!

In these twenty days.

He successfully penetrated Yau Ma Tei and became a nail beside Hui Shao.

He Liansheng.

The person who connected with him was the current Jordan District boss Datou.

And he was able to follow Hui Shao smoothly without being suspected, and Datou helped a little.

But what Wang Zu didn't know was that Hui Shao was not the only one around him.

Lin Yao also arranged other people!

Not only Hui Shao, his old rival, the "Little Overlord" of the Number Gang Yizidui, also had Lin Yao's thorns around him.

Because only in this way can the situation be completely controlled.

Since he promised Lei Luo, Hui Shao must not have any problems.

With this arrangement, every move of Hui Shao and Xian Let both parties fall into Lin Yao's eyes.

This matter has come to an end for the time being, and it will take at least three months and at most a year to get a result.

Compared with what happened in the Persian Gulf, the underworld disputes in Hong Kong Island are not worth watching.

On the Persian Gulf side.

Due to Li Jie's intervention, the competition for underground oil trade rights has instantly become turbulent.

Corleone was intercepted, and the matter spread throughout the Persian Gulf at the fastest speed, which greatly annoyed the mafia.

Countless leaders threatened to give XN a good show.

They will be killed and will not stop until they leave!

Li Jie's daring behavior completely angered them!

First of all, Corleone is the face of the Mafia. They intercepted Corleone midway, which was not just the Corleone family's business.

They offended the entire Mafia!

Then, Corleone obediently handed over 20 million US dollars with both hands, and Li Jie accepted it calmly, which angered the other party even more.

After doing this, they became famous.

Just a dozen days ago, Corleone offered 20 million US dollars.

For a while, the Persian Gulf fell into a strange calm.

The weaker societies all remained silent!

Their choice was right.

Li Jie's move affected the whole body and completely detonated the contradictions of the Mafia. .

Intervening at this time is tantamount to cannon fodder.

Not only will you not get any benefits, but you will also suffer heavy losses.

Corleone's goal was also achieved!

He did not clearly tell Hagen why he offered 20 million US dollars with both hands.

In fact, he did not tell anyone.

The Corleone family still has to save face. If they do not agree, it will be fine. Once they agree, they will definitely do it.

He did this to maintain the dignity of the Corleone family.

At the same time!

The ancient Greek tragedy writer Eudipides said: God wants to destroy people, he must first make them crazy!

Mike not only saved the face of the Corleone family, but also let everyone see his arrogance, domineering and madness.

If people of his status and position do not respect him, who else will they respect?

While calculating these, Mike did not forget to engage in military armed competition and hired various top mercenaries.

The death squad is an outstanding representative of them.

The anger of other bigwigs was also ignited, and they all asked to get out.

This is their territory!

The best time to start a war has come, and Corleone did not hesitate and decisively issued an order to start the war.

The war broke out! ! (End of this chapter)

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