HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 376 The strong prey on the weak, this is the law of the wild world!!!

There are 12 people on both sides of the conference table, and Heigen sits behind Corleone.

The others are all well-known.

The representative of the Yamaguchi-gumi is Yamashita Ichiro, who serves as a young leader in the organization and is second only to the fifth generation leader Takeshi Takeshi in the Yamaguchi-gumi.

The representative of the Qiangtai Gang is Shen Fuxiong.

The representative of the Sanlian Gang has also arrived, not Ding Yao, but Black Panther.

What is the situation of the Sanlian Gang?

Ever since Ding Yao became a legislator, the major factions in the gang have been fighting for the position of gang leader.

Lei Fuhong, the son of Lei Gong, took the position and became the new gang leader.

This guy is a top student and graduated from Bentley University.

The current Sanlian Gang is in chaos.

If he is really killed, it is Lei Fuhong who deserves it.

He only wants to step on the gang to get to the top, but does not want to make any contribution.

He also wants to cross the river and demolish the bridge and completely whitewash himself.

If he doesn't die, it will be unforgivable.

There are 20 halls in the Sanlian Gang.

During this extremely chaotic period, the Viper Hall quietly grew and became the backbone of the Triple Gang.

Among the 20 major halls, the Viper Hall ranks among the top!

There are already other voices within the Triple Gang, saying that they want to abolish Lei Fuhong and support Black Panther to take over!

He represents the Triple Gang in handling the underground oil trade rights, which has proved how popular and influential he is within the Triple Gang.

In addition to these people, the Bruce family is more worth mentioning.

On the Mafia side, the Corleone family is mainly responsible for the underground oil trade, and the Bruce family assists.

William attended on behalf of his father Edward Bruce.

There are still 3 minutes before the meeting time. Others have already arrived, except Lin Yao.

Corleone looked normal, without any impatience.

The other 12 people were waiting quietly, only William was impatient.


He laughed and said to everyone: "Gentlemen, there is something I want to confirm. Have you ever dealt with this Lin?"

"Everyone is here, but he is not here. This is very rude."

Yamashita Ichiro, Black Panther, Shen Fuxiong and others secretly cursed William as a bastard pig head, and no one answered him.

You can't even understand the situation, and you dare to do this. You really think your life is too long!

William coughed three times awkwardly and said: "Gentlemen, there is no need to do this, right?"

Corleone said coldly: "William, have you had enough fun?"

William's face froze, his lips moved, and he opened his mouth to defend himself.

Corleone didn't give him a chance.

"If you've had enough fun, just shut up!"

"I really don't know what old Edward is thinking. He actually let you be responsible for such an important matter!"

"The meeting is over, get out of here immediately!"

These words were ruthless and slapped his face.

William's face was gloomy, his cheeks flushed, and he stared at Corleone angrily, saying: "Godfather, you are humiliating me!"

"What did I do to make you treat me like this?"

Corleone said coldly: "I humiliate you not because of what you did, but because you don't know what you did at all!"

"The most important thing is that this is not humiliation, but education!"

"Believe me, even if you complain to old Edward, maybe he will be angry, maybe he won't, but no matter what, he will agree with my approach!"

William was almost furious.

Corleone continued: "From now on, don't do anything, don't say anything!"

William's momentum was instantly crushed, and he said: "Mr. Corleone..."

Corleone suddenly roared: "You only need to answer me yes or no!"

William trembled all over and trembled: "yes, yes"

The two are of similar age, William is even six months older than Corleone, but their abilities and temperaments are very different, and they are not in the same world at all.

The contrast at this moment was obvious.

Corleone was too lazy to pay attention to this bastard.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was pushed open.

Lin Yao, finally arrived!

Feng Yuxiu and Awu followed closely behind Lin Yao.

Feng Yuxiu and Awu both looked grim, and Awu was holding an exquisite wooden box in his right hand.

Corleone immediately stood up to greet him.

The same was true for others.

Although William was reluctant, he also stood up.

Lin Yao smiled and said, "Hello, Mr. Corleone, we finally meet."

Corleone smiled and responded, "Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm glad to meet you!"

The two sides greeted each other, exchanged a few pleasantries, and then sat down in their seats.

After sitting down, Corleone said, "Mr. Lin, do you know any of these people here?"


Lin Yao smiled and looked at Shen Fuxiong, saying, "His name is Shen Fuxiong, the representative of Huang Weihan of the Qiangtai Gang, a wretched man."

He didn't give any face, and he came up to unscrupulously provoke.

The others were all shocked and confused.

Shen Fuxiong said awkwardly: "How can a small character like me be qualified to sit at the same table with Mr. Lin? I'd better stand up."

After saying that, he actually stood up.

Lin Yao lit a Cuban cigar and said to Corleone:

"Mr. Corleone, continue to introduce."


Corleone quickly introduced the others to Lin Yao.

After a brief introduction, Lin Yao said: "Mr. Corleone, there will be no audio or video left from this meeting, right?"

"Of course not."

Corleone said: "Mr. Lin, I guarantee it with the reputation of the Corleone family."

"Also, I represent not only the Corleone family, but also the seven major families behind me."

"My guarantee is the guarantee of the eight major families."

"Mr. Lin, don't worry."

Lin Yao said casually:

"I see that everyone is very anxious, so let's get straight to the point."

No one has an opinion.

Meeting, begin!

Corleone had made ample preparations.

The real accurate work is to communicate with the major forces in advance.

For example: K1 World Series!

Another example: If the final results of the K1 World Series are to be used to allocate the underground oil trading rights of the Persian Gulf,

Twenty minutes passed, and everything went smoothly. We had pretty much everything we needed to talk about, the atmosphere was great, and no one objected.

The main thing is two things.

The first thing is to establish an alliance organization called the Persian Gulf Brotherhood.

The specific detailed rules will be decided later. Today is the matter of the Persian Gulf Brotherhood.

The second thing is the K1 World Series!

In Corleone's plan, the K1 World Series will be held every year, and the final result of each time will determine how much share each can get in that year.

The right to trade underground oil is also a kind of balance.

The situation in the entire Persian Gulf is extremely complicated due to the huge profits.

Tianyao Group now also belongs to a consortium, but it has not yet been involved in the oil company business.

Entering the Persian Gulf also lays the foundation for the future.

Talking about the K1 World Series, we finally got to the point.

Corleone glanced at Lin Yao and said, "Let me briefly explain the current share of underground oil trading rights in the Persian Gulf."

"The forces represented by our Corleone family account for 29%, the Bruce family accounts for 10%, the Yamaguchi group 9%, the Imperial Group 9%, the Sanlian Gang 5%, and the Qiangtai Gang 5%."

"The rest are all scattered."

"The next question is, what share of oil trading rights should we give each year."

"Let me tell you my opinion first. I will take out 6% and keep 23%."

"Except, each of your families will be reduced in half."

"Spit out the rest of your share!"

"If they cooperate, they will retain their right to participate in the K1 World Series!"

"This leaves 48% of the share, 40% of which will be used as rewards for the K1 World Series, and the remaining 8% will be used for management and relationship maintenance."

Representatives of all forces at the scene looked at Corleone in astonishment.

It was only then that they understood that Corleone wanted to establish the Persian Gulf Brotherhood in order to consolidate the interests of all current forces.

The second purpose is to take advantage of the opportunity to swallow up all the market share of those scattered small forces, leaving not a drop to them.

This is a distribution plan recognized by the CIA and other officials!

After Corleone came up with this plan, most representatives of the major forces were shocked!

Lin Yao was not too surprised, all this was expected by him.

Although the gang of bastards in country M are greedy and disgusting, they have to admit that they do have the power to be greedy and disgusting.

The law of the jungle is the law of the wild world!

Corleone was doing this himself, but he never revealed it to anyone. Just like his father always warned him, it is best to keep a trump card for yourself at all times.

This is his trump card!

Lin Yao chuckled and looked at Corleone, with more approval in his eyes, as if he was seeing his own kind.

Corleone also looked at him with a smile and said slowly: "Mr. Lin, you agree with the first thing. I wonder if you also agree with the second thing I just said?"

Lin Yao smiled and said, "I agree."

"Mr. Corleone, I think your distribution plan is very, very good. No one can do it better than you."

"Of course, this is just my opinion."

Corleone nodded to Lin Yao, looked at the others, and said:

"Everyone, do you have any opinions?"

"If so, tell me now."

Yamashichiro had the unique seriousness of Japanese people and said with a straight face:

"Sir Corleone, our Yamaguchi group has no objection!"

Black Panther felt relieved and said: "We, the Sanlian Gang, agree!"

"Our Imperial Group also agrees!"

Other forces from all parties also expressed their opinions.

Passed unanimously.

"Okay, let's continue chatting."

Corleone smiled proudly and continued:

"Now that it has been decided to give up 40% of the underground oil trading rights as a reward for the K1 World Series."

"Then let's discuss in general how the rewards should be distributed and how many shares each ranking corresponds to."

"I also did this in advance."

"Hagen, give the K1 World Series plan to all the gentlemen. Read it while I talk."

Hagen nodded, took out the prepared documents from the black briefcase, and distributed them to everyone.

Lin Yao took the document and quickly browsed it.

According to this plan, underground oil trading rights are distributed as follows:

15% for the champion, 8% for the runner-up, 5% for the third runner-up, and the remaining 12% are divided into 4th to 16th place!

In other words, the top sixteen will all get a share of the pie.

This distribution method will most likely pass smoothly.

At this time, Corleone said:

"The K1 World Series will be held every year!"

"I plan to promote this kind of no-rules fighting game to the whole world!"

"Everyone knows how many boxing fans there are in the world, and the market is huge."

"In addition to tickets for the K1 World Series, I will also introduce betting!"

"Actually, I have reached an agreement with Poly Group, the largest gaming company in Europe, a week ago. They will be solely responsible for the first K1 World Series!"

"According to my estimation, just the K1 World Series can bring us at least 20 million US dollars in revenue."

"This is only the first session. As the K1 World Series becomes more and more famous, the income will increase dramatically in the future."

"If the K1 World Series can be commercialized, the return rate will be extremely huge."

"All of these revenues will be pocketed by the Persian Gulf Brotherhood, and all members will be able to share in the pie. This is the benefit of peace, and this is what I really want to say."

boom! !

Corleone's plan for the K1 World Series not only amazed Lin Yao, but also shocked others.

Like thunder piercing the ears, the roar continues.

Snapped! !

At this moment, Lin Yao looked at Corleone with a smile, stretched out his hands, patted them gently, and said:

"This K1 World Series plan is wonderful and perfect."

Snap, snap, snap!

With Lin Yao taking the lead, everyone at the scene applauded and started a heated discussion.

"Sir Corleone, your idea of ​​commercializing the K1 World Series is really good!"

"I completely agree, this is how the K1 World Series should be held!"

On the left side of Corleone sat William, and on the right side sat an old man in white plain clothing similar to a Tang suit. He was lean and had white beard and hair.

Among all the discussions, the one who complained about the champion got a relatively small share, and should improve it, was him.

Lin Yao had never seen this old man before, but he knew who he was.


He is the representative of Taiguo Kingroup and a legendary master in Taiguo’s world.

When he was young, he was invincible in the boxing world with his extraordinary fists and kicks.

Terrifying skills!

Until later, he slowly withdrew from the boxing ring and stopped fighting casually with others.

Nowadays, he is recognized as the Muay Thai master in Taiguo and has a high status.

Beyond that, he has an identity.

It was he who taught Dafan, one of the eight golden mengkongs in the Imperial Group today.

Yapile also brought someone here!

Bald, tall, at least two meters tall, burly, majestic, tough and domineering.

There are black tattoos on the forehead and face that look like a scorpion!

This guy's name is Chara, he is 29 years old, a senior executive of the Imperial Group, and is also ranked among the top eight Jin Mengkong.

Yapile saw Lin Yao looking at him and smiled back.

Lin Yao smiled and looked away.

Russian qing.

The scene fell silent and the meeting continued.

Half an hour later, everything had been tentatively agreed upon.

"Everyone, we have finished all the conversations we should have."

Corleone looked at the crowd and concluded: "There are two things we should do next. The first thing is to hold the first K1 World Series in half a month."

"The second thing is to prepare for the establishment of the Persian Gulf Brotherhood."

"If there is nothing else, let's adjourn the meeting."

The other representatives smiled and nodded slightly.

Just then, something unexpected happened.

Lin Yao looked at Corleone with a chuckle and said, "Mr. Corleone, I have something to say."

What was supposed to come finally came!

Corleone nodded and said slowly: "Mr. Lin, please speak." (End of Chapter)

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