HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 378: A gathering of heroes to fight to the death!

"Hagen, sit down."

Corleone said casually.

Hagen sat down on a mahogany chair.

"Is it done?"


"That's good. Nothing unexpected happened?"


Corleone took a puff of cigarette and changed the subject:

"The next priority is the K1 World Championship."

"The rules and regulations have been set. You should communicate with others and see what they think."

"In addition, we should try to get more wealthy tycoons to participate. I will meet with Lin Yao to discuss these things."

In the following time, Corleone detailed all the details that need to be paid attention to.

Hagen took out a notebook and wrote it down.

In addition, he was actually a little confused.

It was still William's matter.

After Corleone finished speaking, he frowned and said:

"Mr. Corleone, I still want to have a good talk with you about William."

"Are we a little too impulsive?"

Corleone looked normal and asked calmly: "Where are we impulsive?"

Hagen said: "Even if we completely withdraw from the Persian Gulf, it's nothing."

"But New York can't do that. No mistakes are allowed."

"Now we are taking the blame for Lin Yao, getting rid of William, and completely offending Old Edward. This will greatly affect our business in New York!"

"Is it really worth it?"

Of course it's worth it.

William evaporated out of thin air, and there was no evidence. Even if Old Edward guessed that he did it, he had to endure it!

Want revenge?

Unfortunately, Corleone thought so too.

Old Edward must pay the price for his assassination.

Must die!

This is the logic of Corleone's behavior.

Corleone said calmly: "Hagen, whether it is worth it or not is not up to you, but me."

"You just need to obey orders."

"Go out."

When he said these words, Corleone did not even look at Hagen, but lowered his head and started reading again.

Hagen stood up, lowered his head to Corleone, and left the study.

Just after Hagen left, Corleone picked up the mobile phone on the table and called Lin Yao.

The call was connected.

Corleone said, "Mr. Lin, I'm Corleone."

At the base, Lin Yao responded, "What's up?"

Corleone said, "That idiot William has been dealt with. I'm telling you."

Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar and smiled, "Well, thank you."

Corleone said, "No, it's my duty."

"This is just a trivial matter. I would like to talk to you about the K1 World Championship. I have a lot of ideas. The ring competition in Kowloon Walled City on your Hong Kong Island is very creative."

"If there is time, we'd better meet and talk in detail. What do you think?"

Lin Yao said, "Okay."

Corleone said, "Okay, then we'll make a deal. I won't disturb you to rest. Goodbye."


Time passed slowly, and ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

These ten days have a huge impact on the global underground forces and the Persian Gulf region.

The first is the establishment of the Persian Gulf Brotherhood, also known as the Persian Gulf Brotherhood Alliance and the Persian Gulf Alliance.

The establishment of the alliance declared the end of the war and the rare peace in the Persian Gulf underground world.


Judging from the current situation, this period of peace is not short and will last for a long time.

Until the alliance collapses due to internal strife.

In this way, other forces will have the opportunity to get involved in the underground oil trade rights.

If other forces enter rashly, the end will be extremely miserable.

Not to mention the fight for the underground oil trade rights, it is impossible to gain a foothold in the Persian Gulf region.

Of course, the peace here only involves oil trade.

Other mercenary behaviors such as assassination, protection, revenge, kidnapping, and war cannot be stopped.

No one can do it.

In this chaotic era, in this chaotic region, these things happen all the time.

The second major event is naturally the K1 World Championship!

Just after that phone call, Lin Yao and Corleone had more contact, and they met every two days to discuss how to fully develop the commercial value of the K1 World Championship.

Hagen is also very efficient.

After Lin Yao and Corleone finished their discussion, he would act as an intermediary and notify the representatives of all forces as soon as possible about which parts need to be modified and which parts need to be deleted.

In addition, ten days ago, Corleone ordered people to make a plan for the K1 World Championship.

So it didn't take long for the detailed rules of the K1 World Championship to be determined.

At the same time, the publicity work was launched simultaneously!

Because the stakes are so high, the K1 event itself is extremely important.

All members of the Persian Gulf Alliance have done a good job of publicity.

In Europe and the United States, Corleone used all available resources to attract those boxing enthusiasts among the rich.

They are all sponsors!

During this period, the K1 no-rules boxing match immediately spread in the fighting circles around the world.

Those rich people who are not short of money came from all over the world.

In order to see a series of wonderful fights, even fights!

The more tragic, the more exciting.

For them, this is a top spiritual enjoyment.

Lin Yao and Corleone get along very well.

Corleone is amazed at Lin Yao's achievements.

In addition to these two major events, there are two small things.

The first small matter is naturally Huang Weihan.

The talks ended and the Persian Gulf Alliance was established.

Corleone immediately ordered people to contact the Qiangtai Gang and inform Huang Weihan that their Qiangtai Gang was out.

All the members of the Qiangtai Gang must also withdraw from the Persian Gulf within three days, otherwise they will bear the consequences!

Huang Weihan, who was far away in Bangkok, was stunned at first, and then his lungs were almost exploded!


Lin Yao!

It's really too much!

The furious Huang Weihan also scolded Corleone, the Emperor Group, and the Black Panther.

This bunch of shit, seeing Lin Yao's strength, turned around and sold himself out.

Huang Weihan was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, but that was all.

He couldn't do anything.

He couldn't bear it.

No one could bear it!

No matter how unhappy he was, Huang Weihan could only endure it.

In this second round of confrontation, Huang Weihan was defeated again.

Edward Bruce, who was far away in the Big Apple, was also upset. His favorite youngest son died.

This was another small matter.

Old Edward naturally knew what happened in the meeting, knew that William had violated the sixth commandment of the Mafia, and knew how useless he was. Lin Yao had only used a fake recording to trick out the truth.

He also knew how Lin Yao treated his youngest son.

His youngest son evaporated like steam.

There was no body!

Old Edward was heartbroken and had guessed that his youngest son must be dead.

As for the murderer, it was either Lin Yao or Corleone.

But like Huang Weihan, he could only keep his grief and pain in his heart.

In this turmoil and expectation...

Tonight, 20:00!

The first K1 World Championship will officially start.

All forces that are qualified to participate in K1 are gearing up to win the competition.

To get the 15% share of the underground oil trade rights.

K1, finally here!


Five o'clock in the afternoon.


The last meeting of the major forces of the Persian Gulf Alliance.

This meeting was mainly to review the situation and see if there are any areas that need special attention.

In addition, it can also be regarded as a warm-up before the K1 competition.

The venue for this meeting was also chosen at the Sailboat Hotel.

The 16th floor.

Lin Yao and Corleone still sat opposite each other.

On both sides of the oval long table, there were Yamashita Ichiro, Yapiler, Black Panther and others.

This review took only 20 minutes to finish.


Corleone spoke and concluded:

"The first unregulated K1 World Fighting Tournament, whether it is planning, safety, or publicity, gambling, all are done very well."

"I said that if K1 can be successfully held, the profit will be at least 20 million US dollars."

"Now I have changed my mind."

"Because according to the current situation, it is initially estimated that the first K1 may make a profit of 50 million US dollars!"


The representatives of various forces at the scene all had bright eyes.

This is really a pleasant surprise.

Someone couldn't help but laugh and said, "This is all thanks to Mr. Lin and Mr. Corleone. We should all thank them."

Black Panther immediately looked at Lin Yao and said respectfully, "Thank you, Mr. Lin."

Lin Yao said, "Why thank me? Although I also did some work, it was my job. Aren't you the same?"

"It was Mr. Corleone who proposed to hold the K1 World Championship. Speaking of which, you should really thank him."

Black Panther explained, "Mr. Lin, if you don't agree, no matter how good Mr. Corleone's proposal is, it is impossible to hold such a large-scale event."

He didn't speak English, but Cantonese.

Lin Yao changed the subject and asked, "Are you going to participate in this K1 competition?"

As long as you are a member of the Persian Gulf Alliance, you are eligible to participate in this K1 competition.

Although every member is eligible to participate, the number of participants cannot be the same.

The Persian Gulf Alliance has a total of 32 members, and most of them can only send one person to participate. This is the third tier, with a total of 24!

Like the Tri-Union Gang, the Emperor Group, and the Yamaguchi Group, this belongs to the second tier, with a total of six.

They can send two people, a total of twelve people!

The first tier only has Lin Yao's and Corleone's mafia, both of which have three seats, a total of six people!

The final result is that there will be 42 participants in the first K1 competition!

Lin Yao's side.

Although Li Jie's body has recovered.

But his strength is far from his peak.

So, he will not participate.

The three people sent by Lin Yao are: Feng Yuxiu, Wang Jianjun, and Awu!

Sending Feng Yuxiu to fight is to win the championship.

How far Wang Jianjun and Awu can go depends on their own strength.

If they face Dafan and Black Panther right away, the situation will be bad.

On the Sanlian Gang side, Black Panther will fight!

And the Emperor Group, Dafan will also appear!

Black Panther took a sip of black coffee and said with a smile:

"This K1 competition is very important. If we can win, we will not only become famous, but also get a share of the underground oil trade rights."

"Lei Gang Leader called me personally and strongly requested me to compete. He also repeatedly urged me to win the championship."

"Haha, win the championship?"

"Fuck, how can I be so lucky!"

Lin Yao ignored Black Panther and turned to look at the Emperor Group not far away.

Yapile still sat on Corleone's right hand, but the person standing behind him changed, from one to two. Tsara was still there, but there was an additional blond young man.

This person was Dafan!

He finally showed up. He had just arrived in Abbas a few days ago. After arriving here, he stayed indoors and trained madly.

Dafan had royal blood, but because he was an illegitimate child, he was abandoned.

His mother was named Shilinda, who had been very cruel to him since childhood.

In her eyes, Dafan was not a son, but a tool!

Dafan grew up in this twisted environment since childhood.

Later, he became a disciple of Yapiler and showed a martial arts talent far beyond ordinary people.

Yapiler's ancient Thai boxing was practiced to the extreme by him.

In the Thai arena, Dafan has become a legend.

But in the international arena, he is just a nobody.

At this moment.

Dafan stood behind his master Yapiler.

Seeing Lin Yao coming, Yapiler said:

"Mr. Lin, I wonder which three masters you will send?"

"We, the Emperor Group, are sending Dafan and Chala."

"I heard that Mr. Lin is invincible in Hong Kong and Australia, but with your status, you should not be interested in taking action, right?"

This question not only made Yapiler curious, but also representatives from other parties were curious.

They were curious about whether Lin Yao would take action, and also curious about whether those incredible rumors in Hong Kong and Australia were true or false.

What kind of unparalleled god of war, the undisputed number one in Hong Kong and Australia.

Is he really that strong?

This "number one" does not mean that Lin Yao has become Mr. Hong Kong and Australia Corleone, but also refers to his skills!

In the process of becoming Mr. Hong Kong and Australia Corleone, Lin Yao left too many legends.

Corleone was also very interested.

He smiled at Lin Yao and said, "Mr. Lin, you are not as exaggerated as the rumors say?"

"I can't imagine a person standing still and jumping out ten meters, nor can I imagine a person jumping from a 50-meter building without any problem."

The others also cooperated and said that they couldn't imagine it either.

Lin Yao didn't answer Corleone, but looked at Yapiler and said, "Of course I won't participate in the competition. As for whether those legends are true or false"


Lin Yao flicked the ash, looked at Yapiler, and said:

"You are a Muay Thai master, leaving countless incredible records in the boxing world, and those records are also legendary."

"To be honest, I am also very curious."

Yapiler, the master of ancient Muay Thai, once won 50 games in a row.

The other four are not unknown people, they are all masters who have achieved success in the Thai boxing world.

Before Yapiler rose, the four were all named "masters".

At this time, Yapiler was at his peak.

In less than half a minute, he dealt with the four men like chopping melons and vegetables, establishing his status as a Muay Thai master in one fell swoop.

Yapiler heard the provocation in Lin Yao's words. If it was an unknown person, he would not take it to heart, but the other party was Lin Yao!

This aroused his fighting spirit!

Yapiler chuckled and said, "Mr. Lin, today we have such a good opportunity again, why don't we have a competition."

"Of course, it's just a competition, we'll stop at a certain point, how about it?"

Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar and said directly, "Okay!"

He really wanted to know what kind of strength Yapiler had.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone was shocked.

Their eyes began to light up!

The duel of this level between Lin Yao and Yapiler was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, which instantly turned them into ordinary spectators.

Unfortunately, they couldn't eat this melon. (End of this chapter)

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