HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 391 The Richest Man in Asia!!

When Time magazine conducted these investigations, the Wall Street Journal and Fortune were doing the same thing!

These newspapers and magazines, either before or after, conducted detailed investigations and reports on Tianyao Group and Lin Yao!

Among them, the investigation of the old magazine Fortune was the most detailed!

Foreign people are not interested in other people in Tianyao Group, but only marvel at Lin Yao's terrifying efficiency in making money!


"Holy shit! This oriental boy, is he the one who made our money?"

"Damn it!"


The response in Hong Kong, Australia, Bangkok, and even the mainland was even greater and more intense!

Hong Kong and Australia area!

All the people were talking about it!

The Hong Kong and Australia business circle was certainly stunned and surprised that Lin Yao became the richest man in Hong Kong Island, but that was all!

Compared with the underworld, or ordinary people, they are more aware of Lin Yao's business moves!

In this disturbance, the annual meeting of Tianyao Group was successfully held in Clearwater Bay and finally ended successfully!

This conference not only focused the attention of everyone in the Hong Kong and Australia area.

Even Bangkok, South Korea, Japan, and Europe and the United States sent reporters to participate, and the event was unprecedented!

At the press conference, a reporter asked: "Mr. Lin, what do you want to say about the reports of many newspapers such as "Time" and "Fortune"? "

"According to their investigation, your current assets start at 30 billion US dollars!"

After taking a puff of cigar, Lin Yao smiled and said: "I want to say thank you"

At the entire press conference, everyone smiled knowingly!

At this time, Lin Yao is ready to start his new chapter!

There are still some small things to deal with in Hong Kong and Australia!

After dealing with them almost, he will first go to country M.

Then it will be South Korea, the mainland, Thailand...

In a word, it is time to extend the tentacles of Tianyao Group to a wider world!

Japan, Kanto region!


A villa in the suburbs with a very Japanese style!

This villa is the residence of Yoshiaki Tsutsumi, the richest man in Japan today.

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi's father is named Kojiro Tsutsumi, but this guy's reputation is really hard to describe!

After the end of World War II, Kojiro Tsutsumi took advantage of the situation and bought countless lands from these people!

After taking the land, Kojiro Tsutsumi began to build suburban railways, hotels, tourist attractions, department stores and golf courses!

The Seibu Group developed in full swing!

In 1923, in order to seize the operating rights of a certain railway, Kojiro Tsutsumi bought a lot of stocks of this company.

As a result, someone pointed a gun at his head and tried to force him to give up!

But Kojiro Tsutsumi was unmoved and would rather lose his life than give up.

The opponent had no choice but to hand over the railway operating rights!

Since then, Kojiro Tsutsumi has also been nicknamed "Pistol Tsutsumi"!

Kojiro Tsutsumi is aggressive, but Yoshiaki Tsutsumi is extremely steady.

In comparison, Kojiro Tsutsumi's other son inherited his adventurer character.

But in the end, Kojiro Tsutsumi chose Yoshiaki Tsutsumi as his heir!

The reason is actually simple. Kojiro Tsutsumi has laid the foundation for the entire family!

He is the first generation!

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi is the second generation, so his responsibility is not to build a kingdom, but to protect the foundation of Seibu Group.

In Yoshiaki Tsutsumi's view, he himself is the god of Seibu Group!

Whatever he says is what it is, others can only obey, and are not allowed to have any ideas of their own!

Villa, study!

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi is 54 years old this year, wearing square-framed glasses.

He looks extremely energetic!

50 years old, this is the golden age for entrepreneurs!

He is sitting at the desk, reading the latest issue of "Time" magazine.

And on the desk, there are various newspapers and magazines from the United States, such as "The Wall Street Journal" and "Fortune"!

The common point of these newspapers and magazines is...

Lin Yao!

All newspapers and magazines are focusing on reporting Lin Yao.

Lin Yao is described in detail from all aspects!

"Lin Yao, interesting!"

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi browsed Lin Yao's information and commented with a chuckle!

But after the evaluation, his eyes flashed with coldness, and he said:

"But you, a foreigner, can also enjoy the dividends of our development in Japan and lay the foundation for it!"

"Knock, knock, knock!"

At this time, there was a knock on the door!

"Come in!"

The door of the study was pushed open, and a middle-aged man in his forties walked in!

His name is Kazuo Nakata, and he is a veteran of the group.

The advantage of Kazuo Nakata is that he is obedient and will unconditionally execute all the orders of Yoshiaki Tsutsumi.

Seeing Kazuo Nakata enter the door, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi asked: "Nakata, how is the matter going?"

Kazuo Nakata said respectfully: "Report to your Excellency, I have contacted the heads of relevant departments such as Mitsui \u0026 Co., Sumitomo Real Estate!"

"The time has been agreed, and you can meet them at 7 o'clock tomorrow night!"

After World War II, six major conglomerates emerged in Japan, namely:

Mitsubishi Group, Mitsui Group, Sumitomo Group, Fuji Group, Sanwa Group, and Kangyin Group!

Mitsui \u0026 Co., Ltd. and Sumitomo Real Estate, the names are clear, they belong to Mitsui Group and Sumitomo Group respectively!

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi nodded with satisfaction and asked:

"Nakata, you have had initial contact with Mitsui \u0026 Co., Ltd. and Sumitomo Real Estate. What do they think of Lin Yao's investment in Japan?"

Nakata Kazuo frowned slightly and said, "Sir, they don't seem to have much opinion on Lin Yao, but they think that Lin Yao and Tianyao Group account for too high a proportion of Imamura Real Estate!"

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi laughed and said, "Of course it's impossible. The other party is now the richest man in Hong Kong Island. The whole world is paying attention to him. He is also very powerful. How can he be easily moved?"

"I'm not going to kick him out completely!"

"It's just that his share of Imamura Real Estate is indeed too high. If Tianyao Group is included, it's a full 70%. It's reasonable to reduce it by at least half!"

"It doesn't matter if Mitsui and Sumitomo don't have much opinion now. It's up to people. We can make them have opinions!"

Nakata Kazuo nodded and said: "Your Excellency can definitely do it!"

Tsutsumi Yoshiaki was silent for two seconds, and then continued: "Nakata, I actually admire Lin Yao very much. He dared to bet his fortune before the Plaza Accord was signed. This is already very impressive!"

"But what's more impressive is that he has already started to lay out real estate since then!"

"By the time all of us reacted, Imamura Real Estate had developed into a behemoth."

"If he wants to eat alone now, he will end up miserably!"

"He will become unable to move forward in Japan, and the scale of Imamura Real Estate will not be able to continue to expand!"


Yoshiaki Tsutsumi smiled and said, "According to Time magazine, he never bows his head!"

"But what did he do in Japan?"

Kazuo Nakata said, "He never planned to eat alone. He planned the organizational structure of Imamura Real Estate a long time ago, allowing Mitsui \u0026 Co., Sumitomo Real Estate and our Seibu Group to enter!"

"Originally, he accounted for 90% of the shares, but when we entered, it dropped to 60%!"

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi nodded and said, "Yes, that's right. He has made a concession. In terms of his personality and the achievements of Tianyao Group, this step is also a big one!"

"But, 60% is still too much!"

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi sighed lightly, slightly absent-minded, and fell into thinking again!

Kazuo Nakata is very familiar with the living habits of the God of Seibu Group. Seeing Yoshiaki Tsutsumi start to think, he stopped talking to avoid disturbing Yoshiaki Tsutsumi!

A moment!

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi came back to his senses, smiled, and said: "Lin Yao is in the limelight now, we have to avoid his edge, just make long-term plans, and don't rush things like this!"

"As long as we can get those high-quality properties of Imamura Real Estate within two years, it will be considered a success!"

Kazuo Nakata said: "Yes!"

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi waved his hand, signaling Kazuo Nakata to leave!

Kazuo Nakata bowed respectfully to Yoshiaki Tsutsumi, greeted him, and then turned and left!

The current Imamura Real Estate has an extremely complex structure!

Lin Yao holds 60% of the shares, Tianyao Group holds 10% of the shares, and the remaining 30% is divided by Imamura Group, Mitsui \u0026 Co., Sumitomo Real Estate, and Yoshiaki Tsutsumi's Seibu Group!

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi also got a share, but why is he still not satisfied?

One word:


Although his business style is completely different from his father's and is extremely stable.

But the father and son are surprisingly greedy!

Last year, Lin Yao gambled heavily in the foreign exchange market in Japan.

Many people are paying attention, but that's not the point at all!

In a game that is sure to win, why would there be any gamble?

Only Lin Yao knows this!

During the time he was in Japan, Lin Yao devoted himself to Japanese real estate and tried hard to study which places were more worthy of investment. He had only one goal!

That was to maximize his own interests!

When Yoshiaki Tsutsumi realized that Japanese real estate was about to usher in great glory, he plunged into it again, and was surprised to find that many of his favorite properties were taken by Lin Yao!

Although the Seibu Group, under his leadership, burst out with unprecedented vitality and became stronger!

But he was still very unhappy!

He had been forbearing before, but now when he watched Lin Yao surpass himself with these investments and become the richest man in Asia.

He exploded instantly and couldn't bear it anymore!

Then, these things happened!

Lin Yao didn't know yet!

It wasn't until after the Chinese New Year that Hiroji Imamura called him and he knew about Yoshiaki Tsutsumi's little tricks!

February 26, the tenth day of the first lunar month!

Just a few days after the Spring Festival holiday, Lin Yao also started working.

Received a call from Hiroji Imamura.

He thought Hiroji Imamura wanted to say happy new year, but he didn't expect this!

Tianyao Building, Group Headquarters!

In the Chairman's Office!

"Yoshiaki Tsutsumi?"

Lin Yao smiled and said, "You mean, I have made such a big concession, but he is still not satisfied?"

Hiroji Imamura was a little helpless and said, "It seems so!"

Lin Yao laughed and said, "This guy is just like his father, he is also greedy! What do the people from Mitsui \u0026 Co. and Sumitomo Real Estate say?"

The other end of the phone!

Hiroji Imamura was quite relaxed, chuckled and said, "Mr. Lin, I can still handle this, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi can't do this at all!"

"Mitsui Estate and Sumitomo Real Estate have not been convinced by him, he should just want to test it, and there will be no other action after being rejected!"

"I called you specially just to tell you that there is such a thing, there is no other intention, if Yoshiaki Tsutsumi takes too big action in the future."

"I can't handle this, you can come to Japan to deal with it!"


Imamura Hiroji chuckled and said, "Yoshiaki Tsutsumi is indeed very powerful,

"But I think he will never be your opponent!"

Matsushita is the "God of Business" Matsushita Konosuke!

Lin Yao nodded and said, "Okay, I know!"

Imamura Hiroji said, "Mr. Lin, if you have time, take time to come to Japan. Qingzi misses you too?"

"She knows you are very busy. Even if she misses you to death, she won't say it..."

Before Imamura Hiroji can say anything else, Qingzi's shy exclamation came from the other end of the phone!

"Hey! Dad, what nonsense are you talking about? Who told you to say these things? You are so annoying!"

It is obvious that Qingzi is next to Imamura Hiroji!

Imamura Hiroji smiled and said, "I have finished my business. Do you want to talk to Mr. Lin?"

"Okay, okay!"

Qingzi took the phone from Imamura Hiroji and said softly, "Mr. Lin, this is Qingzi!"

"I know! "

Lin Yao teased her deliberately:

"Just now I heard you say that your father's words were all nonsense, which means you don't miss me, right?"

"Oh, this really makes me sad. I originally wanted to fly to Tokyo for a few days before flying to New York, but now it seems unnecessary!"

Kiyiko Imamura was very anxious and said hurriedly: "No! No! I miss you very much..."

"Hate! Hate! You are so annoying! "

Lin Yao smiled knowingly, teased Qingzi a few more times, and confirmed the next itinerary!

Kingzi Imamura hung up the phone happily!

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yao took out a Cuban cigar.

He lit it and smoked it, his brain working quickly, thinking about this matter!

From the current situation, this is just a small episode!

Next, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi should stop and be quiet for a while.

But he will definitely make a big move in the future.

Whenever he makes a move again, we will solve it!

However, although dealing with him is a matter for the future, how to kill him can be planned now!

Soon, a brilliant idea appeared in Lin Yao's mind!

This idea soon became a complete plan!

Lin Yao said to himself: "I was still thinking about who should take over, since you jumped out, it's you!"

"Dong, dong, dong!"

Just as Lin Yao was thinking, there was a knock on the door!

"Come in! "

Lin Yao said!

The office door was pushed open, and Zhang Linwei appeared in a professional short skirt!

This outfit made her look more dashing and capable like a professional woman.

In addition, she still exuded a gentle aura!

More importantly, she had a pair of D+!

Extreme gravity!

Zhang Linwei came to report on her work!

She held a stack of information in her hand and gently closed the door!

Walked quickly towards Lin Yao!

Zhang Linwei asked: "Mr. Lin, what happened?"

Lin Yao then told him about Yoshiaki Tsutsumi's tricks!

"That guy, damn it!"

Zhang Linwei said slowly: "Mr. Lin, that guy seems to be the richest man in Asia!"

"If it weren't for you, Mr. Lin, this year, he would have been the richest man in Asia again!"

"He wants to make trouble, isn't it because of this?"

Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar and said: "This is just a small matter, Linwei, you just need to do your own thing! "

"The more prosperous he is now, the worse his fate will be when Japan's bubble economy bursts!" (End of this chapter)

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