HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 397 Discrimination exists in every era!

Ah Ji said coldly: "Brother Jianjun, this is indeed too much!\

,""Hmph, I have to kill the remaining four anyway, and I won't miss this one!"

"As long as they all die, we can support our own people to replace these guys!"


Lin Yao looked at Aji in surprise and joked: "Aji, you have grown up, you are no longer just killing!"

"Not bad, very good!"

Aji said: "Mr. Lin, please stop making fun of me. I might as well be Zhanmi!"

Lin Yao smiled and said: "Everyone has their own advantages. In terms of kung fu, I am not as good as you in terms of accounting for rice!"

"This has always been the territory of the Mafia!"

"In ten or twenty years, they will slowly decline, but not now!"

In fact, it is indeed the case!

This is the history of the evolution of gang culture in country m.

From the dominance of local gangs to the mafia.

Lin Yao continued: "Of course, more importantly, my main purpose of coming to country m is to do business."

"As long as the other party doesn't cause trouble, who is in the mood to care about them?"

Aji nodded!

Wang Jianjun smiled and said: "But from now on, they will definitely cause trouble!"

Lin Yao looked relaxed and said with a smile: "Just solve it!"

"Just wait!"

"Mr. Corleone will call. How we respond depends on his call!"

Everyone nodded, relaxed, and sat down to chat!

About twenty minutes later, Lin Yao's cell phone rang!

No surprises!

The person calling was none other than Corleone!

Lin Yao answered the phone and asked directly without any greetings: "Mr. Corleone, I want to know, is there anyone else around you?"


"you sure?"


Lin Yao said: "Okay!

"Someone in your Corleone family has betrayed you. For the next deployment of your five major families, you can only contact me personally. Please keep it confidential."

"Now you can tell me how your five major families plan to deal with me!"

On the other end of the phone, Corleone has returned to the living room of the manor!

Lin Yao's volley of words shocked him so much that he didn't know what to say!


Corleone said: "Hey, Lin, I plan to kill all the leaders of the four major families!"

Lin Yao smiled and said: "Don't be stupid, Mr. Corleone, if you didn't want to kill all the four major families, you wouldn't have made this call!"

"They are stupid, but you are not stupid!"

"I took advantage of the situation and put on a little show, just to cooperate with you!"

On the other end of the phone!

Corleone laughed rarely and said happily:

"Haha, those guys who sit in a well and watch the sky, they will never understand!"

"Mr. Lin, those idiots are planning to do this to you."

Next, Corleone quickly revealed all the plans made by the five major families!

The two made targeted arrangements and made competing counter-plans!

Twenty minutes later, hang up!

In the study room, Aji, Wang Jianjun, Li Jie and others looked at Lin Yao in confusion!


Damn it!

Wang Jianjun snapped his fingers and said, "Jesus! This is the right thing to do!"

"Corleone knows our strength. For no reason, how could he fight with us because of the immortal Edward!"

"Not to mention, Immortal Edward is considered an enemy of their Corleone family!"

Ah Ji, on the other hand, took a breath of cold air and was stunned!


Sure enough, I am not destined to use my brains. These brainy thoughts are too deep!

Feng Yuxiu, on the other hand, frowned and said, "Boss, is this a scam?"

He instinctively doesn't trust anyone!


Lin Yao said: "Come here, I will tell you what to do next."

Everyone said no more and immediately gathered around. Lin Yao quickly ordered everyone to complete their tasks!

Boom! !

At this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in the dark night.

Heavy rain is coming soon!


What followed was like a thunder explosion, and there was a twist of fate!

The news spread like wildfire, spreading throughout the world in just a few hours, causing an uproar in the underground world!

Lin Yao?

Of course he is!

Godfather of Hong Kong Olympics?

The mafia, now, is the absolute overlord of the underground world in country M.

The hateful thing is that these guys are very strict about blood. If they want to become the core, they must come from Italy!

Preferably from Sicily!

Discrimination exists in all times!

Especially for country M, the only superpower that has been the world's leader for decades, the people have unimaginable self-confidence and are too lazy to pay attention to any other country!

Yelang is arrogant and a frog in a well, which is the most accurate description of them!

Unless you really hurt them, they will never change their minds easily!

Precisely because of this, in their eyes, even if Lin Yao reaches the top of the Hong Kong and Olympic arena, he is not as good as a certain mafia family, such as the Bruce family headed by Immortal Edward!

Now that he has offended five major families, it is no different from seeking death!

A few days later, in the city, in a certain alley!

Hidden bar!

The bar was very lively, with dozens of people gathered there. It was the favorite place for people to hang out!

Several people gathered together and were chatting!

"Hey Haggis, I heard you got shot in the butt, are you okay?"

"Hahaha, we heard about it too!"

"Fox, that's enough! Haggis is already sad enough, don't rub salt into the wound!"

A burst of laughter broke out all around!


Mad Wolf Haggis was furious and roared: "Fox! You fucking guy, I was shot in the ass half a year ago, and you still bring it up, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart!"

"Don't believe it?"

"Okay! Then I will stuff your fucking head into your ass!"

Fox raised his hands and teased: "It's just a joke, don't be so angry!"

"Come and sit down, friend!"

Haggis walked over and sat down at Fox's table!

Fox said: "Hey, guys, you should have heard about the recent events, right?"

"Of course I heard about it, this is the most explosive news in recent days!"

Someone immediately echoed, and couldn't help but said contemptuously: "Lin Yao is looking for death, he doesn't know what the five major families mean in New York!"

"I can only say that he is very courageous!"

Fox said: "This is not the most sensational thing, do you know what he has done in recent days?"


"Fox, tell me, don't keep people in suspense!"

Fox said directly: "That guy is very calm, as if this matter has nothing to do with him!"

"This is the bravest!"

Others exclaimed in an instant: "Oh my God! The five major families! His opponents are the five major families!"

"Fuck, he is too bold, isn't he?"

"He has offended the five major families, and he still dares to do this?"

"Crazy, crazy, oh no, he is not crazy, but stupid, really stupid!"

"He thinks he is a celebrity, so the five major families dare not touch him?

"If he doesn't die, who will die? "

Just then, the eyes of the mad wolf Haggis flashed, and suddenly, he said:

"This farce will soon be over, he won't be able to jump for long"


The others took a breath of cold air and looked at the mad wolf Haggis!

Fox said: "Haggis, do you know something?"

"Hehe, I don't know anything! "

Haggis smiled mysteriously!

Others asked twice more, but Mad Wolf Haggis still didn't reveal a word, so they stopped asking and changed the subject immediately!

No more questions!

Ask again, it will be the same as what Lin Yao is doing now, that is...

Looking for death!

People who are not familiar with Mad Wolf Haggis don't know, but people who are familiar with him know that this guy has been lucky in the past three months and actually climbed up the high branch of the Baroni family!

He is now a peripheral member of the Baroni family. As long as he passes the test, he will become a formal member of the Baroni family!

There is a lot of discussion in the New York underworld, most of which are no different from the chat in the bar, and the conclusions are also surprisingly consistent!

No one thinks that Lin Yao will be a rival of the five major families, and his fate has long been determined, it's just a matter of time!

In the past few days, Lin Yao has been like a complete Forget about it, just do what you have to do!

This is the suicidal behavior in the eyes of the underworld, and the New York agents think the same way!

They are not doing nothing!

Since hearing about this, the senior FBI agent immediately contacted Lin Yao, saying that they can't do anything to those guys without evidence!

Compared to Lin Yao, they really hate the Mafia, and they can't wait to destroy those bastards humanely!

The one who contacted Lin Yao was one of the leaders in charge of investigating the New York Mafia!

In addition, the FBI also repeatedly asked Lin Yao if he needed 24-hour personal protection, but Lin Yao refused!

He said he was safe and didn't need it at all!

The FBI agents who have been keeping an eye on the five major families for years were all confused by Lin Yao!

What the hell?

This What's wrong with this guy's brain?

I provide you with 24-hour personal protection for free. If you don't appreciate it, it's fine. But you want to blame me?

You are being assassinated by the five major families!

The FBI agents were also annoyed. In addition, the guys who followed Lin Yao were discovered, and Lin Yao actually sued them, which completely angered them!

The final result was that they really became hands-off bosses and never cared about it again!

For several days, in this series of changes, murderous intent surrounded Lin Yao!

In the dark, it was full of the momentum of the building collapsing!

In the following days, the first round of assassinations against Lin Yao officially began!

The result?

Of course it ended in failure. Even if he was ambushed, Lin Yao could detect it with his gun sense!

Sniper rifles, pistols and other small things can't threaten Lin Yao at all!

On this point, he We are still not sure yet!

If you really want to threaten Lin Yao, you must use heavy firepower weapons such as machine guns, submachine guns, and AK.

If you want a higher success rate, then use RPGs and armed helicopters!

Unfortunately, this is New York. AKs and submachine guns can still be considered, but RPGs and big pineapples are not worth thinking about!

Times are different!

If it were still the 1920s and 1930s, it was the era of the legendary giant Capone!

He was the first mafia born outside of Sicily, and he killed a hundred opponents in a year.

Sniper assassinations and pistols are all small ks, grenades, heavy machine guns, RPGs, whatever you have!

Not now!

For the mafia, the era of the 1920s and 1930s when they covered the sky with one hand is over!

This also means that their assassinations will never succeed!

Not to mention, Lin Yao also has Corleone, the highest-level insider, and everything that is happening is just a show!

Since it is a show, it must be done in full!

Lin Yao's counterattack also followed, and Zhan Tang showed his extraordinary strength.

Ambush in the large flower shop run by Immortal Edward himself!

At that time, Casso was with Immortal Edward!

In the end, Casso, the military advisor of the Bruce family, was killed.

Immortal Edward was shot in the shoulder and escaped by luck!

This is not a show!

Lin Yao really planned to kill Immortal Edward directly, but he was lucky and tough.

In this round of assassination, the advantages of Immortal Edward's local operations were fully demonstrated!

In Immortal Edward's territory, many people serve Immortal Edward!

Once there is an emergency, they will inform Immortal Edward!

This trick is also Capone's legacy!

Back then, Capone launched a 10-month cleansing operation against the enemy, all relying on his new invention...

G2 team!

This is a department responsible for collecting intelligence, conducting espionage and counter-espionage operations.

In fact, it is an intelligence agency, just like the intelligence team under Lin Yao!

It sounds simple, but no one did it before Capone!

Previously, people like Aji, Feng Yuxiu and others did not take these people seriously at all.

What about now?

After this failure, they don't think so!

They completely put away their contempt, and also deeply realized one thing:

There is a big difference between local operations and non-local operations with or without intelligence!

Although the assassination mission failed, Lin Yao didn't take it to heart at all, and even enjoyed it!

To complete the mission, their mental growth is more important!

In Lin Yao's eyes, the immortal Edward has long been dead, the only difference is whether he died early or late!

When Zhan Tang put away his contempt for the five major families, the five major families also put away their contempt for Lin Yao!

Several assassinations were all detected by Lin Yao in advance, which is incredible!

They realized Lin Yao's strength, and then something unexpected happened. Baroni actually sent someone to contact Lin Yao!


Simple, after seeing Lin Yao's strength.

He immediately changed his combat strategy and wanted to play a borrowed knife to kill someone!

Borrow Lin Yao's knife to kill Mike Corleone!

Lin Yao got the benefit of the head of the immortal Edward and the peaceful development of Tianyao Group in New York.

When Baroni takes over, he promises that he will never cause trouble for Lin Yao!

Baroni will not put himself in danger!

He just contacted Lin Yao by phone!

Lin Yao readily agreed!

Then, Baroni sent his confidant to secretly go to Tianyao Building to meet with Lin Yao and secretly reach an alliance agreement!

Reality is so magical!

Weak countries have no diplomacy, it's probably like this!

In this unpredictable situation, the time has come to June 1st!

Everything is developing according to the plan made by Lin Yao and Corleone earlier, but there was an accident with Baroni!

No big problem!

This dispute finally came to an end tonight!

June 1st.

At night, half past ten!

It was rainy in summer.

Tonight, the heavy rain came again!

Wall Street, Tianyao Building!

Top floor!

Lin Yao stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass, looking at the dazzling rainy city!

Feng Yuxiu stood quietly behind him! (End of this chapter)

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