HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 428 Lin Yao’s ambition!

After taking a sip of Keemun black tea, Lin Yao looked at Dasha and continued:

"I know that in the first eight months of this year, you have successively launched six sedans and a mountain off-road vehicle."

"This off-road vehicle is very popular in the market.

"Hong Kong Island, Macau, and several Southeast Asian countries' police senior officials are very optimistic about it."

"In general, the vehicles produced by Tianyao Automobile can be on par with Japanese and German cars."

Although Tianyao Automobile's core technology is still overseas.

But relying on cooperation with the Razor Party, it is necessary for the car to purchase a large number of auto parts at a low price because Birmingham is an industrial center.

There is no tariff for importing parts to Hong Kong Island, so there is a huge price advantage.

Using these high-quality auto parts, Tianyao Automobile Company has assembled various world-class cars.

"Tianyao Automobile must enter the northern market next year, and must strictly control the quality, and must not cheat the Chinese people."

"How big the northern market is, everyone sitting here should know it in their hearts."

"It can be said that if we do a good job in the northern market, Tianyao Automobile will be prosperous! "

Lin Yao looked at Dasha and said slowly.

The north has already been reformed and opened up, and foreign resources are continuously flowing in.

Some people have begun to use luxury goods such as cars.

In the near future. The mainland will become the world's largest automobile market.

"Mr. Lin, I also know some of what you said, but how to do this group specifically? I really don't understand. "

Dasha was confused. With his cultural level, he really couldn't think of this level.

Others almost laughed out loud after seeing Dasha's embarrassing look.

A few months ago.

Under Lin Yao's instructions, all executives of Tianyao Group received a month of short-term training.

The training content was about corporate management.

But Dasha didn't even finish elementary school. Not only could he not understand, he didn't even recognize many words.

After seeing Dasha's look, Lin Yao shook his head helplessly and said:

"The automobile industry mainly includes three major business categories: production, sales, and maintenance...

In the following time, Lin Yao briefly popularized the basic situation and future direction of the automobile industry to Dasha.

Everyone was stunned and confused.


Mr. Lin knows so much about the automotive industry?

He knows everything.

Those who know him are the chairman of Tianyao Group, and he started his career in the underworld.

Those who don't know him would think he is a senior motor vehicle engineer and a genius science student.

"Also, we should give priority to the development of motorcycles now. Motorcycles are the main means of transportation in most countries in the world and are very convenient."

"The demand for motorcycles in the mainland market will be the first in the world in the next 10 years, and there will be no major changes in at least 30 years."

"The top priority now is to make the quality of motorcycles the best and reduce the cost to the lowest."

After hearing Lin Yao's words, everyone at the scene stared at him blankly and didn't recover for a long time.

No one knows the economic situation of the mainland and even the world in the next 20 years better than Lin Yao.

After a series of intensive arrangements, more than half of the subsidiaries of Tianyao Group finally determined the process of integration.

There are only three subsidiaries that have not been transformed into a group, namely Tianyao Film and Television Company, Tianyao Financial Company, and Tianyao Gaming Company.

Tianyao headquarters only retained some small and capable departments, and most of the staff went to major subsidiaries to serve as executives.

As a result, Tianyao Group has undergone earth-shaking changes.

It has formed a huge business group with the headquarters as the core, the group companies as the pillars, and the subsidiaries as the veins.

Now the size of Tianyao Group has become the first in Hong Kong Island. No British and Chinese companies can compete with it.

By the way.

Before the executive meeting, Tianyao Group had already swallowed up the theaters of Shao Wenhuai and Lei Juekun.

From now on, the Hong Kong entertainment industry will be respected by Lin Yao.

For those movies in Hong Kong Island, this is definitely a groundbreaking event.

But for Lin Yao, this is not so important.

Because now the entire Tianyao Group has many profit growth points.

The film and television industry is not taken too seriously by Lin Yao.

It is just a series of operations for his own voice.

Lin Yao knows that in a few years, Hong Kong films will be in a state of transition and will reach a dead end.

At this time, it was the last day of 1988, December 31, 9 am.

In addition to holding the conference, Tianyao Group also had a series of activities.

Lin Yao was going to Maple Leaf Country.

Because Zhang Linwei got a diamond mine for Lin Yao in Maple Leaf Country.

He wanted to go and inspect it in person.

Zhang Linwei is now responsible for overseas market development. In fact, the most important job is to find high-quality investment areas for Lin Yao.

At the same time, open up the European and American markets.

In addition to the domestic market, Tianyao Group also has to take into account the European and American markets.

The current main market is still Europe and the United States, and the domestic market will take some time to develop.

After all, the reform and opening up policy has just begun.

The Chinese people have not really become rich.

There are still 10 years before joining the WTO.

Before joining the WTO, the mainland can only negotiate with countries all over the world one by one.

It is equivalent to doing business outside the vegetable market, or a small fight.

It is only after joining the WTO. Entering the vegetable market and becoming one of the largest "stalls".

By then, China’s products will sell well all over the world.

After getting the business visa, Lin Yao took You Piaopiao with him. Set off with Aki.

According to information provided by Zhang Linwei, there are more than 2 million square kilometers of uninhabited land.

There are various lakes, rivers and streams dotted densely.

This is less obvious on large scale maps.

But as long as you open the small-scale map of Maple Leaf Elementary School, you will immediately find it.

It is completely impossible to build roads or railways in this huge swamp area.

Moreover, the islands between lakes, streams, and rivers turn into mud pits in the summer.

Fortunately, Zhang Linwei was more considerate.

After taking over the diamond mine, some large equipment was immediately transported in from Chicago.

Of course, if there is any missing machinery, it will have to wait until next year.

"Mr. Lin, that place is too remote. I can't recruit many workers from the Maple Leaf Country even if my salary is 200 US dollars a day."

After seeing Lin Yao, Zhang Linwei began to report.

Lin Yao took a puff of a Cuban cigar and said:

"Linwei, if you are a worker from Maple Leaf Country, it is really difficult to recruit, but there are foreign workers."

"Those foreign workers are still willing to earn this hard-earned money."

Zhang Linwei nodded and said, "Okay, then I will recruit some foreign workers."

"But those foreign workers are not easy to manage, and it is estimated that once the diamond mine starts operating, the mortality rate among miners will be very high."

Zhang Linwei is calculating the financial accounts.

When Lin Yao recruited Zhang Linwei to be the commercial manager of Tianyao Group, he had an in-depth conversation with her.

This woman not only has looks and figure, but more importantly, she has a mind.

After all, he graduated from Harvard Business School.

When did you eat her? Lin Yao had something in mind.

But now it’s time to get down to business.

Lin Yao took a sip of his Cuban cigar and said with a smile: "We can recruit as many foreign workers as we can. In fact, we can also outsource them to some engineering teams."

"Their asking price will not be high, as long as they have experience in cold zone construction."

"Okay, Mr. Lin!" Zhang Linwei nodded.

Most of the islands chosen by Zhang Linwei are open-pit mines, which are more promising and safer than underground mines.

But the mining methods for the first few years were actually similar to ordinary quarrying.

It's just that the rocks here are harder.

It took a 7-hour flight from Vancouver to land in one of the small cities.

After leaving the cabin, I felt that the air here was cold, but very fresh.

There are large tracts of woods outside the airport, but the woods here are not high because it is very close to the Arctic Circle.

This city is called Kroyev City. The urban area is on the north shore of Dalong Lake. Its other name is also called Butter City.

There are more than 20,000 residents here, and it is the northernmost town in Maple Leaf Kingdom.

Even though it is relatively close to the Arctic Circle, development here was relatively early.

During the Qianlong period, the Hudson Company developed the fur trade here.

After a few years of fur trading, a large gold mine was discovered.

But because the place was so remote, those who came to dig out gold suffered a huge loss.

The life of the aborigines here is still very primitive.

Basically they raise reindeer and make a living from the traditional fur trade and hunting, which is somewhat like the life of the Eskimos.

The hotel Lin Yao stayed in was the Vienna Hotel, which was the best hotel in this small border town.

But the food he ate was not to Lin Yao's taste.

No way, Lin Yao is famous for his heavy taste and prefers Hunan and Sichuan cuisine.

On Hong Kong Island, Lin Yao has never been comfortable with Cantonese food.

Before time travel, Lin Yao was from eastern Hunan, and he was always hot and happy.

That's too far.

Back to topic.

As for why this city is also called Butter City, it is because there are many gold and copper mines in this place.

In the past, the aboriginal people here often wore brass knives, so over time this border town was called Butter City.

Not many people know the original name.

After getting off the plane, Zhang Linwei said: "Mr. Lin, we will stay in Butter City today and take a seaplane to the island tomorrow morning."

"I have already contacted the aircraft company. The rental fee is not expensive. By the way, you can probably see the Northern Lights from the plane."

Zhang Linwei had been here several times before acquiring the diamond mine, so she knew the situation here very well.

Lin Yao brought 12 war hall members with him this time, and these war hall members also brought guns.

Because Lin Yao had already opened a security company in country m.

There is a relevant agreement signed with Maple Leaf Country.

Therefore, you can bring firearms into the country, but the firearms and bullets must be registered according to strict procedures.

In addition, Zhang Linwei has obtained more than 100 gun licenses from Maple Leaf State Office.

The war hall members brought over by Lin Yao this time only had some pistols and did not have heavy firepower.

Why add some heavy firepower? Of course it's not here to compete with local gangs for territory, it's mainly to prevent polar bears.

Because there are so many polar bears here close to the Arctic.

If you rely on an ordinary pistol, you may not be able to defeat a polar bear, you must have heavy firepower.

Therefore, Lin Yao asked Zhang Linwei to purchase AK47 and M200 through the established channels.

Lin Yao's next plan is to open a larger security company in country m, just like Blackwater.

Until then.

The security members under his command can at least reach the scale of a regiment.

But you have to eat one bite at a time.

If you take too big a step, you will easily get into trouble.

At this time, the Eagle Sauce is still relatively friendly to the Dragon Kingdom, which can be regarded as a honeymoon period.

Because the Polar Bear Alliance is still there, but it will soon fall.

Lin Yao is also thinking about obtaining more weapons for his "territory" in Southeast Asia, 27th City, only in this way can he compete with Malacca.

At least he can gain autonomy.

Come to think of it, it has been half a year since I visited 27th City.

After this trip to the Maple Leaf Country, I will go there to take a look.

The next morning at 8:30, the sky was just getting light.

There is no way, this is the Arctic.

Lin Yao really can't eat the food here, fortunately he brought some Chinese dry food with him.

So he ate a little and took a group of people to the seaplane airport 3km away.

It was the first time Lin Yao saw this kind of seaplane.

The seaplane was parked on the lake next to the pier.

It looks like a big duck, very funny.

"Linwei, what type of seaplane is this?"

Lin Yao lit up a Cuban cigar, took a puff and asked Zhang Linwei next to him.

"Mr. Lin, this seaplane is called DHC-6 Twin Otter, which is a medium-light seaplane."

"It is very suitable for polar routes, and the longest range can reach 1500km."

Lin Yao nodded slightly, and then sat in the plane.

I think the comfort is OK.

I wanted to buy one myself. After all, I didn't lack cash at all. So I asked, "Linwei, how much does this seaplane cost?"

"The not-cheap one costs 3 million US dollars, but it has been discontinued this year."

"But the quality and performance are very good, and it is durable."

Hearing what Zhang Linwei said, Lin Yao said:

"It doesn't matter if it is discontinued, so we won't buy new ones, and we can buy second-hand ones."

"Anyway, the quality is so good that it's acceptable. We will have to mine here in the future and stay here for many years. It's more convenient to own it than to rent it."

After a pause, Lin Yao continued, "Talk to Zhanmi. The money will be allocated by the headquarters, and second-hand ones should not be expensive."

"We can buy two first. You go to Zhanmi to get 5 million US dollars."

"Okay, Mr. Lin!" Zhang Linwei nodded.

A few minutes later, the two turbofan engines started the seaplane and it took off from the water.

It made a big turn in the air and flew towards the North Pole.

Lin Yao was in a good mood.

Because the diamond mine that Zhang Linwei helped him take over can be mined in Maple Leaf Country within 50 years.

A total of 50 million US dollars were spent.

The land ownership, exploration rights, and mining rights were all taken over.

It was only possible to buy it so cheaply during this period, but it might not be the case in a few years.

Not to mention that it would be impossible to take over such a large area before Lin Yao crossed over, without 1 billion yuan.

Because Lin Yao took over this large area, it reached 800k㎡.

The mining rights in the contract will start from the day of official mining.

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