HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 432 The tycoons are impressed by Lin Yao!!

According to the international arms market that Lin Yao knows, the total value of these 10 aircraft is at least 50 million US dollars.

According to the current exchange rate, that is 400 million Hong Kong dollars.

There is no doubt that the charter king is definitely a big deal this time.

On the other hand, the charter king also wants to use this as a token of allegiance to join Lin Yao's alliance.

This alliance has been formed implicitly, and there is no need for specific clauses. Those who understand will understand.

With these 10 aircraft, Lin Yao can put them all in the 27th Free Territory to deal with the threat of the Malacca Air Force.

At the same time, it can also escort logistics companies on the high seas.

In this era, there are still many pirates.

The main reason why the charter king is so arrogant is that the polar bear has completely replaced helicopters.

"Mr. Lin, I can donate 50 t80 tanks and 20 bases of ammunition to you free of charge, and they will arrive in half a year." Lei Yingdong said slowly.

Liu Luanxiong and Guo Binsheng also donated. They don’t have any arms channels, but each gave 100 million.


Join Lin Yao's alliance!

The Great Britain ship will be kicked out of Hong Kong Island in a few years.

If you don't hug your thighs now, it will be too late.

What's more, there is Lei Yingdong, the king of charter ships, as a demonstration.

With Lei Yingdong and the king of charter ships as the backing, the power of Tianyao Group will definitely dominate.

Liu Luanxiong and Guo Binsheng are both smart people with excellent ability to read the wind direction.

Of course they know. The value of the Golden Triangle Lin Yao has already been in the Golden Triangle. There is also a mercenary base.

From the Golden Triangle to Jiaopiao Port, Lin Yao has his own forces.

Lin Yao basically has the final say on this golden waterway in Southeast Asia.

"Everyone, your future shipping will be escorted by Tianyao Security Company, and my maritime forces will escort your shipping throughout the journey."

"Now my security forces have entered Mangu, Malaysia, and Lion City."

"Let me put it here today, I can ensure everyone's shipping safety!"

Lin Yao said loudly.

This sentence shocked everyone again.

They didn't expect that Lin Yao's power was so subtle and silent. Infiltrated so many places.

Especially Bangkok, Thailand.

This city now has more than 10 million people.

Various local forces are intertwined.

"Mr. Lin, I heard that you own a territory in the Kingdom of Malacca."

"I also found out some things through my connections. The geographical location there is very good. Can we participate in the construction?" Lei Yingdong asked.

As an old maritime tycoon, Lei Yingdong knows more about the situation of Erqidu than the King of Chartering.

Lin Yao took a puff of his Cuban cigar and said with a smile:

"Mr. Lei is indeed well-informed. That is my most stable base. I am the honorary lord of the 27th City."

"The situation there is very delicate now. I think we should keep a low profile first."

"Or in the words of our Middle-earth, it is to make a fortune in silence."

"You cannot show your fangs when your strength is not enough to crush others."

"Mr. Lei, you should understand what I mean, right?"

Hearing what Lin Yao said, Lei Yingdong looked at Lin Yao meaningfully and nodded with a smile.

Of course he knew what Lin Yao meant.

He also knew the political economic situation of Malacca, Malaysia and the entire Southeast Asia, otherwise he would not be Lei Yingdong.

"Mr. Lei, I heard that you have a deep network of contacts in the north, and I am also optimistic about the economic potential of the north."

"Everyone, my opinion is to invest heavily in the north. There are more than 1 billion people there. This is the world's number one market."

"We should keep a low profile in Southeast Asia and invest in the north." Lin Yao said with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, do you mean to divert the attention of those Southeast Asian countries?"

The charter king immediately understood Lin Yao's hidden meaning.

Lei Yingdong smiled.

Ten years ago, he was one of the first businessmen to invest in the north, and he could be considered the first to try it.

Thirty years ago, he formed a society called Water Ghosts for maritime smuggling.

The Water Ghost Society has organized more than one hundred ships and more than two thousand Water Ghosts.

The "embargo team" began to be sent to Shekou Wharf day and night.

Lei Yingdong personally met with the captains of each transport ship and selected a safe and hidden warehouse for loading operations.

In between dock operations, he would also drive around the Hong Kong British police stations and the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to investigate whether the authorities had any inspection operations.

In terms of route selection, Lei Yingdong dared to act on the Tai Sui's head. He arranged his ships to pass through the Lei Yue Mun Strait.

The main reason for choosing this narrow waterway was that the British army along the coast was loosely guarded.

Every morning around 2 a.m., the British army finished its routine patrol, and Lei Yingdong's fleet quietly passed through the strait and headed for Shekou.

From 1950 to 1953, Lei Yingdong's fleet did not rest for a day.

Lei Yingdong did not deny that he had made rich returns from the "smuggling" operations in the past three years.

Lin Yao knew all about Lei Yingdong's history of making a fortune.

Lin Yao smiled and shook his head at the charter king and said, "Diverting attention is only secondary. Investing in the north can indeed bring extremely rich returns, and it is long-term."

"The market in Hong Kong Island is only so big, and our wealth growth point will still be in the north in the future."

"It has been more than ten years since the reform and opening up, and you have also seen the changes in the north"

"The competition will be more and more fierce in the future, and we must strike first."

"Mr. Bao, have you ever thought about building ports and setting up transfer stations in the coastal areas in the north? This is definitely a very forward-looking strategy."


Hearing Lin Yao's words, the boat owner frowned.

Then he said: "Mr. Lin, there are still many port cities in the north that have not been opened."

"They will all be open soon, Mr. Bao, I can guarantee you."

In fact, it is already 1990, and the pace of reform and opening up will be faster and faster in two years.

"Everyone, the second batch of openings will definitely be all coastal cities. If you are not assured, you can contact your acquaintances."

Lin Yao said with a smile.

The acquaintances here, of course, refer to the acquaintances in the north.

Needless to say, Lei Yingdong, in fact, the boat owner, Guo Binsheng and Liu Luanxiong certainly have acquaintances in the north.

Hearing Lin Yao's words, the boat owner nodded.

Of course, he had heard some rumors before, but he was not sure in his heart.

But today, Lin Yao said this, and the boat charter king and the others also had an idea in their hearts.

Looking at Hong Kong Island, how many people can make Tianyao Group a leading enterprise in Hong Kong Island within two years like Lin Yao?

It is simply a mythical existence!

Facing everyone's eyes, Lin Yao smiled slightly, as if he was pointing out the country like a young monarch.

"Mr. Lei, I know that your family business is mainly concentrated in real estate, construction, shipping, building materials, oil, and hotels"

"In fact, these projects can be merged and developed. Needless to say, you have a relationship in the north, and you should also be very optimistic about the future of the north"

"Why not form all these projects into a commercial complex and form a joint force?"

Hearing Lin Yao's words, Lei Yingdong fell into thought.

Although he has many family businesses, the core is still real estate.

But most of his funds have been invested in Nansha now.

If all these projects are combined, it will be a big gamble.

Will the north really carry out the second round of opening up as Lin Yao said?

Although many acquaintances in the north have revealed this information to him, he is not sure.

"Mr. Lei, if your family business wants to break through the bottleneck, it must take this step resolutely, otherwise you can only make a small move in Hong Kong Island at most."

Lin Yao's words were like a depth charge that set off a storm!

Everyone looked at Lin Yao in shock.

"I have already told you the most important thing, but seeing is believing!"

Lin Yao took a puff of his cigar and continued, "Mr. Lei, you have a deep network of contacts in the north."

"You can lead an investment inspection team, and we will go to various cities in the north to see it together. Seeing is believing."

Lei Yingdong said, "Okay, in fact, I have this idea. In the past 10 years, I have promoted the benefits of investing in the north to these entrepreneurs in Hong Kong Island, but the results are minimal."

"Since Mr. Lin also has this idea, that's great!"

"I already have an idea in my mind. I will let Sir Shao, Zheng Yutong, He Xing, and Li Bancheng go together, of course including those present."

Hearing what Lei Yingdong said, Lin Yao smiled slightly.

This proves that Lei Yingdong's network of contacts is indeed very deep, and these people almost include the top rich people in Hong Kong and Macau.

Then Lei Yingdong said excitedly: "This time we will go to invest and investigate in the name of the Hong Kong Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Lin, you are now the vice president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Let's go directly to the imperial capital first."

"Only people from the imperial capital can play a decisive role, and then go to Pengcheng"

"In addition to Pengcheng, you can also go to the Magic City and Lin'an and take a look."

"Now we are like grasshoppers tied to a rope, and we must advance and retreat together."

After hearing Lei Yingdong's words, the charter king, Guo Binsheng, and Liu Luanxiong all nodded.

Obviously, they agreed with Lei Yingdong's opinion.

"By the way, Mr. Lin has something I want to ask you."

At this time, Lei Yingdong suddenly said.

"Mr. Lei, if you have anything, just talk to me," Lin Yao said with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, your Tianyao Security Company is the most powerful in Asia,"

"This time, our delegation is going north, and I hope you will be responsible for the security work, okay?"

"I will take care of how to contact them, and your security personnel can carry guns, no problem."

"Yes, Mr. Lei!" Lin Yao readily agreed.

"By the way, Mr. Lin, I also know that your Tianyao Security Company is very powerful."

"My youngest son is a little weak, and you have so many training bases. I want my youngest son Guo Guofu to go to your training base for training, how about it?"

At this time, Guo Binsheng suddenly spoke up.

After hearing what Guo Bingxiang said, Lin Yao smiled and said:

"Boss Guo, all my training bases are run by retired soldiers, and they are all devilish training."

"Your child has been spoiled since childhood, can he endure that hardship?"

"Mr. Lin, don't worry about that."

"My son will be trained in the same way as your subordinates, and you have the final say."

"I'll entrust him to you." Guo Bingxiang looked at Lin Yao sincerely and said.

"Okay, Boss Guo, then let your son come tomorrow."

"You can go to the Golden Triangle training base, where he can better train his physique in an all-round way."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Lin, please!" After hearing Lin Yao's words, Guo Bingxiang said with excitement.

This excitement is not artificial. Which of the richest people in Hong Kong is not a human being?

If you are not a human spirit, you will not be able to reach your current status.

Furthermore, the Golden Triangle base is Lin Yao. The most important training base for security members.

Lin Yao sent his son there, which shows Lin Yao's sincerity.

"Mr. Lin, some of my bodyguards also want to be sent for training. Can you help me with this?" Liu Luanxiong couldn't help but ask Lin Yao.

"Of course, Mr. Lei and Mr. Bao, you can also choose a few of your bodyguards and I will send them to the base together."

"After they have undergone three months of training, they will be better able to ensure your safety."

Lin Yao said with a smile.

"Okay, then there's Mr. Laurin." Lei Yingdong and the others nodded in gratitude.

Then everyone chatted again about what preparations should be made to go to the mainland.

Since Lei Yingdong has to contact the relevant mainland departments in advance, the actual departure date is yet to be determined.

After chatting, they each left, and the meeting came to an end.

the next day.

Chairman's office.

Lin Yao asked Zhan Mi, "Zhan Mi, what's the current situation of Tianyao Trading?"

Zhan Mi immediately reported: "Brother Yao, according to your instructions, our focus has now shifted from game consoles to home appliances."

"Now we have occupied 55% of the market in Hong Kong Island and Omen Home Appliances."

"In mainland Pengcheng and Yangcheng, our home appliances are also very popular. Our quality is not comparable to those of township and village enterprises."

"Of course, our game consoles are the most popular in the mainland."

"In addition, the plastic production materials developed by the materials research and development department of the trading company have become a monopoly on Hong Kong Island!"

"The first-generation Chinese character pager developed by Tianyou Communications Company has been fully launched in the market."

"Six of the 18 districts on Hong Kong Island have established paging station centers, and the signal completely covers the entire Hong Kong Island."

"A paging station has also been set up in Omen. If nothing else happens, the communications industry in Omen will also be monopolized by us.

"Nokia, Motorola, and Ericsson cannot compete with us in all aspects. Our quality and price directly crush them."

"Wireless paging services have been launched in magical cities in the mainland."

"Brother Yao, are we going to enter the mainland market soon?"

three months ago.

Lin Yao redeemed the Chinese character pager drawings from the system.

Tianyao Communications Company skipped the analog BB machines and went directly into the field of Chinese character pagers with digital BB machines.

And the world's first Chinese character pager was manufactured as quickly as possible.

Both traditional Chinese and simplified Chinese are available because they target different markets.

The pagers used by Tianyao Group's more than 50,000 employees are all in simplified Chinese characters. (End of chapter)

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