HKTV: How is the Great Owl made?

Chapter 77 A restaurant with integrity!

Later, Lin Yao talked to Zhan Mi about making magazines and A goods.

There is also an overall plan to fully roll out game consoles.

As a man of two generations, Lin Yao's vision is not comparable to that of Zhan Mi.

Zhan Mi was in awe after hearing this, and looked at Lin Yao with even more fanaticism and admiration!

"Brother Yao, what is the structure of your head? You can come up with all kinds of business ideas!"

Lin Yao, who has watched the movie, knows that Zhan Mi does have a talent for business.

But what Lin Yao has is decades of perspective.

He could see what others couldn't see.

Doing business is also Lin Yao's golden finger.

For example, today Lin Yao brought Zhan Mi to inspect Guantang Industrial Zone.

The most important thing is to ask him to find a clothing factory.

I have already planted my flag in Yau Ma Tei.

The flow of people and geographical location here are not comparable to Sham Shui Po.

Wouldn't it be a waste if we didn't use it?

"Chi chi chi..."

At this moment, Lin Yao's eldest brother made a loud noise.

Lin Yao picked up the call and it was Wang Jianguo calling.

"Brother Yao, I have some information that I want to report to you in person."

"Okay, I'll go back right away."

After returning to Tuodi, Wang Jianguo was already waiting here.

"Jianguo, sit down!"

After Lin Yao sat down, he handed Wang Jianguo a cigar and pointed to the sofa in front of him.

"Brother Yao, Bazi will meet with me today."

After sitting down, Wang Jianguo began to report.

Bazi is the spy at the entrance of Causeway Bay.

Lin Yao nodded slightly and signaled Wang Jianguo to continue.

"Chen Haonan led his men to kill Chao Niu at the entrance of Shuifangtang in Causeway Bay last night and took over the opponent's territory."

"Boss B uses this as a basis to promote Chen Haonan to the rank of Tangkou Straw Sandals. Mr. Jiang will definitely agree."

"Also, Big Boss B is arranging for eight horsemen to go to Mong Kok and keep a close eye on Liangkun. I don't know why he did this."

"Ba Zai was originally one of them, but later he was sent to the former Shuifang site."

"He doesn't know what happens next, but he will try to find out more."

"Tell Ba Zai to pay attention to his safety. Is there any news from Liangkun?" Lin Yao said slowly.

As for Big Boss B arranging his men to keep an eye on Liangkun, Lin Yao knew that he wanted to take action against Liangkun's white-face business.

There is no need for your informants to invest their energy there.

Wang Jianguo said: "Jiangkun is also trying to take back Hong Xing's casino in Omen."

"The day before yesterday, I personally took people to Omen again, including 20 big circle killers."

"We were able to stabilize the situation, but we were beaten back by Situ Yulian, the eldest sister of the Aomen Water House."

"Brother Yao, this woman not only has a good relationship with the Austrian gambling king He Xin."

"Furthermore, this woman is in a sibling relationship with Hu Ziyong, the boss of the number gang Zhong Zi Dui."

Lin Yao nodded. He knew that the woman's husband was Ji Shiwei.

Although she looks ugly, it is the help of the Aomen Water Room that really has the final say for her.

Of course Lin Yao wanted to get involved in the Hongxing Aomen Casino. Gambling in Aomen was legal and it was a real gold-selling den.

But don't worry now, let the bullets fly for a while!

"By the way, Brother Yao, Ba Guan is in Causeway Bay during this period. He suddenly opened several nightclubs, and he has more and more underlings..."

Before he finished speaking, the plane came in and said:

"Brother Yao, Lian Haodong, the younger brother of loyal and loyal Lian Haolong, is coming to see you."

Lin Yao nodded.

Soon, the plane came in with a man who looked a bit like Jiang Tiansheng.

After the man walked in, he introduced himself and then said:

"You are Prince Yao Linyao, right?"

Lin Yao nodded.

Lian Haodong continued: "Prince Yao, if you want to plant a flag in Yau Ma Tei, my elder brother wants to talk to you!"

"Tomorrow at eight o'clock in the evening, you will have the guts restaurant!"

"When the time comes, some of the most prestigious people in the world of Hong Kong will also go. Do you dare to come?"

Lin Yao smiled slightly and continued:

"Tell your brother that I will definitely be there."

"Okay, then it's settled!"

After Lian Haodong finished speaking, he walked out directly.

After Lian Haodong left, Lin Yao told Wang Jianguo:

"Send four people to keep an eye on Ba Guan, and ask Ba Zai to keep an eye on Chen Haonan. If Chen Haonan makes any move against Ba Guan, report it to me immediately!

"Lian Haolong has sent people to collect all the information about Zhongxinyi!"

"Especially keep an eye on Lian Haolong's wife and send someone to follow her 24 hours a day!"

"Yes, Brother Yao, I understand!" Wang Jianguo said respectfully.

The next day, evening.

West Kowloon Region.

"Fuck! What does Lian Haolong want to do?"

Lu Qichang rushed into Huang Zhicheng's office angrily.

Huang Zhicheng was talking to Liu Jianming and was surprised when he saw Lu Qichang's furious look.

The two of them are old friends. Lu Qichang is basically emotionally stable. What is happening now?

"Achang, what happened to Lian Haolong? What made you so angry?" Huang Zhicheng asked.

Lu Qichang waved his hand impatiently and said:

"Is it because I don't know what he's going to do? That's why I'm so angry and attack his mother!"

After scolding, Lu Qichang continued:

"According to the tip, Lian Haolong suddenly and more than 20 men headed to the Guangqi Restaurant next to Tin Hau Temple in a menacing manner.

"Our informant doesn't know what he's up to?"

After Lu Qichang finished speaking, Huang Zhicheng frowned and said:

"Why did he suddenly go crazy?"

Lu Qichang shook his head and said:

"I don't know. If I knew I wouldn't be so grumpy."

Huang Zhicheng asked: "Have you sent anyone to follow?"

Lu Qichang nodded.


Huang Zhicheng immediately stood up, put on his gun and went out immediately.

at the same time.

Major police stations such as Tsim Sha Tsui, Mong Kok, Yau Ma Tei, and Kowloon City have also taken action.

They all got shocking news.

Huo Yong, the boss of the number gang Zhong Zi Dui, and Deng Bo, the veteran of Liansheng, will bring people to attend! !

The chiefs of these police stations, like Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng, had no idea what these people were up to.

This is the scariest thing!

Beard Yong was more high-profile than Lian Haolong, and directly took more than 100 young people to the Guangqi Restaurant.

The wait time is almost 8pm.

Together with Lian Sheng Deng Bo, Zhong Xin Yi Lian Hao Long, and Number Gang Hu Hu Yong, the three parties gathered at the entrance of You Guangqi Restaurant.

Huang Zhicheng, Lu Qichang and others were so shocked by such a large battle that they personally took charge.

Lu Qichang looked at the vast crowd of more than 200 people from the three parties and said solemnly:

"What are these gangs trying to do? Are they fighting here?"

Huang Zhicheng frowned and said:

"Achang, have you had any trouble with Liansheng, the Number Gang, and Zhongxinyi recently?"

Lu Qichang shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it. Judging from the analysis of various reports, there shouldn't be."

Huang Zhicheng pointed at the three parties and said:

"My informant told me that it seems that because Tai Tzu Yao planted his flag in Yau Ma Tei, Tai Tzu Yao did not go to visit Lian Haolong Pier, which made Lian Haolong unhappy."

Lu Qichang has his own informants, and of course Huang Zhicheng also has his own informants, and they have more informants than Lu Qichang.

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