TM's real pretending to be 13 poetry recitations can make you cry, and TM is worthy of being an "acting school". Shen Fang's laughter interrupted Jiang Yiyan's recitation, and everyone looked at Shen Fang in unison.

Shen Fang.......... "Ahem, what did I think of something happy, I'm sorry, I can't control my emotions."

Xu Yan glared at Shen Fang: "You be honest, and you and Liu Tianxian can just watch it in the back, and eat snacks, what are you doing here?

Jiang Yiyan pointed at Shen Fang hatefully: "Teacher, why are we taking exams here, the two of them can have snacks there, especially when he was still at the school gate just now, saying that the door wall of the school is like a lump of poop, why can this kind of person enter Nortel?" and interrupted my performance. Teacher, it's not fair.

Xu Yan looked at Jiang Yiyan: "There are many unfair things in the world, Shen Fang and Liu Tianxian were specially recruited by our principal."

Jiang Yiyan looked at Xu Yan: "Teacher, I am the first in the written test, he is a little handsome at most, he slanders the school, and interrupts my performance, I think there must be something wrong with this, why don't you let him show us the next one, and let us open our eyes?"

Wang Jinsong looked at Jiang Yiyan: "Jiang Yiyan, are you questioning us?" Jiang Yiyan

smiled: " I didn't doubt it, I just wanted to see what this classmate was good at, and there must be something special about him interrupting my performance, otherwise I really find it hard to believe that the choice of school is fair and just.

Shen Fang smiled: "Okay, since this classmate Jiang Yiyan wants me to show it, then I'll show it."

Liu Qianqian looked at Shen Fang: "Brother Shen Fang, come on!! give her insight."

Shen Fang turned his back and gave Liu Tianxian an OK gesture.

I took out a made cassette tape from my pocket and handed it to the music teacher next to me, who gave me the whole song, and then looked at the guitar carried by the boy in the examination room.

Shen Fang looked at the male classmate: "Classmate borrow your guitar to use." The

male classmate nodded and handed it to Shen Fang, who picked up the guitar. I played it and tried the music.

Shen Fang looked at the music teacher: "The teacher can start." The

music played, and Shen Fang played the strings of the guitar. looked at Liu Qianqian. Speak directly into the microphone.

The ends of the black hair are coiled in a circle

, all the attachment to you

, the language spoken in the mouth through the translucent curtain

is not deceiving at

all, the gray tiles

of the roof, the quiet picture, the light is your beautiful face

, finally finds the end of all wanderings

, your smile is over

, tired, don't say that it

lasts forever Lest you think I'm unrealistic

, think as simple as

it is, my mother told me the philosophy,

my head is all your heart, it's your

little love, it's so sweet

in the big city, it's

all your little love, it's all your little love, it's only for

you in the big city, the black hair ends are coiled in a circle

, all the attachment to you

, and finally find the end of all wanderings

Your smile is over, tired

, don't say forever, lest you think I'm unrealistic

, think as simple as

I am, let me say to you loudly

, I'm thinking of

you, my head is all you, my heart is all your

little love, in the big city, so sweet,

all of you are


A little love is in the big city, only for you, and you keep the ticket stub for returning to the city as a souvenir

, don't be afraid to face parting

, cut off a trace of hair, let me put it on my chest

, and you accompany me everywhere I go

, my head is your heart, your little love is so sweet

in the big city, I miss you all of it, all of you are your

little love


and I am only for you in the big city

Your head

is all your heart, your heart is your little love, it's so sweet in the big city, OH~~ I read all of you, all of you are your

little love, in the big city

, just for you,



Shen Fang sang for a full 4 minutes, during which he still ran to the affectionate duet in front of all the women present, but he didn't dare to sing in front of Liu Tianxian because he was afraid that Liu Xiaoli would slap him to death.

He sang affectionately in front of Liu Xiaoli, Xu Yan, and the other two girls who relied on girls. Liu Xiaoli and Xu Yan didn't feel much, although they felt that Shen Fang was very handsome and charming, but the age gap was too big, but the two little girls couldn't stand it directly, and looked at Shen Fang with a blushing face and shyness, clasping their fingers.

Everyone present was dumbfounded, and the entrance of the exam preparation at this time was also full of people. They are all melon-eating people who come to Kang to eat melons when they hear beautiful music.

Liu Qianqian's little hands began to applaud and screamed: "Woo woo woo, Brother Shen Fang is so powerful, he sings so well!!!

The teachers also applauded and praised Shen Fang. Jiang Yiyan's face changed for a while, and she looked at Shen Fang with blue and purple!! You are deliberately embarrassing me, right!! you are acting so well, isn't this deliberately embarrassing me for being chubby!!

Shen Fang looked at everyone with a smile: "Ahem, then what is my talent not over, Mr. Xu, will you waltz

?" Xu Yan looked at Shen Fang with satisfaction: "Yes, of course, teacher, I am a professional dancer." Why do you still waltz?"

Shen Fang walked up to Xu Yan and made an inviting gesture: "Beautiful gentle big sister, I don't know if I can invite you to dance a song?"

Xu Yan looked at the funny Shen Fang and giggled and put his hand.

Shen Fang turned his head to look at the music teacher: "Trouble the teacher, help me with a waltz." The

music teacher said yes, and the music played.

Shen Fang and Xu Yan put on a professional waltz POSS, took Xu Yan's hand, and began to dance, flying up and down, Shen Fang did not estimate that Xu Yan was his future teacher at all, hugged the waist he needed, dragged Xu Yan's hips and did two difficult 90° movements, the two flew like two butterflies, and kept drawing circles. 5 minutes later, Shen Fang hugged Xu Yan's waist and spread his hands, Xu Yan looked sideways into Shen Fang's eyes, and the two ended looking at each other.

Everyone present applauded again, Liu Qianqian had become Shen Fang's fan at this time, Liu Xiaoli was not bad, Liu Xiaoli herself was a dancer, and she was still a very well-known dancer, as far as Shen Fang's waltz just now, I felt that she could be compared to a professional dancer.

Shen Fang looked at Jiang Yiyan and smiled: "What else is there!!" Jiang Yiyan

........ You sincerely can't get along with me, right!!!

Shen Fang coughed lightly and looked at the teachers. His eyes began to sharpen, and micro-expressions began to appear.

"This first bowl of wine, I want to pay tribute to the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, to the ancestors and ancestors in the heavenly spirits

. I lost my father at the age of eight and my mother at the age of nine, and it was the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang who took me to break through the difficulties and obstacles, so

that we have today's prosperous Qing Dynasty! At this time, Shen Fang's face showed a feeling of longing.

And this second bowl of wine, I want to pay tribute to the ministers

, to the people of the world, and to the old people who are attending the banquet today! Over the past 60 years, it has been you who have assisted me to protect the peace of the country, and you have bowed down to agriculture and mulberry to

make all industries of the Qing Dynasty prosperous. The king, the subjects, and the people are all the same, ah! Without you, there

would be no Qing Dynasty today. Thank you here. Shen Fang's face showed gratitude

, this third bowl of wine, I want to pay tribute to my mortal enemies. Ao Bai, Wu Sangui, hey, Zheng Jing, Galdan, oh, and that third prince Zhu, ah? hey, they are all heroes.

They made me, and they forced the skin to do this great thing. They hate them, but they also respect them.

Hey, it's a pity, they're all dead, and they're all lonely.... I don't wish them peace in death, I wish them to be enemies again in the next life!"

"Good !!

" Wang Hui took the lead in applauding and looked at Shen Fang: "Wow, wow, it's really good, Shen Fang, you kid is really good, acting, acting, it's like Chen Daoming is alive."

Wang Jinsong tugged at Wang Hui's sleeve: "Ahem, principal, Chen Daoming is still alive." That's a misnomer.

Wang Hui glared at Wang Jinsong: "What's wrong? Am I not right? Domineering side leakage, micro-expression processing is almost perfect, yes, Shen Fang will definitely be the mainstay of Chinese film entertainers in the future."

Shen Fang looked at Wang Hui: "Eh, principal, I want to be a director." I still have talent to play, I can sing, rap, and play basketball.

Wang Hui's face darkened: .....

Wang Jinsong: ....

Xu Yan: ..........

Wang Jinsong waved his hand: "Roll to the back and stand, still be a director, think beautifully, we Nortel can't let the pearl sink, honest actors go to you." And which of you sing, dance, rap and play basketball is not a serious talent when you hear it. Shen

Fang had no choice but to prepare so many programs just to resist, but in exchange for Wang Hui's abuse, you are ruthless, you are indifferent, and you are unreasonable.

Liu Qianqian ran and looked at Shen Fang's side with admiration: "Wow, Brother Shen Fang, you are so powerful, I adore you so much, wow, Brother Shen Fang, you are so good."

Shen Fang touched the little girl's head and pretended to be 13 and said, "Little meaning, this time I just took 5 success power."

Liu Xiaoli also walked up and praised: "Shen Fang, you are so powerful, remember to teach us more in the future, especially in the field of acting, oh my God, how can you be so good at such a young age, so powerful, I was stunned just now."

Shen Fang smiled: "I was born with this." I will teach Sissi more in the future, Auntie rest assured.

Shen Fang is leaving, Jiang Yiyan was embarrassed, looking at the teacher on the stage, and then looking at the playful expressions of her classmates, she was suddenly embarrassed and wanted to run out, but she was unwilling, this was the result of her three years of hard work, and she directly hugged her head and cried.

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