Hoarding in Hell Novel

Chapter 13 Beginner's friend (2)

Shhh, bang!

The scarecrow, who was closest, slammed Hyunmoo's fist and twisted his neck for the first time. If it were a human, it would have been a shock that the neck would have been broken, but the mannequin was only slightly cracked.

Hyunmoo didn't stop there and hit his fist again. I was planning to finish at least one of them before the other mannequins rushed in.

The scarecrow was only unilaterally beaten by Hyunmoo's fists that were flying in succession. Hyunmoo noticed that the cracks on the mannequin's face were getting bigger than before.

'It can be broken.'

As soon as Hyunmoo was convinced, he pushed with all his might in his last fist. The mannequin's face flew away with a bang.


No, the only thing that flew away was the fragments surrounding the outside.

Inside, something made of muted steel was spinning quickly with a bustling sound. Hyunmoo recalled a familiar visual as he looked at the glowing red eyes in it.

'The scarecrow, the Terminator?'

"Updated opponent information. Dalian level 2 begins."

The scarecrow, who had been beaten until the skin of his face was peeled off, suddenly extended his fist.

Tight! Hyunmoo managed to raise his arm to block it, but he felt a terrible pain in his left arm.

He was faster than before.

His left arm was paralyzed with pain and he was unable to move. Suddenly, the barricade collapsed and scarecrows were running towards Hyunmoo.

Hyunmoo barely avoided their touch and escaped.

'How do I win this?'

There were five of them on the board with only one of them facing each other. Moreover, the level may have been matched to Hyunmoo, but seeing their movements, it is undoubtedly the skill of a martial artist.

The hell darts didn't work before, and since they're not living things, there's a high probability that poison blood wouldn't make any sense.

'What kind of difficulty level jumped like this.'

At that time, my legs did not move at all.

While facing Hana, there was a scarecrow that had crawled under the barricade. Hyunmoo was unable to balance as he grabbed his legs and stretched.

"Let it go!"

There is no way out if five of them rush into a situation where even one scarecrow can barely deal with it.

Hyunmoo grabbed his feet and snapped the drooping scarecrow's head, but he was still alive, with only the mannequin's face peel off.

Hyunmoo, whose limbs were tied as it was, was exposed defenselessly in front of the scarecrow. The scarecrow that Hyunmoo had been beating slashed his fists as if in revenge.

A series of shocks shook his head. Without stopping with that, he grabbed Hyunmoo's head and gave him a series of kicks.

It was an action that didn't pay any attention. Hyunmoo had an absurd thought as he was being beaten.

It's like this kind of thing is a scarecrow for beginners, so it looks like all the beginners are dead.

[Your body strength has increased.]

[Bleeding resistance has increased.]

Hyunmoo and the scarecrows of equal strength were not vigilant at all, and kept him in bondage and beat him steadily and steadily. Even the sound of a beating could be heard as regular as the second hand of a clock.

[Health has dropped below 10%. Playback starts with the 'Last One' title privilege.]

[Health regeneration ability has increased.]

I felt my consciousness come back quickly.

"Ouch, huh!"As soon as Hyunmoo regained consciousness, he strongly shunned the scarecrows. Of course, the scarecrows did not move. While the stamina was regenerated, the pain was also thin, so Hyunmoo was able to unleash his superpowers.

[Pain tolerance has increased.]

With his arms peeling off, Hyunmoo fell over the barricade with his scarecrows.

A few scarecrows fell off with a bang. Hyunmoo barely crawls out by grabbing his leg and kicking the slack with his feet.

His left arm was limp and limp, and his arm was bruised in the shape of a blue hand. However, it quickly regained its form as if the 'Last One Person' bonus reproduction was still in progress. It looked bad, but it was better than a broken arm.

Now Hyunmoo was given a choice.

'Are you going to run away?'

Hyunmoo looked at the entrance he had just entered. But he hadn't even revealed his hand. Hyunmoo thought he'd better give up after he had done enough.

“You guys use martial arts, so I need to do this level to get the balance right, right?”

Hyunmoo pulled out his weapon from his inventory.

[Abominable Lumber (Rare): A ferocious timber crafted hard. The durability is weak, but the attack power is quite strong.]

The pieces of wood that came out of the inventory naturally fell into Hyunmoo's hands. Each tree spread a dark blue aura of ferocious energy.

The fallen scarecrows got up and began to prepare for battle. Hyunmoo immediately launched the Battle Helper. He felt his muscles wriggle under the skin.


A wooden wooden clasped with both hands struck the scarecrow's waist. Unfortunately, the attack didn't go well.

The scarecrow quickly lowered his arm to block it. However, the impact caused the scarecrow to break his arm. Still, a few steps back.

'It works.'

Even Hyunmoo was surprised at the destructive power that even broke the specially treated scarecrow's arm with one shot. But the scarecrows didn't seem too surprised.

"Update opponent information."

The scarecrows murmured in unison in unison, then adjusted their posture. At the same time, the scarecrow's hands began to change with a squeaking sound.

"Start Armed Battle Mode."

Clap, click, thump!

Scarecrows armed with swords, hammers, mace, daggers and spears surrounded Hyunmoo. At the cool color of the cutlery, Hyunmoo was sweating profusely.

"...Damn it."

He was going to run away.

[You are dead.]

[Total survival time: 05 days 08 hours 04 minutes 16 seconds.]


The resurrected Hyunmoo immediately began to analyze the dent.

He was too hasty once without prior information. I don't know if it was the scarecrow, the android, or the Terminator who rebelled against humans, but in any case, the biggest mistake was that he moved prematurely without knowing it.

Difficulty: Hell isn't it that you have to beat the stone bridge and cross it?

And that didn't make an escape route. This may be interlocking with the dent above.

He knew that even if he died, he would be resurrected, so he thought that he only had to endure the pain for a moment. Inevitably, it caused distraction. Carelessness has dulled his skills.

Well, besides that, there were countless external factors such as lack of skills, a large number of opponents, and an unfamiliar space. However, since this was unavoidable, Hyunmoo decided to start by finding something that he could overcome on his own.

'Would it have been different if I had heard the weapon from the beginning?'

Hyunmoo shook his head.

If you had picked up a weapon from the beginning, you wouldn't have known that the scarecrows match the level of your opponent's armament.

More than anything else, if it's a fist fight, you can fight it while holding on to it, but if you fight with a knife, you win in an instant. The scarecrows also had high-level swordsmanship skills.

But apart from that, I thought it would be better to go armed in the future. He had never met an enemy who could use a weapon, so it was a mistake he had made.

After reflection, Hyunmoo decided to think about the future.

"How are you going to do these things...?"

Hyunmoo thought as he looked at the five scarecrows in front of him.

The scarecrows don't attack unless they're attacked, and Hyunmoo didn't move even though he was in the gym.

'Actually, there are many ways to temper these.'

It won't move until you touch it, so you can bury or bury the whole thing before attacking. Because there is a limit to the power the scarecrow can exert.

Or, you can lure them after installing all kinds of traps in advance. At the very least, there is a way to set up a proper barricade and attack. Just tying the scarecrows' ankles together will not make them move properly.

There are many ways to turn your head a little.

'If the purpose is simply to break the quest, though.'

Completing the quest will probably give you a reward box, just like you did when you beat the first quest. It's already worth it.

But Hyunmoo saw this as an opportunity to get more than just a reward. In any case, the scarecrows only fight according to their opponent's level, so there is absolutely no fear of being killed unilaterally.

It is literally a scarecrow for beginners.

"It's up to me to do it..."

Hyunmoo laughed bitterly.

There is nothing you can eat raw here.

But even though the process is terrifying, it is sure to reward you for the effort you put in. How fair is this world?

After contemplating, Hyunmoo got up from his seat. He then started working with the rope he had prepared. It was a rope made by disassembling a sandbag for talented people.

Hyunmoo dragged the scarecrows, laid them down and tied them up. Even the Scarecrows did not respond if they did not act hostilely. After seizing the scarecrows separately, they tied each other's limbs together once more. It was clear that they would not be able to move as this would disturb each other.

“After… then.”

Hyunmoo clenched his fists towards the scarecrow standing crookedly in the middle of the gym.

First of all, it starts at 1:1.

"Ready, land."


Again, Hyunmoo's first blow. The scarecrow's neck swung back and then came back. Then he quickly settled down.

There was the sound of the scarecrows rattling behind their backs. But there was no scarecrow that untied the rope and came out.

"Complete opponent recognition. Dalian level 1 begins."

The scarecrow's fists cut through the wind and brushed against his face.

My ears were piercing. The regret of having to put the glove on came belatedly.

But it seemed like it would be okay to develop a sense of practicality like this. I don't want to learn boxing.

Hyunmoo was learning the movements of the scarecrow.

'It's not just a robot.'

Scarecrows are neither killing machines to kill humans nor mannequins that have become monsters. Literally, it's a fighting robot.

There seems to be a problem with the name Scarecrow, but the robot had martial arts abilities built in anyway.

Papa, Papa! The basic base for punching is boxing, but foot technique is also mixed. Hyunmoo exchanged fists and feet, trying to keep an eye on the scarecrow's movements as closely as possible.


four hours.It was a fight that was enough to make Hyunmoo exhausted even with ability correction.

Hyunmoo's face and body were covered in bruises, blood and sweat. The worst part was the fist. Blood splattered over his bare skin and ran down his arms.

Hyunmoo caught his breath and looked at his scarecrow. Of course, the scarecrow never gets tired and doesn't sweat. All Hyunmoo had done was to have his scarecrow covered in his own blood and to have one side of his chest cracked slightly.

"Oh, damn it."

Tougher than expected

Fighting is a full body workout. Your body is filled with adrenaline, your muscles tense with all your might, and your heart pumps blood incessantly.

It lasts for a while with adrenaline rush, but after two hours of that, you get a tremendous amount of fatigue that goes beyond sprinting.

'It's fortunate that there are no broken places.'

Even though Hyunmoo is breathing, the scarecrow doesn't care. Hyunmoo clenched his teeth and looked at the flying scarecrow's fist. He seems to be getting used to it now.

This is a simple jab.

After dodging, the jab comes in again with the same hand. Next is a strong straight. It is exemplary and the pattern with the most repetitions throughout the four hours.

Sometimes fakes are mixed in, but this time it's the same action. He let it flow by the difference of one finger, then extended his fist.

One hit, but shallow. Very short stiffness. That was enough.

Tak, Pang! Hyunmoo's fist hit the tip of the scarecrow's chin with precision.

It was the first properly exchanged workshop in four hours.

"Huh, ha!"

Hyunmoo finally felt the time was ripe. The scarecrow's movements and his own movements were understood like flowing water. This is enough.

'Battle helpers.'

Hyunmoo opened his eyes and launched the Battle Helper. The movement of each muscle was felt in detail and spread down the spine. At the same time, Hyunmoo's fists hit the scarecrow's throat with precision.

It was an accurate blow that would cause a human to lose consciousness. Hyunmoo focused on his own movements.


The scarecrow's trained boxing movements were reproduced in Hyunmoo's body.

Hyunmoo knew nothing of martial arts or chess. He was so focused on seeing and following the movements of the scarecrows. And the battle helpers were taking that action like a sponge absorbs water. My heart raced.

Tang, Kwagak!

Hyunmoo started unilaterally pushing the Scarecrow. If you run the Battle Helper before, you can handle about a scarecrow. But now it was different.

Beyond simply controlling the body, the battle helpers who learned techniques and how to strike literally 'cooked' the scarecrow.

Hyunmoo focused on the fine cracks in the rib cage that he had made earlier. He did not allow even the slightest counterattack by using the stiffness that would come when he hit his head.


Hyunmoo pierced his fist with all his might with a loud cheer.


Finally, the shell of the rib cage was broken in a round shape. I could see something spinning with a loud noise between the pieces of metal. Perhaps that is the power source that moves the scarecrow.

As Hyunmoo was about to put a finisher in, he heard a voice coming from the Scarecrow.

"Update opponent information. Start of level 3 Dalian."

Oh, yes. This child was in a low-level matchmaking state. Hyunmoo was about to finish it off for a moment before he poised to respond.

But his hand stood still. If the goal is to kill the scarecrow, it has already been done. Hyunmoo took a deep breath and stepped back.

"Yeah. Give it a try. Dalian Level 3."

Hyunmoo smiled broadly. The stronger he gets, the stronger he gets with himself.

In the end he will be the winner and he will be himself.

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