Hoarding in Hell Novel

Chapter 17 Whispers of the Stars (3)

[Stars are always looking for beings like themselves to expand their territory and power. Among them, the stars gathered here whisper that they are attracted to you.]

In other words, it meant that Hyunmoo was also a member of the group as much as the members of the group gathered here. Hyunmoo said, pointing out one by one from the left as he was introduced.

"So, you're saying that conspiracy theorists, personality breakers, greedy people, interest patients, and anger control disorders are my essence?"

In Hyunmoo's summary, the stars didn't say anything, but it seemed that there was a hint of 'discomfort'. Until now, no one had summarized them in such a way.

"I'm starting to wonder if it's because I'm such a bad guy that I'm going to hell."

It made me even more upset that I couldn't deny it implicitly.

Man is a complex being, but is he saying that he is such a multi-layered garbage?

Hyunmoo began to reflect on his life.

It didn't take a few seconds though.


I don't think I've ever lived a life of shame, even if I'm not pure and innocent.

'No, did you already fail at the point where you didn't realize that you were ashamed?'

Anyway, Hyunmoo was proud of himself. That was enough.

'But these personality breakers here make me look pretty plausible.'

Of course, I thought that the lord of death and devouring the world was just a business comment. The question is, what can these do for you?

If you have to sell your soul or conscience as a condition of the contract, you can ask how many months the installment will start.

“If you make a choice, will something change?”

Lights started pouring out from all directions. Like a spam email, a lot of images and information were mixed and poured into my head.

Even in a situation where it was not known what was what, the image came in clearly.

A high-rise building, a powerful man looking down at the ground from behind a curtain. At a single touch of his hand, clandestine kinsmen deal with those who stand in the way. He moves on to the next plot, the next plot.

A magician standing alone in the vast plain. As she taps her on the floor with a stick, the old-time military uniforms and undead with guns dig into the ground and stand up. A new war begins.

A canine predator bites the enemy's neck. Enemies bitten by the neck seep into the man as if they were absorbed. The predator sets out in search of new prey with the newly acquired power and power of the enemy.

A speaker standing on a shining stage speaks to tens of thousands of crowds. Her people cannot take her eyes off her and only listen to her words.

An armored warrior standing in the middle of a blazing battlefield. Although his appearance is not suitable for the times, he is not defeated by any weapon. They simply set out to find the next enemy to enjoy the blood and screams up close.

It was full of madness and death. And power and wealth were there.

At first glance, Hyunmoo could recognize that this video was not just a hallucination, but a record somewhere.

Some of them were completely unfamiliar, but some of them looked like Hyunmoo had seen on TV.

That is, they were those who received the power of the stars.It was clear that accepting just one of these could bring Hyunmoo one step closer to the power and power he had dreamed of.

Would it have been possible if it was now? no. As far as Hyunmoo knows, he has never heard of a star.

It was evident that he was hiding, or at least very rare.

no hesitation


[Choose a star to chase.]

said the narrator as if working hard. Hyunmoo cleared his throat and opened his mouth.

"What price do I have to pay?"

Hell doesn't give you anything for free. In this sadistic and perverted world, pain, blood, and tears were used as currency and harshly collected from anything they gave.

[Just serving and following. That's all.]

free. Is there any other advertisement that is as suspicious as this?

"Really that's all?"

[The stars raise the family, and the family acts on behalf of the will of the stars. That's all. Stars only nurture beings similar to themselves, so they act on behalf of their will just by doing what they want.]

Even this bizarre fortune seemed to Hyunmoo to be an advertisement for a free porn site.

He must be confident enough to pick it all up.

When looking at the relationship between this hell and the stars, there were some rough points. Hyunmoo had to move carefully.

"Should I choose right now?"

The narrator did not answer. Only the stars flickered slowly as if talking. After a while, a reply came from the narrator.

[The selection of stars is a rare opportunity. The more they recognize you and show you pass the trials, the faster you grow.]

"That means you don't have anything to give right now, do you?"

[The stars are offended by your arrogance.]

As soon as Hyunmoo spoke, the answers flowed out. It's the first time I've talked about emotions, but seeing that I'm telling you, it means you have to be careful with your mouth. But Hyunmoo had no intention of doing so.

"I've never been to you guys. You've come to me. But I don't know you very well, so what if I tell you to choose first? There's no contract.

Response from the narrator was delayed again. But soon, the orange light flickered quickly and disappeared from the seat.

[The conquering star, Ardan, has lost interest in you.]

It seems that he didn't like Hyunmoo's carefully moving attitude. yes or no The remaining stars were still watching Hyunmoo.

[The stars promise to give you time to think.]

Hyunmoo sighed in relief. He was not without fear of what to do if he was forced to make a choice, or if he just left everything. Fortunately, the stars gave Hyunmoo time to choose.

"Thank you. Try not to think about it for too long."

The stars didn't even listen to Hyunmoo's reply and just disappeared. The dark vision slowly began to brighten. It was the same gym where Hyunmoo was stripped of all his bodily sensations.

The lights all disappeared, but a yellow light remained until the end. The yellow light slowly circulated around Hyunmoo, and then brushed past the tip of his right hand.

In an instant, Hyunmoo felt another burning pain in the palm of his right hand. He felt the same pain as when he touched the heated hearthstone earlier.

[The Whispering Star, Montstril, awakens some of your abilities.]

[Legendary Skill: Mastery has been acquired.]

'Huh, legendary skill?'

I don't know what the skill is, but it's the second legendary skill after Battle Helper. I don't know how many Legendary skill holders there are, but Hyunmoo thought there wouldn't be at least two. The Whispering Star disappeared leaving behind a slight smile.

'You're trying to seduce me.'

It must be some kind of bribe. And if you can give a legendary skill this simply, you can easily steal it.

Hyunmoo thought about the stars. They immediately usurp Hyunmoo's senses, demonstrating that they can decide their fate in an instant.

Even if you just think of the videos the stars showed, they didn't have any regrets for Hyunmoo.

'You have to find out about the stars.'

Baron Hyunmoo Knows At this point, little information about the stars has been released. But in Hell, I've seen at least a few.

However, from the images the stars showed, it was clear that the impact they were having on the Earth would be enormous.

No, not at a great level, but with a very high probability, they may be the ones who made this hell.

Even after making a contract with the stars, the powerful could not prevent this kind of hell from appearing on Earth.

If the stars didn't help much, it means that there was no point in signing a contract in the end, otherwise it means that the stars are the ones who made this mess.

Considering the values ​​of the stars, it was a natural conclusion.

Gnomes increase the number of beings with similar values ​​to themselves and try to expand their territory.

The place that was created as a result may be here and now, Hell.

"Ha ha... damn it."

It is also shocking to find out that hell, which was thought to be a land of opportunity, is in fact an image of a future that has already been destroyed.

The scenery where the stars and their followers had created a living hell was good in front of them. The disasters to come and the failures that humanity will experience were also the future that Hyunmoo would soon experience.


When I returned from hell, it had been about three days. Fortunately, it fell to a small mountain behind Yu-min's house. He had clothes in his inventory in advance, so he didn't have to walk around in rags.

Lenian disappeared as soon as the stars appeared and disappeared from sight. He could never be found, so he had to look forward to meeting him when he returned to Hell. 'cause he's expensive

As soon as he got home, he put the clothes he was wearing in hell in a bag with a biohazard mark as Yu-min instructed.

As soon as he turned on the shower, seeing the black liquid filling the bathroom floor, Hyunmoo felt embarrassed.

'I need to buy a house.'

Hyunmoo was envisioning something like a bunker, not just a house. A spacious house where you can check abilities inside, test items, and have a separate disinfection room in the bathroom.

Even if it's poisonous blood, if you spray it carelessly, you can't help but be careful because an infectious disease can spread. In other words, it meant that it would be a disaster if a being who lived in Difficulty: Hell appeared in reality now.Hyunmoo suddenly became curious.

'By the way, what is my position here?'

Hyunmoo has not yet been registered as a full-fledged capable person, nor has he had a career as a hunter. Socially, he was just an unemployed, zero-sex incompetent layman living in a woman's house, as he was.

Hyunmoo looked at the callused back of his hand from beating the scarecrow in Difficulty: Hell. The back of his hand, which had been polished like a hammer, looked like it could be hammered against the wall as it was.

The change that had occurred in just a few days was unbelievable.

'Not enough.'

Hyunmoo spread his right palm. The letters engraved on his palm were shining brighter than before. On the other hand, the hearthstone was losing its burning momentum for some reason. As if the power of the hearthstone was transferred to the palm of your hand.

Hyunmoo recalled the power one of the stars gave him.

Overwhelming beings that Hyunmoo could not dare to stand against. When he thought of them, Hyunmoo felt himself withdrawn.

He was a being that he would come across someday if he climbed up and looked all over. Hyunmoo's only option is to become a puppet of one of them.

If so, leaving your body to the flow as it is and becoming a follower of one of them might be the only way to survive.

But can it be?

impossible. He would drink the seawater when it came, and he would harden it when Hell quenched him. That's why Hyunmoo encounters the bizarre beings that may be the cause of his destruction, perhaps even in the face of hell.

He was smiling.

Because the stars were as good as showing Hyunmoo how far he could climb.

The powers the stars had, the abilities they bestowed, and the followers they had.

'Why do you have to pick just one?'

Hyunmoo couldn't stand the constant twitching of the corners of his lips. Everything they showed was actually what Hyunmoo wanted.

How high can you go? How long can you hold on to?

The stars showed him what he shouldn't have shown. You can have these things if you sign a contract with them. However, it was as if he had presented a specific goal to Hyunmoo.

His greed was not small.

Hyunmoo wanted everything they suggested, without missing a single one.



It may be said that it is an arrogant attitude to a subject that has not yet been properly grasped.

But is it necessary to express greed in a humble way?

Above all, Hyunmoo was confident. In the end he finally got it all on his own.

the future of mankind? world salvation? Such was not in Hyunmoo's mind.

He only had the thought that mankind's leash was now held in his hands.

For that, Hyunmoo was willing to use even humanity as a tool.

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