Hoarding in Hell Novel

Chapter 190 One Goal, One Way (5)

'this… … As long as you do.'

Hyunmoo had originally planned to go ahead with the plan during this expedition, but he seemed to have found a much cleaner way to proceed.

I thought I would need a little help to do that, but it's enough to think about it after a while. Hyunmoo once hid his thoughts and opened his mouth.

"Irreversible last resort? Basically, all kinds of death are irreversible."

"It's something different from that."

At best, he didn't seem to have said this about the carnage. Hyunmoo checked the status window of Adam Fort once again.

[Adam Folt (LV )]

The level was not visible.

It was surprising, but not shocking.

If there is an item to be analyzed, it is natural that there is an item that hides it.

What surprised Hyunmoo was that Adam Fort was represented by a proper noun rather than a tribal name. I've only seen two cases like this.

Either it's a named monster, or it's directly affiliated with a star like 'Kawaro'.

Surely there would be no monsters, so Adam Fort was clearly related to the stars.

It's also at a fairly high level.

And I was even more curious about what kind of person Professor Keller was using Adam as his limbs.

She was truly a 'last resort'.

Hyunmoo was convinced that what Ah-Mini said she would do whatever it takes to finish her if the attack failed was sincere. And he could only be sure of one thing.

The Chinese attack is unsuccessful.

And eventually Adam Fort will execute the final plan.


"Are you back?"


Lee Ji-tae accepted Chrome's request with an unfavorable attitude.

Amini couldn't tell what they were talking about behind the scenes. But it didn't matter.

If you are convinced and don't act your way, that's enough.

Anyway, whether Hyunmoo and his party accepted it or not, there was no room for intervening if it was decided between the governments.

Xiaoji also returned with the Chinese general, and only Adam Fort and Amini were left on the terrace.

"I'm glad the Korean team isn't stubborn. Of course, it's not just because of personal feelings, but if something happens and you have to act, Kang Hyunmoo or Lee Ji-tae could get involved."

Adam Fort said to Amini while fiddling with the gas mask.

“With this, the northern part of the Taedong River will come under Chinese control.”

“Of course, recapture of Pyongyang is the first priority.”

"How many possibilities do you see?"

Amini looked at the Ryugyong Hotel in the middle of downtown Pyongyang.

Complex emotions and calculations ran through her mind.

Aside from Armini, there were many other people working for this issue within the Special Inspection Department. And Xiaojie's team was strong.

It was more likely than going in with the Korean team, and it was also safer in case of an emergency.

However, it was difficult to see Amini as optimistic.

"It's half and half."

Adam Fort tilted his head.

"You're scoring.""She's the best in China because she's gone down the ladder. Xiaojier has reached the top of China to be the best. There's no competitor. Thanks to that, her team is perfect for this attack, not to mention. It's a team of..."

Xiao Jie, backed by Chrome, has long built her own team.

In order to build the team, she did something morally unacceptable.

But now she needed a sharpened sword, not a scabbard.

She had no choice but to close her eyes.

"I like Xiao Jie's extreme behavior like that, because she shows her power in situations where diversity is unexpected."

Amini looked at Adam Fort.

"Well, the good thing is that she doesn't have to worry about Xiao Jie when the 'just in case' comes."

Amini turned to Adam Fort.

"I didn't think that Chromium sent you for 'just in case', so there was a high probability of failure. I didn't know you would come."

Adam Fort stared blankly, but didn't answer.

Amini admired and even admired Adam Fort and Professor Keller, but as time went on, she only questioned them.

And fear was growing in her heart.

The UN Special Investigation Unit was relying on most of the information beyond seeking advice from Maria Keller.

The more I knew about Chrome's power, the more I was amazed. Because Xiao Jie's team alone was comparable to the military power of small and medium-sized countries.

Adam Fort opened his mouth.

"Professor Keller is always on the lookout, but he wants that moment to be as late as possible."


“But everyone knows that one day it will come, whether it is late or early.”

Adam Fort tapped Amini on the shoulder and turned around.

"I wish Xiaojie team success."

Amini was left alone on the terrace where Adam Fort had left.

Ah Minnie looked up at the yellow sky quietly and took out a picture from her arms.

The photo was obtained by chance by one of the senior inspectors. The photo contained an ocher-colored sky as it is now.

It was difficult to distinguish even the horizon between the barren desert and the ocher-colored sky, but the black line was drawn like a joke.

If it had been another place, another time, I would have thought it was just a printing error. But once she knew the place where this picture was taken, she just couldn't pass it up.

The photo was taken in South Sudan.

Contrary to popular belief, Adam Fort was not quietly verbally resolved when he went to South Sudan.

She quietly but surely exercised her powers and forced the South Sudanese government to change its behavior.

There were no traces left anywhere, but the aftermath remained.

The South Sudan government was eventually overthrown by a coup d'état led by a powerful man, and even now, a bloody civil war continues in South Sudan.

Amini was speculating that the so-called 'Chepesh Case' in South Sudan may have occurred on a very small scale.

She said, 'For the sake of mankind, somehow, the Pyongyang restoration plan must succeed.'

Ah Minnie thought, biting her lips tightly.

The enemy isn't the only monster.

Beneath the surface, the foundations of human civilization were being twisted.

Perhaps the Pyongyang Restoration Plan could be a turning point in the great era.


'Hmm, Adam Fort. Adam Poltra... … .'

After the meeting, Hyunmoo wandered around the vacant lot near the tomb of Yeolsa tomb, contemplating.

The closest to anyone related to stars is Lee Ji-tae.

Because Lee Ji-tae said he heard the whispers of the leading stars.

But I've never seen Lee Ji-tae so visibly strong or so transcendent.

Of course, Lee Ji-tae is strong. She has no doubt about that.

However, it is a power that can be compared with Park Do-ryeong or himself. Or Hahyun.

However, compared to Kawaro, who was a member of the starving star, Yogulem, it was a joke for children.

'Maybe even the family of stars, I don't know if there is a grade.'


Hahyun appeared with a whirling sound.

Ha-hyeon, who is good at hiding his identity, was guarding Hyunmoo's back in case of an emergency whenever he met other talented people.

Ha-hyun frowned slightly and said.

"I just think in my head to come out. Don't call me a servant like that."

"It looks like it's here."

Hyunmoo sat with her hips tucked away everywhere. Ha-hyun smirked and looked at where Hyunmoo was sitting.

“It’s called the tomb of the martyrs of the revolution. It looks like a tomb.”

"Yeah? But everyone who came here to pay tribute is dead. It's okay."

"I don't think that's a problem, but..."

Ha-hyun gave up on chasing.

"You said you belong to the Whispering Star? Can you tell me how you became a member of the Star?"

Up until this point, Hyunmoo had little interest in becoming a member of the stellar family.

Because I didn't plan on becoming one in the first place.

However, even after reaching level 50, he felt strange because it was difficult to even know the existence of the whispers of the stars, let alone hide them.

In addition, when people related to the stars appeared around him, he had to pay attention.

"In my case alone, my memory is vague... I know roughly how it goes."

Ha-hyeon said while making a model out of a spider's web.

“If there are people who have achieved special achievements or stand out among humans, the stars will come into contact with them. And if they have something in common with the stars, they will start whispering to them. Be their own family.”

"Hmm, so?"

“Once you become a member of the family… you will inherit some of the powers related to that star. Your abilities will grow stronger. And as you carry out the orders of the stars and gain recognition, you become stronger and stronger, and as you receive more of the powers of the stars, your body becomes a star. It evolves according to this desired form."

Hyunmoo looked at Ha-hyun.

Considering that Ha-hyeon was originally Song Yeo-woon, his current appearance is completely different. So much so that I can't find the original.

It is said to be the taste of a whispering star, but it turns one person into a completely different being.

For a moment, Hyunmoo opened his mouth slightly.

“Wait, are you going to become a monster then?”

"Is that surprising? You've already seen them. People who have become monsters."

Ha-hyun, and the hungry.

"...Then all the monsters were human?"

"No. Most of them are just... Mana-generated objects. I don't know where the original came from, but most monsters are not very different from crystal moss. They are created by concentrating mana and degenerating."

It was not wrong with Kirsson's explanation.

Kirsson said goblins can reproduce, but they also naturally spawn between their clefts.

It is nothing strange or surprising to them. He could understand that even if he didn't eat anything, he could live on mana alone.

However, Hyunmoo was able to understand one thing clearly.

'Does being a member of a star means becoming a monster?'

It seemed like it would be good to see it gradually becoming that way.

In that respect, it was clear that Lee Ji-tae was still weak. Because it was only marked as 'human'.But Adam Fort seemed to have reached a certain level.

'It's a star.'

The story got complicated.

Difficulty: In Hell, the stars are mighty, and humanity is swaying beneath them.

No, it is the future where all those who could be called humanity have disappeared.

So, how can we protect humanity?

'It is not that there is no possibility at all.'

Already, Hyunmoo realized that he had been mentally prepared for such a possibility.

Even if it is full of filth, if there is only one road, you have no choice but to walk that road.

It was a matter of who would jump into the filth.

Fortunately, Hyunmoo had already soaked his feet in the filth.

"Who is coming?"

Then Hahyun whispered. He felt someone approaching.

The moment he felt his popularity, Hahyun suddenly left and disappeared.

The popular figure approaching from the other side of the cemetery was a woman from China whom I had seen earlier.

A woman in a thick hoodie, Xiaojie.

It was just a coincidence, but she approached Hyunmoo right away.

She said, "Where did you go, you'd be in a gloomy place like this."

Hyunmoo couldn't understand why Xiao Jie was talking to him like she was friendly.


"Oh, you're straight-forward. Okay. Kang Hyunmoo from Korea. As someone who has seen the Five Star Corridor, I have a suggestion for you. The moment I saw your eyes, I had a gut feeling that you would agree with me."

"I'm sorry, but because I lived without my father, I couldn't live with my ancestors separately..."

“…it is not a pseudo-religion.”

Xiaojier said as if scornfully.

"Kang Hyunmoo from Korea. I have an offer you might be interested in."


"Yes. I, Xiaojier, offer you an alliance."


"Yeah, we're allies. I'm sure we'll be right."


"...I wish I didn't ask the last word over and over again."

"It's too fast-paced, so I can't keep up. You're sitting on a grave in a cemetery, and when someone suddenly appears and asks you to form an alliance, do you think you'll be able to accept it?"

Xiaojie grinned.

The gloomy eyes under her hood were so dark that no color could be found, they were dark but with a clear sense of purpose.

She was sure Hyunmoo would stand by her side.

"I'm sure your plans with me will match. Kang Hyunmoo from Korea."

"You know what my plan is?"

Xiaojie smiled wildly.

"Pyongyang restoration plan is a catastrophic failure. You and I want it, isn't it?"

Hyunmoo smiled at himself and raised the corners of his lips.


If it were for humanity.

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