Hoarding in Hell Novel

Chapter 207 new orders (4)

"We must bomb now!"

The country that showed the most hysterical reaction to the emergence of Kazat was also China.

The appearance of Kazat wearing Shaojier's head on a staff was also annoying, but if the bordering country was a monster kingdom and had nuclear weapons, it could not be said.

China had to show some kind of reaction, even to turn internal backlash.

"He threatened and threatened to annihilate mankind! Of course, everyone must step up and wipe it out now!"

The first countries the UN Special Inspection Department met were China and Russia adjacent to Pyongyang.

In fact, Pyongyang's work was something to be watched not only in this country but also around the world, but it was convened in such a hurry to appease China.

"Calm down, General."

Hans Kruger, the head of the UN Special Inspection Department, said as if appeasing the Chinese representative.

Usually, the Special Inspection Department's main task is to supervise and monitor problems caused by dungeons or talented people in the international community, and it does not engage in diplomatic relations. However, if the diplomatic target is a monster, the problem becomes a little more subtle.

"The monster called Kazatra threatened mankind, but it has not moved since. I don't know if Hunter Kang Hyunmoo's siege is working or he's just looking for an opportunity, but moving around can have a stimulating effect."

"So, are you going to stay still? Against monsters? Isn't it the job of you talented people to beat monsters?"


Kruger showed patience and whispered to the Chinese representative. While he insulted the Chinese side for sending soldiers out to diplomatic ceremonies.

"The Special Inspection Department does not catch monsters, but monitors and supervises the talented. Monster subjugation is just an extension of that."

"If you did your job properly, our young people wouldn't have been sacrificed in vain."

As the Chinese representative spoke sarcasticly, Kruger felt the urge to put it all down.

In the first place, there was a suspicion that China had shared information about Xiaojier's ability to find and possess the hidden location of nuclear weapons.

In other words, the Chinese side was also responsible for the nuclear explosion. But now he came out with an iron plate on his face like that.

As the discussion showed signs of intensifying, the silent Russian representative leaned forward.

“I think it was about 10 years ago.”

"Ten years?"

“At that time, I still remember that North Korea still had a human-controlled regime, and it was a pretty troublesome country. In fact, it was a headache.

“…so? You mean to think of monsters like that?”

"It means paying attention to handling."

The Russian representative leaned back in his chair relaxedly.

"Seeing a guy named Kazatra talking luxuriously makes me think of the old days. A dog that barks is not scary."

The Russian representative said with a sly smile.

"It felt much scarier when I was crouched and quiet in Pyongyang. At that time, I didn't even know what it was. If the scale is so large that it can be controlled by a single clan called the Almighty, wouldn't there be no need to threaten it?"

"They have nukes!"

"It seems that he was unfairly beaten by one shot, then he should have drank in front of a madman."

The Chinese representative stared at the Russian representative, shaking his head.

Kruger looked at the Russian representative. He was a diplomat named Maxim Petrovich.

"Do you think you'll be safe when things happen?"

Kruger was still cautious.

"I agree that we should trample them down. General. But we need to approach them gradually. They are a formidable enemy that even hunters have never faced before. We need to see what abilities they have and how much intelligence they have. ."

"Isn't it a monster by any means? Isn't it because they've been stuck in the dungeon until now? They'll come to their senses when the bombs turn to ashes!"


However, the Chinese representative did not say anything after that. Kruger couldn't think of anything else to convince.

The reason that soldiers were sent here from the beginning was to convey China's unilateral claim.

And two hours after the meeting broke.Thirty bombers and 12 missiles were launched simultaneously from the Shanghai base in China.


[Not many monsters die by bombardment.]

"You seem to think that the monsters will be angry after turning Pyongyang into a barren ruin."

Hyunmoo murmured as he looked northwest from the rooftop of the Tsin Palace. Yumin's voice came from over the phone.

[Believing that attacking from above will be okay, that's very unfortunate.]

"It's a good case if you wake up after being beaten once. The world war didn't happen again until it happened twice, right?"

If you can learn from a few bombers, it's cheap.

Bombers and missiles launched by China were also captured by South Korean air defenses.

He was confident that he wouldn't need any secrets since he was dealing with monsters anyway. Of course, there was no process of asking for an understanding from Korea in the process.

"I think we'll arrive in about five minutes. Yumin, then I'll call you back after we're done."


Hyunmoo stood up. There was ocher-colored fine dust all around.

The difficulty level Hyunmoo raised once did not go down since then. It seemed impossible to adjust it to go down.

However, the fine dust that covered Pyongyang took over the role of a curtain covering satellite monitoring after the fog disappeared.


"Yes, great man."

Kazat sprinted and fell flat at Hyunmoo's feet. It was a stunning scene for anyone who saw Hyunmoo saying that he was an arrogant person and that he would take revenge.

"Your role is more important than anyone else, you know?"

"Of course. Great man. You have given him the glory that overflows, and it is only a relief."

It is the role of the antagonist of his master.

Kazat suddenly realized that, and suddenly wondered if it was a really good role.

But if you say that a great person plays an important role, that's it. Hyunmoo admired Kazat's humble appearance and placed him in the position of governor of Pyongyang.

“But, to be honest, it’s true that you look a little… like a mouse, so you don’t look dignified.”

"It is true. Great man."

"If my adversary looks weak, won't my face stand up or not?"

"I'm sorry for my lack of dignity. Great man."

Still, Kazat is perfect for the role of the 'evil black magician' that you can meet for the first time compared to other members of the family.

This means that it is suitable for a mid-boss role.

Hyunmoo finished by patting Kazat on the shoulder.

"So, the power granted to you now is not that you have grown, but that you are riding on the shoulders of giants."

Kazat tensed and nodded his head. He knew what Hyunmoo was going to do. It was because I had already tried it in Difficulty: Hell.

"Can you make something like the one you made before?"

"Of course. Great man. But if you're here... you can expect a little."

It means you are confident.

Hyunmoo figured out the time the missile would take off. Just when it felt right, Hyunmoo lifted the black mass that had been squashed deep within his body.

Ultimate: Beast of the End.

Black smoke billowed out of Hyunmoo's body, covering him in black darkness.

But this time it was a little different than before. Hyunmoo suppressed his body, trying not to move as much as possible.

In the dark, the size of the beast is unpredictable. It can be infinitely large or infinitely small. That said, there is no fixed size.

Perhaps this black smoke itself is a beast.

As a result of suppressing it so that it does not grow in size, it still felt like it was floating on something, but the size did not seem to be much different from when it was a human.

I didn't feel like I was completely separated from my consciousness as before.

Contrary to changing into a real beast, mana consumption was not large.

'If we fight in this state... … It might be more efficient.'

In fact, the crystal moss became less frosty, as it did when it became a beast.

At the same time, whispering voices were heard.

"What? It smells like genocide, butler?"

"You idiot, this is the smell of destruction. The smell of war, death, hunger, and plague is waving!"

The voices of the Lenians could be heard as if whispering in their ears. However, as if melted into the smoke, Lenian did not appear.

The same thing happened to me when I had previously blocked the Cepesch case.

It was the Rhenians who said they couldn't appear on the current difficulty level, but it seemed to be different in this smoke.

"What do we do now? Are we going to burn all the food so that they can eat it among themselves?"

"No! Let's plunder food and make them voluntary slaves through the minimum ration system!"


Hyunmoo quieted the Lenians and turned to Kazat.

Even in the dark smoke, Kazat, a member of the family, looked good as if it was drawn separately. Kazat looked at Hyunmoo with a mixture of awe, respect, and fear.

"Great being..."


Hyunmoo spoke in a voice that seemed not to be his own. Kazat suddenly came to his senses and started the magic ritual.

Xiaozier, hanging from the tip of his staff, cried silently.

What Kazat was doing was basically similar to the magic that Shaojie did.

Shaojier could only use Resurrection through his ultimate skill, but Kazat, who had an understanding of magic, was different.

He could use a plausible Resurrection of the Dead if he had the right catalyst, offerings and materials. And now, Kazat was feeling more powerful than usual.

"It's an honor to be able to receive the power of a great person like this...!"

A black energy enveloped Kazat.

Kazat held out the tip of his wand and chanted a spell.

The black energy that climbed up from his body mixed with tar and climbed up on the staff.

In an instant, the lumps of tar that wrapped around Xiaojier slowly began to form the shape of the body, as if taking root based on the head.

At the same time, Xiaojier's head fell out and his skin melted, revealing a white skull.

Kazat was engulfed in surprise when he saw the monsters being created in front of his eyes.

But Hyunmoo frowned. Difficulty: Something completely different from the one tested in Hell was being made.

"Oh my God, I thought I could make something like this...!"

"What, isn't that Rich?"

Based on Xiaojier's skull, it was the first time I'd seen it grow black bones.

Hyunmoo expected Kazat to make a reach, but it was something else.

"Ritches? Those floating around here aren't lices. They're real lich's foot wipes. But even so, now this... is one step higher than a real lich. Great being. How can I do this? ……”

Kazat looked confused but surprised.

'Maybe because of the ultimate.'

If you use your ultimate skill, the abilities of your family will also increase significantly. Especially when you are in black smoke.

It was for this reason that Kazat was able to use luxurious magic such as high-level resurrection of the dead. He thought it would work, but it exceeded his expectations.

'Or the difficulty difference was added there.'

Difficulty: It seems that if a Hell being summons something, it can summon a being of a much higher rank.

Of course, returning to Difficulty: Hell will lower or weaken your level, but for now it's proportional to Khazat's abilities.Hyunmoo didn't care how surprised Kazat was. What was important was whether it could fly or not.

But then, Hyunmoo saw the wings sprouting from the back of the bizarre monster in front of him and bit his mouth.

'If it's not for decoration, I can fly.'

And it was only a minute later to check whether this bizarre monster was usable or not.


Meanwhile, over the West Sea.

Chinese pilots flying towards Pyongyang heard an unbelievable report.

It was reported that 12 missiles that should have bombed Pyongyang before them exploded in mid-air for unknown reasons.

Around that time, even the pilots' eyes began to see Pyongyang.

Smoke, which seemed to be the aftermath of the explosion, was still thickly engulfed in the sky over Pyongyang, forming a cloud. The pilots felt uneasy about the smoke and asked again for instructions from their superiors.

Since the upper management is still in the process of judging, they have given an order to bypass Pyongyang for now.

The pilots spoke cautiously.

[I have a bad feeling about this.]

[No, does the monster have a missile defense system?]

[I must have pressed the self-destruct button by mistake. The command was twisted.]

It's pretty common in war. It is a case in which war is canceled right before the attack because it is inconvenient and takes a lot of trouble.

Even during the Falklands War, there was a case where British SAS members were forced to retreat after suffering unnecessary damage due to a conflict in the chain of command.

[Once we take a picture of the sky, we go back to the north. If there is no order by the appointed time, it will return to the base for refueling... … .]

That was the moment. Something suddenly popped out of the cloud of smoke on the right wing of the formation.

The bomber exploded and shattered in an instant, with smoke gripping his hand.

[what? What's up?]

[monster! It's a monster!]

[no! Bird strike! A flock of crows... … !]

bang. The second bomber exploded and disappeared.

The pilots were perplexed as the reports and screams crossed over the radio. The flight commander, who was leading the squadron in the lead, hurriedly turned the control stick to the north to avoid the smoke.

Just then, something black flew right in front of me and crashed into it with a bang.

Suddenly, the front of the window was dyed black with the sound of popping ink.


The flight commander could not understand for a moment what he had seen. It was not at an altitude where crows could fly.

However, the flight commander, seeing the window next to him, withdrew his judgment. A flock of crows followed the bombers like waves.

It was an unbelievable speed for a crow.

[Headquarters, the situation is strange. The crows… … .]

profit. The bomber vanished with another roar. The flight commander gasped for his breath and somehow tried to get out of this hell.

Thanks to his quick judgment, he managed to survive after a few binge sounds. The flight commander soon realized that he was the only one left in the flight.

It was then. Suddenly, there was a thud, and the aircraft shook violently.

The flight commander turned to his side.

This time it wasn't a crow.

A pale-faced woman was outside the bomber's window.

She was a woman with a deformedly small face compared to her huge and long neck.

She looked at her flight leader, the woman dripping black liquid from her tar-filled eyes and mouth.

Its shape was a huge human face bird.

The woman opened her mouth and let out her screams at her flight leader.

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