Hoarding in Hell Novel

Chapter 210 good cops, bad cops (1)

"Park Hwi-so? What happened?"

“I have something to tell you about the alliance.”

“Ah, indeed. The time has come for the results to come out.”

As it was revealed that Park Do-ryung was a member of the alliance, it became clear that his statement that he would no longer meddle was vain.

Or the control of the alliance is unreasonably weak.

There is no way that Park Hwi-so could not have felt something here. Or he may have decided to divulge information about the teacher right now.

"Let's meet right away. Did you say anything?"

"Yeah. I said I had something to tell you about a man named Robert Lee..."

"Robert Lee? Who was that?"

"Yes. Do you remember? It was one of the names of the ally that came up when I questioned Rep. Ryu Su-ah..."

"Ryu Su-ah? Oh, the snake girl who was nominated for Seoul mayor."

"You don't assign memory to things you don't really care about."

"These are things that have already fallen apart. Come to think of it, I think I've heard someone of Korean descent working in the US. Have you heard anything else?"

Seo Ji-hoo's expression became subtle.

“There wasn’t much to say, but…”

"Did you?"

“It seems that he had met and met the manager once.”


The place to meet Hwiso Park was at the training camp gym owned by Almighty Ryeon.

The training camp, which was once like a collapsing factory, is now a top-of-the-line training facility with state-of-the-art facilities.

Among them, Hwiso Park was waiting in the most secret place, a five-star secret training facility.

"Sir, it's been a while."

Hyunmoo saw Park Hwi-so waiting in the middle of the gym and welcomed him with his arms wide open.

Hwiso Park politely declined the hug and bowed his head to greet him.

Hyunmoo shyly lowered his hand.

"Why do we keep meeting in places like gyms? I like cafes with a good atmosphere and walking trails."

"It's only going with close lovers. When we go, the water gets cloudy for nothing. And I was curious about what happened to your condition while we didn't see you."

Park Hwi-so laughed bitterly.

Even though it was early summer, Hwi-so Park was wearing a long long coat, a fedora hat, and even gloves.

Even though he is a thin material, there is no reason not to be hot. Considering that it also covers that skin.

Hyunmoo glanced at him and asked.

"Isn't it hot?"

"People who do not have to walk are not hot even in summer. And they have taken measures to make it bearable."

“Take it off.”

"You didn't come here to hear about Robert Lee, did you?""It's not that he doesn't want to run away and he doesn't want to listen, what? It's because I'm curious about the condition of the young man right now. Yumin probably took a good look at it, but Kazat doesn't seem to pay much attention to it these days."

It was the intention of bringing them to a secret training facility from the very beginning.

The five-star secret training facility was built to measure the strength and abilities of Hyunmoo and Hyunmoo's family, even those who are monsters.

Of course, though, only Hahyun and Yerdan have used this place before.

"Do I have to take it off? Even if I just roll up my sleeves..."

"Oh, because you take it off when you say nice things."

Hwi-so Park sighed, feeling Hyunmoo's determination, and immediately began to take her clothes off.

She unbuttoned her shirt, revealing a hide of fur that was closer to that of a beast than a human.

The fur, which had previously been transplanted instead of skin, covered the entire upper body except the top of the neck.

But that wasn't the problem. Hyunmoo's face hardened.

Hyunmoo found out why Park Hwi-so didn't want to show his body.

"What is that? Ice pack?"

"...Didn't you say that you have come up with your own countermeasures?"

Hwi-so Park had white ice packs all over her skin. The Korean summer was too harsh for him, who wore animal fur and coats.

"I'm glad that I have enough flexibility to buy even an ice pack."

"Unless there is a boss who uses his position to force him to take off his clothes."

"When you say that, something makes me feel like a scumbag."

"I'm glad you seem to have awareness."

But Hyunmoo had no intention of stopping there. Hyunmoo even ordered Park Hwi-so to take off his gloves.

Fortunately, there were no ice packs in the gloves.

The mutation state was the most severe in the upper body. His left hand was no different from that of a human, but his right hand had werewolf-like grips.

"Are you at this point even if you're not in combat?"

"Yes. Of course, if the fighting state continues, the left hand also mutates. Personally, I think it has something to do with the increase in pulse rate or body temperature."

"Ah, so I pay attention to temperature control until I put on an ice pack..."

"The biggest reason is that it's hot, but I can't say it has nothing to do with it."

“Then how much do you think this condition affects your fighting power?”

Park Hwi-so made a worried expression. He rolled his eyes as if looking for a worthy opponent, and barely opened his mouth.

"It's very positive. I feel like I've gained combat power instead of losing my social skills. Compared to my family, I'm similar to Yerdan, and I think she's a bit inferior to Hahyun-yang."

“Hmm, really… Come to think of it, isn’t it time for you to get your ultimate skill too?”

"Yeah, but I recently got my ultimate."

Park Hwi-so, who was originally a 3-star talent, was upgraded to 5-star thanks to becoming a member of Hyunmoo's family. However, since he hadn't played as a hunter for a long time, his level up was quite slow.

"Oh, right? I thought it would take a little longer."

"There were some troubles with Russian rogues on the Hokkaido side."

Ironically, it was the same abilities that raised his level.

This is because the level goes up even if he hunts people with the same ability.

He even found that it was faster to hunt the same person than to catch a monster, so some rogues aiming for this have also appeared.

When you think about it, it makes sense.

After all, it is a system made for each other to hunt each other.

When the time comes when the distinction between monsters and humans becomes meaningless, talented people will only see each other as a means of leveling up.

"Good for you."

Hyunmoo glanced around.

A facility built to ensure the highest confidentiality and highest protective performance.

If you don't use this money now, when will you use it?

"It's been a long time since I've played a match. Sir."



Hyunmoo lay on the floor and looked at the ceiling. He had no sore spots all over his body.

As he struggled to stand up, his blood was dripping all over his body. I was worried that the intestines would leak out.

Fortunately, he had limited toxicity, so he wasn't in danger.

As Hyunmoo spread his potion all over his body, he saw a scar on his left arm, the Redeemer's Yayul, among his wounds.

There were a lot of small and large scars engraved on it.

Although it was healing faster than the wounds on her skin that had been poured with potions, there was no weapon in Hyunmoo's memory that hurt Yayul the Redeemer yet.

'By the way, this is what will happen to your toenails.'

Of course, it wasn't a proper fight, but a battle to measure Park Hwi-so's fighting power, so it would have been a little different if it was an actual battle.

Because this wound was caused by Park Hwi-so's ultimate skill.

However, Hyunmoo couldn't use his ultimate. This is because Hyunmoo's ultimate ability increases not only Hyunmoo's but also the abilities of his family, so it is meaningless to accurately measure his abilities.

"Sir, are you okay?"

When Hyunmoo became immobile, he approached Hwi-so Park, who, like himself, was lying on the floor.

Hwiso Park, like Hyunmoo, was full of wounds. There were a number of wounds that were serious enough to expose the bones.

Hyunmoo poured the potion on the body.

Park Hwi-so opened her eyes at the touch of the cold potion.


"Why did you stop in the middle?"

The scars on Park Hwi-so's body were not those of Hyunmoo.

Most of the injuries were self-inflicted by Park Hwi-so at the last moment of Dalian.

Park Hwi-so tried to smile bitterly, but it was difficult to move the corners of his mouth because the muscles in his chin were cut.

He barely opened his mouth as his face recovered slightly.

"I did it because I thought it would hurt you."

"If it's dangerous, I'll take care of it."

In fact, he barely made it to that point. After all, he almost used his ultimate.

However, just before that, Hwi-so Park abruptly started self-harm, and the match was stopped when Hyunmoo went out.

"I thought it would, but this ultimate is an ability that's hard to stop halfway through. I should have quit before it got worse. But it looks more powerful than I thought."

"Didn't you know it was this much?""No one has endured as much as you. Most of them died before that."

Park Hwi-so's ultimate skill, to put it succinctly, was like a kind that gnawed at reason instead of maximizing aggression.

Of course, there seemed to be more options attached to it, but it was difficult to confirm that there.

Because it was a special ability to kill, there was a sense that it was difficult to confirm with a match.

Park Hwi-so opened his mouth after meticulously dressed as if he didn't care.

"If you are satisfied enough, can I deliver the business today?"

"Oh, Robert Lee. I almost forgot. Please tell me. Someone I've met?"

"Yes. Kang Hyunmoo should be able to confirm it to be exact. When I checked Robert Lee's history over the past year, he had visited Korea. I think I met you at that time."

Hyunmoo was handed a document from Hwiso Park, saying, "What is it that a Korean-foreigner should meet?" And he was bewildered when he saw a picture of a man in a neat suit on the first page of the paperwork.

His memory was hazy, but it was a face he had definitely seen.

"In the early fall of last year, on a highway near the Hwaseong Mana Industrial Complex, a speed-avoidance camera took a picture of a vehicle rented by Robert Lee in the name of Robert Lee. CCTV also recorded a scene where he got out of the car and met Kang Hyunmoo. Do you remember?"

Mana Industrial Complex, as it is now, was thoroughly monitored for the number of people entering and leaving.

Of course, it was full of holes as it was a human job, but CCTV was installed in every corner of the alley.

“…you know everything without needing to remember. Yes. I remember.”

Hyunmoo didn't know where his allies were entangled with him.

The person in the photo was none other than the lawyer who had come to deliver his father's belongings.

The lawyer who gave Hyunmoo his father's memento, difficulty: a hearthstone that falls to hell.

'I understand your concerns, but first of all, we wish the deceased well.'

Hyunmoo recalled his voice.

At that moment, he pulled out his old wallet at his passing memory. And he found a business card in a pile of old business cards in it.

[Robert Lee - Attorney specializing in estate inheritance]

It even had a phone number on it.

Hyunmoo handed the business card to Hwi-so Park with an absurd expression and said.

"No, are you serious? A secret group of alliances and other things goes around spreading business cards with their real names and cell phone numbers on them?!"

"...I didn't know you'd even received a business card. Still, Rep. Ryu Su-ah is a public figure who appears on TV openly, so what can't you do?"

"No, though...!"

Hyunmoo was struck by something very unfair and complicated.

It felt like he had turned around a very complicated road and finally came back to the first time.

Does this make sense?

“Why did you give me the business card?”

"I must have told you to contact me. Since you are an inheritance lawyer, do you have any suggestions?"


Hyunmoo, who was about to say he had nothing to say, remembered the so-called 'father's legacy' given to him by Robert Lee and bit his mouth.

It was a fact that the person who received the hearthstone fell to Difficulty: Hell.

If so, what would be the reaction Hyunmoo should have shown when he returned to reality?

Maybe he was waiting for a call from Hyunmoo.

"Where is this motherfucker now?"

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