Hoarding in Hell Novel

Chapter 294 worst person in the world (4)

At Min So-ha's threat, Banner's face was distorted.

No matter how bold and angry he was, he dared to say such a remark against the Americans as a sign of renunciation of the alliance altogether.

In a situation where it was difficult to see what would happen in the future, Min So-ha's words went beyond arrogance and were closer to crazy remarks.

"I'll give you a chance to correct your remarks. Commander Min So-ha. I dare you to tell my subordinates..."

Then the bell rang loudly.

It was a direct line to the presidential office of the Blue House.

Ignoring Minso-ha's banner, he leisurely lifted the receiver.


She turned to the speakerphone, asking Banner to listen.

[General Min So-ha? Is he there?]

I didn't exactly point out who 'the guy' was. It was clear that he was referring to the party who directed this operation.

Banner frowned and didn't answer.

"Uh, there is."

[Then tell that bastard to bite a fighter. I'm going to die of noise. What are you doing in the middle of the night?]

The fighter was waiting for the Warhammer agents to enter.

But there were still spare bombs left, and he had a machine gun. And there were additional fighters to sortie.

Banner wrinkled his face and shouted.

"It's funny, if we don't surrender right away..."

[Give me three. three.]

As soon as Hyunmoo said three, he heard something cut through the wind. And almost at the same time there was a roar.

I didn't even have to ask what that meant. He realized that some of the fighter sounds in the phone had stopped.


Another roar rang out. Banner hurriedly exclaimed.

"You bastard, I can't stop right now!"

[The answer you should have is not that. one.]

Kwak Kwak.

The last fighter might have exploded quite close to the ground, so the sound was loud.

The binge continued for some time without stopping.

After a while, Hyunmoo spoke again.

[A madman suddenly crashes into the ground and rages. uh, what No one seems to have been swept away, so you can rest assured. It's a bit quieter now.]

"You bastard, you dare attack our American military assets? Now you're dead..."

[Sir, I have long tongues since a while ago.]

Hyunmoo replied angrily.

[By the way, there are many soldiers who surrendered here. A little over 100 people? I'll count from 100 to 1. Decide to turn it off, or keep barking over the phone. Count the numbers. 100… … .]It took less than a second for Commander Banner to immediately decide to defeat the troops.


2 hours and 17 minutes have passed since the 'Leviathan' mission was declared.

Pacific Ocean, aircraft carrier Liberty Kane.

General Victor, the main commander of the Hammer Project, who had just stepped off the helicopter and set foot on the aircraft carrier, doubted his ears at the intelligence he had heard from South Korea.

"...USFK taken prisoner?"

Currently, the Hammer Plan is being implemented in 87 locations around the world.

Among them, there were powerful powers such as Russia, China, Japan, and India.

As a result, there were a few places where things did not go as smoothly as expected. It was expected.

However, the main point of the hammer plan was that as time passed, they had no choice but to accept it.

To force the head of the evil who is hiding behind the country's veil to stick out and break that head.

However, South Korea's response was different.

"Why Korea?"

"No details have come in yet. Currently, Commander Banner and the US bases in Yongsan and Pyeongtaek are under siege, and the other Ranger campuses are also under control one by one. The campus side is also demanding a response."

Victor was surprised, but not nervous. I just thought that Korea's response was surprising.

He predicted that there would certainly be a country that would rebel, but he didn't know that it would be Korea, a traditional ally.

But the corners of Victor's lips rose.

"It's good. I'm going to do all-out war."

After all, if the hammer plan was to be implemented easily, there had to be a country that could be an example.

It had to show the world how desperately the United States was willing to carry out this plan, and how prepared it was to do so.

"Deploy the carrier squadrons in Guam and Okinawa. As an example, it would be better to blow it away from the Blue House. After that, the next commander-in-chief who remains in the ashes surrenders and executes the hammer plan."


"After bombing the Blue House, it attacks the command network, including the Ministry of National Defense. It's okay to turn Seoul to ashes. If the command system is paralyzed, dismantle the other encirclements in Pyeongtaek and Yongsan. And..."

"But then, what about USFK captured prisoners of war? Besides, there are many Americans in Korea..."

"It's an inevitable sacrifice. If that's not enough, you can use the secret weapon hidden in Yongsan."

The officer making the report looked at Victor with a look of insanity.

A secret weapon is a strategic nuclear weapon that was hidden even from the South Korean government, which was already an ally. When you use it, Seoul literally flies away.

Not one or two Americans will be swept away by it, but tens of thousands.

The United States could not accept such an attack at the expense of its own people.

If the foreign military did such a thing, they would immediately face the wrath of the United States, and if the United States did, it would not be strange for General Victor to be seated in an electric chair immediately after his dismissal.

"I can't accept it. Lieutenant General Barquez. This is an unfair order!"

As the officer shouted in protest, Victor looked at him with relaxed eyes.

The officer's spine shuddered for a moment.

Victor's eyes were burning like softly heated iron balls.

"Then you'll need someone to pass the orders on to you. Gentlemen!"

At that moment, someone grabbed the officer's arm and twisted it. The officer turned to his side with a puzzled expression.

Soldiers and non-commissioned officers, whom he thought were his comrades and close friends, were holding him. All of them had their eyes burning with scarlet light.

"Treat the traitors and deliver the orders. Not only Korea, but also the message that all rebellious countries will be like this."

The officer let out an abusive shout, but he didn't reach Victor. To him, the agent of the conquering star, conversation was nothing but iron and blood.

Shortly after the officer was dragged out, gunfire rang out. Then there was the sound of something falling into the sea.

Victor stroked his chin and gave him a look of excitement in his anticipation.

"Their blood will kindle the fire of war."


Lovely liquid!

A squadron of fighter jets crossed the sky and passed with a sharp sound.

There were no humans in the fighter that had already broken through the speed of sound for a long time.

It was a fighter piloted unmanned to handle the super-accelerated G.

It was truly the strongest fighter in existence on the planet, sparing no budget and cutting-edge technology.

Their goal is the Blue House, located in the heart of Korea.

And it was the Ministry of National Defense, the National Assembly, the Military Academy, and finally, a ridge somewhere south of Seoul.

The final goal was questionable, but they simply followed orders.

After all, the pilots were drone pilots aboard an aircraft carrier thousands of kilometers away.

Fighters painted with cutting-edge stealth paint could not be detected by radar.

South Korea's air defense technology was even easier because it often relied on the US military.

The fighters who easily broke through the Korean air defense system entered the skies of Gyeonggi-do in an instant.

[Completed approaching range. Start bombing. 3, 2… … .]

It was the moment when the drone pilot was about to press the launch button while muttering. Suddenly, a previously unseen object suddenly appeared above the fighter's head.

It tried to snatch the fighter quickly with its sharp claws, but failed enough to scratch its skin.

[My God, this is Inmyeonjo! The one who appeared in North Korea... … .]

That was the moment.

Inmyeonjo let out a sharp shout.

The fighter's electronics stopped temporarily with a crackling sound. At the same time, anti-aircraft artillery units all over the high-rise buildings in Seoul blew out fire.

In an instant, the Seoul sky brightened like fireworks.

Thousands of anti-aircraft firepower formed like a net.

The fighters were lost and staggered.

It was because he was good at hitting and falling quickly rather than complicated evasive maneuvers as it was super-fast. In vain, a plane worth hundreds of millions of dollars disappeared with flames.

[Isn't it better to retreat?]

[no. carry on Destroy only the Blue House and leave.]

There was also a plan to support the besieged U.S. forces, so they had to sortie fighters.

Retreating from here would only give the opponent time to prepare. Even if the Korean military fighters were to sortie, he was confident that he would survive.

Already in the simulation simulation, the exchange ratio between this fighter and the ROK Air Force fighter reached 1:22.The number of fighters participating in this operation was five. In other words, unless more than 100 fighters attack at once... … .

[Warning! A number of fighters were detected on the radar.]

[many? some… … Damn it, what is this?]

[At least fifty, no more than one hundred. oh my god This is not a Korean military fighter!]

Although it has been a long time since they were abandoned, the name that is mentioned first when talking about countries competing for world supremacy with the United States.

Russian state-of-the-art fighter jets were crossing North Korea and entering the airspace over Seoul.


[To the United States.]

[You haven't been able to fix the vulgar behavior of the imperial era. He realizes once again that his birth cannot be deceived as it is a group of illegal and illegal immigrants established by driving out indigenous people from the beginning. However, it has been more than 100 years since the present humankind has advocated that it is the time to go beyond such barbarism and advance to intelligence. Long enough to understand and consider your habitual aggression at a mere genetic level. We wonder if our obsession with these missiles and huge aircraft carriers is somehow inferior to the phallic complex hidden in the inner enemies of Americans... … .]

"I wish you would stop reading."

Lieutenant General Victor took his eyes off the screen and said.

Beyond the other screen, President Albert of the United States made eye contact with him with a tired expression on his face.

"Anyway, what the Russian side wants to say is, 'Get out of Korea.'

[okay. If nuclear is used, even a proportional level of nuclear attack has been warned. If I blow up Seoul, I'll blow up Washington at a similar rate.]

Victor tilted his head.

"I don't think Ivans have the guts to wage a nuclear war."

[With the guts or not, we have no intention of going to a nuclear war.]

President Albert looked at Victor through the screen with sharp eyes.

[I heard he was planning a nuclear attack in Seoul.]

"I understand that you gave me permission to go up to that point within the hammer plan, but..."

[It did. before you get caught However, given the possibility of a nuclear war, it was not easily allowed. Some of the hammer plans are already taking place on Russian territory. But I put that aside and saw that he ran to Korea... … They are sincere.]


[They will really get nuclear retaliation if we detonate a nuclear weapon on South Korea. It doesn't matter if both sides become a sea of ​​radioactive fire. Would you like to play Russian roulette? I don't know why Russia is trying to protect Korea so much, but let's step back first.]

Victor wanted to honestly say it didn't matter. It was what he wanted the whole world to become a sea of ​​fire.

The conquering star will rise with iron and wrath in that rusted and melted world.

Just thinking about it made my stomach ache, but now I can't say it out loud.

President Albert looked at Victor with heavy eyes and said.

[For now, put Kang Hyunmoo on hold. There are many other targets. He says he's evil, but I don't know why he's so high on the list. I don't think he's on the same level as terrorists and dictators.]

President Albert, a member of the alliance, decided to postpone the ranking for now, while guessing his rough reason.

It was now time for him to rush through the simple rather than the complex.

[First, beat the other moles.]


Albert wheezes inwardly, delaying the attack on Kang Hyunmoo.

It was 6 hours and 23 minutes after the 'Leviathan' mission started.

And it was 10 hours and 8 minutes after the start of the 'Leviathan' mission.

Huge mushroom clouds soared off the west coast of the United States.

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