Hoarding in Hell Novel

Chapter 40 what are you doing (2)

With a puzzled expression, Yumin opened another bag. It also contained a similar amount of money.

Bundles of 2 billion dollars in total were scattered on the floor.

Yu-min looked at Hyunmoo with a puzzled expression rather than excited.

"Oppa, this is why we must..."

"Do you think I'm rich?"

“I think it was a bank robbery.”

To be honest, Hyunmoo's feelings were the same.

"No, honestly, I don't even carry cash these days! Where the hell should I keep this and how should I use it?"

"Shall I send you back?"

"People really feel good!"

Yumin smiled and rolled over the pile of money. Hyunmoo unwrapped her bundles of money to her tune and scattered them over her. Then Hyunmoo said with a serious expression.

“I heard that money is very dirty.”

"That's what people who haven't been wallowing in over 2 billion say."

If you don't eat it, you won't. Actually, I have a bunch of money, but shouldn't I have the experience of rolling around at least once in my life?

Cash is inefficient, and the worries about how to organize it and where to store it have been put off for now.

'By the way, I made 550,000 won by running the dungeon today, but difficulty: 2 billion won by selling some crystal moss I got from hell.'

In addition, the amount of crystal moss that can be mined from hell is almost limitless. Hyunmoo also thought about increasing the amount he digs. If the sales outlets were widened, there was a possibility that they would be sufficiently exhausted. But she gave up quickly.

It is scarcity rather than quality that makes a thing worthwhile.

In the Age of Discovery, spices trading companies used to burn spices that they cultivated hard to keep them from becoming scarce. In this way, spices have been maintained at the price of gold.

It is impossible to increase sales without knowing exactly where these top-grade crystal moss will be used.

'No, I should rather reduce it.'

In a monopoly situation, once the price goes up, it never goes down.

'Monopoly is the flower of the market.'

Then, Hyunmoo felt Yu-min staring at him. Hyunmoo coughed for nothing as it seemed to have caught her mind wandering.

"What you looking at?"

"No. Just..."

Yumin said it was fun.

"The devil came to play and he's looking like he's going to cry."


Headquarters of the Sejong Department of Illness Management.

Unlike the Talent Management Bureau in Gangnam, this place treated everything related to the dungeon as a national resource and managed it.

While nurturing talented people, it was the purpose of the talent management department to utilize and distribute the acquired items in the right place.And one of their main tasks was to discover new talents ahead of the clan through the ability registration system.

"Director Won-kyung Do. Something strange has come out here."

Do Won-kyung, the head of the Institute for Illness Research on the top floor of the headquarters of the Department of Illness Management, took off his glasses with a tired expression on his face.

He couldn't sleep well while writing a research report on a legendary item that was excavated from the 5-star dungeon yesterday.

"Is it important?"

"I'm in the process of grading, but something strange is coming out."

Do Won-kyung rolled her eyes. From the hunters' point of view, the importance of grade determination can never be said to be low, but the head of the Research Institute did not have to worry about the enormous amount of work.

"Hey, I told you not to bother with ratings and stuff like that."

"I know. I know. If it's something unusual, would I go to the director with such pride?"

Do Won-kyung looked at Researcher Lee Si-won. Although he certainly seemed embarrassed, he showed confidence that 'if the director sees this, he will make a face like himself'.

“Why did you finally get a 5-star rating?”

"I'm not talking about that."

Siwon Lee put a piece of paper down on the desk. Do Won-kyung narrowed his eyes and read through the paper.

Her gaze stopped for a moment, then she took off her glasses again and looked into it, then she wiped her glasses again and then she looked again.

After she was convinced that she was not mistaken, she opened her mouth.

"Isn't the machine broken?"

"Everyone else came out normal."

“Then, did you do something wrong during the collection process? Did you take any medicine?”

"I've done drug testing. I've also contacted the officials in charge."

"Then what the hell is this?"

"The director doesn't know, how do I know?"

Do Won-kyung held her head for a moment and then held out her paper to Lee Si-won.

"Honestly, if I was 5 stars, I would have said, 'Oh, that's possible. That's great.' I should have told you to re-examine it instead of bullshit. But, um… this is a difficult decision to understand.”

Do Won-kyung could see why she was calm as Lee Si-won. Seeing the results so absurd, it was hard to believe.

However, she has never had a result that her rating was wrong.

"Director Do Won-kyung."

Then another researcher raised his head. Do Won-kyung motioned for her to back off. But the researcher hastily said with her bewildered face.

"There was a person who had a slightly strange ability test result, so I came in for advice. It's the Gangnam Talent Management Bureau. I repeated the test three times, but the results were similar..."

Do Won-kyung's expression twitched.

Siwon Lee took the documents as if they were taking them, skimmed them, and handed them over to Wonkyung Do again with an expression of disbelief.

Do Won-kyung's expression was similar. She again read and compared the papers that yielded absurd ratings.

"Is it the same person?"

"It's the same person."

Are you sure this rating result is real? Do Won-kyung made an absurd expression.

"What is the level measured by the concentration of mana in the blood?"

"It's between 7 and 9."

If you measure the ability, the level is also estimated to some extent. However, this ability was not the problem.

The Sejong Institute has statistics accumulated while examining countless talented people. Each skill level has a slightly different stat increase per level, but it has its own balance to some extent.

For example, if your physical strength is D, your agility is A, and so on. As the level rises, the difference becomes more specialized and more pronounced, but the sum ends up being a similar average.

However, this friend had the highest level of S in all figures.

All stats are pointing to the highest level that the level can have.

No, the best value the checker can represent is S, so it may actually be more than that.

Of course, the psychological aspect is not yet measurable. And it wasn't exactly the same case.

Even with Lee Ji-tae, there is no ability that has fallen below B.

However, Do Won-kyung was convinced that this person would be the only one in the world if all the numbers were S.

It is neither offensive nor defensive. Someone who likes to gossip may say that it is not a joke or a joke.

However, in Do Won-kyung's eyes, it was a beautiful figure, not perfect.

"Director Do Won-kyung."

When he heard someone calling, Do Won-kyung was not surprised by what was going on. The new researcher flinched at the strange atmosphere in the collection room.

"Director Do-ryung Park from the Compatibility Mama Clan called me urgently. He asked for the result of a judgment on someone. He said that if I let you know before the official announcement, I will donate 100 million in cash to the research institute."


"Are you Kang Hyunmoo?"

The moment Lee Si-won was about to ask, Do Won-kyung asked like a cut. The new researcher opened his eyes and nodded his head.

"How did you know? That's right. Have you already had a similar request?"

Siwon Lee and Wonkyung Do met each other's eyes. Do Won-kyung opened his mouth heavily.

“It’s the same person again this time.”

Do Won-kyung did not know how to accept this result.

The three letters in the document, Kang Hyunmoo's name, were clearly etched in my mind. It was clear that he had something, aside from whether he could trust the data written on the paperwork.

And even the clan would have sensitively noticed the appearance of that heterogeneous existence.

"Ignore clan requests."

"Yes? But..."

“Does it look like the ransom for interest is only 100 million?”

First of all, verifying the facts of this data is the first priority. However, if either of the two is true, the institute, no, the Republic of Korea has seized the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Investigate everything about this person named Kang Hyunmoo right now! Know your blood ties, hometown, school background, place of residence, and even the toothbrush you use! Until then, all information about this is top secret! Don't reveal anything! The moment it leaks, I know how to throw it out the window myself!"

"Yes? But it's the announcement of the ratings soon? The talented people will be waiting."

Do Won-kyung glared at Lee Si-won, who spoke his words, with fearful eyes. Siwon Lee almost got tired of urinating."A guy named Kang Hyunmoo, no, put it all off until we have a minute! Inconspicuously! Even a month if necessary!"

At Do Won-kyung's shout, the researchers dispersed like a swarm of cockroaches. Siwon Lee now felt that this unusual situation is a very important phase.

In every major step in Korean mana research, there was no place where the footprints of Director Won-Kyung Do were not taken. It was all because of her flashing intuition.

But again, she doubted whether she would be able to achieve what Director Do Won-kyung wanted.

"Director, it must have been a long time since I took the test, would it be okay? If it was this much, other clan and headhunters would have noticed it. To think that you already belong to another place..."

"I'll try to contact you as soon as possible."

Do Won-kyung bit her lips and muttered. Her gaze was piercing through a photo on Kang Hyunmoo's resume.

"Kang Hyunmoo, Kang Hyunmoo. Where are you and what are you doing, Kang Hyunmoo."


Kang Hyunmoo was lying in the bathroom.

The bathroom is not a good place to lie down. Also in panties. No matter how well the water has been wiped off, something unpleasant and cold tile will only seep into discomfort. But right now, there was no suitable place other than this place.

Then, Yumin opened the door and came in. she asked with a nervous expression.

"Are you ready?"

"What do I have to prepare?"

Yu-min sat down next to Hyunmoo. It reminded me of a strange situation that happened a while ago, but unlike Hyunmoo, Yu-min was wearing a raincoat. Had there been a hazmat suit, she would have worn it.

Fortunately, the bathroom is large enough for two people to fit in.

'… … It would have been better if there was a bathtub.'

Now that I have money, there is no reason to live with Yu-min. Still, Hyunmoo felt the need for a decent house.

Every time he returned from Hell, it was difficult to notice other people, and he needed a place to experiment with skills and items. It would have been better if there were few people and the site was wide.

'First of all, we have to solve this.'

Hyunmoo struggled to laugh as he watched the thick, pointed needle hanging in front of him.

What I wanted to do was simple. blood collection.

"...Is this really possible to determine a rating?"

"Okay. Because of the budget problem, the Competency Management Bureau conducts a simple test that only checks the grade, but if we do a detailed test in our laboratory, it is possible to find out more in depth. Bone marrow collection is the best, but extracting it near Danjeon is enough. do."

While she was waiting for the seldom result of the rating, Yu-min had informed Hyunmoo that there was a clue about her rating increase.

Yu-Min is a graduate student who has not yet passed her doctoral thesis, but she is still working in a mana-related lab.

Even her field of interest in her was mainly about the awakening of the capable person. She said, of course, that she also had links to her research on rating advancement.

She said, she said, that Yumin can guess what level of mana she has in her body and how long until her rank rises by taking blood from any part of the name she has something complicated.

'The problem is, you don't know how deadly my blood can be,' she said.

Common sense is that if a poison flows into the blood, the body fluid itself is dangerous. However, Hyunmoo not only sweats, but also exchanges body fluids with Yumin… … Let's skip this point. Anyway, Yumin didn't mind at all.

It is better for her to see that Yu-Min is discriminating based on her own skills rather than that she is resistant.

She said, 'Red blood cells alone can't be toxic.'

So I thought it would be safe for the first time, but she had to lay naked on the bathroom just in case something happened.

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